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Q. Define Enterprise.
Ans: Enterprise is the activity of managing companies and businesses and starting new ones. In other words
Enterprise is the ability to think of new and effective things to do, together with an eagerness to do them.

Q. Define Planning.
Ans: Planning is the fundamental management function, which involves deciding beforehand, what is to be
done, when is it to be done, how it is to be done and who is going to do it. Planning is nothing but thinking
before the action takes place.
Q. What is ERP vendors?
Ans: Vendors are the people who have developed the ERP packages. They are the people who have invested
huge amounts of time and effort in research and development, to create the packaged solutions.

Q. List different types of ERP Software.

Ans: 1) Microsoft Dynamcis ,Tally ERP, ERPNext, SAP ERP, Oracle ERP

Q. What is ERP? What are the uses of enterprise resource planning?

Ans: Enterprise Resource Planning, or ERP, is a large-scale software program designed for modern
businesses, both large and small. A simple definition is that ERP systems aid the flow of internal business
processes and allow for communication between a business's departments and its internal functions and data.
ERP software can be used in any industry to help a business become more efficient. It
provides an effective communication tool that can manage information between internal and external
departments, assist with daily activities to manage projects, track adherence to guidelines, and handle day-
to-day intricacies that come with running a business.

Q. What are the components of ERP?

Ans: The components of ERP are:
1) Human Resources
2) Customer Relationship management
3) Business Intelligence
4) Supply chain management
5) Inventory management system
6) Financial management.

Q. What are the challenges of enterprise system?

Ans: A new challenge for information systems is to move beyond supporting a single organization or
location. Some of the challenges are to link hospitals with health care providers, to link hospitals with other
hospitals who are associated together for a common purpose but who still have separate identities, to link
hospitals to pharmacies and to other community services for the good of the patient, and to link remote site
locations together without going through the hospital.

Q. What are the advantages of ERP?

Ans: 1. Complete visibility into all the important processes, across various departments of an
2. Automatic and coherent workflow from one department/function to another, to ensure a smooth
transition and quicker completion of processes.
3. A unified and single reporting system to analyze the statistics/status etc. in real-time, across all
4. Since same (ERP) software is now used across all departments, individual departments having to
buy and maintain their own software systems is no longer necessary.
5. Certain ERP vendors can extend their ERP systems to provide Business
Intelligence functionalities, that can give overall insights on business processes and identify potential areas
of problems/improvements.

Q. List out some points of time management in IT.

Ans: 1) Set goals and deadlines.
2) Eliminate distractions
3) Delegate responsibilities
4) Planning is the key, keep list and use your tools at your disposal.
5) Prioritize
6) Monitor how your time spent.

Q. Define Time management. Write the importance of Time management.

Ans: Time management” is the process of organizing and planning how to divide your time between specific
activities. Good time management enables you to work smarter – not harder – so that you get more done in
less time, even when time is tight and pressures are high. Failing to manage your time damages your
effectiveness and causes stress.

Importance of time management are as follows:

i. Effective Planning
ii. Setting goals and objectives
iii. Setting deadlines
iv. Delegation of responsibilities
v. Prioritizing activities as per their importance
vi. Spending the right time on the right activity


Q. What is Procurement?
Ans: Procurement, in the simplest sense, involves a series of activities and processes that are necessary for
an organization to acquire necessary products or services from the best suppliers at the best price. Such
products or services that are procured include raw materials, officer equipment, services, and supplies,
furniture and facilities, technical equipment and support, telecommunications, printed collateral, contingent
worker recruitment, testing and training, and travel-related services, among many others.

Procurement is the process of finding and agreeing to terms, and acquiring goods, services, or works
from an external source, often via a tendering or competitive bidding process. Procurement generally
involves making buying decisions under conditions of scarcity.

Q. Define Business Process.

Ans: A business process is a collection of linked tasks which find their end in the delivery of a service or
product to a client. A business process has also been defined as a set of activities and tasks that, once
completed, will accomplish an organizational goal.

Q. What do you understand by Procurement policies?

Ans: A business procurement policy provides guidelines for purchasing professionals, departmental
managers and employees in a small business. A procurement policy helps to ensure that your business can
buy efficiently and obtain value for money from its suppliers.
Q. What are the benefits of procurement policies?
Ans: 1) Translates the institution's aims and objectives, as outlined in its procurement strategy, into
programmes and courses of action.
2)It states how the institution will obtain the various goods, services and works needed to operate
3)Defining practical approaches and the circumstances in which each will be applied.
4) The day-to-day implementation of the strategy and policy will be contained within, for example,
a procurement procedures manual.

Q. What is Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) industry?

Ans: Business process outsourcing (BPO) is the practice of contracting a specific work process or
processes to an external service provider.

Q. Write the advantages of BPO.

Ans: Advantages of BPO are as follows:
1) Cost reduction
2) Availability of experienced professionals
3) Ability to focus on core business
4) Excellent source of customer feedback
5) Access to the latest updated technologies
6) Excellent employment opportunity

Q. What is Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) industry?

Ans: Business process outsourcing (BPO) is the practice of contracting a specific work process or processes
to an external service provider. Business process outsourcing (BPO) is the contracting of non-primary
activities and functions to a third-party provider. BPO services include payroll. Human resources (HR),
accounting and customer/call center relations.
BPO companies in India : Genpact, Wipro, Tata consultancy services, Infosys etc.

Q. Explain the types of BPO.

Ans: The different types of BPO are explained below:
1. Offshore outsourcing happens when your company hires a company located overseas to fulfill
certain work requirements. For example, a U.S. company may use an offshore BPO vendor in the
2. Nearshore outsourcing happens when you contract work to a neighboring country. For example, in
the United States, a BPO in Mexico is considered a nearshore vendor.
3. Onshore outsourcing is when you outsource work to another company within your own country. An
example is when a USA-based company hires a USA-based outsourcing firm.
Onshore BPO: The outsourcing of business activities to another company but in the same country.
Nearshore BPO: The outsourcing of business activities to the company located in the nearby
Offshore BPO: The outsourcing of business activities to the company located overseas.

Q. Define Payroll.
Ans: Payroll is an action that is performed by companies with employees. It's the process the company goes
through to pay the employees.

Q. Define quality Assurance.

Ans: Quality assurance (QA) is any systematic process of determining whether a product or service meets
specified requirements.

Q. What is learning?
Ans: Learning is the lifelong process of transforming information and experience into knowledge, skills,
behaviors, and attitudes.

Q. What are the types of knowledge?

Ans: Three types of knowledge: physical, logical mathematical, and social knowledge.

Q. Write the characteristics of learning.

Ans: 1)Learning is growth
2)Learning is adjustment
3)Learning is purposeful
4)Learning is experience
5)Learning is intelligent
6)Learning is active
7)Learning is both individual and social
8)Learning is the product of the environment
9)Learning affects the conduct of the learner

Q. Write the different types of learning.

Ans: Different types of learning are:
1) Visual learning
2) Aural learning
3) Verbal learning
4) Physical learning
5) Logical learning
6) Social learner
7) Solitary learner

Q. Write the difference between knowledge and skills.


Knowledge Skills
1) Facts, information, and skills acquired 1)The ability to do something well; expertise.
through experience or education; the
theoretical or practical understanding of a
subject. 2) A particular ability.
2) The sum of what is known.

Q. What is knowledge?
Ans: Knowledge can be defined as facts, information and skills acquired through experience or education,
the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject.

Q. What is skills?
Ans: A skill is a type of work or activity which requires special training and knowledge. There are people
who is always learning new skills, or studying new fields. Skill is the knowledge and ability that enables you
to do something well.

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