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Republic of the Philippines

Pangasinan State University

Bayambang Campus
Bayambang, Pangasinan

A Paper Presentation in IC 1 – Personal Development

Names: Marcelo, April Mae R.

Ferrer, Jumby
Fontanilla, Joey
Mejia, Melody
Areola, Angel Trizhia Mae R.
Costales, Raymond
Beltran, Mary Ann
Versola, Jelo-Ann


In today's world, the importance of social graces and good manners isn't confined to children;
adults too often forget the basics, impacting relationships and opportunities. Beyond mere
etiquette, these virtues underpin trust and respect in personal and professional interactions,
crucial in our increasingly globalized society. Mastering polite conversation and cultural
awareness isn't just a luxury—it's essential for leaving positive impressions and navigating
the ⁷complexities of modern life.

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to achieve the following with an 75%
level of success:
a. demonstrate proper etiquette on various social situations through a role play; and
b. show appropriate dressing and grooming on different occasions using slide


Social graces are skills used to interact politely in social situations. They include
manners and etiquette, which are specifically accepted rules within a culture for the
application of universal manners. It is from these initial first impressions, by chance or
circumstance, where relationships are built or discarded. The best step forward in
developing a solid partnership requires a foundation of mutual trust and respect. How that
evolves is through a continuation of good communications, transparency and honesty.
Good social graces and good manners are not a luxury but a necessity. By being
aware of others and showing respect it in turn will obtain respect from other people. It helps
to open doors in business and in our social life and people remember us in a more positive

1. Introduce yourself first – whether face to face or on the telephone

always use your name 2. Good body language – good eye contact, good
posture, good firm handshake and smile!

3. Listen – have active signs of listening; pay attention to everybody

4. Adapt your behavior to the various situations you find yourself in
5. Make small talk – light-hearted chat, finding out what interests' people (see my next blog
on small talk)
6. Turn your mobile phone off or at least on silent and avoid texting or speaking to people
in front of your guests
7. Self-control, honesty and truthfulness – always try to display self control and good
intentions, it helps create a sense of trust during social interactions
8. Be kind and thoughtful towards one’s fellow beings
9. Appreciate none of us is perfect – people have different thoughts and views and no one
is perfect
10. Avoid open conflict – opinions can differ but avoid confrontation
11. Power dressing and grooming for success. Your behavior and manners should
consistently correspond with your well-groomed image.

Other simple examples of Social Graces

 Knocking before entering the room

 Not opening the mail of others
 Not looking through other people’s belongings
 Saying 'please' and 'thank you' or 'excuse me’
 Sharing and not grabbing and keeping' good things to yourself
 Respecting other people's property and their rooms
 Helping the family by doing your tasks
 Have table manners

What is etiquette?
The term etiquette is derived from the French word estiquette which means “small
note”, which led to "ticket". It goes back to Proto-Germanic word stikken meaning “to be
stuck”. The term etiquette is such a small word but encompasses a whole lot of roles and
responsibilities that have become a guiding force in society. The noun "etiquette" describes
the requirements of behaviors acceptable to society. It includes the proper conduct that is
established by a community for various occasions, including ceremonies, court, formal
events and everyday life.


A. PERSONAL ETIQUETTE - is type of etiquette which includes persona grooming
and hygiene.
B. SOCIAL ETIQUETTE- This types of etiquette involves the norms and behavior
that society considers acceptable. Some basic rules of etiquettes that are being
followed for a very long time and are considered top-notch even today are
mentioned below:
 Say thank you - A simple thank you goes a long way in showing your appreciation
for a kind deed. It is merely good manners to thank people who have come to your aid
even if it is a small thing. When someone gives you a compliment or does something
nice, the best response is a simple “Thank you.” Please also remember, “Please,”
“Excuse me,” and “You’re welcome,” which are other marks of good manners.
 Offer compliments - Be generous with your words of appreciation and offer
compliments and praise when required. If you are sincere in your efforts and offer
genuine admiration, it will create a rapport that will keep you in good stead in the
days to come.
 Self-control - Keep a check on your behavior, voice, and manners if you are looking
for basic rules of social etiquette. Do not be too loud, and do not boast about the
things you have or your accomplishments as arrogance is considered an undesirable
trait. The deeds speak for themselves, and there is no need to blow your trumpet.
People observe everything, and it is imperative that your behavior, voice, and even
clothing reflect your charm and elegance to the boot.
 Speak with caution - Pay attention to your words as they are considered a strong tool
in building and destroying relationships. Speak with kindness as well as due caution if
you are looking for basic rules of social etiquette. Speak kindly and keep your body
language open. Do not complain or criticize or participate in gossip as it is
 Do Not Embarrass Others - Demeaning anyone with rude jokes or an unwelcome
nickname is disrespectful. In conversation, never ask embarrassing questions about
relationships, or asking how much was paid for something.
 Active listening - Do not put your full onus on speaking; instead, listen actively if
you are looking for basic rules of social etiquettes. Be genuine in your efforts as it is
the best way to show respect. Do not interrupt anyone while speaking, as it is
considered bad manners. When you are listening, you come to know about many
things that can prove helpful later on.
 Be punctual - One of the most desired traits in a human being is his habit of being on
time. Arriving too early is not good etiquette, nor is it arriving late. Be punctual at all
occasions at all costs if you are looking for basic rules of social etiquette.
 Make eye contact - Maintain eye contact during conversations. It establishes a level
of trust and understanding. Moreover, it is a sign of confidence and shows you in
good stead and positive light. People who are looking at numerous other things during
a conversation are viewed as unsure, untrustworthy, and shifty who can stab you in
the back at any given time. They fail to earn the trust of the person they are speaking
 Stand during the introduction - During an introduction, it is important to stand and
offer a handshake or greetings if you are looking for basic rules of social etiquette.
Even if you are in the middle of something, for instance, having dinner or sitting with
close friends, it becomes important to stand as a form of acknowledgment during the
 Offers of help - When you see women doing anything, the following questions are
usually always welcome: May I help you with that? May I carry that for you?
This type of etiquette informs individuals about the rules and regulations regarding
their eating habits. Do not speak when the mouth is full, thank the person serving your
food, do not leave the table until everyone has finished eating, etc. are some important
eating etiquettes.

 Sit straight with both feet on the floor, legs together

 Elbows never on the table
 Use your utensils properly. Do not pick up food with your hands, use a fork or a
 Speak softly to those nearest to you
 Thank the waiter only once or twice
 Enquire from the host/ hostess about dress code for the function invited
 Men should assist ladies to be seated by pulling out the chair

You should avoid this while dining:

 Placing your handbag/ purse on the table
 Gesturing with your knife or spoon
 Putting food into your mouth with a knife
 chomping your food
 Talking with your mouth full
 Wiping your mouth with your hand when holding a knife/ fork
 Reaching across people to get a dish instead ask for it to be passed
 Playing with the cutlery around you
 Wiping your face with the napkin


It is the electronic standards of conduct or procedure. The proper rules of behavior
while using technology devices and interacting with others.
5 Things To Know About Digital Etiquette (Manners)

 Treat others how you want to be treated: This is the golden rule. Sometimes you
need to be reminded about good manners, even online. Make sure to remember
private or sensitive matters are best discussed one on one off the group chat. Make
sure to be inclusive and kind to others just as you would be in person.
 Keep you messages and posts positive and truthful: You need to check over all
your messages and posts to be sure they are not mean, sarcastic, negative or rude.
Avoid posting anything that is not fact based like rumors or gossip. Remember your
words are read by real people, all deserving of respectful and truthful information.
 Double-check your messages or comments before you post or send: You need to
slow down and think about your posts, comments and emails before you send them.
You need to realize that once you press send or post, there is no way to take back your
 Keep your own and your friends personal things off the internet: Our world has a
ton of photos, texts and videos that can be posted, copied forwarded, downloaded and
altered very easily. You have to ask yourself how you would feel if your personal
pictures or information was shared with those you didn’t want.
 Avoid digital drama: Instant messaging, texting and posting comments online are all
in the moment communication but can last much longer then that. These words and
messages can be shared quickly but the words are now documented for all to see
forever. If you feel the conversation isn’t positive or nice you need to speak up or
leave the conversation.

This type of etiquette acts as a guiding force to the professionals and helps them in
conducting business deals in an ethical and effective manner. Professional life has its own set
of rules and regulations disguised as basic business etiquettes. Some are very common that
we come across in our everyday life, whereas some are a bit difficult to remember. This type
of etiquette is also very related to corporate etiquette commonly known as “work or office
etiquette” which informs individuals about how an individual should behave at his workplace
and maintain dignity.
 Be polite - If you are looking for important business etiquette tips, then being polite
and courteous tops the list any day.
 Greetings matter - Greeting someone is basic courtesy and an integral part of both
social and business etiquettes. Be polite and kind as it establishes a rapport. Simple
words like “How are you,” and even a nod or warm smile is enough to show that you
care. The objective is to be pleasant and considerate. If the other person is in a hurry,
do not strike and force a conversation.
 Names are important - Basic etiquettes demand that we introduce ourselves to
others. During the introduction, include your last name with the first name. Some
people have a habit of saying either their first or last name, but it is against the rules
of etiquette. Pay attention to the name of the other person as well. Remember his
name and pronounce it correctly because no one likes to be called carelessly. If there
is any confusion, ask him about the right form of pronunciation.
 Clothes are important - One of the most important business etiquettes is to follow
the dress code and dress appropriately at all occasions.
 Pay attention to your body language - Business etiquettes demand that you pay
special attention to your body language. Standing straight in the presence of
colleagues, peers, and superiors, especially during meetings and events, is a must.
Offer a firm handshake whenever you meet someone, smile to show your appreciation
in meeting others, and make eye contact while talking.
 Show your involvement - It is important to show that you are paying attention
during a conversation if you are looking for important business etiquette tips. Nod and
smile at important junctions. Show that you are actively listening and are interested in
the conversation. Do not interrupt anyone while speaking. Let him finish and then
offer your input. It will look polite and show that you value their thoughts.
 Send handwritten notes - Business etiquettes demand that you send handwritten
notes to show your appreciation. In regular matters, it is fine to send emails, but in
special conditions, it is best to opt for customized notes
 Be punctual - It is fashionable to be late in social settings but bad business etiquettes
in a professional atmosphere. Be punctual whenever you are meeting a deadline in a
project or a client for a meeting or attending an event if you are looking for important
business etiquette tips.
 Be mindful of others - Remember everything is not just about you as other people
around you matters. Be mindful of others if you are looking for important business
etiquette tips. Several people are working around you with different habits, and it
becomes imperative that you respect them by not being too loud or disturbing them

This type of etiquette informs individuals about how they should behave on the
telephone. How to interact with others, not putting someone on hold for a long time, greeting
the other person, and keeping your tone and pitch at the perfect level are basic telephone
etiquettes one should always follow.
 Smile when you talk to people. Although they might not be able to see you, a smile
can be heard in your voice and the caller will be much more relaxed in their
conversation with you. People love talking to happy people.
 Don’t be distracted. Although the caller may not be able to see what you’re doing, if
they don’t have your full attention it will be heard in your tone and responses.
Distractions can be anything from responding to an email, replying to a text, scrolling
through online shopping, reading a news article, or nibbling on that doughnut that has
been sitting next to you calling your name.
 When you answer the phone, greet the caller warmly and advise who they are
talking to. Always answer the phone with your name at the end of your greeting. You
will have an upward inflection on your name which will stay in the mind of the caller.
 Don’t shout or whisper. Being overly loud or overly quiet can make a phone
conversation very awkward and might mean you don’t get all of the information to the
person on the other end. Try and speak in a calm tone that will be easy to hear and
 Speak clearly. You have something to say and the person at the other end wants to
hear it. No one wants to repeat themselves many times during a conversation. Speak
as clearly as possible to avoid this.
 Don’t leave the caller on hold for too long. No one likes sitting on hold. If you leave
your caller on hold for too long they may think they have been forgotten and may
hang up. If this is a business call this could result in a lost sale or an unhappy
 Do make the caller feel welcome. Although it is a phone call, if your answers are
short or you don’t sound interested, the caller may leave the call feeling unwelcome
and that their query hasn’t been answered or problem resolved.


The concept of social graces encompasses skills used to interact politely in social
settings, including manners and etiquette, which are culturally accepted rules for
behavior. These initial impressions shape relationships, emphasizing the importance
of mutual trust and respect. Etiquette extends beyond table manners, involving the
application of both written and unwritten rules of conduct with ease. While etiquette
varies across cultures, its essence lies in respectful behavior and consideration for
others' customs. The term "etiquette" originated from the French word "estiquette,"
indicating a set of behaviors acceptable to society for various occasions. Good
manners have been observed since ancient times, evolving alongside societal norms.
Understanding and practicing etiquette fosters confidence and strength in social
interactions, benefiting individuals in various situations such as professional settings
and social events. Ultimately, etiquette encompasses ethics, honor, and the art of
living, evolving through effective communication, transparency, and honesty.

Kendra, Cherry (2019).Understanding Body Language and Facial Expressions.
Dotdash Publishing,
Your First Impression Is More Important Than You Think
April 3, 2018 | By Kaan Ersun

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