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The 1st assignment

Write TWO or THREE paragraphs about “Social Media

Do not copy from the internet

‫ممنوع النسخ من االنترنت‬

Social media communications have transformed how

individuals connect and communicate, becoming an
essential part of modern life. Social media sites such as
Facebook provide a plethora of tools to encourage
connection and expression, ranging from reels and tales to
likes and comments. While Telegram offers video calls and
educational resources, WhatsApp facilitates easy
communication via text messages and status updates.
Instagram and Snapchat give creative outlets through
photos, stories, and filters; Twitter Is a hub for news and
discussion. TikTok's short-form videos offer something new.
These platforms are highly Influential, particularly with
younger people, but they also give rise to worries about
misinformation and privacy. The negative aspects of social
media, in spite of their advantages In promoting
selfexpression and connectedness, highlight the necessity
of critical engagement and responsible usage in the digital

Social media communication has several benefits, such

as its global reach, which allows for quick contacts with
individuals anywhere in the globe, networking
opportunities, and the simplicity with which information
can be shared, which increases awareness and
understanding. Social networking does, however, come
with a number of serious drawbacks. Users' unintentional
sharing of personal information raises privacy concerns
because it can result in identity theft and security
breaches. On these sites, cyberbullying and harassment
are rampant and have a deleterious effect on mental
health. Rapid dissemination of false information breeds
misunderstanding and mistrust of credible sources.
Furthermore, using social media excessively might
become addicted, which can harm relationships in real life
and productivity. Moreover, the regular notifications and
updates on social media can be distracting, making it
difficult to concentrate on important activities. Therefore,
even while social media communication has clear
benefits, users need to be responsible and cautious to
minimize any .potential risks

The 2nd assignment

Rewrite the sentences with the answers and write the

four paragraphs mentioned in the end.

1- He quickly reads a book.

2- The class is terribly loud today.
3- She sings the song well

Exercise 2:

1. My friend is good at playing volleyball.

2. She complains about bullying.

3. They are afraid of losing the match.

4. She doesn't feel like working on the computer.

5. We are looking forward to going out at the weekend.

6. Laura dreams of living on a small island.

7. Andrew apologized for being late.


8. I don't agree with hunting.

9. The girls insisted on going out with Kerry.

10. Edward often thinks of climbing trees.

Exercise 3

11. I’m afraid of losing my smartphone.

12. She’s looking forward to seeing her brother.

13. He is responsible for collecting the money.

14. She is used to going to bed late.

15.He apologized for being late.

16. Larry never worries about making friends.

17. We are tired of waiting for the bus.

18. She insisted on talking to her lawyer.

19. You should give up bullying your sister.


20. They are thinking about moving to Italy

Write a paragraph about:

1- Internet

The internet is like a huge worldwide connection that links

lots of devices together. It helps people talk to each other quickly
using email, social media, and messages. You can also find lots
of information on the internet, like for school or fun. It’s
important for lots of things like businesses, schools, and even
watching movies or playing games.

2- Sports

Sports play a pivotal role in society, serving as a unifying

force that transcends cultural, linguistic, and geographic
boundaries. Whether it’s the adrenaline rush of competitive
matches, the camaraderie fostered within teams, or the health
benefits associated with physical activity, sports offer a
multitude of positive outcomes. From grassroots levels to
professional arenas, participation in sports instills discipline,
perseverance, and teamwork. Additionally, sports serve as a
platform for fostering leadership skills and nurturing personal
growth. Beyond the individual, sports have the power to bring
communities together, fostering a sense of pride and

3-Social Media

Social media has revolutionized the way we communicate, connect,

and consume information in today’s digital age.
Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok have
become integral parts of our daily lives, enabling us to stay
connected with friends and family, share moments, and engage
with a global community. However, social media also presents
challenges, such as issues of privacy, online harassment, and the
spread of misinformation. Despite these concerns, social media
has undeniable benefits, facilitating communication, fostering
communities, and providing a platform for expression and

4. Reading

Reading is a timeless activity that opens doors to new worlds,

ideas, and perspectives. Whether delving into a gripping novel,
exploring the latest research findings, or immersing oneself in
poetry, reading offers countless benefits. It enhances vocabulary,
comprehension, and critical thinking skills, while also stimulating
imagination and creativity. Moreover, reading fosters empathy by
allowing us to step into the shoes of characters and understand
their experiences. Beyond personal enrichment, reading
promotes lifelong learning and personal growth. In today’s digital
age, reading has evolved beyond traditional books to encompass
online articles, e-books, and audiobooks, making literature more
accessible than ever before.
The third assignment

The politeness principle:

Politeness is the pragmatic tool that Deals with the strategic
manipulation of Language, how we facilitate our Conversational
goals by saying what is Socially appropriate. It is the desire to be
Pleasant to others. In pragmatics, it refers To the strategies
employed by speakers in Order to keep harmonious relations.
‘Principles of Pragmatics’, Leech describes the Politeness
Principle (PP): “Minimize (other things being Equal) the
expression of impolite Beliefs, Maximize (other things Being
equal) the expression of Polite beliefs.”(Leech, 1983:81). Leech
considers the (PP) as being of the Same status as Grice’s (CP) .

Leech’s maxims of polite:

Leech’s view of politeness involves a set Of politeness maxims
analogous to Grice’s Maxims. The main maxims are:

(I) “Tact Maxim (in impositives and Commissives)

a) Minimize cost to other.
b) [ ( b) Maximize benefit to other.]

(II) Generosity maxim (in impositives And commissives)

a) Minimize benefit to self.
b) [ (b) Maximize cost to self.]
(III) Approbation maxim (in Expressives and assertives)

a) Minimize dispraise of other.

b) [(b) Maximize praise of other.]

(IV)Modesty maxim (in expressives And assertives)

a) Minimize praise of self.
[(b) MaximizeDispraise of self.]

(IV) Agreement maxim (in assertives).

a) Minimize disagreement between self And other.
[(b) Maximize agreement between self And other.]

(VI)Sympathy maxim (in assertives).

a) Minimize antipathy between self and Other.
[(b) Maximize sympathy between self And other. ]

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