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The Spirit of ”Kapit – Bisig” against the Grievances of Dictatorship

The EDSA People Power Revolution marks a significant place in the minds and hearts of many Filipinos,
to the point where it became an annual thing in the Philippine calendar.

It was a watershed moment that brought about the downfall of the regime of President Ferdinand Marcos
and marked a turning point in the country’s political and social landscape. His regime was marked by human
rights abuses, corruption, and economic turmoil, leading to widespread discontent and opposition among
the Filipino people. However, despite the oppression and the hardships endured by the people, a spirit of
defiance and resilience began to sweep across the nation, leading to the widespread revolutionary movement
that would mark the history of our country, the Philippines. This spirit of revolution manifested in various
forms of democratic movement, from underground bloody movements to peaceful protests, and ultimately
culminated in the monumental event that would be known as the EDSA People Power Revolution.

The flint of revolution ignited the hearts of Filipinos, tracing back to the assassination of Senator Benigno
"Ninoy" Aquino. Aquino was a prominent opposition figure among the Marcoses, and his murder at the
Manila International Airport upon his arrival, triggers a widespread outrage among his Filipino supporters.
This assassination mixed with the chains of injustice further fueled the call for freedom and democracy,
laying the pillars for the events that would soon unfold at EDSA. So it began, the march for freedom,
breaking the socio-economic statuses of Filipinos, as they walk crossed arms in EDSA, driven by the
outburst thirst for freedom against their "leader" they looked up to. The citizens were driven not by
individual agendas, but by a shared vision of a better future for the Philippines. Their spirit of solidarity and
patriotism, coupled with their commitment to non-violence, presented a formidable force that could not be
easily crushed by the regime's tactics of suppression and intimidation.
The outpouring of support for the revolution was not limited to those physically present at EDSA. Across
the country, Filipinos rallied behind the movement in their respected provinces, through prayers and acts of
civil disobedience. The revolution became a national awakening, sparking hope and empowerment among
the people who had long suffered under the thorns of dictatorship.

The aftermath of the battle paved its way for the election of Corazon Aquino as the first female president of
the Philippines, marking a new era of governance and hope among the Filipino people. Beyond its
immediate impact, the EDSA Revolution continues to inspire movements for democracy and social change
around the world. Its legacy resonates as a beacon of hope for those fighting against oppression and
injustice, demonstrating that the will of the people, when united and resolute, can overcome even the most
unformidable forms of leadership.

Essay by: Jerald M. Grefalda

459 words in total.

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