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Med Archive

n Customers since 2001
n Web interface for administration
n Secure and scalable solution
n DicomStore and Query
& Retrieve
n HL7

n Storage commitment
n Structured Report (SR)
Med Archive
DICOM Multimodality.
Med Archive is a cost effective and efficient solution that enables to archive on
different media without needing a PACS. It is an ideal complement to our digital
mammography workstation for instance. nR
 AID 5
Medecom’s solution is made of specific software and hardware and adapted to our
customers’ needs. nB
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Software solution
The Dicom server receives images from the different modalities and put them in the n SQL database
data base. The Dicom server then makes a series of functions in order to insure the
follow up of the archived images.

Reception of the images

Med Archive accepts images from the most common modalities: CR, DR, CT, MRI,
US, XA, NM… The Dicom images are archived in Dicom Lossless.
The HSM management of the archive (Hierarchical Storage Management) optimizes
the hard drive space of the images considering how long they have been archived for. Med Archive
supports Dicom Store, Query & Retrieve, MPPS, Storage Commitment and Structure Report. It is then
possible to query the server and then to retrieve the images on the local computer.

Routing the images

Med Archive enables the automatic routing of the Dicom images towards C Store SCP compliant
systems according to the content of the Dicom tags.
It is a means to improve the productivity of the department by automatic distribution of the images on
the workstations where they are useful.

Image Compression
According to specific rules, the user can decide to compress the images in Dicom Lossless, Jpeg or Jpeg

Management of the image cycle

The Dicom sever insures the follow up of the images according to the chosen archiving method. The
image cycle can be configured by users.

For instance:
• The Dicom server receives images on a secure hard drive system. The server keeps these native
images for three years. This is on line archiving.
• After three years for instance, these images are moved to another server and compressed in
Dicom Lossless or in Jpeg 2000. They can then be archived for several years.
n Security
Hardware technology RAID 5/6 meets the requirements of the secure archiving by redundancy of hard
Access to the server can be recorded which is important if something needs to be traced.
It is possible to sort the Dicom communications with the IP addresses and the Dicom AE Title. In case of
a failure, Med Archive can send an e-mail to one or several addressees to inform them of any error.
n Administration
Med Archive has management utilities for the most common actions. For instance, data base
integrity checking, cache management, Dicom server administration, image CD import with Dicom
demographic reconciliation.
It is always possible to reconstruct the data base from the hard drives.

Hardware will depend on the archiving needs. Our preference goes to secure
hard drives solutions in RAID 5.
9 bis rue de Kerbrat
Tél : +33 298 465 248
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