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Interference Test


Interference testing is one form of multiple-well testing. These tests are used to determine
whether two or more wells are in pressure communication in the same reservoir and, when
communication exists, to provide estimates of vertical formation permeability k and
porosity/compressibility product ? Ct, in the vicinity of the tested wells.

In the homogeneous isotropic system, the porosity, thickness and the Permeability k is
same everywhere and in all direction. Interference is conducted by producing from or
injecting into one of these wells (active well) and the pressure response is observed in the
other well (observation well). The active well starts producing at uniform pressure at time
zero and the other pressure response in the observation well at a distance “a” from active
well begins after some time lag.
To obtain maximum use of new reservoir analysis for under-standing local
reservoir anomalies some improved methods are needed to describe heterogeneities in
the reservoirs.
- Optimum well spacing
- Equipment specifications
- Well completion design
- Economics of pressure maintenance and secondary recovery programs etc depend on:

The extent and location of the areal heterogeneities that affect flow behavior in the field
could be understood by interference test, constant-rate production or injection. During

interference tests the flow characteristics of the formation are determined under in-situ.
The method takes weeks or months to obtain a pressure response using conventional
routine field operation during the test.
Interference Test is the kind of studies requires to understand the effect of pressure
communication between the pair of wells in the reservoir. In this studies one well is
called the observation well and other wells are called active wells.

Well No 1 is
observation well and Active Well
Well 2, 3 & 4 are
called active wells.
In Well No1 we carry 2
out the pressure Active Well
buildup studies. The 1
pressure response in Obsn Well
well 1 is 3
Influenced by
changing the normal Active Well
production of active
ocedure for conducting the Interference Test:
For conducting the interference test in the reservoir in two or more than two wells
one well called the observation well in which pressure variation is observed by
changing the normal production of active wells or transmitter wells.

So for conducting the I/F test in a reservoir the pressure recorder is lowered in the
observation well which was closed after achieving the constant rate “q” of
production. Due to variation of flow rate of production in active wells, pressure
impulses will be created in the observation wells.
After the test is completed the pressure recorder is pulled out from the well. The
change is pressure with time is determined from the interpretation of the pressure
dvantages of Interference Test
1. To determine the drainage area around the observation well.
2. To optimize proper well space during field development stage for oil and gas
3. Degree of inter communication between the wells.
4. To delineate the communication and non-communication barriers faults/ pinch out
between the observation and the active well in the reservoir.
5. Degree of formation thickness
6. Sharp variation in hydro conductivity / or preferential fluid pattern
These studies will help the management to ascertain proper well space planning &
undue investment for field development and thus to evaluate the implementation of
effective reservoir management policy.
The duration of Interference test is very long specially in tight reservoir and saturated oil
reservoir .
Active well

Bottom Hole Press

Rate in Active well

Obsen well


t1 Time t1

Schematic Illustration of rate history and pressure response for an Interference Test
However, the radius of influence can be given by the following

rinf = 0.029 ( K t/ μφ C) ½ -----------------------------(1)

Theory of Interference Test:

As we know that the pressure variation in observation well is

observed due to continuous variation in production of
nearby active wells 2 & 3 is given by the following Eqn.

162.6 q μB log (t+ Δt) qμВ

q1 - Cμφ a12
Pws = P* - ---------------- ----------------- + 70.6 ---------- *
---- Ei {---------------} +
Kh Δt Kh
q1 = Production rate in well No. 2 and

q2 = production rate in other active well No. 3

The Eqn No. 2 clearly indicates that the log terms itself gives an effect of production
and shut-in of the observation wells. The Ei terms indicates the pressure drops at the
observation well caused by the production of active wells Well No2 & 3 located at a
distance “a1” & “a2”.

The above Eqn holds only:

- When there is a single face fluid flowing in the reservoir below bubble point pressure.
The mobility and the compressibility factor have to be used in for pressure buildup
studies carried out in observation well during the interference test.
1900.0 Extra plotted Build-up pressure
Bottom Hole Pressure, PSI

143 psi

1.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 20.030.0 40.0
Closed in time (Δt days)

nce Test in a low permeability Reservoir: Plot Pws Vs

Bottom Hole Pressure, PSI



100.0 10.0 1.0

Closed in time (t+ Δt / Δt ) days

st in a low perm. Res. Long time : Plot Pws Vs Log ( t

The Eqns No. 2 can be rearranged as under:

162.6 q μB log (t+ Δt) qμВ

q1 - Cμφ a12
P* - ---------------- ----------------- - Pws = - 70.6 ---------- *
---- Ei ---------------- +
Kh Δt Kh
q 0.00105 Kt1

q2 Ei (- Cμφ a22)
---- ------------------ --------------------------------------------(3)
q 0.00105 Kt2

In this Eqn the first two terms in the LHS indicates the
straight line portion of the curve and the third term “Pws”
represents the observed pressure . So the above Eqn can be
reduced to:

2 2
-m q1 - Cμφ a1 q2 - Cμφ a2
Δp = ----------- ---- Ei { -----------------} + ---- Ei
1. Mini period of two months is required for conducting the test where the
reservoir is having very low permeability or tight reservoir.
2. The actual production condition of the active well need to be varied to create the
pressure impulses in observation well during the Interference Test.
If q= 140 bbls/day in observation well
m= 270 psi/ cycle
C= 6.9 x 10 -6 / psi
q1= 180 bbls/d
a1 = 1835 ft
Cμφ = 10-6 ( Assumed)

From the above data find the pressure in a observation well.


2 2
-m q1 { - Cμφ a1 } q2 { - Cμφ a2 }
Δp = ----------- ---- Ei ----------------- + ---- Ei
------------------- + ------
2.303 q 0.00105 Kt1 q
0.00105 Kt2

= -270 180 (10-6 * (1835)2

------- -------- Ei ---------------------
2.3030 140 0.00105 * 3070
from this data a graph is plotted between the Pws Vs Log (t+ Δt)/ Δt. The dash line indicates
the extrapolated build-up pressure is obtain by extrapolation of the Log plot. The difference
between the extra polated dash line and the actual line of pressure buildup (Pws Vs Log Δt )
will indicate the actual pressure drop in an observation well (Fig-1).
Problem: 2
Find the value of fluid transmissibility and reservoir storativity & porosity
between the wells considered for interference test with = 140 bbls/d the following
reservoir data:
q = 140bbls/d beta= 1.1

m= 270cycle/psi c= 6.9x10-4/ psi

q1 = 180bbls/d cμΦ = 3.5x10 -7

since fluid transmissibility (kh/μ) = 162.6qμB/m
Ans: 92.6
cμΦ kh 1
The value of Φh = ------------ ----- x ------ Ans :4.70 & Porosity= 0.11
k μ c
Analysis of Interference Test Based on
Introduction Type curves
The reservoir input data could be analyzed for better reservoir
characterization. These are the standard curves are generated
by simulating constant rate pressure drawdown, fall-off, (or
injection) and also applied for build-up tests if an equivalent
shut-in time is used as a time variable on the graph.
The type curves are advantageous because they may allow the
test interpretations even when the well bore storage distorted
most or all the test data in that case , conventional methods
Fundamentally the types curves are pre-plotted family of
pressure draw down curves. Most fundamental of these curves
are of Ramey’s. This further signified that it is plot of
type curve superimpose.pdf
The type curves generated from the simulation approach
were also used for the interpretation of the Interference
test also.

Log-Log Plot




10-1 10-2 10-3 10-4

tD/ rD2
1. Plot the pressure draw down data Δp = (Pi-P) vs
Elapse time (t) on the same size of Log-Log plot as full
scale as shown above.
2. Slide the plot test data over the type curve until the
match is found ( Horizontal & vertical sliding,. Both
3. Record pressure and time match points ( PD)MP,
(Δp)MP, (tD/rD2)MP and tMP

where (MP) = Match Point

141.2 q μВ
Calculate the permeability (K) = ----------------- ---------------

0.0002637 K tMP
Calculate φc = ------------------ ------------
μ rw2 (tD/ rd2) MP

0.00708 Kh (Pi-P)

The I/F test was run in a shallow water sand reservoir the
active well is producing 466 BWPD and pressure response in
observation located 99ft from the active well was
measured as function of the time elapse since the
drawdown in the active well. Find the value of Ct with the
following data:

Μw= 1cp
Bw = 1.0 rb/stb
H = 9 ft
Rw = 3”
Porosity = 0.3
The pressure data are in the following table.
Delt ( Min) Pws (psi) Delp= PI-pwf

0 148.92 0
5 148.92 0
25 144.91 4.01
40 143.72 5.2
50 143.18 5.74
100 141.47 7.45
200 139.72 9.2
300 138.7 10.22
400 137.99 10
580 137.12 11.8
Δp= Pi-Pwf

Δt (min)

Interference Test data from water Reservoir


Assuming that an aquifer is homogeneous, isotropic and

infinite acting. Here we use Ei- function type curves. The
pair of match point are:

Δt = 128 min
(tD/ rd2) MP = 10
Δp = 5.1psi
PD= 1.0

141.2* 466& 1.0*1.0 1.0

Then the value of K= ----------------------------------- ----------
= 1433 md
9 5.1

Assuming that an aquifer is homogeneous, isotropic and

infinite acting. Here we use Ei- function type curves. The
pair of match point are:

Δt = 128 min
(tD/ rd2) MP = 10
Δp = 5.1psi
PD= 1.0

141.2* 466& 1.0*1.0 1.0

Then the value of K= ----------------------------------- ----------
= 1433 md
9 5.1

0.000264* 1433* 128/60

Ct = ---------------------------------------------- = 2.74x 10-5/psi
0.3* (99)2 * 1.0*1.0
some of the types curves are shown in the following figures:


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