HW 6

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Homework – 6

Matrix acidizing design

Kanapiyeva Sharizada
1. True or False: formic acid and acetic acid are mineral acids.
False. It’s organic acid (Mineral HCl, HF)
2. he X15 of an acid refers to the ____________________________________.
15% concentration of acid
3. Name the three types of acidizing additives that are generally required and describe their
main function.
Acidizing additive Main function of additive
Corrosion inhibitor Slows attack on metals, doesn’t prevent it
Pitting of steel can occur: 1) inhibitor
breakdown (all will eventually breakdown
over time and stop protecting); 2) insufficient
inhibitor, not enough to coat all steel; 3) metal
impurities may promote acid attack Hydrogen
embrittlement -> hydrogen ions reduced to
elemental hydrogen; tensile ductility
reduction occurs, tensile strength decreases
Surfactants Corrosion inhibition
Break oil-water emulsions
Bactericide Foam formation
Break oil-water emulsions
Prevent emulsions before occur
Sludge prevention
Sludge can form at acid/oil interface
Surface tension reduction
Tight gas wells/scale removal Surfactant
Iron control Sources of iron - corrosion products on
tubulars, rust, mill scale, iron-bearing
formations Need to keep iron in solution,
prevent precipitation Fe3+ (ferric ions) vs.
usual Fe2+ Ratio of these govern precipitation
rates Three methods used:
pH control - maintain low pH after main acid
is spent(acetic acid)
Sequestering agents - bond to iron and hold in
solution(citric acid,
athylenediaminetetraacetic acid,
nitrilotriacetic acid)
Reducing agents - convert ferric iron to
ferrous iron
4. If you are pumping an acid treatment on a zone thicker than _______ft, diversion should
be used.
20 ft
Design a sandstone acid treatment given the following information. Your design should include:
1) maximum injection pressure and rate; 2) which stages are needed; 3) volumes and fluid type
for each treatment stage; and 4) diversion type if needed.
• Formation composition is 80% quartz, 4% calcite, 4% smectite, 12% feldspar (6% HCl
• Formation properties: k = 150 md; depth of formation = 5000 ft; zone of interest is 15 ft thick;
β = 1.1 RB/STB; μ = 5 cp; rw = 0.33 ft;  = 0.18; re = 660 ft; s = 5; reservoir pressure = 1000 psi
• Fracture gradient is 0.75 psi/ft No indication of sludging problems from a recent acid/crude oil
1. Formation mineralogy
80% quartz, 4% calcite, 4% smectite, 12% feldspar (6% HCl solubility)
2. Maximum injection pressures and rate
FG = BHFP / D  BHFP = FG * D = 0.75 psi/ft * 5000 = 3750 psi

Qmax = (4.917*10^(-6) * 150 * 15 * [3750 – 300 – 1000]) / (5 * 1.1 * (ln(660/0.33) + 5)) = 0.65

When s = 0, the minimum pumping rate can be determined. When s = the actual estimated value,
the maximum pumping rate can be determined
3. Need for type of diversion
As discussed in class, diversion should be included if the interval to be treated is greater than 20
feet thick. The type of diversion chosen should be based on cost and potential success of
In our case h<20 ft, so there is no need for a diversion
4. Select type of acid and stages
The type of acid and number of stages pumped during a matrix acid treatment is entirely
dependent on the type of formation to be stimulated and the associated mineralogy.
Calculating the fluid volume
Vp – pore volume
rs – distance it is necessary to penetrate the damaged or displased section
Vp = 7.48 * [ϕ * (rs^2 – rw^2) * π] = 7.48 * [0.18 * (15^2 – 0.33^2) * 3.14 = 950.77 gal/ft
Volume of 15% HCl injection
Vp = 7.48 * π * (1 – ϕ) * XHCl * [rs^2 – rw^2] / β = 7.48 * 3.14 * (1 – 0.18) * 0.082 * [15^2 –
0.33^2] / 1.1 = 322.87 gal/ft
K > 100 mD, high quartz 80%, low clay < 5% (preflush fluid 15% HCl)
12% HCl / 3% HF (Main flud)
For HCl:
V1=56.75 ML
For HF:
V1=10.75 ml
6HF + Si02  H2SiF6 + 2H2O
HF acid + Sand  Fluosilicic acid + Water

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