Ornamental Gardens

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Table of Contents:

What is an ornamental garden?............ Page 1

What are ornamental gardens?............. Page 1••

•Examples of ornamental plants…………..

(Dahlias)............... Page 2

Rose…………………. Page 3

Jasmine………….. Page 4

Benefits of ornamental garden………….. Page 5

Steps for making ornamental gardens………….Page 5

Jobs in ornamental gardening ………….

What is an ornamental garden?
Ornamental gardens are, first and foremost, gardens that look good. Ornamental
gardening can be simply defined as planting various plants on a piece of ground
from and for an artistic point of view. What makes your garden look good is up to you;
luckily, there are almost countless ornamental plants to grow.

What are ornamental plants?

Ornamental Plants are also referred to as garden plants and have beauty as their main
trait. They are usually grown in the flower garden for the display of their flowers. It is a plant
primarily grown for its beauty either for screening, accent, specimen, colour or aesthetic



Dahlias are perennial plants with tuberous roots, though they are grown as annuals in some regions
with cold winters. While some have herbaceous stems, others have stems which lignify in the absence
of secondary tissue and resprout following winter dormancy, allowing further seasons of growth.

Roses are native primarily to the temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere. Many roses
are cultivated for their beautiful flowers, which range in colour from white through various
tones of yellow and pink to dark crimson and maroon, and most have a delightful fragrance,
which varies according to the variety and to climatic conditions.


Jasmine is one of about 200 fragrant-flowered and of the olive family). The plants are native
to the Old World's tropical and some temperate areas. Several are cultivated as

Benefits of ornamental gardens:

Aesthetically Appealing
Ornamental gardens help create a visual wonder with the different plants forming a diverse
colour palette. In the day and age of social media, an ornamental garden could be great to
boost your profile as well.

Climate Regulator and Air Purifier

Plants in general are the best natural air filters for converting carbon dioxide into oxygen, a
necessity for survival. A multitude of different plant species will help amplify the recycling of
the air and also regulate humidity levels in the atmosphere.

Major Stress Reliever

The presence of greenery at any point has always been very calming to the human
presence. The divine beauty of nature is that it silently strokes out any anxiety or
uncomfortable feeling and instils a sense of peace which in turn promotes productivity.

Prevents Soil Erosion

Ornamental gardens tend to have a sturdier landscape as the different plants help maintain
a balance in the foundation of the soil.

Steps for making ornamental gardens:

Surveying the Planting Site

Before planting, survey the site for potential hazards to plant growth. For instance, new
construction sites are often littered with pieces of mortar, plaster or limestone, creating an
alkaline soil condition and inhibiting a plant's ability to absorb nutrients. Chemical spills, such
as motor oil or gasoline, can also impair plant growth. Removing the top 6 to 8 inches of soil
may be necessary and replacing it with a good grade of topsoil. Compacted soils also inhibit
root growth.

Selecting Plant
Always purchase fresh, high-quality plants. Poor-quality plants are not a wise investment.

Most ornamental trees and shrubs marketed today are grown and sold in containers,
although field-grown plants, sold balled-and-burlapped or packaged bare-root, are also
available during certain times of the year. Container-grown plants should have healthy,
vigorous tops and white feeder roots on the outer edge of the root ball. Do not be timid about
inverting a few plants, removing their pots and examining their roots. Container-grown plants
generally transplant well throughout most of the year with minimum shock, although fall and
winter months are the best time to transplant.

Holding Plants Until They Are Planted

If plants cannot be planted right away, place them in a shaded area and keep the roots
moist. If bare-root plants must be held several days before planting, cover their roots with
sawdust, pine straw or soil to conserve moisture. Avoid placing the roots in water or buckets
for long periods because they will suffocate. Container plants may need daily watering.

Make sure plants are well watered before planting and ensure the root ball is thoroughly wet.
A dry root ball is difficult to rewet after transplanting.

Planting in Individual Holes

The old adage "never put a ten-dollar tree in a two-dollar hole" applies when planting
individual trees and shrubs. Research at the University of Georgia has shown that a large
planting hole – at least twice as wide as the root ball – encourages rapid root growth and
plant establishment. Dig the planting hole only as deep as the root ball. If the hole is dug
deeper, backfill it with soil as necessary and tamp it firmly to prevent settling. Make certain
the top of the root ball is level with the soil surface. Some landscape professionals plant the
top of the root ball 1 to 2 inches above grade if they know the soil is likely to settle slightly.

Planting Annuals and Herbaceous Perennials

Plant annuals and perennials in raised beds ensure good drainage and improved visibility.

To achieve the best colour displays, annuals and herbaceous perennials must have good
drainage, adequate nutrients and available water at all times. Begin by deep tilling the native
soil to improve its structure and to ensure good drainage. Then, elevate the bed 6 to 12
inches by adding soil amendments. A raised bed not only ensures good drainage, but also
improves the visibility of the colour display.

Steps for maintaining ornamental gardens

Group plants that require moist conditions in one container, and group drought-resistant
plants in another container. Water the plants until the water comes out of the drainage holes.
Water the soil, not the leaves and flowers. Wet foliage can lead to fungal diseases or to
scorched spots on leaves.

Jobs in ornamental gardening:

Primary duties: Florists arrange and sell flowers and other plants to customers, often
for holidays or special occasions. While most florists receive cut flowers from
wholesalers, they might also sell potted plants that require care.
Vineyard worker
Primary duties: Vineyard workers plant, monitor and harvest vines that produce wine
grapes. Their primary job duties include planting vines, pruning, thinning, positioning
vine shoots, harvesting, fertilising soil and removing pests. Vineyard workers may
work in erosion control, irrigation and fence installation. They may also be
responsible for grape crushing, bottling, corking, capping and tank cleaning.

Farm labourer
Primary duties: Farm labourers care for crops on small domestic farms and large-
scale commercial growing enterprises. Typical work tasks include ploughing fields,
planting crops, pruning, managing pests, applying fertilisers, harvesting crops and
preparing them for shipment.

Garden centre associate

Primary duties: Garden centre associates care for plants that are sold in a garden
centre. Common duties include planting seedlings, pruning, weeding and fertilising.
These workers may also design displays and stock sales tables.

Landscape labourer
Primary duties: A landscape labourer maintains outdoor spaces. They might work in
an internal landscaping or maintenance team or for a landscape development
company with multiple clients.Their primary job duties include planting, watering,
trimming bushes and trees, mowing lawns, applying fertiliser, controlling pests and
weeding. Landscape labourers may also build walkways, rock walls, fences, steps
and other garden features. If employed in an area that experiences seasonal changes,
labourers might remove leaves and clear snow.

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