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How to save the planet

In this day and age, we’re all trying to be more environmentally friendly. We only get one planet, and
it’s important that we treat it that way. Making changes on the individual level can give you ease of
mind. Even if it feels like it won’t a difference, the simple act of trying is an attitude that will positively
affect both you and your community.

1. Volunteer for environmental causes

Volunteering is definitely one of the biggest ways you can personally help the environment and the
planet. The way to do this with the least impact on the environment is to volunteer locally, doing
cleanups or other environmental projects around your area.

2. Study abroad in environmental studies

If you can’t volunteer, studying abroad is a great way to help the Earth too (ideally in a destination close
to home)! Since we know that the climate crisis is mostly driven by systemic issues, it can be immensely
helpful to study those issues in an academic setting. This is a great way to set you up for a future career
in environmentalism.

3. Attend protests and marches

Protests are a great way to raise awareness of environmental issues. Environmental issues can feel
global and out of reach, so protests also get people connected and involved at a local level. The great
part about protests is that they exist all over the world!

4. Drive less

How can you save our planet? Ride a bike. Cars, on the other hand, are a huge cause of pollution. A
typical passenger vehicle emits about 4.6 metric tons of carbon dioxide per year. That’s a lot! One of the
best ways to help the environment is to drive less and use public transportation more when possible. Of
course, this is easier said than done. In that case, it could be a good idea to invest in an electric or hybrid
vehicle when financially plausible.

5. Vote!

How can we save the Earth without supportive politicians? The most important way to help the
environment is to get out there and vote. Environmental laws have an even bigger impact on the planet.
It’s important to vote for people who will prioritize environmental protections.

Saving the Earth can feel like a monumental task, but the truth is that it comes down to a lot of little
choices and actions. No matter how you help the planet, every little action counts!

The good news? There are tons of ways you can help in the fight against climate change. Below are a
few simple acts to save our planet
Some simple acts to save our planet at home include:

- Switching to reusable bags for grocery shopping

- Switching to reusable everything—bye bye single-use!

- Using energy-efficient devices and appliances

- Buying eco-friendly products when possible (post-consumer recycled, water efficient, etc.)

- Buying only seasonal produce

Shopping locally and avoiding excessive online shopping

Avoiding fast fashion brands if possible

Avoiding plastic altogether (did you know most of it isn’t recyclable?)

Recycling ALL recyclable waste (the rules on this differ, so make sure to double-check!)

Starting a compost pile or bin

Avoiding excessive air travel

Boycotting companies that partake in excessive pollution, both at home and abroad

Staying educated and informed!

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