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Teacher Cahya Puspita Dewi

Level 7th Grade of Junior High School

Age Groups 12-13 years old
Lesson Topic Home Sweet Home
Time 2 x 30 minutes
Meeting 1-2-3
Overall language Unit 1:
be (is and are)
On, In, Under, By, Next to, Behind, In front of, Above
Pronouns: There is, There are
Noun: Living room, kitchen, stairs, dining room, bedroom, garage,
bed, stove, wardrobe, radio, tv, etc.

Unit 2:
Tidy, clean, messy, dirty
wipe, mop, sweep, scrub, wash, clean, iron, etc.
twice a day, everyday, every morning, etc.

Unit 3:
plastic bag, gloves, Things to clean up
collect, separate, recycle, clean, put, throw
First, Second, Third, Next
Objectives By the end of the session, students are expected to be able to:
1. identify rooms in a house and things in the rooms correctly
2. describe rooms in a house and things in the rooms correctly
3. describe what people do and use to clean up their houses
4. give instruction on how to do something

Lesson Plan Unit 1 meeting 1 dan 2

Time Activities Media

Opening Activity 7 minutes
1. Teacher greets students
Hello! Good Morning, everyone.
How are you today?
Are you feeling good today?
Teaching Show me your thumbs up if you are feeling
Stages good right now.
Kalau kalian merasa baik, tunjukkan ibu
jari kalian. Where’s your thumbs up?

2. Students are invited to sing a song together

with the teacher
Now I would like to introduce you to a song.
Saya akan memperkenalkan kalian dengan
lagu pembuka kelas. Jadi sebelum belajar,
kita akan selalu membuka pelajaran dengan
lagu in. So, you have to remember the lyrics.

I sing first and you listen.

Saya akan mencontohkan dan kalian
mendengarkan dengan seksama.

Song 1:
Hello Hello
Good morning students
How are you all today?
Hello Hello
Good Morning students
How are you all today

We are happy
We are happy
We are ready to study
We are happy
We are happy
We are ready to study

Song 2:
Hi students. Hi students
are you ready to study
Hi teacher hi teacher
Yes, we are.

3. Students are invited to do a warm-up

Stand up, please!
Berdiri, semuanya.
Let’s do a warm up activity.

Kalian pasti familiar dengan permainan,

selamat pagi selamat siang, dst.

Ok, kita akan mengubah kalimatnya dengan

menggunakan bahasa Inggris.
When I say good morning, you clap once.
(ketika saya berkata “Good Morning”
kalian tepuk sekali)
When I say good afternoon, you clap twice
And When I say good night, don’t clap.

4. Teacher introduces today’s learning topic

Today is our first meeting in learning
Let me introduce my self again. My name is
Cahya Puspita Dewi. You can call me Miss

Today, we’re going to learn about "Home

Sweet Home". Home sweet home ini artinya
semacem 'rumahku istanaku', 'rumahku
tercinta', dan sebagainya. Jadi home sweet
home merupakan ekspresi betapa rumah
yang kita tinggali sangat berarti dalam
kehidupan sehari-hari. So, it means our
house as the most comfortable place to live.
Maka dari itu, di pertemuan kali ini we will
learn about a "home" or a "house". Today,
we are coming to a new topic. Its about
parts of a house. Bagian bagian dari rumah,
kayak ruangan apa aja yang ada di rumah
dan learn how to describe them. Gimana
cara mendeskripsikan rumah beserta bagian

I’m sure you all have this book, right?

Open page 103.

Main Activity 48 minutes

Building Knowledge of The Field
5. Students are asked to share their experiences
regarding a house tour.

I want you to tell me the rooms in your

Coba sebutkan, ruangan apa aja yang
biasanya ada di rumah!
*aku nulis di papan tulis*

6. Students are told to listen to the audio 3.1

Open page 104.
Ini adalah rumah Galang.
Now. Listen carefully to the audio
Kalian bisa liat kan ini ada rumah Galang,
terus teman temannya lagi dateng ke rumah.
Kalo misalkan kalian yang dateng ke rumah
dia, what will you say about the house? Apa
yang bakal kalian katakan tentang rumah

Do you have garden in your house?

What do you think of a house with lots of plants and


7. Students are asked to do Worksheet 3.2

While listening to the audio, open page 105.
Try to answer the questions. We’ll discuss
the answer together.

8. Students are asked to read a dialogue of

audio 3.2
I will randomly choose three students who
will read the dialogue.
Yang lain dengarkan dengan seksama dan
baca dalam hati.
*guru contohin dulu sambil pake indo*

Based on what you heard from the

conversation, Monita ini suka sama
rumahnya Galang ngga? Kira kira apa yang
bikin Andre minta Galang buat house tour?
What do you think of a house that made of
wood? Menurut kalian, rumah yang terbuat
dari kayu tuh gimana sih?

9. Students are told to identify things in

Galang’s House and discuss their opinions
together with their chairmates.
Open page 139, please.
Now, you may discuss with your chairmates
regarding the things in the rooms.Try to find
the correct vocabulary for each thing. Pilih
satu room
You can use dictionary or google to find out
the right vocabulary of each thing.
There will be several pairs that must report
their results.
I will choose the pairs randomly.

I will give you 5 minutes to discuss the

answer of point B
You have to record your discussion.
Please use the expression of asking and
giving opinion that you’ve learned before.

When you report your results, try to use

English as best as you can.

10. Students are told to listen carefully while

teacher explain the difference between
There is and There are
Before we continue to section 4.
Do you know the difference between the use
There is and There are?
Coba liat bedanya kalimat pertama sama
kedua apa?
The first sentence shows that there is only
one thing or object. So, we can say THERE
IS ketika kita menyebut satu barang.
Sedangkan, we use THERE ARE ketika kita
akan menyebutkan barang yang lebih dari
Nah, yang ini nanti dijadikan PR ya.

Modelling of Text

11. Students are asked about the nature of a

descriptive text.
Now, Have you ever describe something?
Look at the example of a description of
Galang’s house room in page 109.
Please, read the first description together.
Now, when describing something, apakah
kita mulai dari yang umum dulu lalu ke
khusus atau dari khusus ke umum?
12. Students identify the structures, aims, and
language features of a descriptive text by
being given triggering questions, such as:
a. Why do we have to describe something?
- To know something in detail.
b. Can you guess what do we have to do
first when describing something?
- Identify the object and describe the
c. When describing something, we will talk
facts, right? When talking facts we need
to use?
- Present tense
As you can see in the example here, it is said
that, “This is a living room”. This part aims
to tell the readers about general
information. Ada yang tahu, bagian ini
disebut apa?
So, we identify the object first.
Repeat after me.
Can you guess now, bagian ini disebut apa?
It is called identification.

Then, we go to the details here. We mention

all of the things in the living rooms as
further description. Sebagai deskripsi lebih
detail atau lebih lanjut.
Contohnya, Miss Aca akan mendeskripsikan
“Ini adalah teman saya, dia bernama

Kenalin nama dulu. Ini disebut

Kita lihat disini Anna menggunakan hijab.
Apa lagi detail nya?

This part is known as a description. Karena

kita mendeskripsikan Anna secara detail.

Now, can you tell me again what do we have

to do first when we want to make a
descriptive text?
First, we identify..... the object
Ok. Identification
Then, we add descriptions.
So, there are identificaton and descriptions

13. Students are given a video of an example of

descriptive text
In pairs, you have to watch a video of
describing something.
I will give the link.

Joint Construction of Text

14. Students are asked to do Worksheet 3.6
Look at Worksheet 3.6 in page 109
Please read the example together.
Now, lets do number 2 together.
Let’s identify this room.
Ada barang apa saja disitu. Ada
penggoreng, kompor. Nah kira-kira barang-
barang itu ada nya dimana?
Dapur. Bahasa Inggris nya dapur adalah?

So, what is this room? A kitchen. Good.

Repeat after me.
This is a kitchen.

Now, let’s describe it.

There are a stove (ada kompor), pan
(panci), and frying pan (dan panci
Any questions?

Now, you have to discuss the rest with your

chairmate. You have to use asking and
giving opinion expression while discussing
the answer with your pair.
I will give you the examples of the
Please record your conversation.
I will give you 15 minutes.

15. Students are asked to present their answers

in front of the class.
Now, it is time for you to report your
discussion results. I will choose 7 pairs.
I will use spinning-wheel untuk menentukan
pair mana yang akan melaporkan hasil
1 pair mempresentasikan 1 jawaban mereka
didepan kelas dengan melihat gambar yang
ada didepan.

You can bring your book. But, you have only

one chance to look at your answer. So, try to
remember your answer. Focus on the
vocabulary of the things and the use there is
and there are.

16. Students do a pair activity about guessing

favorite rooms.

We will play a game called a guesssing

Listen carefully.
You and your partner will have to draw your
partner’s favorite room.
Jadi, kalian tidak boleh memberi tahu teman
kalian ruangan favorit kalian di rumah.
Tapi kalian memberikan deskripsi kepada
mereka dengan memberi tahu barang-
barang yang ada di ruangan kesukaan
kalian tersebut.

Teman kalian harus menggambar barang-

barang tersebut. Lalu mempresentasikannya
didepan kelas sama seperti yang kita
lakukan sebelumnya.

Jika waktunya tidak cukup. Pair yang tidak

mendapatkan kesempatan untuk
mempresentasikan didepan kelas diwajibkan
membuat video presentasi jawaban seperti
yang dilakukan para siswa yang maju ke

----------- Part 2

17. Students find the example of preposition on

the internet
Siapa yang tahu, preposition itu ada apa

You can use your gadget, smartphone

Cari contoh preposition dalam 1 menit.

Yang bisa menjawab akan mendapat poin.

18. Students are invited to sing about “On in

under by” song.
Now, please open page 111.
We will learn about preposition
Kita bakal belajar mengidentifikasi dimana
posisi benda.

Listen to me.
Do you familiar with the song, “On in under
Let’s sing together. I will sing first. Listen
(guru memperagakan on in under by)

19. Students differentiate the use of prepositions

Listen to me.
Now, from the song.
Can you guess the difference between on
and in?
Under bahasa indonesia nya apa? (sambil
(behind, in front of, between, dst)

20. Students are instructed about a game of

Let’s play a game. This game is
called,”Where is it?”

I will give you an example of the game.

(guru meminta 2 volunteer untuk maju
- Behind (Guru berdiri dibelakang
- Beside (Guru berdiri disamping
- In front of (Guru berdiri di depan
- Between (Guru berdiri di tengah
kedua anak)
- Dst

21. Students do preparations with their partner

In this game, you will be paired based on
the number you get.
(Pairing strategy: Teacher-selected)
Silakan ambil satu kertas disini dan
temukan pair kalian dalam waktu 2 menit.

You will have time to discuss what we

learned so far with your pair.’
Contohnya, mediskusikan between, behind,
on, in, in front of itu apa dengan pair kalian.
I will give you 5 minutes.
You have to use asking and giving opinion
expression, such as
What do you think “between” is?
I think “between” is diantara in Indonesian.

Please record your conversation.

22. Students play a game of preposition,

“Where is it?”
Let’s get started
23. Students discuss the Worksheet 3.7 with the
Sekarang mari kita terapkan apa yang
sudah kita pelajari.
Nomer 1, the stove is .... the kitchen.

Closing Activity 5 minutes

1. Students are given feedback of their learning
in today’s meeting
2. Students do a reflection of today’s activity
3. Students are asked to conclude today’s
4. Students are invited to sing a song before
the class is dismissed
5. Teacher dismisses the class
Feedback 1. Checking students’ spelling and
pronunciation of things in the rooms
2. Checking students’ answers in discussing
vocabulary with their pairs.
3. Checking students’ fluency and self-
confidence in presenting their result in front
of the class
Assessment 1. Students are able to identify things in the
of Outcome rooms correctly – Worksheet 3.3
2. Students are able to write a short descriptive
text and present it in front of the class/video
recorded– Worksheet 3.6
3. Students are able to answer correctly in
guessing Game

Unit 2 dan Unit 3

Time Activities Media
Opening Activity
1. Teacher greets students
2. Students are invited to sing a song together
with the teacher
3. Students are invited to do a warm-up
Teaching activity
Stages 4. Teacher introduces today’s learning topic
Main Activity
Closing Activity
7. Students are given feedback of their learning
in today’s meeting
8. Students do a reflection of today’s activity
9. Students are asked to conclude today’s
10. Students are invited to sing a song before
the class is dismissed
Teacher dismisses the class
of Outcome

Teacher Cahya Puspita Dewi

Level 7th Grade of Junior High School
Age Groups 12-13 years old
Lesson Topic This is My School
Time 2 x 40 minutes
Meeting 1-2
Overall language Unit 1:
Beside, Between, In front of, Behind, Across from, Right, Left,
Straight, Foward,
Classroom, Library, School yard, Garden, Canteen, Laboratory,
Clinic, Principal’s Office, Toilet,
Turn, Go,

Unit 2:
Camp, explore, dribble, draw, sing, dance, experiment, punch, etc.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, 3 PM, 12 AM, etc.

Unit 3:
Verbs: is, are
Adjectives: comfortable, large, big
Pronouns: There is, There are
Objectives By the end of the session, students are expected to be able to:
1. Use the expression of asking and giving directions properly
2. Describe school festivals and extracurricular activities
3. Write a descriptive text

Time Activities Media

Opening Activity
11. Teacher greets students
12. Students are invited to sing a song together
with the teacher
13. Students are invited to do a warm-up
Teaching activity
Stages 14. Teacher introduces today’s learning topic
Main Activity
Closing Activity
17. Students are given feedback of their learning
in today’s meeting
18. Students do a reflection of today’s activity
19. Students are asked to conclude today’s
20. Students are invited to sing a song before
the class is dismissed
Teacher dismisses the class
of Outcome

Teacher language example

“Today we are coming to a new topic. It is about parts of a house and

taking care of our house. It is in Chapter 3 of the book. The title of
the chapter is ‘Home Sweet Home’. Are you familiar with the word
‘home’? Yes, it is quite similar with house. What does ‘home sweet
home’ mean? Yes, it means our house as the most comfortable place
to live.”

 Look at the picture 3.2 -> This is galang’s house. Do you think galang’s house is

Let’s take a look on the inside. Wow, there are many rooms here

 Say the rooms of the house – dikasih gambar

 Siswa menulis nama ruangan ditabel yang kosong di papan tulis

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