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Notes prepared by Mr. Steve Otieno for Secondary Form Ⅲ physics.



Below are some differences between Heat and Temperature:

o Heat is a form of energy that if gained by a body its degree of hotness increases and
when lost its degree of hotness decreases while Temperature is the degree of hotness
or coldness of a body
o Heat is measured in Joules while Temp is measured in Kelvin
o Flow of Heat is not very precise or accurate while Temp can be measured accurately by
a thermometer.

★ Heat energy can be transferred from one point/body to another if there's temp. difference.

★ The temperature of a body depends on the quantity of heat it receives.

Heat capacity (C)

This is the quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of any given mass of a substance
by 1 Kelvin, K.

C = Heat Energy = Q

Change in temp ∆θ

S.I unit = Joules per Kelvin, J/k

Specific heat capacity (c)

This is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of a unit mass (1 Kg) of substance
by 1 Kelvin, K.

c= Heat Energy

Mass × ∆θ

Notes prepared by Mr. Steve Otieno for Secondary Form Ⅲ physics.

Different masses require different amount of heat for the same temperature rise.

A large mass requires more heat for the same temperature rise.



Q ∝ ∆θ

Q = Km∆θ where K is constant representing c (specific heat capacity)

m is mass in Kgs of a substance

∆θ is change/rise in temperature in the SI unit.

Hence, Q = mc∆θ.

and C = Q/m∆θ

SI unit of Specific heat capacity is J/KgK

▶ The specific heat capacities of some common substances are shown below;

Copper ⇨ 390 J/KgK

Water ⇨ 4200 J/KgK

Brass ⇨ 370 J/KgK

Aluminum ⇨ 900 J/KgK


1. A lady wanted to have a water bath at 40 ℃, she had 5 Kgs of water in a basin at 85 ℃. What
Mass of cold water at 25 ℃ must she add in order to get her choice?


c = 4200 J/KgK

Mass of hot water = 5 kg Assumption;

Hot temp = 85 ℃ (No heat is lost to the Environment)

Cold temp = 25 ℃

Notes prepared by Mr. Steve Otieno for Secondary Form Ⅲ physics.

Fav. temp = 40 ℃

Mass of cold water = ?

so, Heat lost = Heat gained

Heat lost by hot water = mc∆θ

= 5 × 4,200 × (85-40)

= 945000 J

Heat gained by cold water = mc∆θ

= m × 4200 × ( 40-25)

= 63000M

63000m = 945000

m = 15 Kgs


1. 0.2 Kgs of iron at 100℃ is dropped into water of mass 90 grammes at 26 ℃.If no heat is lost
to the environment, calculate the final temperature of water. ( c of iron is 460 J/KgK and water is
4200 J/KgK)


Heat lost by Iron = mc∆θ

= 0.2 × 460 × (100 - θ)

= 9200 - 92θ

Heat gained by water = mc∆θ

= 0.09 × 4200 × (θ - 26)

= 378θ - 9828

Heat loss = Heat gain

9200 - 92θ = 378θ - 9828

θ = 40.49℃

Notes prepared by Mr. Steve Otieno for Secondary Form Ⅲ physics.


It is constructed from a metal of low specific heat capacity to help reduce the heat absorbed by
the container compared to the liquid.

A calorimeter reduces heat loss to the surrounding by;

a) Lagging: It is well lagged reducing heat loss by conduction

b) A well fitting lid/cover: reducing heat loss by convection

c) Highly polished surfaces: reducing heat loss by radiation

Determining specific heat capacity by Method of mixtures.

a) Solids.

Apparatus: Metal block, thread, beaker, water, tripod stand, heat source, well lagged
calorimeter, stirrer, thermometer and cardboard


 Weigh the solid metal block and note its mass (say m)
 Set up the apparatus as shown above and allow the water to boil
 Weigh the calorimeter together with the stirrer to find its mass when empty (say m c)
and pour some water into it
 Weigh the calorimeter with its contents ( say m1) and place it in the insulating jacket

Notes prepared by Mr. Steve Otieno for Secondary Form Ⅲ physics.

 Find the mass of water, (mw) = m1 - mc

 Measure the temperature of the cold water (say θ1 )
 When the water in the beaker has boiled for sometime, note its boiling point (say θ2 )
 Quickly transfer the metal block from the beaker into the cold water in the calorimeter
using the thread.
 Stir the mixture and record the final steady temperature (say θ3 )
Assuming , there's no heat loss to the surrounding during the transfer; then;
Heat loss by the solid(metal block) = Heat gained by water + Heat gained by calorimeter
mc(θ2 - θ3) = mwcw(θ3 - θ1) + mccc(θ3 - θ1)
c = mwcw(θ3-θ1) + mccc(θ3-θ1)

Note; For accuracy by preventing heat loss to the surrounding, the following precautions should
be taken;

 Use a highly polished calorimeter

 Ensure a heavy lagging of the calorimeter
 Use a lid of poor conduction
b) Liquids
Using a solid of known specific heat capacity and replacing the water in the calorimeter with the
liquid whose specific heat capacity is to be determined.the same procedure as in solids above is
then repeated.
Heat lost by hot solid = Heat gained by the calorimeter + Heat gained the liquid in the
Heat gained by the liquid in calorimeter = Heat lost by hot solid - Heat gained by the calorimeter

1. A block of metal of mass 150g at 100℃ is dropped into a well lagged calorimeter of specific
heat capacity 400 J/kgK containing 100g of water at 25℃ ,If the mass of the calorimeter is 50g
and the resulting temperature o the mixture is 34℃ , (take c of water as 4200 J/KgK)determine;
a) The heat gained by the calorimeter
b) The heat gained by water
c) The heat lost by the metal block
d) specific heat capacity of the metal block


a) Heat gained by calorimeter;

Q = mc∆θ

= 0.05 × 400 × (34 - 25)

Notes prepared by Mr. Steve Otieno for Secondary Form Ⅲ physics.

= 180 J

b) Heat gained by water;

Q = mc∆θ

= mc∆θ

= 0.1 × 4200 × (34 - 25)

= 3780 J

c) Heat lost by metal;

Q = mc∆θ

= 0.15 × c × (100 - 34)

= 9.9c

d) Total heat loss = Total heat gain

180 + 3780 = 99c

c = 400 J/KgK

2. A copper calorimeter of mass 0.12 Kg containing a paraffin at 15 ℃. If 0.048 Kg of

aluminum at 100℃ is transferred into the liquid, the final mixture is 27 ℃. Calculate the specific
heat capacity of paraffin neglecting any heat losses to the surrounding. ( Take c of aluminum as
900 J/KgK)


Heat lost by aluminum = mc∆θ

= 0.048 × 900 × (100 - 27)

= 3153.6 J

Heat gained by copper = 0.12 × 400 × (27 - 15)

=576 J

Heat gained by paraffin = 0.1 × c × (27 - 15)

= 1.2c J

Heat loss = Heat gain

Notes prepared by Mr. Steve Otieno for Secondary Form Ⅲ physics.

315.6 = 576 +1.2c

c = 2148 J/KgK

Determination of specific heat capacity using Electrical method

This method is suitable with solids and liquids with good conduction


Set the apparatus as showed below

Note the mass of the solid and its initial temperature θ

Time the duration for the temperature to rise to say θ and note the time t

The heat received by the block equals to the electric energy supplied

That is;

mc∆θ = VIt

c = VIt/m∆θ

Assumptions: No heat is lost to the atmosphere

The heat absorbed by the thermometer and the heater is negligible


A 180 W heater is immersed in a copper calorimeter of a mass 100g containing 200g of alcohol.
When the heater is switched on after 35 seconds, the temperature of the calorimeter and its
contents is raised by 12℃. Find the specific heat capacity of alcohol.

Notes prepared by Mr. Steve Otieno for Secondary Form Ⅲ physics.


Heat supplied = VIt

= 180 × 35

= 6300 J

Heat gained by alcohol = mc∆θ

= 0.2 × c × 12

= 2.4c J

Heat gained by calorimeter = 0.1 × 400 × 12

= 480 J

Heat supplied = Total heat gained

6300 = 480 + 2.4c

c = 2425 J/KgK

Change of State

When water is boiled, the temperature rises until the boiling point. At the boiling point, the
temperature remains constant; although the heat is being absorbed by water, this heat goes
into the water with no increase in the temperature but it is used to convert water from liquid
state to vapour state/gaseous state. The same heat is given out when steam condenses to
water. Since this heat can't be observed, it is called the hidden heat(Latent heat)

Specific latent heat of vaporization (Lv): This is the quantity of heat required to change a unit
mass of a substance from liquid state to vapour state without change of temperature.

SI unit of Lv is J/Kg

Q = mLv

 When phenolphthalein is heated, its temperature rises, at a certain temperature,

(melting point) it changes from solid to liquid with no change in temperature. When it
cools and solidifies, it gives out this heat. This heat is called latent heat of fusion(The
heat energy absorbed during the process of melting)

Notes prepared by Mr. Steve Otieno for Secondary Form Ⅲ physics.

Specific latent heat of fusion (Lf): This is the quantity of heat required to change a unit mass of a
substance from solid state to liquid state without change of temperature. SI unit is J/Kg
Q = mLf

Below is an illustration of various states during heating and cooling;


Water of mass 200g at a temperature of 60℃ is placed in a well lagged copper calorimeter of
mass 80g, A piece of ice at 0℃ and a mass of 20g is placed into the copper calorimeter and the
mixture is stirred gently until all the ice melts. The final temperature, T of the mixture is
measured, determine;

i. The heat absorbed by the melting ice at 0℃

ii. The heat absorbed by ice(water) to rise to a temperature T,(answer may be given in
terms of T)
iii. The heat lost by warm water and calorimeter
iv. The final temperature T of the mixture
{Take Lf of ice as 334000 J/Kg, c of H2O as 4,200 J/KgK and c of Cu as 900 J/KgK)
i) Q = mLf
= 0.02 × 334,000
= 6680 J
ii) Q = mc∆θ
= 0.02 × 4,200 × (T - 0)
= 84T
iii) Q = mc∆θ

Notes prepared by Mr. Steve Otieno for Secondary Form Ⅲ physics.

by water = 0.02 × 4,200 × (60 - T)

= 50400 - 840T
by copper = 0.08 × 900 × (60 - T)
= 4320 - 72T
Total heat lost = 54720 - 912T

iv) Total heat gained = 6680 + 84T

Total heat gained = Total heat lost
6680 + 84T = 54720 - 912T
solving, T = 48.23℃

note: mc∆θ = mLf = mLv = VIt

Boiling point; This is the temperature of a substance at which its saturated vapour pressure
equals to the external atmospheric pressure

o Boiling takes place at a fixed temperature while Evaporation takes place at any
o Boiling takes place throughout the mass of the liquid while Evaporation at the surface
of the liquid
o During Boiling the temp remains constant while during Evaporation temp falls (it causes
cooling effect)
o Boiling is a noisy and rapid process while Evaporation is calm and slow.

Similarities: Both processes involve a change of state( from liquid to gaseous)

Both processes take latent heat of of vaporization

The process of Evaporation

When a liquid acquires heat, it becomes mechanical energy in the molecules, this increases the
kinetic energy of the molecules so it enables them to escape from the cohesion force and
eventually escapes from the liquid due to an increase in continuos random motion.

Notes prepared by Mr. Steve Otieno for Secondary Form Ⅲ physics.

Factors affecting the rate of Evaporation

a) Temperature - An increase in temperature increases the rate of evaporation

b) Surface Area - An increase in surface Area of a liquid increases the rate of evaporation

c) Pressure - Decrease in pressure increases the rate of evaporation

d) Draught/air current/wind - Air currents moving over the surface of a liquid increases the
rate of evaporation

e) The nature of a liquid - Different liquids have different boiling points.

 When methylated spirit is placed at the back of the palm, it feels cold, Explain.
✿ As methylated spirit evaporates, it takes latent heat of vaporization at the back of
the palm hence lowering the temperature
Factors affecting the melting point of a substance
a) Pressure: Increase in pressure increases the melting point of a substance which expand on
melting while it decreases the melting point of a substance which contract during melting
b) Impurities: Impurities decrease the melting point of a substance. The magnitude to which
the melting point is lowered depend on the concentration of impurities dissolved in a liquid
Factors affecting Boiling point of a substance
a) Impurities: Impurities increases the boiling point
b) Pressure: Lowering the pressure lowers the boiling of a liquid and increasing the pressure
increases the boiling point of a liquid

Application of Evaporation
Refrigeration is the process of keeping a substance cooler in a refrigerator. Cooling takes place
when a volatile liquid(Refrigerant) such as Freon (dichlorofloromethane) of boiling point -30 ℃
evaporates inside the copper coil surrounding the freezing box.

Notes prepared by Mr. Steve Otieno for Secondary Form Ⅲ physics.

The vaporizing liquid gets the latent heat from the food's internal energy hence cooling it. The
vapour formed is is removed by an electronic pump into the condenser outside the carbinate
where it is condensed by the pump to liquid form. It gives out latent heat of fusion which is
removed freely using the copper fins. Continuous circulation of the liquid vapour cools the
compartment. The rate of vaporization at the degree of cooling is controlled by a thermostat
which switches the pump motor on and off.


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