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-BY Ibra


flourishing : doing well


undermine : weaken
‫تشويه سمعت شخص‬

simultaneously : at the same time

eclectic : diverse
‫شخص انتقائي‬

accompany : follow

incite : provoke
‫تحريض شخص لفعل سلبي‬

paradox : contradiction

sway : influence
‫تاثير وتحكم بشي‬

inaugural : beginning
mainstream : Well-established
‫شي راسخ‬
antipathy : dislike

therapeutic : healing
‫عالج نفسي‬

consistently : always

emerges : come out

embedded : implanted
‫بدت تصير شي اساسي او زرعت ورسخت فينا‬

hindrance : obstacle

alienation : estrangement
‫شخص يفضل العزله وصعب يختلط بالناس‬

withstand : endure
‫تحملك للشي‬

initiate : begin

analogous : similar
‫مماثل للشي‬

proliferation : spread
‫انتشار واسع‬
prospect : hope
‫امل وطموح‬

Luminous = brilliant

bewildering = confusing
‫مسبب للحيرة‬

afflicted = tormented
‫يعاني بمصيبة ومشكله‬

traumatic = painful

humiliating = demeaning

sever = cut

coherent = understandable
‫ متماسكه‬-‫فكره مفهومه ومنطقيه‬

in retrospect = looking backward

‫يتذكر موقف حصل له وانتهى‬

binding = connecting
abstract = theoretical

transmitted = communicated

persists = continues
‫يتمسك برايه‬

ultimate = final

abyss = deep emptiness

‫معرف اوصفه ياخي بس انتم فاهمين صح؟ مدري من يشوف ذا بس تراك ملقوف‬
consistency = regularity
‫تماسك او تناسق‬

engulfed in = swallowed up by

immersed in = completely involved in

retain = keep

vivid = dramatic

eminent = well-known

unimpaired = undamaged

of this caliber = of this quality

yearns for = desperately desires
eradicate = eliminate

innovations = new methods

‫بطتنا بطت بطن بطتكم‬

Noun Verb Adjective Adverb

alienation alienate alienated x

analogy x analogous x

consistency x consistent consistently

x emerge emerging/emergent x

hindrance hinder x x

proliferation proliferate proliferating x

therapy/therapist x therapeutic therapeutically

affliction affiliate afflicted/afflicting x

bewilderment bewilder bewildered/bewildering bewilderingly

humiliation humiliate humiliated/humiliating humiliatingly

persistence persist persistent x

trauma traumatize traumatic traumatically

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