Econopath: Navigating Dynamic Destinations: Worrawat Saijai Venue: Faculty of Economics 19 August 2023

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EconoPath: Navigating

Dynamic Destinations
19 AU GU ST 2023
Economics can be defined in a few
different ways
It's the study of scarcity, the study of how people use resources and respond to incentives, or
the study of decision-making.
Course Outline
1. Exploring Career Paths
◦ Understanding Economics Skills
◦ Broad Career Categories
◦ Interactive Activity: Self-Assessment

2. Exploring Specific Career Options

◦ Finance and Banking Careers
◦ Consulting and Data Analysis Careers
◦ Public Sector and Policy Careers

3. Preparing for a Successful Career Transition

◦ Networking and Building Professional Relationships
◦ Continuous Learning and Skill Development
1. Exploring
Career Paths
Importance of Career Planning
1) Navigating the Complex Job Landscape : job market today is dynamic and competitive
2) Maximizing Educational Investment: maximize your skills and knowledge
3) Setting Clear Goals: set short-term and long-term >> stay focused
4) Optimizing Skill Development
5) Adapting to Market Trends
6) Mitigating Uncertainty : by solid career plan
7) Enhancing Confidence : a clear vision and networking with sense of purpose could help
8) Unlocking Opportunities (beyond the traditional goal)
9) Promoting Lifelong Learning : mindset of continuous learning and growth, enabling
professionals to stay relevant and competitive in their field.
Img source:
1.1 Understanding Economics Skills
Skills Developed through Economics Education
◦ Critical Thinking
◦ Data Analysis
◦ Problem-Solving
◦ Quantitative Skills
1.2 Broad Career Categories
q Public Sector
q Private Sector
q Academia
q Non-profits
q Finance
q Consulting

Img source:

1.3 Interactive Activity - Self-

1. 4.
Identifying Identifying
Strengths Values

2. 3. 6. 7. Matching
Exploring Evaluating Gathering with Career
Interests Skills Feedback Paths
2. Exploring Specific Career Options
2.1.1 Investment Banking
• A field that specializes in financial advisory, capital
raising, and mergers and acquisitions (M&A)
• Roles within investment banking, such as
investment analysts, associates, and vice presidents

Skill Requirements:
ØA solid understanding of financial markets are
ØProficiency in financial modeling, valuation
techniques, and data analysis tools is highly valued.
2.1.2 Financial Analysis
• Financial analysts assess a company's performance,
financial health, and investment potential.
• Roles of financial analysis are including financial
analysts, credit analysts, and equity researchers

Skill Requirements:
ØA solid understanding of financial markets are
ØProficiency in financial modeling, valuation
techniques, and data analysis tools is highly valued.

Img source: InfosecTrain

2.1.3 Risk Management
• Identifying and mitigating potential risks that could
impact a company's financial stability (why risk is so
• Risk Management, including risk analysts, credit
risk managers, and risk assessors

Skill Requirements:
Østrong analytical skills, a deep understanding of
financial markets, and
ØThe ability to assess and manage potential risks
2.2 Consulting and Data Analysis
Problem-Solving Emphasis
Communication Skills

Img source: seas.gwu.ed

2.2.1 Consulting
• Consultants work across various industries and
• Management consulting as a field where
professionals provide expert advice to organizations
to solve complex business challenges and improve
Skill Requirements:
ØStrong quantitative skills, proficiency in
data analysis software
ØEffective communication
2.2.2 Data Analysis
• Examining, cleaning, transforming, and interpreting
data to extract meaningful insights
• The roles: data analysts, business analysts, and
quantitative analysts
Skill Requirements:
ØStrong quantitative skills, proficiency in
data analysis software, especially in with
large datasets
ØEffective communication
2.3 Public Sector and Policy Careers
2.3.1 Government Agencies
Roles in Government Agencies
◦ Roles in Government Agencies >> Economic Policy Influence
>> positive impact on the economy & policy efficiency
◦ Impact on Economic Policies
◦ Societal Impact
◦ Research Opportunities (evidence-based decision-making)
2.3.2 Policy Think Tanks
Policy Think Tanks
◦ This jobs provide independent analysis and
recommendations on policy issues << bridge the
gap between academia and policymakers
◦ Roles within policy think tanks, such as policy
analysts, economists, and researchers >> conduct
in-depth research and offer insights to guide
public discourse
◦ Influence on Societal Impact
◦ Collaboration with Experts
◦ Application of Economic Theory
◦ Potential for Societal Change
3. Preparing for a Successful Career
q Careful planning can set you up for success
q Networking is a key aspect of career development
q Benefits of networking, such as gaining insights into industries, accessing hidden job
opportunities, and receiving advice from experienced professionals
q Tips for successful networking, such as attending industry events, joining relevant online
3.1 Networking and Building Professional
q Defining Networking
q Importance of Networking
q Benefits of Networking
q Starting Early
q Building a Professional Brand
q Utilizing Social Media : Linkedln
q Attending Industry Events
q Following Up, Maintaining Relationships
q Diverse Connections
3.2 Continuous Learning and Skill
q Continuous Learning and Skill Development
q Lifelong Learning
q Online Courses and Skill Enhancement
q Creating a Career Action Plan
q Guidelines for Creating a Plan
salaries of
in USA
Enployment of
Economists by
Industry in
Australia (2016)

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