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Unit 3: Customer Service & Company Structure

Customer Service
Every business that wants to be successful must support the products or services that they offer with
courteous, helpful, and friendly customer service. Customer service involves building a relationship with your
customers or clients, where you guarantee to repair or replace defective products and listen to their
feedback. In fact, one of the most important parts of customer service is dealing with complaints. Complaints
are an opportunity to learn about mistakes, and if you deal with them carefully, you have the chance to regain
the trust of that customer. Customers whose expectations are satisfied and who understand your
commitment to quality and reliability are more likely to return and do business with you in the future.

Customer service: (n) …………

Client: (n) …………
Courteous: (adj) …………
Guarantee: (v, n) …………
………… product: (n) sản phẩm lỗi
Feedback: (n) …………
Deal: (v) …………; (n) …………
Ex: We are making a deal with the farmer to send a truck to pick up goods two days a week
Ex: This table is such a great deal. I bought it on Shopee
………… the trust: (v) lấy lại niềm tin
Expectation: (n) …………
Satisfy: (v) ………… -> satisfied: (adj) …………; satisfaction: (n) …………; satisfactory: (adj) …………
Ex: I felt satisfied with your satisfactory service
Commitment: (n) …………
Rely (on / upon): (v) ………… -> Reliable: (adj) …………; Reliability: (n) …………

Company Structure
Often a company is a business owned by one owner or proprietor. The owner receives the profit from the
business, but also takes on the risks. When two or more individuals own the business, it is called a
partnership. Some companies merge with others or expand and restructure to become corporations that
raise capital by offering shares to stockholders. The company can use the money from the shares to invest in
its products or services and make a profit. The management of corporations is performed by directors who
do not own the company but follow the instructions of the stockholders. Sometimes a company expands by
making a successful takeover bid for another company through purchasing a majority of the shares. When a
company does business, the earnings received are used to pay overhead (the cost of running the business)
and the stockholders receive the remaining money in the form of dividends.

Proprietor: (n) ………… = Owner

Corporation: (n) ………… (= Incorporated Company)
Profit: (n) ………… -> Make a profit
Interest: (n) …………
Partnership: (n) …………
Merge: (v) …………
Expand: (v) …………
Restructure: (v) …………
Capital: (n) …………
…………: (n) cổ phiếu
…………: (n) cổ phần->…………: (n) cổ đông
Takeover bid: (n) …………
Overhead: (n) …………
Dividend: (n) …………

1. Complete the sentences with the words in italics
1. The ___customer___ comes into a store to make a purchase, but a ___client___ is dependent on the advice
and service of a business. client / customer
2. A ______ on a product is an agreement that the buyer can get money back or a replacement if the product is
defective. Buyers feel better knowing that if the ______ of the product is not up to a high standard, they can get
their money back. guarantee / quality
3. Companies that are ______ to providing good service look at complaints as important ______ that help them
improve their products or service. feedback / committed
4. Customer ______ is important to all companies because if they don't meet the customer’s ______, they will
lose business. expectations / satisfaction
5. A company that provides good ______ gets the reputation of being a ______ company. service / reliable

2. A market researcher asked Monica to write answers to some questions. Read Monica's responses to the
questions. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box.
defective complaint relationships courteous deal with
expectations guarantee satisfaction trust unreliable

1. What have you recently complained to a company about?

Not too long ago, a new store opened at the mall with a big promotion I bought a coffee maker, but when I got
home, I discovered that the product was 1 ___defective___. The healing plate did not heat up, so my coffee
became cold very quickly. Fortunately, the coffee maker had a 2 ______.

2 How would you say your complaint was handled?

I had to wait for a while. But when the woman came to the customer service desk, she was very 3 ______ and
helpful. She listened to my 4 ______ very calmly and she handled the problem very well. She took the coffee
maker and gave me a new one.

3. How important is the way a complaint is handled?

I think that if a business doesn't 5 ______ a complaint quickly then it will lose the 6 ______ of the customer.
We all have 7 ______ about the quality of service and products and if a business doesn't give us 8 ______ we
will think of that business as 9 ______. We probably won’t buy from that company again. On the other hand, if
a business deals with complaints courteously and quickly, then it will build good 10 ______ with its customers

3. Read the extract from a business podcast and fill in the blanks with a word from the box.
proprietor corporation stockholders partnership
produce expansion directors proprietor
One of the most interesting news stories this week was that the 1 ______ of ATC, Phillip Allen, has decided to
enter into a 2 ______ with another well-known business person, Lucia Mendez, to set up a new IT company. It
is understood that the partners will continue as 3 ______ of the new company, which will be called ATech. The
plan is to become a major 4 ______ with of in the high-tech sector. 5 ______ are eagerly awaiting a new share
offering which will raise much needed capital for the 6 ______ plans. It is thought that ATech will 7 ______ a
range of new high-definition mobile communication devices.

4. Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.

1. If this ______ is going to be a success, communication between the ______ must be a priority. partners /
2. There has been a lot of talk recently about a ______ between the Good Old Egg company and the Fancy Cake
company. If these companies ______ , they will be able to put cake products on the market at a much lower
price. merge / merger
3. Bonnie Floyd is on the new______ team. She used to ______ HopScotch Bakeries. management / manage
4. The company would like to ______ but the costs of the ______ may be too high. expansion / expand
5. According to ______ law, the individual stockholders are not responsible for the ______ 's liabilities.
corporation / corporate
6. We are presently undergoing a complete ______. Once we have fully ______ we will be much more
competitive. restructured / restructuring

1. Position and Function of Adjectives
______ danh từ, bổ nghĩa cho ______
Ex: a humorous boy, a tall guy

______ be, linking verbs (become, get, remain, seem, look): thể hiện trạng thái của ______
Ex: The cost of shipping is/ seems high.

______ make, keep, find (câu loại ______): bổ nghĩa cho ______
Ex: The increasing profit makes the proprietor happy
2. Common adjective suffixes

Note: ADJ + ly = ADV

However, some adjectives end with ly

3. Position and Function of Adverbs

Bổ nghĩa cho trạng từ: ______ trạng từ
Ex: The president made the presentation very hesitately

Bổ nghĩa cho tính từ: ______ tính từ

Ex: The cost of petrol is unexpectedly high.

Bổ nghĩa cho động từ: ______ động từ

Ex: We finally finished this project.
Ex: We finished the project tiredly.

Bổ nghĩa cho cả câu: ______ câu

Ex: Unfortunately, there is no product left.
4. Confusable Adverbs
Adverbs with different form and meaning
Late: Lately:
Hard: Hardly:
High: Highly:
Near: Nearly:
Deep: Deeply:
Free: Freely:

1. Choose the correct answer.
1. The updated system is ______ considered to be useful among the entire staff.
(A) general (B) generalize (C) generalized (D) generally
2. Because the questions were not difficult, all the students could ______ solve them.
(A) easy (B) easily (C) ease (D) more easy
3. Technicians must read safety instructions ______ before starting any experiments.
(A) thorough (B) thoroughness (C) thoroughly (D) throughout
4. Our new department store will be ______ located in the heart of the city.
(A) convenient (B) conveniently (C) convenience (D) convene
5. Registration information will be ______ available at the office on the first floor
(A) ready (8) readily (C) readiness (D) readied
6. Identification cards were ______ renewed before the end of the week.
(A) automate (B) automated (C) automation (D) automatically
7. Applicants are encouraged to dress ______ when they are interviewed.
(A) clearly (B) properly (C) dramatically (D) enthusiastically
8. There are ______ a small number of job openings in the sales positions.
(A) quickly (B) highly (C) currently (D) originally
9. The new construction project in the district took much ______ than expected
(A) stronger (B) higher (C) extremely (D) longer
10. All the staff members are encouraged to work ______ to achieve their goals.
(A) adequately (B) collaboratively (C) approximately (D) finally
11. The software company's president is quite ______ about all the different computers.
(A) knowing (B) knowledge (C) knowledgeable (D) know
12. The advertising company is experiencing ______ expansion into international markets.
(A) consider (B) considerably (C) considered (D) considerable
13. The steering committee conducted a ______ review for those long-term strategies.
(A) completing (B) completely (C) complete (D) completion
14. Our financial problems became ______ after a few cost-cutting measures were carried out.
(A) manage (B) manageable (C) management (D) manageably
15. The instructions seemed ______ to follow at first, but later I found them difficult.
(A) easy (B) easily (C) ease (D) easier
“Who” question
Tips: …………………………………………………………….

Listen and fill in the gap below. Try to identify the traps in wrong answers.
1. ______________________________?
(A) Mr. Seed works in Accounting.
(B) The manager gave it to me.
(C) Ms. Laura ____________.
2. ______________________________?
(A). ____________.
(B) It was fixed last week.
(C) It is out of order.
3. ______________________________?
(A) About 30 minutes.
(B) To catch a train.
(C) Gary ____________.
4. ______________________________?
(A) Yes, I'm the manager.
(B) He decided to sign the contract.
(C) Ms. Sanchez ____________.
5. ______________________________?
(A) This will be the last time.
(B) Lorain ____________.
(C) To get some information.

“Where” question
Tips: …………………………………………………………….

Listen and fill in the gap below. Try to identify the traps in wrong answers.
1. ______________________________?
(A) To see my relatives.
(B) ____________.
(C) No, in 3 days.
2. ______________________________?
(A). ____________ Grandas ____________.
(B) I'll visit Italy for a conference.
(C) Your stay was long enough.
3. ______________________________?
(A) She put the letters in large envelopes.
(B) The mail was late.
(C) ____________ Mr. Baker's ____________.
4. ______________________________?
(A) ____________.
(B) I rented a car yesterday.
(C) I haven't returned the car.
5. _______________Karen_______________?
(A) ____________.
(B) Her works were excellent.
(C) She wants to work in Accounting.

“When” question
Tips: …………………………………………………………….

Listen and fill in the gap below. Try to identify the traps in wrong answers.
1. ______________________________?
(A) Since last week.
(B) For 3 days.
(C) ____________.
2. ______________________________?
(A) ____________.
(B) The proposal was sent to the office.
(C) Yes, four days ago.
3. ______________________________?
(A) It's ten pages long.
(B) ____________.
(C) About a week ago.
4. ______________________________?
(A) Because of the recession.
(B) They are well qualified.
(C) ____________.
5. _______________Karen_______________?
(A). ____________.
(B) So is the train.
(C) It's near the station.

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