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[This question paper contains 2 printed pages.

Sr. No. of Question Paper : 5248 D Your Roll No ............... .

w-1~ CfiT ~ 31'TtfCfiT .:H'j)Stl'li {Cfl ............. ..

Unique Paper Code 231552

N arne of the Course : B.A. (Prog.) : III
41Q>l!Stl'li CfiT ~ : ~.l;f. (~.) : ~

N arne of the Paper Issues in World History - I : The 20th Century

Semester I Annual Vth Semester

~~~ :~~

Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 7 5

Wflf:3w ~:75

Instructions for Candidates

1. Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt of this question paper.
2. Attempt any five questions.
3. All questions carry equal marks.
4. Answers may be written either in English or. in Hindi; but .the same medium should
be used throughout the paper.

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1. What is modernity ? Discuss in the context with the capitalist industrialisation.

2. Write an essay on 'imperialism'.

5248 2

3. What were the causes of the First World War ?

4. Discuss the various issues taken up by the Paris Peace Conference of 1919.

5. Discuss the organisation ofthe League of Nations. Did it resolve the political
crises in Europe ?

6. What was the impact of Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 on Russia and the different
parts of the world ?

7. Write an essay on the impact of Great Depression (1929-33) on industrialised

world and semi-colonial world.

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8. Did the collapse of the parliamentary democracy in Italy led to the rise Fascism?

9. Did the policy of appeasement was responsible for the Second World War ?

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10. Write short notes on any two of the following :-

(a) Treaty of Versailles

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(b) Contemporary Era
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(c) Liberalism

(d) Mandate System

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