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Vrffiutl,afkr Y : 7<wV6htlnbavrg >o>Zltgq-j, to [oslz-o>^p

(! a- a(us+vak ka^ r"rarbe+ e4uil,biww$ ac,hia,yL4 n +t{h^drv-atbd

Pn'cc (em) hord tAa,fu,l

HnW <4yil'Vriurr t achiuotr r'r &e bor^d walcp*

Nt'e" it?(bn -- Bd) bo.d qln|hovd, fur"o,wd

ar<- ir*Ur4.ff , ft is occil*

lt r'i u-Le.h

)"q auovfi *l.a y.ytt.arc ruilfiq t Ld,^o"afvE) t2

ir I l'e- qffD\l,+ l'nd yVarc * h k)l

bd / 0s) a+ CL

u9 [o (9 >o L5 Z0

b. Fqdsvs *k^4 c4n s fi(+ fiLi.- ds,a,^d {"r. bor^o{s

x Ne-qlli^

lU[0.r" in a hniy.pgg de ex?onsion ,.)rl1 wl4llt ,*k d,u ay.Q {n bo^7t n&S arn^d 4l.Llapn^d
cw'tu {ov bnds shr"f+ {"1k { . MorlwLig Nt rursgion , il,vt inlout- qn| Wullln aw 4a , ilt ar-*qw\
S. hxds {atte arud Wtrt}^^tud uvte gnd4 {"ttole.P+

!+ yatv,'rr
re-funr', {.r r^ Von4 ulntoln r^t-qt^ oA + t rWpl ol Vlu*l ulx . Lo{
\AWaq ralLs i,\ *t {vtrre lnww W trlp}l} ru*rtvrr &r I lwu bw.ds , decrras" ]+t de*,ard atd
sl^t{* *^e d.o*ard utvt4" \LLIL{i .t{oqr^h;lu la,*+ q, wl.trrt in+eteEt ralu lt.fra &fure iacnawtan_
aler,"at^d lor AwrqbwAc
"nl shr[-[ fudevad clyw1.](tp-vtflLl e-c dly, ol tt'r elhw agd
l*4 [01'1yfl ovr oltu asg]g 9lrry& is h *ran 1+e bud, deawasa *e aard. da,v,at^td at^j *L'.,(y

Ik clrwsv,d cqrvc .{. +11tL++ ov,ol. vw vo-rse yl t"w+ /rArn d,\ olfu asrdE +.+re ded
4,,\. trcfrrg(, i^ +t qlu *lxf{ahorns l%r.,s-Ilr- xlurr,, &v bordg, l+eirclwsndh &d,w
a^4 fu fuu"v'd aurvo Sh(t +" "tle lrt+
x lrlk o{ borc[$.

lo r\uot*, ln,th M iiiEir'zJs * bat ds caL$us -lu ieuard{or Uords 4r{all ad4e du,q,dclwt sL{+"fu )Lt)rh+
An rvc.roa(e tn *LertsYrwr Dl allwrat,tA asds cq\$6 41,9 tradS .h rsul ad Ae 4e*nrdortyVrJh#+ k +t{ ryt+
)+ 4 bords

\n Vuprg, o+ bt^ds resu lE in q\ \vwonL&vandkr b^dc q"d hpdrranot a)fi(. sl^rff* w

lxcvvace. \, o.{ a\}wvhw Ms tova{s.4a fu W,ds d skrti iz olowyd c,trva ia 4te-tplt
YJn{orrv.a'lnan rgb o{ fondc

Jr""[orn^rnhwr c$k o+ kydc artW ct514 essodettA yn rrzr&r,vlafiarr ort botds . \^6s"tN Nrltrruah61a qa

resvf-fs -fui q,\ tuarzdud }zqds ,b"e )a.wt^d arwo

{v 9\iff + +fe r-i 41d u;st vo-rsq i{
$t rn&t,vtnahor \l r,nuoh tager

'i./'*rl{ '6td
No Date:

o W %^d.r4crkd rQx *tt olted ol an rtroe, u fl,t Iw)

0n n&J it,)rturvr el \,*we*t oftet

?n'gy (bs) Wd tAaM [tu uy4alax-tn Atte b uAzau r)4 Mfur+ ,al1-5 qv<

, bs, W.+r*+,r, c)tmand is ac utdl asfln

ll bo^ol Vo

Tt^ir ,t11 a+p* *tt b^d. a,l"w {rna^ola|,\4 sd a,illsh,4
P- Q,Y
&t ThL lh+frlee+ rzle tv,tWag4 n dqe .{."lLe \/e-

i -84, rotat orSli

t1z49b A&ht\ LOa

@ * ol Townw,+ "lAul in lu*vtztL,q1 o^ 14a wo,kt* * b,-1, ryd ,vf"te* valt, l" qL\

lrt 4o{ rnt )e{tc{l nr u, ),tt rvtavkL* of bord *rll +te

6; *a\k { tv,craase- &*+ar 4 Lr^d. 'Th's a,itl sh't*-[t{ q, anwk +h- +

Mna yrlruh-r1o on *rt M+{t+ rcolu rv.a \t^yaft-ol +a t^Ute&L ac pl our+nilwvztl W"d WdS & darqN v
varefuLw * b^de .'ry.enFrt Aft dear-^cLfn ,W,vl na.S uuttl $ueace fi,e rvtkag+ {a+€

So, )+z bow{ Wtas qd v'*uesl at* ave r'rovo ir,


rA,d-ol C ?ro,{uua-0nnewoL) on nnoVr-rharl o{ Vtlue*r^tae ,

i\'kcroact teVo) *tng\ ral,,awqltfifibn o[ &DSrdrres "+,,L


:Ho 140,

lr)0 >il) j@ t{00 D0 n0 e00 r{oru,1 ( ut )

ii) r^r^u Y4 a drrrr.qca W tu nn4e ,U.{t o walvet

lntat+ra{t C-r, )



t\oo ,coo No Qoo, sooo

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