5 Simple Things To Reduce Cancer Risk

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5 Simple Things

to Do Daily to
Reduce Cancer Risk
by Nathan Crane

This e-book may contain general information relating to various medical conditions
and their treatment. Such information is provided for informational purposes only
and is not meant to be a substitute for medical advice.

You should not use the information contained herein for diagnosing a health or
fitness problem or disease. You should always consult with your physician or other
qualified health care professional for medical advice or information about diagnosis
and treatment.

The information in this e-book and on our website is presented ”as is” for educational
purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or
advice of a qualified, licensed medical professional.

The facts presented in this e-book or on the website are offered as information
only, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone infer that we are practicing

We recommend that you do your own independent research before using or

purchasing anything.
One in every two people will develop cancer during their lifetime, according to a
2015 study by Cancer Research UK (CRUK). 1

The question now is:

If a family member or a close friend has been diagnosed, what are the chances you
or a loved one becomes diagnosed as well?

Well, the good news is that a major study that came out in the world-renowned
peer reviewed journal Nature states that upwards of 90% of cancer is related to
diet, lifestyle, and environment.

That means the majority of cancers can be prevented by optimizing your diet,
lifestyle, and environment.

In addition, through the great work of scientific pioneers like Bruce Lipton, world-
renowned cell biologist, the leading-edge science of epigenetics now tells us that
even if you have genes that are predisposed to cancer, you can modulate gene

Meaning you can prevent them from ever expressing into cancer by your thinking
and emotional state, diet, environment, and lifestyle.

So while there are many diet, lifestyle, environmental, and mental/emotional

practices and strategies that can contribute to helping you live and stay cancer-

...in this e-book, you’ll learn 5 scientifically backed practices and strategies you can
do daily to help prevent cancer from ever expressing in your body, helping you live
healthier, longer, and cancer-free.

The first one is...


Prevention Tip #1: Breathwork Meditation

If you’re concerned about getting cancer and want to lower the chances of getting
diagnosed, you can start doing breathwork meditation.

Breathwork meditation is an ancient practice that’s been gaining popularity for its
impressive health benefits.

Compared to the natural breathing that keeps our organs working and us alive,
doing breathwork meditation is more intentional.

It’s relaxing, it can help reduce stress and release anxiety, and if done regularly can
even help prevent cancer.


When you exhale more deeply and longer

than you inhale, the vagus nerve — the nerve
that runs from your neck down through your
diaphragm, connecting every organ your
body — signals your brain to activate the
parasympathetic nervous system or PSNS. 2

The parasympathetic nervous system is

responsible for the body’s rest and digestion
response when the body is feeding, resting, or

It slows down your heart and breathing

rates and helps the body enter the rest, heal,
and digest state, helping with recovery and
cellular healing.

Similarly, it helps strengthen the immune

system 3 through…
Boosting CD-4/T-cells (a type of
1 T-cells). These immune system’s
helper cells signal other immune
cells to destroy pathogens and
abnormal cells, including cancer

https://health.clevelandclinic.org/how-mindfulness-training 2
2 Maintaining healthy levels of inflammation to support the immune
system’s optimal functioning to fight diseases like cancer.

3 Increasing telomerase activity to prevent premature aging and cancer. 4

In fact, according to Rudolph E. Tanzi, PhD, Professor of Neurology at Harvard

Medical School...

Doing meditation engages restorative activity that may provide relief

to the immune system through easing the day-to-day stress of a body
constantly trying to protect itself. 5

This makes our immune system ready to fight against and kill cancer cells.

If you’re new to breathwork meditation, here are 3 breathwork meditation practices

you can do daily to protect yourself from developing cancer.


Qigong (pronounced chee-gong) is an ancient Chinese health care system that

combines physical postures, breathing techniques, and meditation to maintain
health and fitness. 6

It consists of slow, gentle movements and

meditation that promotes inner peace, health,
and overall well-being.

Scientific evidence suggests that regular

practice of qigong may also help with cancer
prevention and survival. 7

In fact, in a 2018 study published in the journal

of Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry,
researchers found that patients with lung
cancer who did qigong showed significant
improvements regarding the spread of cancer
cells in their bodies. 8

https://www.iqim.org/about/history-of-qigong/ 3
Another study published in the Complementary Therapies in Medicine journal
also showed that cancer patients who did qigong improved their immune system
health, which helps protect the body from the spread of cancer cells. 9

If you want to prevent cancer, qigong is a great option for you.

Yogic Breathing

Yogic breathing, often referred to as

pranayama, is an ancient form of healing for
the body and mind.

It started in India over 5,000 years ago but is

still practiced today for its promising health
benefits, especially for people with cancer. 10

To do yogic breathing, you need to deliberately

inhale, exhale, and hold your breath.

Doing this activates the parasympathetic

nervous system, which helps calm the mind
and boost the immune system, in turn helping
to prevent cancer.

In a study with 583 breast cancer patients,

those who did yoga said they experienced
lower cancer-related fatigue. 11

Another study with patients receiving cancer

chemotherapy showed improvement in sleep
and anxiety after doing yogic breathing. 12

Overall, yogic breathing not only makes you

feel calm and relaxed, but also increases your
chances of preventing and recovering from

To help your body express its optimum health

and help prevent cancer, practice 10-30
minutes of yogic breathing on a daily basis.

Transformational Breathwork

People diagnosed with cancer usually react

negatively to the news. But believe it or not,
the way a person responds to cancer or any
disease plays a crucial role in their healing.

Overly strong emotions such as anxiety and

depression can eventually inhibit the body’s
natural healing functions. In the long run,
this can damage tissues and interrupt other
biological processes, which may lead to
further health issues.

This is where transformational breathwork


Transformational breathwork is another

breathing technique that helps in healing and
preventing various diseases, including cancer.

You see: cancer is an anaerobic disease, meaning it cannot survive with a high
concentration of oxygen.

Transformational breathing helps oxygenate the cells with deep breathing.

Extended deep breathing also stimulates the energy flow between the mind and
body. This removes energy tensions and blockages that are held in the organs and
body’s soft tissue.

A study at the University of California, San Francisco called the Malignant Melanoma
Project showed that cancer patients who did transformational breathing lowered
the tumor’s mitotic rate, lessened the tumor’s thickness, and had greater lymphocyte
infiltration. 13

Similarly, staying relaxed and calm, with the help of transformational breathing,
has a direct connection to boosting immune health.

As you already know, a healthy immune system fights against and kills cancer cells.
This helps us live healthier, longer, and cancer-free.


If you want to prevent or protect yourself from cancer risk, you may want to try doing
transformational breathwork, or Holotropic Breathwork, under the guidance of an
accredited practitioner. This may include self-induced hyperventilation, evocative
music, and catharsis — often leading to what many refer to as a “therapeutic” crisis
that helps flush away negative feelings and energies leading to a deeper place of
healing mentally, emotionally and physically.

Overall, breathwork exercises are easy, fun, and beneficial ways to help you live

For best results, you can do any of these breathwork exercises for 15-30 minutes a
day, both in the morning and evening consistently.

To learn more about energy healing, meditation, and breathwork science and
practices, make sure to attend the Conquering Cancer Summit, where we dive
deeply into these subjects with world-renowned experts.

Another way to help reduce your risk of cancer is through doing TRE or time-
restricted eating.

Prevention Tip #2: Time-Restricted Eating (TRE)

If you follow the latest dieting trends, you’ve been concerned about your diet lately,
you’ve probably heard about intermittent fasting.

Compared to other diets that limit your food choices, intermittent fasting limits
your time to eat so that you consume fewer calories, allowing your body to switch
its focus and energy from digestion to healing and repair, to help prevent cancer.

One of the most popular forms of intermittent fasting is time-restricted eating or


When you’re on TRE, you eat only within a specific number of hours each day. 14

One of the most practiced TRE diets is 16/8 intermittent fasting.


What is 16/8 Fasting?

16/8 fasting restricts your eating to 8 hours

per day while you fast for the remaining 16

For example: you can eat 2-3 meals between

12 noon and 8 pm, and you stop eating after
8 PM until 12 noon the next day.

You can count your sleeping hours during the

16-hour fasting period, which can contribute
at least 50% of your fast.

Doing TRE helps with weight loss, blood

sugar, and blood pressure management.

Ultimately, it helps to prevent cancer, too! 15

A study in 2016 found that 34 men who

followed the 16/8 method for 8 weeks lost fat
mass. Their muscle mass remained constant
throughout, improving their resistance to
diseases, including cancer. 16

In a 2017 annual review of nutrition, animal research showed that 16/8 fasting
lowers the risk of fatty liver disease and cancer. 17

Surprisingly, a 2016 study of 2,413 breast cancer patients discovered that women
who did less than 13 hours of fasting were 36% more likely to get breast cancer
again compared to those who did more than 13 hours of fasting. 18

How is that possible?

When you fast for 16 hours or longer, your body enters autophagy, which helps in
cancer prevention.

https://www.annualreviews.org/doi/full/10.1146/annurev-nutr-071816-064634 7
What is Autophagy?
Autophagy is derived from the Greek words
“auto”, meaning self, and “phagein”, meaning
eat. Together, the name translates to “eat the

While “eat the self” sounds strange, that’s

actually what’s happening inside your body.
Your body is eliminating and recycling old
and damaged cells. This is a natural bodily
function that helps flush old and damaged
cells from the body and regenerate new and
healthy cells.

Too many damaged cells can lead to chronic

inflammation that can affect the body’s
normal functioning. It can also trigger the
development of diseases such as cancer. 19

When your body enters autophagy, the

organelle lysosomes look for damaged cells
and salvage them. It also breaks down and
recycles these damaged cells into new cells
or uses them to provide energy to existing
cells. 20

The process of recycling old and sick cells

is shown to minimize cancer risk and

Moreover, it helps stop the accumulation of toxins in the damaged cells, prevent
infected cells from gathering, kill cancer cells, and halt tumor development. 21 22

With autophagy, you can prevent cancer and heal the body.

To successfully start and increase autophagy, the body needs low liver glycogen.
You can make this happen if you practice 16-hour fasting consistently. 23

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6274804/#B9-ijms-19-03466 8
How Can You Do 16/8 Fasting?

To start TRE such as 16/8 fasting, you can follow the steps below.

Choose an 8-hour window when you want to eat your food.

Some people prefer eating between 12 noon to 8 pm and fasting overnight
until breakfast. Others choose to eat between 9 am and 5 pm and start
fasting after that window.

Feel free to experiment on your eating and fasting hours depending on

your schedule.

To get the full benefits of TRE to help prevent cancer, it’s important you eat
plant-based, whole, organic, and nutrient-dense foods. Some of the best
are the G-BOMBS are outlined by one of our world-renowned medical
doctors and nutritional experts, Dr. Joel Fuhrman, in the Conquering
Cancer Summit.

G-BOMBS stands for Greens, Beans, Onions, Mushrooms, Berries, and Seeds.

These foods aid in the prevention of cancerous transformation of normal


They also keep the body armed and ready to fight any precancerous or
cancerous cells that may attack the body.

Below is a list of healthy foods you want to add to your diet during your
8-hour eating window.

• Broccoli • White button mushrooms

• Cabbage • Cremini mushrooms
• Cauliflower • Portobello mushrooms
• Spinach • Oyster mushrooms
• Lettuce • Shiitake mushrooms
• Peas • Blueberries
• Lentils • Goji berries
• Legumes • Raspberries
• Pinto beans • Strawberries
• Red kidney beans • Blackberries
• Spanish onions • Flaxseed
• Shallots • Sesame seeds
• White onions • Chia seeds
• Pearl onions • Hemp seeds
• Red onions • Sunflower seeds

To make your diet healthier and more appetizing, you can prepare any of
the 31 anti-cancer foods from the Anti-Cancer Recipe e-book available as
part of the Conquering Cancer Summit.

You can also learn more recipes and other natural and healthy anti-cancer
practices during the Conquering Cancer Summit. Make sure you reserve
your spot to learn how these foods can help you prevent and heal cancer.

2 Stay hydrated during your 16-hour

fasting period.

Make sure you drink only calorie-

free and sugar-free beverages
such as water, green tea, black
coffee, and/or apple cider vinegar
during TRE.

These non-caloric drinks make

you feel full so you don’t crave
other things during your fasting

3 For best results, start with 12 hours of fasting first, then over the course of
the next 2-3 weeks work up to 16 hours of fasting.

Start your TRE window at 8 pm and eat your first meal at 8 am the
following day when beginning with 12 hours.

After your body has adjusted, you can fast for 14 hours, then finally
work up to 16 hours.

Most people start their fasting from 8 pm until 12 noon the next day.

It’s best to stop eating 3 hours before you go to bed to allow the stomach
to properly digest your food before going to sleep, allowing your body
even deeper healing while you sleep.

4 Stay consistent doing your preferred TRE window.

You can start once or twice a week and work up to doing it every day.

The more frequently you fast, the better it can help start autophagy,
which is important in preventing cancer.

TRE allows your digestive system to take a

break from the constant work of breaking
down and digesting food.

Because of this, your digestive system needs

enough time to adjust before it returns to
digesting foods after fasting.

It’s also not advisable to eat a large meal

right away. This is to make sure you’re not
overwhelming your digestive system as it may
result in bloating and other discomfort. 24

To get the most out of TRE, and to help prevent

the risk of cancer, Dr. Joel Fuhrman suggests
you break your fast and replenish your cells
with highly nutritious green vegetable juice.


Prevention Tip #3: Green Vegetable Juicing

There are 2 types of beverages you can prepare using green vegetables: juice and

Both juice and smoothies are excellent ways to add cancer-fighting green vegetables
to your diet.

The question is, which of the two provides more promising benefits in preventing

Juicing or smoothies?

Green vegetable juicing, also known as cleansing, extracts juice from the pulp of
green vegetables and herbs. You can also mix in some fruits — like berries, apples,
and kiwis — to make your vegetable juice taste better and to benefit from the
vitamins, phytonutrients, and antioxidants found in fruits and berries.

Compared to blending, green juicing isolates the liquid of the produce from the
fibrous portions. This leaves only the essential nutrients, phytochemicals, and
vitamins the body needs after fasting.

While fiber is important to a healthy digestive system, removing the fiber in a single
glass of green juice makes it easier for the body to absorb and digest nutrients and
vitamins quickly.

On the other hand, when you drink a smoothie, you need to consume more blended
vegetables to get the same amount of nutrients as in a single glass of green juice.
While smoothies are fantastic, eating fresh whole foods is even better.

Between juicing and smoothies, juicing replenishes valuable nutrients in your body
right after you fast.

In addition, juicing minimizes cancer risk by boosting your immune system,
removing toxins from your body, and aiding in digestion to help you lose weight.

To prepare your green juice and make it taste better, here is a healthy recipe you
can try:

1 1/3 cruciferous vegetables such as bok choy, kale, arugula, or cabbage

(3 ounces)

2 1/3 leafy greens that are not cruciferous, like dark green lettuce and
baby greens, spring mix, sprouts, cucumber, or celery (3 ounces)

3 1/3 beets and carrots for carotenoids and flavor (3 ounces)

During fasting, your body loses nutrients and

vitamins that are found in greens.

This is why it’s important to add G-BOMBS to

your diet and consider drinking green juices
to break healthily from your fast.

Cruciferous vegetables, which are a group of

green foods in the cabbage family, contain
glucosinolates, a unique chemical that can
help fight cancer in several ways.

It helps deactivate carcinogens, reduce

inflammation, neutralize oxidative stress,
slow the growth of tumors, protect you from
free radicals, and kill cancer cells. 25

Baby greens, such as spinach and lettuce, are

high in antioxidants like beta-carotene and
lutein, which can help stop cancer cells from

The younger the greens, the more antioxidants

they contain. 26

https://www.firstpost.com/health/nutritionist-decodes-health-benefits-of-consuming- 13
Adding beets and carrots to your juice not only improves its taste but also increases
your immunity to cancer.

The red pigment in beets called betacyanin reduces inflammation and protects
your body against the development of cancerous cells. 27

Carrots, on the other hand, contain beta-carotene, an antioxidant that protects

cells from toxicity and slows cancer cell growth.

They’re also high in vitamins and phytochemicals, which help prevent cancers of
the mouth, esophagus, and stomach. 28

So, to stay healthy and protect yourself against cancer, reward yourself with a glass
of green juice every morning after your TRE fasting.

Another way of keeping yourself protected from cancer risk is by eating mushrooms.

Prevention Tip #4: Mushrooms

Mushrooms are powerful antioxidants that

help guard the body against cancer.

In fact, they are the richest dietary source

of ergothioneine, a unique and powerful
antioxidant, and a cellular protector. 29

Just recently, a massive meta-analysis

looking at thousands of people from 1966-
2020 found that participants who ate 18
grams (g) of mushrooms daily (about 2
small mushrooms) had a 45% decrease in
the relative risk of cancer compared with
participants who did not eat mushrooms. 30

Mushrooms are anti-inflammatory foods.

They help stimulate the immune system,
prevent DNA damage, slow cancer cell
growth, kill cancers, and inhibit the growth
of new blood cells.

https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/04/210421200133.htm 14
They also contain aromatase inhibitors, which are largely responsible for lowering
estrogen levels in postmenopausal women for breast cancer prevention.

If you’re looking to add mushrooms to your diet, below are the top anti-cancer
mushrooms you’ll want to try.


Reishi, otherwise known as Ganoderma

lucidum, is commonly referred to as the
mushroom of longevity. This is the most
commonly used mushroom for cancer
prevention and tumor growth inhibition. 31

In China, reishi is used to boost the immune

system of cancer patients undergoing
chemotherapy or radiation therapy.

Turkey Tail

Turkey tail contains a compound called

polysaccharide-K (PSK) that strengthens the
immune system and inhibits tumor growth.

It also contains a variety of phenol and

flavonoid antioxidants, which boost immune
system health by reducing inflammation and
fighting certain types of cancers. 32

https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/turkey-tail-mushroom#TOC_TITLE_HDR_4 15

Maitake is often referred to as the “king of the

mushrooms.” Compared to other mushrooms,
maitake is found to be more efficient in
preventing and killing cancerous cells because
of its active ingredient, beta-glucan, which
boosts the body’s overall immune response. 33


Agaricus boosts the immune system and has

anticancer properties that help prevent the
formation of blood vessels necessary for tumor
growth. 34

Taking agaricus also reduces some of the side

effects of chemotherapy such as weakness
and loss of appetite.


Shiitake is well-known for its compound

lentinan, which helps stop cancer cells from
spreading and lowers the recurrence rates of
patients diagnosed with cancer. 35

https://www.mskcc.org/cancer-care/integrative-medicine/herbs/agaricus 16

Chaga mushrooms are high in antioxidants,

which fight free radicals and inflammation.
This mushroom also fights oxidative stress and
may prevent or slow cancer growth. 36


Cordyceps stimulates the immune system by

increasing cancer-fighting cells and extending
the life of white blood cells. It has anti-tumor
properties and also protects the kidneys from
the side effects of chemotherapy. 37

You may dislike mushrooms because of their

interesting texture, but they are proven to be
helpful in reducing your risk of cancer.

The good news is that you can now prepare

mushrooms and make them taste delicious!

How to Prepare Your Mushrooms

Sauteing is probably the simplest way to prepare mushrooms. If you’re unsure
what to do with a mushroom, saute it in water or a tiny amount of organic olive or
coconut oil and add a pinch of sea salt and pepper.

https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/cordyceps-benefits#TOC_TITLE_HDR_3 17
Mushrooms can also be roasted. To make chewy yet crispy mushrooms, toss bite-
sized mushrooms with olive oil, salt and pepper, and any herbs or seasonings and
roast for 15 minutes.

You can also steam your mushroom. Toss them in a green sauce such as pesto and
add some herbs and spices to make the dish more appetizing.

You should avoid frying and boiling your mushrooms, as this results in the loss of
antioxidant compounds in the mushrooms.

Start adding 2 small mushrooms per day to your diet to lower your cancer risk.

Another important thing you can do to prevent cancer is through...

Prevention Tip #5: Medicinal Movement

Aside from a poor diet, being physically

inactive also puts you at risk of developing

Sitting, reclining, or lying down for long

periods is a risk factor for developing many
chronic diseases, including cancer. 38

During a 24-hour day, the average person

sits, stands, or lies down for approximately 22

The other two hours are made up of short

walks to the bathroom or to and from the car.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human

Services’ physical activity guidelines for
Americans recommends that to reduce the
risk of chronic diseases, including cancer,
adults should engage in:


150 to 300 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity, 75 to 100
1 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity, or an equivalent combination of
the two each week.

2 Muscle-strengthening activities at least 2 days a week.

3 Balance training in addition to aerobic and muscle-strengthening

activity. 39

Simply move your body for at least 30 minutes each day and you’re much more
likely to stay healthy and safe from cancer risk.

You can simply follow the schedule below or do something similar to start your
medicinal movement:

Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 30 minutes of

1 yoga or qigong followed by 30 minutes of light-
moderate intensity exercise like swimming,
fast walking, light cycling, or jogging. You can
split this up in the morning and afternoon or
do them back to back.

Tuesday and Thursday: 30 minutes of strength

2 training using bodyweight calisthenics,
gymnastics, free weights, weightlifting, or
powerlifting, plus 30 minutes of vigorous-
intensity exercise like faster running, spin class,
cardio kickboxing, faster cycling, or Crossfit.

Saturday: 30 minutes of yoga or qigong

3 followed by 60 minutes of light-moderate
exercise like jogging, cycling, or swimming -
again, you can split these up or do them back
to back.

4 Sunday: Rest

When you move the body the way it was designed to move, many natural healthy
processes take place, including the pumping and flushing of the lymphatic system.

What is the Lymphatic System?
The lymphatic system is a major component of the immune system.

The lymphatic system helps remove waste from the body such as toxins, abnormal
cells, and cancer cells.

If you don’t contract your muscles daily, your lymphatic system will be overburdened
by toxins and abnormal cells, which can eventually lead to chronic diseases like

Therefore, keeping yourself active daily will help prevent cancer in the long run.

As the old adage says, prevention is better than cure.

If you want to minimize the risk of being diagnosed with cancer, you can start
by practicing healthy habits like breathwork meditation, time-restricted eating,
juicing, adding mushrooms to your diet, and implementing a medicinal movement

Do these things consistently so you can enjoy a

cancer-free life.

To learn more about natural ways to heal and prevent

cancer, join us at the Conquering Cancer Summit.

This is a multi-day event with loads of valuable

information from expert practitioners, doctors, and
cancer conquerors to help you start and maintain an
empowering journey to a cancer-free life.

If you or someone you know has cancer and wants to

stop or prevent it, now is the time to take charge of
your life.

Make sure to attend the Conquering Cancer Summit.

Yours in health,

Nathan Crane
Cancer Researcher & Natural Health Advocate

Nathan Crane

Nathan Crane is an award-winning author, inspirational speaker, plant-based

athlete, Amazon #1 bestselling author, and 20x award-winning documentary

Nathan is the Director of the Health and Healing Club, Host of the Conquering
Cancer Summit, and Director and Producer of the documentary film, Cancer; The
Integrative Perspective.

In 2005, at only 18 years old, Nathan began his health, healing, and spiritual journey,
eventually overcoming a decade of brutal teenage addiction, house arrest, jail, and
challenging times of homelessness to become an international author, filmmaker,
and speaker dedicated to health, healing, and conscious awakening.

Nathan has received numerous awards for his contribution to health, healing, and
personal development including the Accolade Film Competition 2020 Outstanding
Achievement Humanitarian Award and the Outstanding Community Service
Award from the California Senate for his work in education and empowerment
with natural and integrative methods for healing cancer.

With more than 15 years in the health and wellness field, Nathan has reached
millions of people around the world with his inspiring messages of hope, healing,
and transformation.

His website is NathanCrane.com


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