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1. Self-respect movement(1920s) : lead by ev Ramaswamy

Naicker, aimed rejection of Brahminical culture by
formalisation of wedding without bhamin priest.
2. Temple entry movement: place(Kerala ) , vaikom
satyagraha in 1924 by K.P keshva to throw open temple
and road for untouchable, after civil disobedient
movement it was further led which result in issue of
proclamation entry of Hindu temple by maharaja of
Travancore in 1936. Leader involved were AK Gopalan ,P
Krishna pillai . C Rajagopalan Chari issued same
proclamation in 1938 in madras
3. Justice movement: to secure job and representation in
legislature in madras to non-brahmins . leader involved in
this movement were C.N. Mudaliar, T.M. Nair and P.
4. Indian social conference: Founded by M.G. Ranade and
Raghunath Rao met annually at same time and place
where Indian national congress met . it focus on social
issue. It advocated intercaste marriage, opposed polygamy.
It launched pledge movement against child movement.
5. Akali movement(1921): Aimed at liberating gurudwara
from corrupt mahanth who was loyalist to government.
This led to passing of sikh gurudwara act of 1922 creating
sirmoni gurudwara prabandhak committee as apex body to
administer gurudwara by masses
6. Singh sabha movement(1873) : objective 1) western
education to Sikhs 2) to counter conversion movement of
Cristian missionary ,arya samajist , brahmo samajist and
Muslim maulvis
7. Lucknow session (1916) of Inc is presided by Ambika
Charan Majumdar
8. Gandhi ji caste movement : establishment of all india anti-
untouchability league(September 1932) , weekly journal
harijan, toured entire India for campaign of removing
untouchability, urged political leader to go to village and
work for upliftment of harijan , undertook 2 fast to
convince his follower about seriousness of untouchability
9. Calcutta session of 1906:
 Goal of Indian congress was defined as swaraj , self-
rule like colony of Australia , Canada
 Resolution supporting boycott ,swadeshi, national
education was passed
10. Reason for split in congress
 Extremist wanted to extend boycott movement
outside Bengal and include all form of
 association (council, law court , government
 Whereas moderate was against extending
boycott beyond Bengal and against boycott of
council and similar association
11. Lukhnow pact between congress and Muslim league
 Annulment of partition of Bengal in 1911
shocked muslim elite who supported it
 British refusal to help khalifa of turkey in Balkan
war of 1912
 Refusal to setup university at Aligarh annoyed
educated middle class Muslim
 Young
12. Reason for rise of Indian nationalism:
 Nationalism grew partly due to policy of British
and partly as reaction to British policy
Factor leading to nationalism
 Western thought and education
 Role of press and literature
13. Extent of mass participation in swadeshi movement:
 Student: student participated in large number
 Women : women specially from urban area
participated in large number
 Muslim: most of upper and middle class Muslim
did not participate in movement ,they supported
partition of Bengal, nature of movement like
taking dip in ganga, tend to exclude Muslim
14. Reason for end of swadeshi movement
 Government repression
 Failure to give effective organisation or party
 Internal split among congress
 Movement become leaderless because most of
leader were in jail or deported by 1908
15. Government repression during swadeshi movement:
 5 new law were brought during 1907 to 1911 to check
anti-government activities ,these includes seditious
meeting act 1907, Indian newspaper (incitement to
offence)act 1908 ,Indian press act 1910.Tikal was tried
1909 for sedition
16. Popular resistance before 1857
 People involved: peasant, artisan, tribal , sepoy, local
 Cause of resistance: 1. New land revenue policy ,2.
Service condition of military against social and
religious belief, discrimination and pay and perk
given, deindustrialisation of rural craft industry ,land
transfer to foreign people
 Form of revolt: peasant revolt, tribal revolt ,sepoy
17. Newspaper that supporting revolutionary idea
includes yugantar, Sandhya in Bengal, Kal in Maharashtra
18. Revolutionary activities abroad:
 India house (Indian home rule society) in London
by shyamji krishna verma and journal Indian
19. Nationalist response to world war1 :
 Moderate: supports as matter of duty
 Extremist : in mistaken that Britain would give
self rule
 Revolutionary : utilise this opportunities and
liberate india from british rule
20. Factor leading to civil disobedient movement
 Nehru report and issue with dominion status
within a year if not given cdm will be launched in
1928 session of congress
 Irwin declaration oct 1929 no dominion status will
not be available,
21. Delhi manifesto:
 A condition for attending round table conference
 Scheme to how to implement dominion status
 Irwin rejected the manifesto
22. Lahore session of congress dec 1929 (president JL
 Purna swaraj was adopted as goal
 26 Jan 1930 first independence
 Boycott of round table conference
23. Gandhi 11 demand:
 To carry forward the mandate of Lahore session
Gandhi put forward 11 demand to Irwin and given
ultimatum to accept the demand or launch of
24. Deccan education society :
25. Satyashodhak samaj : against bhaminical domination,
founded by jyotiba phule , published gulamgiri and
satyadhama , idea is based on gender equality , socio-
economic equality and caste discrimination , women
education , widow remarriage and widow home (1854)

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