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Journal of Alloys and Compounds 285 (1999) 150–155 L

Assessment of the Re–Ta binary system

Yuwen Cui*, Zhanpeng Jin
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Central South University of Technology, Changsha, Hunan 410083, China
Received 2 October 1998


Using the CALPHAD method, the thermodynamic properties of each phase of the Re–Ta system were optimized using the
experimental information on the phase diagram and the thermochemical quantities. A consistent set of parameters is presented. The
calculated phase diagram is compared with experimental data, and the agreement is satisfactory in most cases.  1999 Elsevier Science
S.A. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Thermodynamic assessment; Phase diagram; Rhenium; Tantalum

1. Introduction which was remarkably different from that of Brophy et al.

[5], especially in the high temperature portion. Later, using
Tantalum plays an important role in some Ni base metallography, X-ray diffraction, as well as the measure-
superalloys, which increases the stability of the g9 phase, ments of properties of hardness, strength, specific electric
and thus leads to improved rupture properties and room resistance and plastics, Savitski et al. [7] measured the
temperature tensile properties. Rhenium is a solid solution solubilities of Re in Ta in more detail. Unfortunately, most
strengthening element in the Ni base superalloys, and the of the above experimental data are not always consistent
incorporation of Re into the superalloys can improve both with each other and might be even in contradiction. In
their creep and fatigue behavior. Recently, as a promising addition, due to the considerable difficulties experienced in
material in microelectronics, the properties of amorphous physico-chemical research at elevated temperatures, no
alloys of the Re–Ta system have received attention [1,2], experimental information on the liquidus are available.
since they have a greater thermal stability than convention- Accordingly, the aim of this paper is to assess the Re–Ta
al amorphous alloys of iron and cobalt. The Re–Ta system binary system thermodynamically using the CALPHAD
is therefore essential to the processing and design of these method. This work is a part of a series of studies devoted
new materials. to the assessment of Ni base superalloys.
Several investigators have contributed to the study of the
Re–Ta system [3–7]. Greenfield and Beck [3] reported the
solubility of Re in Ta and the composition ranges of the 2. Selection of experimental data
intermediate phases, along with their crystal structures.
Knapton [4] indicated results similar to those of Greenfield 2.1. Phase equilibrium data
and Beck [3]. Moreover, he also confirmed that the s
phase is only stable at high temperature. By means of Since the data from Greenfield and Beck [3] and
melting point measurements, X-ray diffraction and fluores- Knapton [4] were tentative, they were not utilized in the
cence, and metallography, Brophy et al. [5] determined the assessment. Employing the X-ray lattice parameters meth-
phase relationships in this system which were considered od, Brophy et al. [5] gave precise results for the phase
to be most elaborate up to now. In the same year, Tylkina boundaries of the x phase and the tantalum solid solution.
et al. [6] also studied the Re–Ta system in terms of Their data were thus accepted. Considering the experimen-
metallography, X-ray diffraction, melting point and hard- tal method, the data of Savitski et al. [7] were chosen to
ness measurements. They published a phase diagram establish the solubilities of Ta in Re.
The data of Brophy et al. [5] were preferred for
*Corresponding author. determining the invariant reactions Liq↔Hcp(Re)1x,

0925-8388 / 99 / $ – see front matter  1999 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.
PII: S0925-8388( 98 )01005-6
Y. Cui, Z. Jin / Journal of Alloys and Compounds 285 (1999) 150 – 155 151

Liq↔x and s↔Bcc(Ta)1x. These data were generally The coefficients in this expression were taken from the
adopted in the literature [1,2,8–10]. It should be noted that SGTE database [15].
Brophy et al. [5] reported a s liquidus with a fairly abrupt
change of slope. As already pointed out by Okamoto and 3.2. The solution phases
Massalski [11,12], however, such a situation was unlikely
in a phase diagram, because an abrupt change of slope in Liquid, Hcp(Re) and Bcc(Ta) phases were described by
the liquidus is caused by an abrupt change in the thermo- a substitutional solution model, and their molar Gibbs
dynamic properties of either liquid phase or solid phase in energies were expressed as follows:
equilibrium with liquid. Unfortunately, the data from
w w
Tylkina et al. [6] involved a more rapid change of slope of Gm 5 XRe 0 G Re 1 XTa 0 G Ta 1 RT(XRe ln XRe 1 XTa ln XTa )
the s liquidus without any clear reasons. Furthermore,
1 E Gm (2)
there are also considerable discrepancies between the
compositions and temperatures of reactions Liq↔s1 where 0 G wRe and 0 G wTa denote the Gibbs energies for pure
Bcc(Ta) and Liq1x↔s from Brophy et al. [5] and Tylkina Re and Ta, respectively. The excess Gibbs energy E Gm was
et al. [6]. As a result, to ensure a favorable thermodynamic expressed using a Redlich–Kister polynomial [16]:
reliability of the Re–Ta system, the data of the invariant
reaction Liq1x↔s were taken from Tylkina et al. [6] E i
Gm 5 XRe XTa Re,Ta (XRe 2 XTa )i (3)
while a compromise was made between these two sets of i 50
data to locate the reaction Liq↔s1Bcc(Ta). In the latter
circumstance, since the uncertainty of temperature of where L is the interaction parameter.
reaction Liq↔s1Bcc(Ta) was not given by Tylkina et al.
[6], unlike the other reactions, it was thus considered just 3.3. The intermediates phases
as an indicative value and finally given a low weight in the
optimization. s phase is isotypic with FeCr phase, and contains five
independent sites (sublattices) with 2, 4, 8, 8 and 8 atoms
per site, respectively. Savitski and Tylkina [17] reported
2.2. Thermodynamic data the s phase at a composition Re 3 Ta 2 . Greenfield and Beck
[3] located the s phase at 41 at.% Ta. Brophy et al. [5]
Based on the Re–Ta–C ternary phase diagram and the reported the existence of the s phase at the composition
enthalpies of formation of the TaC x carbide, i.e. range from 41 to 41.7 at.% Ta. In this paper, since it has
DH 0f (TaC x ), together with the activity of C for the TaC x only negligible homogeneity range, the s phase was
phase, Brewer and Wengert [13] yielded the limits to treated as a stoichiometric phase with formula Re 3 Ta 2 in
enthalpies of formation of s and x phases. They fixed DH 0f spite of its cell complexity. The Gibbs energy was
for s and x(Re 3 Ta 2 ) between 233 and 213 kJ / mol at described by the following expression:
2730 K, for x(Re 3.7 Ta 2 ) between 229 and 215 kJ / mol at
Ser 0 Hcp 0 Bcc
2700 K, and for x(Re 3.6 Ta 2 ) between 223 and 215 G(s) 2 H 5 3* G Re 1 2* G Ta 1 A 1 B*T (4)
kJ / mol at 2700 K, respectively. Later, De Boer et al. [14]
predicted the enthalpies of formation of s and x phases, where A and B are the adjustable parameters.
and the partial enthalpies of solution. Since Brewer and x phase is isomorphous with aMn [3,18]. It has 58
Wengert [13] considered more experimental information, atoms per unit cell [19], and these atoms are distributed
their data rather than from De Boer et al. [14], were over four sublattices in the ratio 2:8:24:24 with CN16-,
employed in the assessment. 16-, 13-, and 12-fold coordination polyhedral, respectively.
Considering the crystallographic, the phase stability in-
formation and the proposal by Ansara et al. [19] at the
Rinberg Workshop on solution phases, a sublattice model,
3. Thermodynamic models (Re,Ta) 24 (Ta) 10 (Re) 24 , was adopted to describe the x
phase. The sublattice model yields the following expres-
3.1. Pure elements sion for the Gibbs energy per mole of formula units:
x x
According to the Scientific Group Thermodata Europe Gm 5 1 y Re 0 G Re:Ta:Re 1 1 y Ta 0 G Ta:Ta:Re
(SGTE), the temperature dependence of the molar Gibbs 1 24RT( 1 y Re ln 1 y Re 1 1 y Ta ln 1 y Ta )
energy of pure Re and Ta, referred to the stable element x
1 1 y Re
reference (SER), is given by the following expression: y Ta L Re,Ta:Ta:Re (5)

where j y i is the site fraction of the component i in the j

5 A 1 BT 1 CT ln T 1 DT 2 1 ET 21
Gi (T ) 2 H Ser
sublattice. The 0 G parameter represents the Gibbs energy
1 FT 3 1 IT 7 1 JT 29 (1) of the compound in the virtual state of the x phase, and is
152 Y. Cui, Z. Jin / Journal of Alloys and Compounds 285 (1999) 150 – 155

given relative to the selected reference state for the Table 1

The summary of parameters in the Re–Ta system a
elements. L is the interaction parameter and also expressed
as a Redlich–Kister polynomial as in Eq. (3). 0 G and L are Liquid phase
0 Liq
to be assessed from the available experimental data. L Re,Ta 5 256 168.511.539T
1 Liq
L Re,Ta 518 926.1215.753T

4. Optimization and results 0 Hcp( Re)
L Re,Ta 523 892.0122.427T
1 Hcp( Re)
L Re,Ta 5 245 765.2220.926T
The optimization of parameters was carried out using
the Parrot module in the Thermo-Calc program developed 0 Bcc( Ta)
L Re,Ta 5 2151 443135.226T
by Sundman et al. [20]. 1 Bcc( Ta)
L Re,Ta 540 255.8219.400T
During the optimization, the parameters of liquid, 2 Bcc( Ta)
L Re,Ta 5870.4
Hcp(Re) and Bcc(Ta) were optimized together at first. The
intermediate phases were then added one by one to adjust s phase
0 s
L Re,Ta 55(215 051.723.020T )13 0 G Re
12 0 G Ta

their parameters. Finally, all the parameters were opti-

mized together to give a better description. x phase
The assessed parameters of each phase in the Re–Ta 0
G xRe:Ta:Re 558(29969.821.433T )148 0 G Hcp 0
Re 110 G Ta

system are listed in Table 1. Fig. 1 presents the calculated 0

G xTa:Ta:Re 558(224 402.713.875T )124 0 G Hcp
Re 134 0
G Bcc
0 x
phase diagram of the Re–Ta system. The comparison L Re:Ta:Ta:Re 5 2679 899.2
1 x
L Re:Ta:Ta:Re 5 2209 855.6
between the calculated phase diagram and various ex-
perimental data is given in Fig. 2. The agreement between Values for liquid, Hcp(Re) and Bcc(Ta) are given in J / mol of atoms,
and in J / mol formula units for the intermediate phases.
the calculated phase diagram and experimental data is

Fig. 1. The calculated Re–Ta system according to present assessment.

Y. Cui, Z. Jin / Journal of Alloys and Compounds 285 (1999) 150 – 155 153

Fig. 2. The calculated Re–Ta phase diagram in comparison with the experimental data.

satisfactory with respect to the somewhat scattered ex- Fig. 3 shows the detailed Re–Ta system in the com-
perimental data. Table 2 summarizes the compositions and position range from 30 to 60 at.% Ta and the temperature
temperatures of the calculated invariant equilibria and the from 2200 to 3200 K, together with the experimental data.
experimental data. It can be seen from Fig. 3, the calculated x / x1s phase
As shown in Fig. 2, the homogeneity range of the x boundary lies at lower tantalum contents than indicated by
phase and the solubility ranges of Hcp(Re) and Bcc(Ta) Brophy et al. [5]. An attempt to achieve a better fit was not
were reasonably well reproduced by the present calcula- made because (a) it would require more parameters for the
tion. Moreover, it should be pointed out that, due to the x phase; (b) the boundary defined by Brophy et al. [5]
substantial difficulties encountered in the research of refers to a thermodynamic unusual curvature, it is therefore
refractory metal and the effects of contamination of the considered unreliable; (c) the present treatment allows a
Ta-rich alloys at elevated temperatures, the Bcc(Ta) better fit to the invariant reactions.
solidus data may possess large uncertainty and thus are Fig. 4 presents the calculated enthalpies of formation of
considered not reliable enough. Further details prove x and s phases compared with the evaluated values [13].
necessary concerning this region. The calculated enthalpy of formation of the x phase is in

Table 2
Comparison between the calculated and the experimental invariant points in the Re–Ta system
Reaction Reaction type Compositions, at.% Ta Temperature (K) Reference
Liq↔(Re)1x Eutectic 16.4 5.2 20.5 3033 Brophy et al. [5]
Peritectic – 5.2 19.5 3103625 Tylkina et al. [6]
Eutectic 16.4 2.1 20.6 3040 Present work
Liq↔x Congruent 21.5 21.5 3068 Brophy et al. [5]
Congruent 23.9 23.9 3070 Present work
Liq1x↔s Peritectic – 37.6 41.0 3018 Brophy et al. [5]
Peritectic – 36.0 47.0 2953625 Tylkina et al. [6]
Peritectic 42.8 34.2 40.0 2958 Present work
Liq↔s1(Ta) Eutectic 49.7 41.7 54.6 2968 Brophy et al. [5]
Eutectic – 48.0 58.0 |2673 Tylkina et al. [6]
Eutectic 48.5 40.0 54.7 2920 Present work
s↔(Ta)1x Eutectoid 40.0 52.5 39.8 2737 Brophy et al. [5]
Eutectoid 40.0 53.6 36.7 2735 Present work
154 Y. Cui, Z. Jin / Journal of Alloys and Compounds 285 (1999) 150 – 155

Fig. 3. A part of calculated Re–Ta system compared with the experimental data.

Fig. 4. The calculated enthalpies of formation of the intermediate phases compared with the predicted values.
Y. Cui, Z. Jin / Journal of Alloys and Compounds 285 (1999) 150 – 155 155

reasonable agreement with the evaluations of Brewer and [2] Yu.V. Barmin, V.V. Vavilova, I.V. Zolotukhin, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR
307 (2) (1989) 371.
Wengert [13]. The agreement for the s phase is also
[3] P. Greenfield, P.A. Beck, J. Metals 8 (1956) 265.
acceptable, and better fit was unnecessary since it would [4] A.G. Knapton, J. Inst. Metals 26 (1958) 28.
make the s phase stable even at low temperature or lead to [5] J.H. Brophy, P. Schwarzkopf, J. Wulff, Trans. AIME 218 (1960)
a large positive excess entropy contribution. 910.
[6] M.A. Tylkina, I.A. Tsyganova, E.M. Savitski, Zhur. Neog. Khimii 5
(8) (1960) 1905.
[7] E.M. Savitski, M.A. Tylkina, O.Kh. Khamidov, Dokl. Akad. Nauk
5. Conclusions
SSSR (1969) 200.
[8] S. Tournier, B. Vinet, Mater. Sci. Forum 235–238 (1997) 349.
Using the CALPHAD method, a set of parameters [9] Metals Handbook, 8th, 1973, pp. 322, 374.
describing the phase equilibria of the Re–Ta system was [10] T.B. Massalski, J.L. Murry, L.H. Bennett, H. Baker, Binary Alloy
assessed from experimental data. A comparison between Phase Diagrams, A.S.M.,, Metals Park, OH, 1986.
calculated and experimental data is made, and the agree- [11] H. Okamoto, T.B. Massalski, J. Phase Equilibria 12 (1991) 148.
[12] H. Okamoto, T.B. Massalski, J. Phase Equilibria 14 (1993) 316.
ment is satisfactory. [13] L. Brewer, P.R. Wengert, Metall. Trans. 4 (1973) 83.
[14] F.R. De Boer, R. Boom, W.C.M. Mattens, A.R. Miedema, A.K.
Niessen, Cohesion in Metal: Transition Metal Alloys, North-Hol-
Acknowledgements land, Amsterdam, 1988.
[15] A.T. Dinsdale, CALPHAD 15 (1991) 317.
[16] O. Redlich, A. Kister, Ind. Eng. Chem. 40 (1948) 345.
This work has been financially supported by GE Com-
[17] E.M. Savitski, M.A. Tylkina, Zhur. Neog. Khimii 3 (1958) 815.
pany, USA, under Research Contract Number 9622031. [18] P. Villars, L.D. Calvert, Pearson’s Handbook of Crystallographic
The authors are grateful to Dr. J.C. Zhao (R&D, GE Data For Intermetallic Phases, 2nd, ASM International, Materials
Company) for his valuable advice in this work. Park, OH, 1991.
[19] I. Ansara, T.G. Chart, A.F. Guillermet, F.H. Hayes, U.R. Kattner,
D.G. Pettifor, N. Saunder, K. Zeng, CALPHAD 21 (1997) 171.
[20] B. Sundman, B. Jansson, J.O. Andersson, CALPHAD 9 (1985) 153.

[1] V.V. Vavilova, L.N. Galkin, M.V. Glazov, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR
300 (5) (1988) 1157.

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