Experimental and Thermodynamic Investigation of The Ni-Al-Mo System

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Experimental and Thermodynamic Investigation of the

Ni-Al-Mo System

The diffusion triple and electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) techniques have been adopted to study
the isothermal section of the Ni-Al-Mo system at 1373 K. Experimental data from present work and
literature have been assessed to evaluate the thermodynamic parameters of the ternary system by
means of the calculation of phase diagram (CALPHAD) method. A substitutional-solution model is
used to describe liquid, fcc, and bcc phases, while a sublattice model is used to describe intermetallic
phases. Two sets of thermodynamic descriptions have been obtained, and comparison has been made
between them. Also, calculations of equilibrium-phase diagrams compared to the experimental data
have been presented. There is good agreement between the calculations and the experimental data.

I. INTRODUCTION effective and powerful approach to determining phase dia-

grams, plays a dominant role in the study of complex metallic
A NEW generation of turbine-blade materials, necessary systems. Accordingly, this method is utilized in this study.
for advanced high-performance engines, has been under
development for decades. The Ni-Al-Mo system was chosen
as a base, since great attention has been focused on direc- A. Experimental Procedures
tional solidification of fcc(Ni)/L12 (Ni3Al) 1 bcc(Mo) eutec-
Starting materials were high-purity aluminum (99.99 wt
tic superalloys, which show excellentproperties both at room
pct), electrolytic nickel (99.97 wt pct), and a molybdenum
and at elevated temperatures. Much work has been done to
bar (99.97 wt pct).
investigate phase stabilities and to establish phase relations,
Alloys 1 and 2 were prepared by argon are melting on
such as that by Henry,[1] Yoshizawa et al.,[2,3] Wakashima
a cooled copper hearth, using a nonconsumable tungsten
et. al.,[4] Nash et al.,[5] Miracle et al.,[6] and Maslenkov et
electrode. Each alloy button was turned over three times
al.[7,8] However, they are not always consistent with each
and remelted to make it more homogeneous. No significant
other and even result in contradictions. To fully understand
loss in weight occurred, so the alloys were believed to have
the microstructural evolution of Ni-Al-Mo superalloys dur-
the desired compositions. The nominal compositions of the
ing processing and long-term exposure to various working
alloys are listed in Table I.
conditions, all related information should be assessed and a
Polished bulk Mo and Ni were first bound with thin Mo
complete thermodynamic description should also be
cords and put into vacuumed (1021 Pa) quartz tubes. After
obtained for the purpose of further theoretical prediction and
heating in a GK-2B–type diffusion furnace at 1373 K for
simulation. Early work by Kaufman and Nesor[9] has been
96 hours, a layer of compound appeared, binding the bulk
done to calculate some isothermal sections of the Ni-Al-Mo
Mo and Ni together to form the so-called diffusion couple.
system. However, due to the lack of experimental data at
Then, the couples and alloys were polished and assembled
that time, that work needs to be improved. Recent work by
to form well-contacted metal-alloy diffusion triples, as illus-
Huang and Chang,[10] Ansara et al.,[11] Saunders,[12] and Cui
trated in Figure 1. Triples 1 and 2 were again sealed in
and Jin,[13] which focused on sub-binary systems of the Ni-
evacuated (1021 Pa) quartz tubes, and triple 3 was argon
Al-Mo system, have formed the basis of the present work.
protected. All the triples were heated in the same type of
The objective of the present work is mainly centered on the
furnace, at 1373 K, for different times. The heat-treatment
assessment of thermodynamic parameters of each phase as
conditions are shown in Table II. The temperature was con-
well as experimental study.
trolled to within 65 K. After annealing, the triples were air-
quenched, during which the cooling rate is fast enough to
keep the microstructure at room temperature. The triples
II. EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION were then polished parallel to the diffusion direction. Finally,
Almost all experiments conducted on the Ni-Al-Mo sys- the local compositions were analyzed by electron probe
tem to establish phase relations are based on the method of microanalysis (EPMA) performed on a CAMECA SX-50
analyzing the microstructure of alloys (Wakashima et al.,[4] electron probe. The measurement was operated at 15 kV
Nash et al.,[5] Miracle et al.,[6] and Maslenkov et al.[7,8]). using pure Ni, Al, and Mo as standards. The microprobe
The diffusion triple technique, on the other hand, as an intensity data were corrected using the ZAF computer soft-
ware program. The relative error of the compositional analy-
sis is estimated to be less than 1 pct of the individual element.

XIAOGANG LU and YUWEN CUI, Postdoctoral Students, and ZHAN-

PENG JIN, Professor, are with the Department of Materials Science and B. Results and Discussion
Engineering, Central South University of Technology, Hunan 410083, Peo-
ple’s Republic of China. Figure 2(a) is the back-scattered electron (BSE) image of
Manuscript submitted August 24, 1998. triple 2 in the contacted region, which contains a two-phase


Table I. Nominal Compositions of Binary Alloys
Alloy Number Al(At. Pct) Second Element(At. Pct)
1 51.00 49.00 (Ni)
2 73.38 26.62 (Mo)


Fig. 1—Assembly of diffusion triple.

Table II. Heat Treatment Conditions of Diffusion Triples

Diffusion (b)
Triple Time
Number Assembly Parts Atmosphere (Hour) Fig. 2—(a) BSE image of triple 2 in the contacted region between Mo,Ni
and alloy. (b) Schematic diagram of phase distribution.
1 Mo-Ni 1 alloy 1 vacuum (10 Pa)
2 Mo-Ni 1 alloy 1 vacuum (1021 Pa) 696
3 Mo-Ni 1 alloy 2 argon protected 840 average value of several groups of individual measurements.
The measurements of triple 3, however, give imprecise com-
positions due to its fine particles and porous structure. So,
the tie-lines coming from triple 3, plotted in Figure 4, should
area. The BSE images of triple 3 are shown in Figures 3(a)
serve only as the indicative phase relations.
through (c), which correspond to areas A, B, and C in Figure
No ternary phase was found in the present experiment.
3(d), respectively. Figure 3(a) shows the contacted region
Guard and Smith[14] detected a ternary compound in the
between the bulk Mo, Ni, and alloy 2. In Figure 3(b), three
vicinity of 58 at. pct Ni-34.5 at. pct Al-7.5 at. pct Mo, but did
two-phase layers can be seen. In Figure 3(c), two single-
not determine the crystal structure. Since their homogenizing
phase layers are located between the bulk Ni and the afore-
time was only 72 hours at 1448 K, this phase may not be
mentioned two-phase layers. The dark black areas found in
the stable one. Markiv[16] and Virkar and Raman[15] found
Figures 3(a) through (c) are caused by small pores, which
three ternary phases in the Al-rich corner at 1073 and 1223
are difficult to avoid when polished. Area D in Figure 3(d)
K, respectively. However, no experiment confirms their
is also full of pores, and measurement cannot be performed
observations. Further work is needed to study the ternary
in this area.
The phase relations determined from the three triples agree
well with previous experiments (Nash et al.,[5] Miracle et
al.,[6] and Maslenkov et al.[8]). As seen in Figure 4, measure- III. THERMODYNAMIC ASSESSMENT
ments of triples 1 and 2 produce almost the same results, A. Binary System
which are listed in Table III and have been used in the
present thermodynamic assessment. All the determined equi- Thermodynamic descriptions of the binary subsystem of
librium tie-lines in Table III have been obtained by extrapo- the Ni-Al-Mo system must be done prior to the present
lating the concentration profile across the interface, between assessment.
pairs of phases. The equilibrium triangle, on the other hand, 1. Ni-Al System
has been measured in the area very close to the contacting Huang and Chang[10] and Ansara et al.[11] have calculated
point of the three equilibrium phases by EPMA, and it is an Ni-Al, and their calculations agree with experimental data



(d )

Fig. 3—BSE images of triple 3. (a) Contacted region between Mo,Ni and alloy, 1: L12(dark) 1 NiMo(gray), 2: L12(dark) 1 bcc(gray), and 3: B2(dark)
1 bcc(gray); (b) two-phase layers, 1: B2(dark) 1 bcc(bright), 2: B2(dark) 1 AlMo3(bright), and 3: AlMo3(bright) 1 Al8Mo3 (gray); (c) single-phase layers;
and (d ) schematic diagram of phase distribution, areas 1, 2, and 3 corresponding to (a), (b), and (c), respectively.

fairly well. Concerning the fcc and L12 phases, they used 3. Mo-Ni system
the same method proposed by Ansara et al., which will be In Mo-Ni system, the solubility of Mo in the fcc phase,
reviewed briefly in Section III–B–3. But Huang and Chang determined by Casselton and Hume-Rothery,[17] is higher
simplified the modeling by using a virtual disordered phase than that of Heijwegen and Riech,[18] which was selected
other than fcc as the disordered contribution to the L12 phase, for assessment by Frisk.[19] Also, Ni4Mo decomposes to
which gave lesser parameters to describe this system. Table Ni3Mo and NiMo phases at very low temperatures, which
IV lists some of the key parameters which show such differ- is not confirmed by the experiment. So, the thermodynamic
ence. Figure 5 shows the calculated phase diagram by Huang descriptions have been modified by Cui and Jin,[13] based
and Chang. on the work of Frisk, to get a better agreement between
In this work, both sets of parameters are used to optimize the experiments and calculations. In the present work, it is
the ternary system, in order to determine which one is better. important to note that such modification makes the ternary
2. Al-Mo system assessment more easy and reasonable, which will be dis-
This system has been evaluated by Saunders,[12] and the cussed in Section III–D. Figure 7 is the modified Ni portion
calculated phase diagram is presented in Figure 6. Most of the Mo-Ni phase diagram[13] compared to the experimental
intermetallic phases in the Al-Mo system are treated as stoi- data and that calculated by Frisk. The whole system is shown
chiometric phases, except for the AlMo phase. in Figure 8.


Table IV. The Thermodynamic Data of Ni-Al System from
Huang and Chang [10] and Ansara et al.[11]

Data from Huang

Parameters and Chang[10] Data from Ansara et al.[11]
Al,Ni 2194,177 1 28.663T 2207,109.28 1 41.31501T
Al,Ni 4829 210,185.79 1 5.87140T
Al,Ni 53,042 2 9.121T 81,204.81 2 31.95713T
LAl,Ni — 4365.35 2 2.51632T
Al,Ni — 222,101.64 1 13.16341T
Al,Ni 2168,292 1 16T 2162,407.750 1 16.212965T
LAl,Ni 32,712 73,417.798 2 34.914T
Al,Ni 27998 1 35T 33,471.014 2 9.837T
LAl,Ni — 230,758.01 1 10.253T
u1AlNi 243,686 1 8.6418T 240,246.545 1 6.2457741T
u4AlNi — 7088.736 2 3.6868954T
LAl,Ni:* 2u1AlNi 2u1AlNi
Al,Ni:* — 3u4AlNi
L*:Al,Ni — u4AlNi
Disordered contribution to L12:
Fig. 4—Present measured equilibrium data (thick lines and marks) at 0L
218,928 1 12u1AlNi (the same as fcc)
1373 K. 1L
Al,Ni 27813 1 34.404T
LAl,Ni 67,054

Table III. The Equilibrium Data Determined by EPMA at

1373 K (Atomic Percent)

fcc L12 (Ni3Al) B2 (NiA1) L12 (Ni3Al)

Ni Mo Ni Mo Ni Mo Ni Mo
83.7 2.9 78.5 2.9 63.3 0.3 71.4 1.3
78.6 11.5 75.5 5.0 63.1 0.1 72.9 1.7
83.0 0.0 76.0 0.0 62.4 0.3 72.3 2.0
Ll2(Ni3Al) NiMo 63.7 0.0 71.8 0.2
Ni Mo Ni Mo fcc NiMo
74.9 4.0 46.7 51.2 Ni Mo Ni Mo
fcc Ll2(Ni3Al) NiMo 76.5 23.1 50.0 49.8
Ni Mo Ni Mo Ni Mo
76.3 14.9 75.9 5.0 48.9 49.4

B. Thermodynamic Modeling of the Ternary System

All the phases considered in the present work are listed
in Table V with their formulae. No ternary phase is consid-
ered in the present work, since there is no confirmed experi- Fig. 5—Calculated Ni-Al system by Huang and Chang.[10]
mental information.
1. Substitutional solutions 2 3
Liquid, fcc, and bcc phases are treated as substitutional
solutions. The molar Gibbs energy is expressed as
Gm 5 o o
i51 j5i11
[xi xj /(Vi,jVj,i)]?exGi,j

Gm 5 xAl8GAl 1 xNi8GNi 1 xMo8GMo 1 xAl xMo xNi(xAl8LAl,Mo,Ni 1 xMo1LAl,Mo,Ni [2]

1 RT (xAl ln xAl 1 xMo ln xMo 1 xNi ln xNi) [1] 1 xNi LAl,Mo,Ni)
1 ex Gm 1 mag
Gm where *LAl,Mo,Ni denotes ternary interaction parameters
which will be evaluated in the present work, and exGi,j
where R 5 8.31451 J mol21 K21, xi is the mole fraction of denotes the binary excess Gibbs energy. The terms Vi,j and
element i, and 8Gi is the molar Gibbs energy of the element Vj,i are represented by
i in a hypothetical nonmagnetic state, which can be taken
from the database of Dinsdale.[20] The excess Gibbs energy 1 1 Xi 2 Xj 1 1 Xj 2 Xi
Vi,j 5 , Vj,i 5 [3]
(ex Gm) is represented by 2 2


Fig. 6—Calculated Al-Mo system by Saunders.[12]
Fig. 8—The modified Mo-Ni system by Cui and Jin.[13]

Table V. All the Phases and their Formulae Included in

Ternary System

Phase Formula
Liquid, bcc, and fcc (Al,Mo,Ni)
Al3Ni (Al)0.75(Ni)0.25
Al3Ni2 (Al)3(Al,Mo,Ni)2(Mo,Ni,Va)1
Al3Ni5 (Al)0.375(Ni)0.625
B2(NiAl) (Al,Mo,Ni)1(Mo,Ni,Va)1
L12(Ni3Al) (Al,Mo,Ni)0.75(Al,Mo,Ni)0.25
Disordered contribution (Al,Mo,Ni)
Al12Mo (Al)0.923(Mo)0.077
Al4Mo (Al)0.8(Mo)0.2
Al5Mo (Al)0.833(Mo)0.167
Al63Mo37 (Al)0.63(Mo)0.37
Al8Mo3 (Al)0.727(Mo)0.273
AlMo (Al,Mo,Ni)1(Al,Mo,Ni)1
Cub A15(AlMo3) (Mo)0.75(Al)0.25
NiMo (Ni)24(Al,Mo,Ni)20(Mo)12
Ni4Mo (Mo)4(Ni)1
Ni3Mo (Al,Mo,Ni)3(Al,Mo,Ni)1
Fig. 7—The modified Ni-rich portion of the Mo-Ni system together with
the experimental data. Dashed lines are the calculated results by Frisk.[19]

characterize the L12 phase. The molar Gibbs free energy of

where both i and j represent the elements Al, Mo, and Ni the phase is expressed by
(i Þ j). The first group of terms in Eq. [2] represents the
binary contribution to the excess Gibbs energy, according Gm 5 y1Ni y2Ni 8GNi:Ni 1 y1Ni y2Al 8GNi:Al 1 y1Ni y2Mo 8GNi:Mo
to the extrapolation scheme suggested by Muggianu et al.[21] 1 y1Al y2Ni 8GAl:Ni 1 y1Al y2Al 8GAl:Al 1 y1Al y2Mo 8GAl:Mo
The last term is the ternary contribution. All the interaction
parameters may contain a temperature coefficient. The term 1 y1Mo y2Ni 8GMo:Ni 1 y1Mo y2Al 8GMo:Al 1 y1Mo y2Mo 8GMo:Mo
Gm is the magnetic contribution described by Hillert and
Jarl.[22] This term is assumed to be zero for the liquid phase. 1 RT [0.75 ( y1Ni ln y1Ni 1 y1Al ln y1Al 1 y1Mo ln y1Mo)

2. Intermetallic phases 1 0.25 ( y2Ni ln y2Ni 1 y2Al ln y2Al 1 y2Mo ln y2Mo)] 1 ex Gm [4]
Six phases (Al3Ni2, B2, L12, AlMo, Ni3Mo, and NiMo) The site fraction of element i in sublattice s is denoted as
are treated as phases with solubilities in the ternary system. y si . The parameter 8GNi:Al is the Gibbs energy of phase L12,
They are described using the sublattice model developed by with Ni in the first sublattice and Al in the second. Its value
Hillert and Staffanson.[23] Here, an expression of molar is given by the following expression:
Gibbs energy is provided as an example.
The formula (Al, Ni, Mo)0.75(Al, Ni, Mo)0.25 is used to 8GNi:Al 5 0.75 8Gfcc fcc
Ni 1 0.25 8GAl 1 DG [5]


where DG is obtained from optimization.Other 8G*:* parame- This model has been implemented in the ThermoCalc
ters have similar meanings. calculation package developed by Sundman et al.,[25] where
All other intermetallic phases have negligible solubility the Gibbs energy of L12 is separated into disordered and
ranges in binary systems. They are assumed to be stoichio- ordered contributions. So, the thermodynamic properties of
metric phases in the ternary system and are not remodeled the disordered phase (fcc phase, in this case) can be evaluated
in the present work. independently. This could be represented by the following
3. Fcc and L12 phases equation:
There is an order-disorder transformation between the fcc Gm 5 Gdis ord 1 2 ord
m (xi) 1 Gm ( y i , yi ) 2 Gm (xi) [9]
and L12 phases, which are based on the same fcc structure
despite of a different occupancy of atoms on each sublattice. where Gdis
m (xi) is the Gibbs energy of the disordered state.
So, it is reasonable to describe both phases with a united The term Gord 1 2
m ( yi , yi ) is the Gibbs energy as described by
model. To study such transformation in the Ni-Al system, the model (Eq. [4] or [6]) and contains, implicitly, a contribu-
Ansara et al.[11] used a two-sublattice model to describe tion of the disordered state. The term Gordm (xi) represents the
them after the formula (Ni, Al)0.75(Ni, Al)0.25. The molar energy contribution of the disordered state to the ordered
Gibbs free energy of the phases is expressed by phase. The last two terms cancel each other when y1i 5 y2i,
thus corresponding to the disordered state.
Gm 5 y1Ni y2Ni 8GNi:Ni 1 y1Ni y2Al 8GNi:Al 1 y1Al y2Ni 8GAl:Ni
1 y1Al y2Al 8GAl:Al 1 RT [0.75 ( y1Ni ln y1Ni 1 y1Al ln y1Al)
C. Selection of Experimental Information
1 0.25 ( y2Ni ln y2Ni 1 y2Al ln y2Al)]
Miracle et al.[6] analyzed alloys of desired compositions
1 y1Ni y1Al ( y2Ni 8LNi,Al:Ni 1 y2Al 8LNi,Al:Al) after long-term heat treatment (up to 2500 hours) by EPMA
and X-ray diffraction and constructed an experimentally vali-
1 y2Ni y2Al ( y1Ni 8LNi:Ni,Al 1 y1Al 8LAl:Ni,Al) [6] dated ternary equilibrium-phasediagram at 1200, 1311, l366,
The meaning of the symbols in Eq. [6] is the same as 1444, and 1533 K. Systematic experimental studies by
those in Eq. [4]. When y1i 5 y2i 5 xi, where xi is the mole Wakashima et al.,[4] by means of transmission electron
fraction of element i of the phase, this is the case of a microscopy and selected-area diffraction along with differ-
disordered state, i.e., the fcc phase; thus, Eq. [6] is equivalent ential thermal analysis (DTA) have been carried out on a
to the molar Gibbs energy of the substitutional model. When series of alloys containing about 65 at. pct Ni. Based on the
y1i Þ y2i, there is ordering on each sublattice, i.e., the phase experimental observations, the phase diagram is recon-
exists with the structure of the L12 phase. In order to ensure structed with emphasis on the isothermal section at 1273 K.
that the disordered state is always possible, there are con- They also presented a flow chart of invariant reactions in
straints for the parameters in Eq. [6]:[11] the Ni-rich part. Hong et al.[26] measured the fcc solvus at
four temperatures, employing DTA and scanning electron
8GNi:Al 5 u1
microscopy–energy-dispersive X-ray. These experiments
8GAl:Ni 5 u2 and the present experimental work are believed to be well
conducted, and the present optimization sets high weight on
8LNi,Al:Ni 5 3u1 1 u2/2 1 3u3 these data. Other experimental data are compared to
8LNi,Al:Al 5 3u2 1 u1/2 1 3u3 calculations.

8LNi:Ni,Al 5 u2/2 1 u3
D. Results and Discussion
8LAl:Ni,Al 5 u1/2 1 u3
The optimization and calculations were conducted using
8LNi,Al:Ni,Al 5 4u4 2 4u5 the ThermoCalc package. The optimization was performed
1 1 with the selected experimental data, and each piece of infor-
LNi,Al:Ni 5 3u4 LNi,Al:Al 5 3u5
mation was given a certain weight, reflecting the experimen-
LNi:Ni,Al 5 u4 1
LAl:Ni,Al 5 u5 [7] tal uncertainty.
Much attention has been paid to the fcc solvus at the
where u1 through u5 are variables which need to be opti- Ni-rich corner. There appears to be a trend that, with the
mized. In practice, the number of parameters can be reduced temperature decreasing, the experimental Mo contents of
by assuming that u1 5 u2, u4 5 u5, and u3 5 0. the fcc phase in fcc 1 L12 1 NiMo (or fcc 1 L12 1
In the ternary system, a similar formula, (Al, Ni, bcc) three-phase equilibria are somewhat higher than the
Mo)0.75(Al, Ni, Mo)0.25, is used,[24] and there are also con- calculated ones and also that the experimental fcc solvus is
straints for parameters. more Ni-rich (Figures 9 through 15(a) and (b)). Such devia-
8Gi:j 5 8Gj:i 5 u1ij tions can be eliminated with unusual large temperature coef-
ficients of the ternary interaction parameters of the fcc phase
8Li,j:A 5 8Li,j:B 5 8Li,j:C 5 2u1ij 1 3u3ij in Eq. [2], but this is not favorable. In order to fit the
8LA:i,j 5 8LB:i,j 5 8LC:i,j 5 u3ij experimental data, it seems that it is not adequate to adjust
the ternary interaction parameters only; the binary systems
Li,j:A 5 1Li,j:B 5 1Li,j:C 5 3u4ij have to be reexamined as well. So, modification of the binary
1 Mo-Ni system has been made,[13] as mentioned previously,
LA:i,j 5 1LB:i,j 5 1LC:i,j 5 u4ij [8]
and it actually improves the situation. Also, two sets of
where i, j, A, B, and C represent the elements Ni, Al, and Mo. parameters about the Ni-Al system are used to optimize


Fig. 9—Calculated isothermal section (thin lines) compared with experi-
mental data at 1373 K. I: L12 1 NiMo 1 bcc; and II: L12 1 B2 1 bcc. Fig. 11—Calculated isothermal section (thin lines) compared with experi-
mental data at 1311 K. I: L12 1 NiMo 1 bcc; and II: L12 1 B2 1 bcc.

Fig. 10—Calculated isothermal section (thin lines) compared with experi-

mental data at 1200 K. I: L12 1 NiMo 1 bcc; and II: L12 1 B2 1 bcc. Fig. 12—Calculated isothermal section (thin lines) compared with experi-
mental data at 1366 K. I: L12 1 NiMo 1 bcc; and II: L12 1 B2 1 bcc.

the ternary system, as discussed in Section III–A–1. Here,

optimization using data from Huang and Chang[10] and thought to be better than assessment 2, and all the following
Ansara et al.[11] are denoted as assessments 1 and 2, respec- phase diagrams are calculated using data from assessment 1.
tively. The optimized thermodynamic parameters are listed Figures 4 and 9 show the calculated isothermal sections
in Table VI. Both assessments give almost the same results, compared to the present experimental work. Figures 10
except for the fcc solvus at the Ni-rich corner, as seen in through 14 illustrate the isothermal sections at 1200, 1311,
Figure 15(a). Assessment 1 results in smaller deviations to 1366, 1444, and 1533 K, respectively. There is good agree-
the fcc solvus than assessment 2, as shown in Figures 15(a) ment between the experiments and calculations. At 1366 K
and (b). In assessment 1, due to the limited experimental (Figure 12), the solubility of Mo in the B2 phase, as reported
data concerning the L12 phase, the excess Gibbs energy in by Miracle et al.,[6] was too large compared to that reported
Eq. [4] is neglected. So, assessment 1 gives lesser parameters by Nash et al.,[5] Maslenkov et al.,[8] and to the present
than assessment 2; i.e., the thermodynamic modeling in measurement. As mentioned by Miracle et al.,[6] the volume
assessment 1 is simpler than that in assessment 2. As the fraction of B2 was very low and the particles were very
experimental data, especially the thermodynamic ones, are small; thus, the measured composition may be unbelievable.
relatively few, the simple model may be preferred, even So, his measurement of B2 has not been considered in the
though the model proposed by Ansara et al. is more realistic present optimization.
and more reasonable. For these reasons, assessment 1 is Comparison is made between the fcc solvis measured by


Fig. 13—Calculated isothermal section (thin lines) compared with experi-
mental data at 1444 K. I: fcc 1 NiMo 1 bcc; II: fcc 1 L12 1 bcc; and (a)
III: L12 1 B2 1 bcc.

Fig. 14—Calculated isothermal section (thin lines) compared with experi- Fig. 15—Calculated fcc solvus at 1200, 1300, and 1400 K in assessment
mental data at 1533 K. I: fcc 1 NiMo 1 bcc; II: fcc 1 L12 1 bcc; and 1 (solid lines) compared with (a) that in assessment 2 (dashed lines) and
III: L12 1 B2 1 bcc. (b) experimental data.

Hong et al.[26] and the calculated results, except at 1100 K seen that it is acceptable, except that the peritectic-eutectic
(Figure 15(b)). Since they have not detected Ni3Mo and reaction concerning the liquid, NiMo, fcc, and bcc phases
Ni4Mo phases at this temperature, the fcc solvus at 1100 K is a ternary eutectic reaction, L Ö NiMo 1 fcc 1 bcc,
may not be true and is not included in Figure 15(b). instead. As there is no experimental information to verify
As seen in Figures 16 and 17, the calculated phase dia- the type of reaction, it is also acceptable.
grams fit the experimental points well enough. At 1553 K, Figure 18 shows the calculated isothermal section, with
as discussed by Wakashima et al.,[4] the alloy with fcc 1 experimental information by Nash et al.[5] and Maslenkov
bcc phases and the alloys with fcc 1 bcc 1 L12 phases et al.,[8] at 1473 K. There is good agreement between the
(except the alloy with “1” marked in Figure 17) are actually calculations and the measurements of Nash et al., whereas
in the same phase region, but the latter ones have extra the fcc compositions in equilibria with NiMo, detected by
L12 phase due to ineffective quenching. This can be well Maslenkov et al., are more Mo depleted than the calculated
reproduced, as in Figure 17. The calculated temperatures of ones. At 1373 K, experimental data by Maslenkov et al.
Ni-corner invariant reactions, compared to those summa- also show such deviation, as seen in Figure 9.
rized by Wakashima et al., are listed in Table VII. It can be There are few equilibrium experimental data regarding


Table VI. Assessed Thermodynamic Parameters in the
Present Work (J/Mol)

Assessment 1 Assessment 2
8LAl,Mo,Ni 5 221,341 2
21.7926T 218,000 2 18.4362T
Al,Mo,Ni 5 16,626 1 6.1815T 22,507.8 1 7.3334T
Al,Mo,Ni 5 133,084 1 1.6964T 145,772 1 1.6244T
8LAl,Mo,Ni 5 243,250 2 94.38T 243,645 2 94.31T
LAl,Mo,Ni 5 264,492 1 98.74T 264,415 1 99.02T
Al,Mo,Ni 5 271,000 2 75.075T 277,730 2 74.38T
8LAl,Mo,Ni 5 2160,000 2160,000
B2:(Al, Mo, Ni)1(Mo, Ni, Va)1:
8GMo:Ni 2 8Gbcc Mo 2 8GNi

5 213,176 1 31.4465T 213,176 1 31.4465T

8GNi:Mo 2 8Gbcc Mo 2 8GNi

5 213,176 1 31.4465T 213,176 1 31.4465T

8GMo:Va 2 8Gbcc Mo 5 150,000 150,000
8GAl:Mo 2 8Gbcc Mo 2 8GAl
Fig. 16—Calculated isothermal section (thin lines) compared with experi-
5 244,629 1 39.7878T 244,629 1 39.7878T mental data at 1273 K. I: L12 1 NiMo 1 bcc; and II: L12 1 bcc.
L12:(Al, Mo, Ni)0.75(Al, Mo, Ni)0.25:
8GMo:Ni 2 0.758Gfcc Mo 2 8GMo:Ni 2 0.758GfccMo 2
Ni 5 213,849 1 0.258Gfcc
Ni 5 235,361 1
4.6243T 16.23T 5 u1NiMo
8GNi:Mo 2 0.758Gfcc Ni 2 8GNi:Mo 2 0.758GfccNi 2
Mo 5 213,849 1 0.258Gfcc
Mo 5 235,361 1
4.6243T 16.23T 5 u1NiMo
8LMo,Ni:* 5 2u1NiMo
LMo,Ni:* 5 3u4NiMo
*:Mo,Ni 5 780 2 0.9T 5
NiMo:(Ni)24(Al, Mo, Ni)20(Mo)12:
8GNi:Al:Mo 2 128GbccMo 2
Ni 2 208GAl

5 21,750,000 21,750,000
Ni3Mo:(Al, Mo, Ni)3(Al, Mo, Ni)1:
8GAl:Ni 2 8GbccAl 2 38GNi

5 2173,798 1 31.91T 2239,987 1 91.49T

AlMo:(Al, Mo, Ni)1(Al, Mo, Ni)1:
8GMo:Ni 2 8Gbcc fcc
Mo 2 8GNi 5
57,500 2 2.5T 57,500 2 2.5T
8GNi:Mo 2 8Gbcc fcc
Mo 2 8GNi 5
57,500 2 2.5T 57,500 2 2.5T
Al3Ni2:(Al)3(Al, Mo, Ni)2(Ni, Mo, Va)1:
8GAl:Mo:Ni 2 28GbccNi 2 38GAl 5
Fig. 17—Calculated isothermal section (thin lines) compared with experi-
230,000 230,000 mental data at 1553 K. I: fcc 1 NiMo 1 bcc; II: fcc 1 L12 1 bcc; and
8GAl:Ni:Mo 2 8GbccMo 2 28GNi 2
III: L12 1 B2 1 bcc.
Al 5 230,000 230,000

Table VII. Invariant Reaction Temperatures (K)

the Ni3Mo phase. Figure 19 shows the work of Maslenkov
et al.[8] and a calculated one at 1153 K. Summarized by
Wakashima et Present
Henry[1] studied the precipitation of the L12 phase in fcc 1
Reaction al.[4] Calculations
bcc eutectics using the alloys AG34 (65.6 at. pct Ni, 14.4
at. pct Al, and 20.0 at. pct Mo) and AG8 (65.7 at. pct Ni, L Öfcc 1 L12 1 bcc 1573 1572
17.6 at. pct Al, and 16.7 at. pct Mo). The lower Al content Fcc 1 bcc ÖL12 1 NiMo 1403 1403
L ÖNiMo 1 bcc 1 fcc 1583 1577
alloy, AG34, yields a structure as-directionally solidified,
L 1 B2 ÖL12 1 bcc 1576 1577
consisting of primary Mo fibers surrounded by an L12 matrix
with fcc phase centered in the L12 phase, whereas, at 1260
8C, the L12 precipitate is dissolved and the matrix is almost
all back to the parent fcc phase. The calculated AG34 struc- from the fcc 1 bcc structure, and the fcc 1 L12 1 bcc
ture is fcc 1 L12 1 bcc at 1200 8C and fcc 1 bcc at 1260 structure could be kept at room temperature in an ordinary
8C. This can, approximately, be seen in Figure 20. As the furnace-cooling condition without undergoing the peritec-
temperature is lowered, the L12 phase precipitates readily toeutectoid reaction (fcc 1 bcc ÖL12 1 NiMo). The reason


Fig. 18—Calculated isothermal section (thin lines) compared with experi-
mental data at 1473 K. I: fcc 1 NiMo 1 bcc; II: fcc 1 L12 1 bcc; and
III: L12 1 B2 1 bcc.
Fig. 20—Calculated isopleth section at 65 at. pct Ni of Ni-Al-Mo system.

Fig. 19—Calculated isothermal section (thin lines) compared with experi-

mental data at 1153 K. I: L12 1 NiMo 1 bcc; and II: L12 1 B2 1 bcc. Fig. 21—Calculated liquidus projection compared with experimental data.

for this has been proposed by Wakashima et al.,[4] by recog- eutectic reaction (L Ö fcc 1 bcc) occurring at about 1310
nizing that, when surrounded by thick L12-phase walls, the 8C and found the L12 solvus to be 1248 6 2 8C on heating
bcc phase would be prevented from reacting with the fcc and 1234 6 2 8C on cooling, at a heating/cooling rate of
phase. Alloy AG8, on the other hand, consists of primary 10 K per minute. Thus, they reported a bcc 1 fcc two-phase
Mo fibers in an essentially pure L12 matrix, and L12 progres- structure at 1260 8C. The calculated results, on the other
sively dissolves into fcc phase as the annealing temperature hand, are that the L12 solvus is 1234 8C and that the alloy
is raised from 1220 8C to 1280 8C. The present calculation with this composition is in bcc 1 fcc equilibrium at 1260
shows that AG8 has an L12 1 bcc two-phase structure at 8C (Figures 14 and 20). Also, simple simulation of the solidi-
1000 8C (or even lower) and an fcc 1 L12 1 bcc three-phase fication path is conducted using a Scheil model for example,
structure at 1280 8C, as seen, approximately, in Figure 20. (Reference 27) and an equilibrium model with the present
Yoshizawa et al.[2,3] studied the phase stability of a direc- thermodynamic parameters. They produce almost the same
tionally solidified eutectic alloy of composition 12.7 at. pct eutectic temperature, 1305.6 8C. The Scheil model neglects
Al, 21.6 at. pct Mo, and the balance Ni. They measured the back-diffusion in solid and assumes perfect mixing in liquid;


thus, it is often used to simulate solidification behavior with REFERENCES
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This work is financially supported by the General Electric 9, pp. 153-90.
Company, under Research Contract No. 9622031. The 26. Yong Myong Hong, Hitoshi Nakajima, Yoshinao Mishima, and Tomoo
authors thank Dr. J.-C. Zhao, GE Company, for his invalu- Suzuki: Iron Steel Inst. Jpn. Int., 1989, vol. 29, pp. 78-84.
able help during the work. We are indebted to Mrs. Xiulin 27. D.A. Porter and K.E. Easterling: Phase Transformation in Metals
Han (The Geology Institute, Chinese Academy of Science), and Alloys, 1st ed., Van Nostrand Reinhold Co. Ltd., Wokingham,
Berkshire, England, 1981, pp. 209-13.
who performed the EPMA measurements reported in the 28. I.L. Svetlov, A.L. Udovskii, E.V. Monastyrskaya, I.V. Oldakovskii,
present work. We also thank Mr. Zhongyi Liu for valuable and M.P. Nazarova: Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Metally, 1987, No. 6, pp.
comments on the manuscript. 183-89.


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