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Home Town / Bologna

- Where are you from? What’s your home town famous for?

- What would you do to improve your home town?

- Is Bologna a good town for students?

- What’s the best way to get around your town?

- Which town or city would you like to live in in the future?

Studies / Languages

- Why did you decide to do a language degree?

- How much did future job possibilities influence your choice of degree

- Which part of your course have you enjoyed most?

- Are you a good language learner? Why / Why not?

- Is English (French/ Spanish/ German / Arabic …) a hard language to

learn? (Why?)

- What do you do outside lessons to improve your English?

- How important is memory in language learning?

- Would your language be hard for a foreign student to learn?

- Would you like to teach your language to a foreigner?


- Have you travelled very much? (Where to?)

- What have you learnt from the countries you’ve visited?

- How has time spent abroad helped your languages?

- Which city / place has impressed you most in your travels? Why?

- What has travelling made you appreciate about your own country?

Future Plans

- Are you optimistic about your future?

- ‘Let the future take care of itself’ Is this a good philosophy?

- How do you plan to use your languages in the future?

- What would be your perfect job?

- Do you worry about the future?

Hobbies / Free time

- Do you have enough free time? Why (not)?

- Is it necessary to have hobbies?

- Do you spend a lot of money on your hobbies?

- Is watching a film a good use of your time?

- How much of your free time do you spend on the Internet? Why(not)?

- Do you come from a big or a small family?

- Who are you closest to in your family?

- Is there anyone you don’t get on with in your family?

- Do you prefer to spend your free time with friends or family?


- Do you often go to the cinema?

- What type of films do you particularly like?

- Do you prefer watching films in the original version or dubbed into your

- Do you prefer to watch films alone or with friends?

School & University

- What do you think is the main difference between studying at school

and studying at university?

- Is a language degree a good choice?

- Is it a good idea to take a ‘gap year’ before going to university?

- How useful do you think schemes like the Erasmus Programme are?

- If you could choose to start learning another language tomorrow, which

would you choose? Why?
Languages Why did you choose Japanese?- Oriental language

- Wanted to challenge

Always attracted to /
drawn to Japanese

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