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Project Performance


Effect Of Staff Motivation On Performance Of Taakulo Somali Community

Project Borama Town Somaliland

Muxumed C.NIMCO

Amoud university

A research project proposal submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the

Degree of bachelor in Accounting business.

Project Performance

1.1 Background of the study
Motivation has been extensively researched, in the mid of 20th century the foremost

significant motivational theories came up, namely Maslow’s hierarchy of needs in 1943

Herzberg’s two-factor theory in 1959 and Vroom’s expectancy theory in 1964 (Latham,

2012). Those researches centered on motivation in general and employee motivation more

particularly (Obiekwe, 2016). In the context of Africa, Sheikh Ahmed, Oyagi, and Tirimba

(2015), mentioned traditionally motivation and how it affects in behaving positively towards

the following ways: staffs who stay loyal to the organization, speak certainly about the

organization in comparison to newer workers.

In Kenya, history shows that extrinsic rewards given to workers in organizations has a

significant influence on the workers’ productivity while low remuneration tends to produce

low productive (Stella, 2008). In Somaliland, there is lack of financial and non-financial

motivation for the employees working with the different institutions within Somaliland are

not rewarded positively, approximately which results a de-motivation and provision of

useless work (Sheikh Ahmed, Oyagi, & Tirimba, 2015). However, in Somaliland where there

is no published research on the same, that was the gap that the study sought to fill by

assessing effect of motivation on employee performance of local non-governmental

organizations in Hargeisa.

This study will be guided by Goal Setting Theory developed by Locke in 1968, this

study state the effect of staff motivation on performance of Taakulo Somali Community

projects in Hargeisa. The theory believes that you can achieve effective performance goals by

assigning specific goals; difficult but acceptable performance goals; and providing feedback
Project Performance

concerning goal attainment, additional to that he indicated that giving praises, Management

by Objectives (MBO), and job-design increases staff motivation, however considering many

approaches to project performance. The theory of goal setting helps enhancing project

performance for staff motivation, and that is the reasoning that the researcher chosen Goal

Setting Theory.

Staff motivation is the enthusiasm, energy level, commitment, and amount of

creativity that an employee brings to the organization on a daily basis (QuestionPro, 2022).

O'Donnell (2021), it is the level of energy, commitment, and creativity that a company's

workers bring to their jobs. Staff motivation is the level of commitment, drive, and creativity

that your team brings with them to work every day (Masionis, 2022). Staff motivation is an

intrinsic and internal drive to put forth the necessary effort and action towards work-related

activities. Staff motivation conceptualized as organizational culture change, project team

building, stakeholder communication and project leadership (Muyanga, 2016). Mogire (2019)

characterized staff motivation as reward, incentive, intrinsic and recognition. According to

Mabsoud (2019) measured staff motivation as intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation,

recognition & reward and employee training. Mwabu and Were (2019) staff motivation

indicated as reward management, training and development, working environment and career

growth. In this study motivation will be conceptualized as intrinsic staff motivation, monetary

reward staff motivation, and training and development.

Ryan and Deci (2000), state that intrinsic motivation is defined as the doing of an

activity for its inherent satisfaction rather than for some separable consequence, when

intrinsically motivated and a person is moved to act for the fun. Intrinsic motivation including

enjoyment, persistence and psychological well-being (Deci & Ryan 2008). Mabsoud (2019)

viewed intrinsic staff motivation as psychological well-being and a cognitive. In this study,
Project Performance

intrinsic staff motivation will be operationalized as enjoyment, persistence and psychological


Monetary rewards are rewards given to employees that have a definitive monetary

value - something that hits their bank account or can be liquidated in the future. Luchivisi,

Egessa and Muchilwa (2020) monetary rewards including raise, appreciation and financial

awards. Monetary reward viewed as an appreciation and appraisal (Beer & Walton, 2014).

Mabsoud (2019) characterized as appreciation, financial reward and positive appraisal. In this

study monetary reward staff motivation will be operationalized as financial rewards, bonus,

and appreciation. Training and development are more of a learning activity to acquire better

skills and knowledge needed to perform a task (Cole, 2002). Manju and Suresh (2011),

training and development characterized as improvements in technical skills and knowledge of

employees. Goldstein and Ford (2002), training and development viewed as way in which

organizations provide development and enhance quality of new and existing employees.

Training and development characterized as acquired skill and knowledge (Mabsoud, 2019).

In this study will operationalize training and development as acquired skill, technical skills

and knowledge of employees.

Project performance refers the quality of time, cost, and quality performance of a

given project (Muigai, 2019). Muute (2019) project performance is the capability of

completing the project in line with the required specifications, within the promised schedule,

the specified budget, while keeping the stakeholders as well as a customer happy. But

according to Mkutano (2018), project performance is an achievement of a set given tasks as

per set standards such as schedule, cost, and according to client’s specification. Project

Performance refers to the measure of project through cost, time and quality, Customer

satisfaction, project completed within the budget, - Project completed within estimated time

and basic elements of project success (Muyanga, 2016). This study defined project
Project Performance

performance as the Accomplishment of a set given task as each set values such as schedule,

cost, and according to customer’s description.

Project performance has various elements. Accogan and Ngugi (2021) indicated

project performance as estimated, actual time of completion the budgeted and the actual cost

of the project, quality of the end product, and return on investment. But according to Muute

(2019) project performance is viewed as quality management, cost management, and

completion time. Project performance is measured as adherence to timelines of project

deliverables, efficiency in utilization of project resources, and stakeholder satisfaction

through goal achievement (Simon & Mutiso, 2021). This study will conceptualizes project

performance as estimated actual time of completion, the actual cost of the project, the quality

of the end product and stakeholder satisfaction. Time or schedule performance can be defined

as time table that shows the start and end date of all project tasks, how the tasks relate to each

other and usually which team members or other resources are responsible for delivery

(Gulleid, 2022). Quality performance can be defined as a product or service that has the

ability to perform satisfactorily and the suitable for its intended purpose (Abdullah, 2019).

Cost or budget performance can be defined as totaled amount of theorized financial resource

allocated for particular purpose of the sponsored project for a specific period of time

(Abdullah, 2019).

Globally, a survey by the Standish Group (2009) on small, medium and large

organizations in the USA in the IT sector showed that less than 25% of projects succeeded

and almost 76% were challenged or failed. Project performance of local NGOs is poor,

particularly in Africa. Abdi (2014) established that in Kenya, over 50% of the projects have

been pronounced non-performing or unsatisfactory. In the whole of Africa, the success of

local NGOs project performance was expected to reach 30% in 2019 (World Bank, 2019).
Project Performance

In South Africa, it is about 50% (World Bank, 2020). In Somaliland, the success of

the local NGOs project performance is about 40% (World Bank, 2019). In the Hargeisa

district, performance of Taakulo Somali Community (TSC) projects was about 45% in 2017-

2019 and about 39% in 2020 – 2021 (TSC, 2022).

1.3.2 Specific Objectives

The specific objectives of this study will be:

1. To establish the effect of intrinsic staff motivation on performance of Taakulo

Somali Community projects in Hargeisa.

2. To determine the effect of monetary reward staff motivation on performance of

Taakulo Somali Community projects in Hargeisa.

1.4 Research Questions

1. how does staff motivation affect performance of Taakulo Somali Community

projects in Hargeisa, Somaliland?

2. How does monetary reward staff motivation affect performance of Taakulo Somali

Community projects in Hargeisa

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