Modern Course of Syntax Part 2

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So eee aS 0 Procearer ehousip besween (41) and (42)? How can we aake a peaeraton Bou te wo pater (Le aume tht seers alvay asthe fae 6 [o— 9] We san tom (2) (65) [olomererot [qPatsasimt [vite] TT ee ee erase ; Ze ce > Lomlle-] ‘Tee movement ofthe ssf aly, hmastet ny be represeces enemies 6 (og, so] [rtevosts Pan_asnione 5 Aker he movement tap i left bind. ovhih ig marked bere by BERET fre operon we get, (49). Wem the eosin =~ OF couse, his & ne = weformed quenion, To ake this 2 caret ‘ueson, we need ve eodional operations (SAL snd de-inseon, (50) Whom ihe enonne Prt asasanaye===F (31) Whom Pau te eon (62) Whom ais he eran scsiate ?(d-neemon) Hanng dscased wh-uesion formation with reprd 1 verbs sh af ‘uasnatevhic egre NP/OS ws Complement, tv nt 19 eth ike give Tod he westence To whom dd te pines gue it boner we ban fon ie iso Uap RCE 633) [oath ncen Fase me money [so whon]} Aogician ol wtonovene, SAI tod do-iteion 1 his uadeyng ror (58) [Toon] [ute nese mney | Se yrs Beta. 42.43 psa Pett in Wh qusins onside: the owing eco-quesion conning Sy) (55) Jot bug he nee [orton]? sn oo Says: (a) tay fee the whole FP N Whemovemen can 156) [say For wo(e)] [Jobin uy he neha, [oy (6) may tot ony se whoword wham which nN (56) [oun] [i ohn bay me eae [fe [y=—-]] In bot asesthe moved constituent matches he yp of snp (PP or NP). tn (Gj wis only the NP folowing tbe prepston thas moved. The pe See Fog away U2 Process (51) He offended bein whae way? (68) €ou gore by wha me? - (59) She asked you to pck her up at wha sain? reposion sanding ils puvculay wwkard sentences when he PPS rena: ES a Wi anor are SE tor ip ar Cain pepo (caring, non -teandng) never align seandXE "URE ROTET OO Re MT ir a (cpanel Tae Whmovemen of Sobiects Normally. as we hav ee, wh-question formation involves: (2) wh-mevement (8) SAnTwith or sithout do-suppor. With Subject whephtees, however, dhs is or we. Consies,fr example (60) Wholeftae nigh? ‘hat tseloc not se Co Jofeytol fees tev] 7 (6 (ose) efor] [te eel] G “ae ican SAL Enea athe NUYS ded te beh = a een cane (aun Se Se ane aaa (63) Who id you say ha at ve garage open? [ety ~ Whick Boyd you say has boken the window? Wise Subject of had she grape pen, sn ich bovis ie Suis Thar beets adn We sa ear to exarpes ke these belo 14S Whnowanen’ and ‘We ave 2 fr developed » schema fr ete quesion fcation, which tnsedon the astumprion tht in underlying sucure such sentences con ‘Sinan ierrogaive wheleen and te preceded by a so or hems “Wemovemeat exuacs the wh-attse fom ie onal goslan in.3. legreen gepgarted by "7, and moves De igh the Gt = Oe Process 113 (65) [oat] [John wits --— 10 Mary re seme of wi ings SA (68) Wha wl Joh snd Mas? sratece touches sib he folowing § again conte an § [SBaree Seether overeat be hp il eeupy the solabelled FV 60) [py [nhac [pvt Joba send -—~ to Mary}] 42.46 Goa 4.2.5 mORECT QUESTIONS 425.) died Yer Question: re have seem that questions maybe duce ind tst 22.2.4, for rape conan? ASME TER queen TaTeS} @) Let us look atthe eucrre of (8) Fist, we note thatthe phrase ge ‘seg ha eee ned. is n-agjunct whose nrmal poston we HE SS aaa rere na ote ete: (69) east bec aa snips sheer he might go Rose oh (70) He asked er whether he eight go home with her ove evening CGmbigoous Bracken (69) form late consents yell te fllowig’ ‘One evening he ask her wheter he igh go home wi her. 11) [xe [oats [gh ane ene] ‘ky whether be might x0 home with ber] )] The content wheter mig go home nish her an Dass au Ts rs aay saa 11s Proceser the Direct Obes ake In 2.3 we have segue that whether like share ‘Poses the COMP stn + (725) He sed [afeourta](.. | 172) Heated ber [sfeowil] fe] (79) Hesseate frfememete] fy. ] didease dns ne ant Wher and Tenner eee Tnaved quotons (= soboase anya heer if cenrespot to diet queion ofthe Yer ote. Compare (5) Hee ny name hy » 3) renter { semi on we In 42.2 we have sen that dees Yer-Nogueton undergo SAL. toivest YerNoquesuess on te ote: hand, are not subj te SAL. Concer [eure [se] [a ‘The normal Sy- Aus ard deri ‘erate ren ow hat nh ren on SA yb ted geo toca whuctor, br Sal ard wh-movemet ee abe eee Fenty hey we emery operon whch se wor neste Fete Sal os onion Yeso questions Did ou meseure t? Desire seteces wih Contd again Adjunct: Never had ef Wemeremen ctu withost SA i: A Indie guesions: She wondered hohe was doing Exelamations: Whot foots hey hve been! Nowe that citer whrmovemest nor SAL ie nesesiriy lgked with ‘Heton formation: SAI ours wth oat negaive Adjunenmseclar lines and wihemavement oer wth excamatene 4.25.3 Long Whomovament Le stank atthe sentence (61) Who do they thio spying on thes a he ie? This ofcourse a whguetion, Wh-movement has put the wh-word in fro postion. Where des who ome trom? Obviously, ol the Stier of the main lust: dey i he Subject NP ofthe. think-clase [nderiving the sentence we assume the bapa (82) below —_ f 116 Process Procenes U7 (92) Tey ink [[eow] vhs spring on her a he tne} . _ [gorse ten mie a smo ace Tey ca | | seni chopsdis sod onto ge oe ough sl. They sk shea | “The else (he) wh tapping on hel theses subowdinaei 30| (bes avi of sink, Wh-qovement agua takes oot he and moves Sein he COMP ole embeded ce (9 od en na con atom afte min es © [conto] [tote tt [elo é [ | faite ty work star? Who sere ied pn 32 Was there Blood? How much blood wae there? And mst paeu: where was evey toy ad what nas everybody doing ate ie ofthe tine? “The bron who wishes tgp hs audence mus supely this laormatin she satis poreble moment “Foe wave of sie which wero cock ane of Skoshire' sae hemes fis ouations broke out overs the middle of ie sumer Teco, ted the persons who ives were al vig thee a the is sing cn hema he sine] ‘As you se, ie fouing of who so ages SAL (with doinserio) inthe thin clause hey ink becomes do he ink “Exiles (84)-(9) below ar ferter stances of ong wh-movement te dass locate the saetedposiuon (he zap Sound bythe wh pase): (8) Who did Jn say he met -~~ on he bus? (85) Whos Mary ell you she had sen =—~ onthe isn? (5) Who di Bin sy ~~ wasasting forme the ther dy? (87) A wher ine do hey hk he ti wil each he ape ‘Adapted trom PG, Wosehowe, Lard Enawonh ond Oiher “Te NPs fined below al contin a potodiyog (or relaine) awe ao Menus somplee he GF of Portmodie esoed by alae: (83) The dey om which Lamiesines reared isuly head Blandings Cesle es (02) Toe smooth geen nwns om which it shone 0 wh-movecen 3 jn he seoteoes above need not be tony one tavieleap” the wh-lement may move 0 (03) Those whe readies, — SESE — faa) The chronicler who wishes gp hs audience (83) Who dd Joba say at Bi Mowe that Mary waned tos — (05) The wave of erie which mor 1 ack on of Shropshire Hoe er terme farther examples fons mhomavement 9 which 08 te ist home 0 foundations Sopa as (00 Thepors wtom maid {yyy a nde ok? Geen meaty cones Ns se te aay oC nathan ae? oo * Category | Det | AdiP y s ds eure casts Fecir | Spe | Penal | a [Pood ln te te, Fat iy uence we hn ny Yeo ee eee oe ene a Te [gens] en | ea ee ee eee | Samer’ |g |S wen i (Tits ch enon a EM ci e224). Tait ‘he nF 00,96 shove le sone sac The Gane Ferd 2 su taseane eet uy nado Banding Cate] | open he to Te ead a ome ov 0 Rea og ital et nda eno Cte | | aerate AAR PO scene Perc Meee ree oa Ce tg saan Lao pra flowed by a sntence wih a mathe Bp vs song nanan ena empeam Raritan since Cc oo to os neem 118 Proeter Supercialy, the pater of we pounding Sissi tenet hat often whequerion (04252) Com (07) wonder whom Joke led (98) the gel whom) Joba hed o ot quite (nthe analogy of whquesion, we aume tat (8) baste following dering sea: (9) [arte siti [s [cone] [doh taed ro whom]}] ‘Tue lent whom moves tothe COMP sti ont Of S, an 1 sanded H Whom binds the yp af the ste of excision ——- Note that whe sere ily Re pageant indea NF a, {dates wh novenen *ihe rT To ale whom swede Tt Setopent cre it SA a opine porOyng AIF hh-question formation, 1s we dave s2e0, there ise eboie wih reaped to tbe moverent Sf wh-PPs one ca eer sand the P tod ‘tact she NP ony. or one ean pied pipe the Pn the eagle shove we avevranded the Fe could ao fave ped ppd. Corpse (001) weeder ve whom John ae (102) the git 10 whom Jobe aed ‘ply wh:movemet tote lied wh-wonds io the sentences below. (100) [Test ecm [tn ed 0 ‘pir pecpiee wbeaer assay ("~~ aes COMP) (008) “re onse — Ja erin wich (208) the book —— Sues wating for wich (205) th gil — Jo isin ove wit whom te 103-105) stove etn opto Cone sow flowing (106) the womae — vein whore Roar (107) the man — 1 mer whose dpe fo the st ime a year (108) the cheat — the carina was murdered on the steps of How should mh-movement be cid out hee? Fisting obi | Proceste: 119 intipete, fr we cannot jus move wong whic et here. For exemple (108) “the woman whore lve in =~ bore ‘We ust pied pie ia one of he folowing ro ways (210) he woman in hore house lve ——— (211) she woman whore howse ive ia “Wht ee tree berwea (130) ae 211)? ‘Gur stcussion 10 far hos sown tx theme transformation of eh= movement ean be applied vo form both wk-gusions and pastnedien ‘Shuerin Ne. We nave seen ata fare peti is concerned, he inovement nde complet NPs iron exe ha eh-uesone “Ari the ce of wh questions, we al asset nes on Sabiis wh phe lou see The araogy of whut, SETHE ETE Thi the siding Str (112) blow becomes (113), {rarest of wh movement ia the NP (2%) (ute fen] [soem nee] (013) [ote oan fare] fof] snide eon] F [Ne teesen at the poston Si complex NP is inked oe Mea yh wo 1) Mcafee] [ambos a] Mera Cleel [he emt sed the we] 13) ra fel finn ein an] ” ane) [so sen toner] 19) the ge Erle] [ote loren en] 42.6.2 The Maoing of Klotie Closet Posmaiying (eave) clases may below the refer there 00 Oboe gp t-te 120 Prcenes Head soup: ber may oanow dow the sfeence of the Heat. For sane Den sr abo Se BESS MID ero ie causes of Ts Lind are nee Ti pot lear Foo the re peer ten To, Tey wee ATG De ee (114), has the mame ofthe fimyehich now shaming eahe A? (115) "The books which ordered ave aly aves ae ‘ ha (116) The man who sw the sccden was not prepeed tty ‘Seg also examples (91)~(96), (98), (103)-(108, ee. Relative tats may ala be womsestiv, ei (117) The Pope, who was expected fo wt Poland ania this se, why Sete goto France ea ; Co Kd si oe aon ba moter SR saa Téaton of the sleeat (Ue FOR Te a I sang sce pots luna fon een EN Se iceman tp rch stg ie Sncae eee aka restive relanve causes aso spl to ther apes of rasteodieaon toe pemadifston. 42463 Dalaon in Felotve overs Conse: (118) The fm which we saw at the ABC lest week has heen bensed| (om a ofa programas (129) The oan whom you se oer there ithe owner ofthe comp. | (DEES nena pooner ee aren a owmuneiteseanne nn eee (2) ii funtion asthe Subject ofthe embedded semen, eg (1214) The man who is sanding ote there i the Pine Mins of {Tis mao © is sanding over there isthe Prime Miner of | | eo soo ineaes who exact speaker i ang abot Te cause pro Ses inlemaion tt een for he eninios STE SS Symbol © to mark he deleted lement, und cal the gay aig (o)_ suis preceded by prepotion eg (1228) The man fr sho we were all ain id noc ome waking id no come (122) “The man for ®ve were compe it ot come (123) Theme {S") weve ai » the yepoion stranded the maved whwoud oni 0 TREE ne wt of th to elie pronoun Subject ponton nr tues of the Yoe There genteman athe door Owasso see you (eh S83) and ie spe rs one © gov eBook wo Bile 8.3.1) 4264 Thoin Rl (One ao ohn nds he complementer sar iaead of who(m or hick he begining of escive fli aus Consider, fo eran: (224) The youn sl ta play he ln swe it Eyian (125) The man that we kd vo me ued out 0 be 3 took, ‘The GF of Fosimsier is eased by an eabeded clase pecceded by tha - (226, [gna [spas be ois we) (027) [ya [we tedso es ]] Sentence (5) ogter wih hasan S. Thee i reat deal of in ty between thee Sea cesicive rene ses Far exampl « (@) both are esacivePomosibits to he Hen, both acu ini an NP. (6) mbt eases care ia gap side te S28 = | fem elfen thay, whom ade ae thus args inechangesble, eeapscat for stpe reason hoi) may be peered, We sme, en, ht he co [Bemeniser shar here als inks te Head pou ae he embedded 8 Siace ‘nies angugesandn Md Els on cam a0 (nd ngs of 3 “ord flowed by sha (eral, for erage 122 Proves (129) The dog which et we som yesterday sod not te revere). we shall assume that the COMP sir hes 1w0 poston: ax) La He) ‘COMP i thas esered fr whleents (3) a for complementies (0) “To forma rene cause we now dave ule afew optaes Toke ie allowing wseryng ture (0.31) the woman [rfcaut®) 9) [ame invited whim ou pany] More whom to postion) in COMP: (032) ‘Te wooan whoa @) we lava ——— our pany Wersy ete whom (3) Thevoase (0) winied ‘0.00 pany, ‘We may no insert the complement’ tha postion (2) ia COMP. (236) The woman (a) hat we nied ——~ 1 ove pay. 4a presto ey Engi, sentences be (129) are ungrammatiel. Moder Engst has ale thatthe COMP sot me 4.24.5, Advil Rlove od fie elt Clones PRA sn ine ao cnn oh cent est O° CTT te Wage where Tine my ou (GOP) Adv 22S (036) Dithey you he eon why ey al ep? Rete aes inrodced by where why, when ee ae lle averbia! ir rie: Heal Woun seems to merge with the wh-word or det 37) {Sm Pee0 ho) us im ates hi, (38) fata pe you [ee { Relive claee “HEEB HET oun ana» pormodiying cave Fox etample, whatver iW 4.246 Nan sive Rulon liar Consider aom he folowing seatncs: (40) The Pope, who mas expected to vt Poland again this summet ecied 1 go to Fane asad (242) This cat, wtih Lough oly ro gees a6, abendybesisning lo show tne of epi 29) [0 fyvimeve [00 wa ‘Bracket he NPs wah relive ene, and underiae he Head guns, ‘The postmosiying clauses abeve do nol reset the reference Of te ead noun. Ths, e clase who mas expected 0 te Pond oie sis summers ot mest 10 Geni he Pope, Since the relerence ster Slear” Under normal ckeorsances, here ean be hatly aude ‘nding beween speak: ene hese about he ety of he referent, SRE Tarn Se Grobe of rw ser (092) “The Poe, © was expec ovis Psd aan hs me, oc dos te complement sa nxmaly ecu bee (019) "Te Pope, at mas exis vih Flin pin nt ume, ‘The intonation of now-eicive cuzs ic eferent from Ih sed for resneve laze In pt, nesoevereauve elawen ae satay Parked off (receded end fllowed) by commas. Prone 42.467 bsercier ' frocmi 135 s i ew cote Cour of . a (146) The sory Bi et Ante secepetiad we ckesiaey se aes That Iota cy (447) The fact that the Prime Minister was involved in a Gruss scandal CD (0) Te ineaursmen sorb Coemoes L a Ea) Teessmpuogfina one iscoming bck oof em tones, om wm fa} a Waste sare of the above NPs? é $ ‘oer caps ionnesboesrucscstasibelllwiee p= . sy S| cmon Ce inate fo seston 7 : eee [us | Emote = | fm | Beats, c oor f ot enon tg the fen tar [fot de sie] c 5 tn 5 F—Ananse (4s)-(148 in these was c Scan ER at 2 Song cele cue? We se ait eave E } cd clauses are peseded by 2 weave prongun which bins ne gap inside the L 7” : ee Ci ne ave snd ar unon of an te end a nent CTY coc Se phcde say do be ted i Ft ee : = ban toa) J oo Fes) tegen {10 | sons = tee C ate Le teste £ ae J 5 E canyon oe site gape (14)-(14)? You wil find at che ane (GND Compe ins aumples wth there in (180)-(154 below c esa ran ade hed (150) The news tat Joba sa i wt er a shack J [ixeuTeciou mao rent eit sel ty (181) Terao tat Ame spendin omens ele C i ae aes toa Pe neces vecaieen J) pone tenance bat eager e pata ins catecion we | MRD chp reem me Sote emte 1059) The ews athe Prime Mier gave he epee al sc p pe rene 2 (054) Tweassumpion shat be bres his heaeyofftnay be ake 42.7 arrose cuss i Cente lov ein oN (Sate Se etm ces) Ly 44) The at ht Jo a et He pmrnvecinee What ary! : ) John ad eh iwi came a Soe us a ‘Coner he Heads of he Sujet NPs in(184)-(148): a some KBE 126 Proceer cramps te Head cous relies wo ane (repr) in oer cae it ha Saki ost aeagr Geos om Sr on fo) ena eal nwa ws Toba Ras is oe Paaphrase(245)>(14 fhesime way Note thet which cannot replace sar hese, aod hat thar als 90 rama tio eg. Sobjet 0 Object) the clause; moreoves that {5 Sbiatory bre ad th we of haan aso oxcr before non-resiive hei 64 Fur eanpon tht er it o ae lan nd) a exc ats (4) ie Sa ae, Taine Tar avaes BESTE (144)-C48), ae Toa chu ace pon ewe, ae ald ape. as, (58) (159) Te fst ant eave fom paform 3 the 6.03 for Reng. want tt 1 fe he sik with We a wane x decent place ove in. Bechet NPs in these sentences and determine thc GF inthe satence “Te stereo thee NPs flows Spee | Prema | # the fine rT econ Fonmed to arve lhe pace ofthe erie Pace | toe oe Sines ‘SSD ae Appts cats ny do be mresuet Oy eco ‘renter wheter aa ‘hey ml appreciate oar age et 427) baci 7 a —_ ; I i i i : t : 4208 REDUCED RELATIVE CLAUSES (15) ‘The fit man to sive a the pce of the eine was our lel Pole ote (155) Te ts ma oa coin sch romances is your fhe. \ “Te wsconsnistions above serve Poston and can be changed ito shivered eg. (160)_The fist maa who aro abe pace of eerie “1 peanutoas wed ta (155)-(059) re eae seduced clan Err isoyimno fl elawie ce SBP ete lacs, trdveed by wha, which ae Site, The posimodfyng singe in (255)-(59), 60 the ote hand. 37¢-non inte sins) esas : aay as) 063) (064) “The ain viv at lator 7 he 703 fom Renin. “The guy weatng tose od ote it Ian's hutband None of he guest rte by John nue up ays mde infer 0 Jay il nt e acd ws breaoning of ne er ‘Tego tte de shove ae era Hear moet reaisve non eens (065) The Pope, warned nto po 18 Poland, decided to it Fence Inne, (155) “The Ponce of Wale, nzuned by the pres found i more and (rove iio ea» noel Le us nom consider ie race of eed elie cases in more dei ‘we'fnd tn cia syracte postions which it fl lave CUI oe seal occupied hy leah matenal av left empty ia educed eae fuse Te hn file by event leak matesaL. Compare, for exA mB, 1338) wah al version (1338 o 128 Process (055) The st man to ave ah pace dt heen (1552) The fist man who rsved at he lace the cine “Te undeying sete of (15s) fms (0) telore wh- ovement (0556) [jth st mas [y COME [who [oparived JJ] (0) oer shemovement of the NP/S Goorsives T11] “Te jp ~~~ bound by he moved wh-word (ho). Sere {assy [rie ae ma eto [ G)_ before wh-movement 0336) [ote fest man com [59 [,yiosvive..]]]} "Yl (9) de VPn A155} ise, ha (1580) ie (2), ReSvect wheword (1S) fan ver Semen who) hein (sy arava reson elie snd ete ida by 0. We tssiie Go Tae Be ert wh-word a wel as the acnover elent O Sov rom te Subject poston into COMP, enn # exp =~ "Now et us cone (138) ese, too, we may ty to Bethe srctre of (185m the aalony with ite fl version: (155) The fst man tat you sould [kismet clears there ina zp inside Bs (156) ad (156 and tha the preposition tis sanded 0 Ts (156 be complementer a (a COMP) bins th gap 2 reas the ealaive enue to the Hed Nin (156) thei 90 avert element in (COMP. Ler us thus te tat asin there st oa-avec element O in com However there is anoter problem aow. What the Suet of he ‘ne ise in (1368)? Ceay, you Ip (236) the note rela (0) her whmavement ase) aaa ° [ in och srcamstences ' Proceses 128 cise lacks ao over Sublet, bat we ay target he Sub 2 rferng (oe esampl, ro you 38 eprsened in (158) (1360) Theta a [fo yout a] We shal thus nave to ay tat (186) ao has 3 pon-over Subj, wich we suatdiete bY) "ye assume then iat blorewh-movement (156) baste sca (456) [Rees (~" [‘ »frrerll]] ‘nd that wh-soweoent moves the son-overt element © ito COMP: me omer lo English, the sequence for. oi ongrammasal: for must be dele Essen heeded eatie daue (156) ths as 2 acn-overt Sub: Jeevas mol set novovetcelnveclemeat in COMP (afer ovement) Inlet by ©, whch binge a gap sdzated by ~~ Se Chae 5. 'Al these sonore postion are sesuned on th bss of coresponding oven postions inher parallel clauses Ty to enlye(197)=(159) in he ‘ane ays ou milf tht (257) and (15) patra ke (156), while (059) moe Ike (153), 130 "Process ere darget enki pal nips so 429 FRONTRG So farwe have senha using, tense and vlghrses may bz mowed ‘ehuads However ther conten may so Be pepo Tor aE (457) Soon ater beakan Mary Amb brought i The Times Soon afer breoifit as been toned cia PAZ (088) Mary Ao [Bivahie Te Tne [soon ater bet] Compare ao: (16%) have neve belce mea man ike Job, (159) Never beore have Let ama te Jo, 11 may ato be Homes i Pues of aoa eis (170) ad (iter For semple (270) He cme oo. 7) Outne came (2719) He waked ine the snag, (179) tothe paige he walked 429% Bsarsine Process 131 ‘Sosa ana he a's opie ag in ha net. Soba n sound snap nthe he npton, Dn the meng oi new Soy eet 44. PASSIVISATION * 43 THE PROCESS ‘Read te following tert. Bracket the ajo consents in each sentence tad uadrige he Hea othe VP. assign GF [rarest |The cing bis of he ladon sub-continent by Sion hed peomapal co, Soc he sana ins fe tb Sinem hs ce ned ty ay bs fo or, Lato | ee ceepies by the Bech Only recent waste repo dade Be seep cums ida aod Fabs | sshouhons ethereal be onda heck | and the eating habits of the sub-continent. Indian and Pakistani fond are “tyson br egonl an cour nbn ca sien Pe Sop tion Hn and cosmo pointer towed oes : “tothe rstnon a food wo eee in tet Zune sen Siver pla oft efor dacraon Pe mew nca “ey ine tea am be owns Tews nd ood nonce al ove he ws “Sse tom hand. Pah, tig nnd Woy “Thiet conuins seer instances of psn sesences. Passive sentences ve te foiowng pare 0) [sfulleeteveeehaoy J] Foc example: 152. Procees 2) tbe cong hai of tte avn sb-oninen] [ore intvence [by hea od sonal eo] 8) [sfreice he eatin times] {tne coir] {rte been invaded by many bes] teem ter pose sentences inex 43.1 ‘Nomaly tr pesivesetence has» corepondie active sentence, The * sane Bneee eet ose pane ES ce enone career ae St 4) [sfottinoical od rosapic fos] [intence [it ning hai of he doa s- Thee (@) exe | \, } the put es 150 Procete ead ten 46 (44.2). Iisa good exemple of how gheward wove sme option maybe used by autor to here cea eens Iden Ihe ighvard movemene Taras lchsble wae 8 fsbing vege Ic consisted of» high see ia which ‘nee the sop, the ak, the decor bouse, snd the outs of evo oF ‘ree sol owe: toupé the ite harbour were shabby sees So ‘hich lived Gaermen and poor people: but ine they went © chapel they were of so secon When Mis Carey pss te ssenbog si stern the soe te sepped ove othe other sie to avoud meeting ihe, burif there was wo ee foe th ne her eyes onthe paver [tensa scandal o wich the Verba eve resgned tel tha hee ‘rece tes staple ne Hig Sree he cold not help feng tae the Inv rou ave seed a preven he erection ‘Wsomerse: Maugham, Of Human Bondo: 4.5 CLEFTING AND PSEUDO-CLEFTING 451 cLEFTING Cling, a we have noted, is ce which i wed 10 focus on» pat teal Contuen ate setece. Te poset of ng inves exec ings constuent fot ts base postion i.e sentence td puting in ‘eve prominent goign (CL 13.2) Conse the mats i which elefing ole Be appied to sentence) (2) Jane gave i took Bl on ‘The everson f (1) clade he elon () thas on Saurday ta Jae pve is book to Bil 2) hens Blea ne pave thi book on Sao. (4) rms shit book that wich Jane gave so Bil on Satur. (5) ras Janeth gave this book to Bl on Sutras We coud enend sentence (2) by adding an Ajnct cue, For example (5) Jane gave this book wo Bl on Sturdy becautit wat hie binhday we ake the because clause ae foes eee (6) becomes (7) (0) ewes beaut wer his burhdey nat Jane gave thi 0k 1 Bl on Seay ‘The focus elem maybe ener an NP (8) and (39). £ #P (2) and (3), fi f “eae odin naan : Processes 181 can Adjunct ause((7). As the exspls show, te focus element Stmounded by tities --ihatlwhalwhic-claae.AlNough thee tha hotwich-eaoies ace vey sir io appearance 10 relative clauses (526), ney ae ot quite the same. One ference i that norma lave ‘Shut sty serve lo poseotity Heacs of NPs, ie. Ne, not PPS oF ‘Nunc cases swe have seen, the relive aut in Cf tentences an ‘ponumeiy" Ps aod Adjunct causes. Another dference sat i te Timon ype of telatve eiuee the thatvhorwhichelementcannce be \Ghow ate Subject ofthe ave, bt in cle renteees hoy, who, oF ‘thick can Be omited in eallogual sl i ithe Subject ofthe cast, Comgare (62) The gid who give the book to Bl ism ster, (70) “Tue gil gave te book wo Bilis my se. (20) cis dane wo eve the Bok 1 Bi (95) IeieJane @ gave the boo to Bi See a0 4.263, “The ten bow iksates he se of elf setences, en te dt semencts nthe test Tryto rete the txt wihow the Set sentence, Teast {Yet one ean chm tha since then Labour difeulies have dimin ished tat hey nave ereaued and molipie. Iwas Me, Foot who presided oven fat py preoptted, be defection of 30 Labour testo ie SDP ~ the Wage spt im Labowts tory ance 193%; i i Mi oot wo Wal ae ie eee Mi Be + ity Uncampenen ofthe party a fie f sue danensons tht us over {months ago he estaped by the meres ars bread rom bing i Iosted on hn at hs ove dep iis Mr Foot who, hang ed ast ture tat hee would be someting “meonsstent”atout-acive Mien Tendany supponers sanding ss Labour canddates, 0% ies sree fight o nine of em dow eaety Obeerver 21 Febnary 1983 = 482 pseuo0-ciEFTING ‘Clehing is wet way of aking cleat what you ae focusing on bt i Sov pone, for example to ate the ve the Head ofa ce ons Sion However ite ban akeratve way of focusing On eonstiuens ht aposbl to er and heir Complements For esa 152 Pacer (10) Wi Jane adware the Dok Bil on Study (1) Whatshe waiter did was open he Beersn Gi We ecu he VP pise he oak Bln Sur ot pen he Bertin is by paige setence-inaly an placing the sin. what NPISu did ries bore TRS proces i ealed proudo-cleting. Some more cramps 5 (12) vac Bl wil dois hovew quick sRower bef eens (13) What Aane oid was open te bar ondake ou the gm (12) What en dong iter ear up tit mest seu dleing sno only ae fr fostng om te VP a whole, Other consttvens cx ao be focated on by peeling. For example: (3) (£50) Wher Fnecd mos ahs ime ofthe day a cigar amd dink Wha. dyin (158) fe relative ur (6.26.5) ntoning ae Sab Joes I my lobe 3 Complemeat (Pe) (5) Aci 1 ela cignene an drink mst hie the dy and ns wha J ned masa os ime of the dy 4.6 SUBSTITUTION BY PRO-FORMS ‘We nave sen ta coasuens a= whole ny at ines be place by sub ste fons ao ced proforma. Conner (1) Bs ster snnouneed the nee of her macige the day before yeseday Isis sentece the NP Bl sere be paced by th; the nem of her smarige9y thee afm yenrday by ens 2 [ofS] [-ranoonee fit [en] ‘head irae personal pronouns fe. 24.2.2; then an adverb replacing 8 lime Adjunct. She. rand then ae erarpls of poor Ineropnve pronouns (wha, what, which) and laerogntve aver {2h a8 when where. why. ow) ate alo aed wo sepliceconstuente “ake, or exe (3) What ox Bits sister anaounce the day before yesedy? The anes to this wh-question maybe “The ewe of her masige” The formation of sich qoesions mis teen dcusted In 424. We have see Proce 153 that whpronouns aio serve to inoue tla elauses (uses hich fpotenoaty the Head ofan NP), 8 (2) The gel who anounced the news was Jane “This ocrurenct of hoi ao» reform Read tex 44 blow carey. Henny all he po-orms and ey 10 dence wat cnsient eh poor seat 0 replace, Tents "You pated you aunt's broceh™ “Yes “A that endeared you tones?” : ‘Teil epi lta later. Mesa, et ne Depa a th bexiving, Have yu eve ron actos « a nase Joe te Lawyer” No ‘Stout few wi fae lke a magi” "ve aver mb "Endeavor not to Jo £0 Corky. Lhat 10 speak ilo yl a but Joe the Lawyer st hoes. "What does he do? Pas people's brooches?” Urge asst the ginger eer sre TM hed Ms. pine ae thi Appin ar and looked wound. "Tse crcl the tone | ike o Bea i a ot ren, Covey. hen | reach that pot fa sy sory, you wil 2 thal my prong af Aut I's broen was e perleny normal siglorsard gate 9 bs es, How eve aul have bought half he dog” Hall what dog? ‘Dido' Ite you about me dog? ae “Tenus save don, les the au ofthe whale ais: “Wel, you sida” PG. Wodehouse, Lord Emsworth and Others ‘Anotes ingot ceplacive devie which ay be wed to void epson iste seing so, (5) May ought her weding des in Lando ad so dane The sing ao co abstr forthe VP bought her wea destin London te VP contains sare, there may alo be wed 8 Subst "ae ar he ere V2 (omy ayer weg nono (80 0 nay lie perenne agement te ee Ae we 186 Process E ene {Ate may he (> Smet a {Ate ee Fad pe wt dea fhe sine ent Ta coum pac w eti et shores eig fe eh peor coe tga Haweer seo eae eet Mt nd Sure? bet weal © deo ce Ion er mero ray ort ff eens slutty Enso oer 4.7 ELUPSIS . 1c isnot jst provforms tat re ust to exoacite in language, For trample, Spates often re6ace reuaney by leaving ou aopersoae Information, ve infomason wich ext eal be eaveted fot hes ion ofthe centet Ths paenomeron is cae elipes, Eligel sn. lercs epee forth mrreaton on what precede then scone Thos in (0), A: When di Scan eave? 8: Aromo ottock We may atom hatin the reeponse setence' (alii) he sing Sian leh been ome. In the eon blow we dal ook a sone ents felsic Eas 42. suniecromteTion Cone he allowing seen (2) Ubsiog juste he singer bee ire hat helt his pncenes to Ie Mapping ear a loves wouoded ‘The tence is eompound-comple: icons ro cordinated claws, Ue seuad sich oked wounded bat ht ir complete ai tad Uookeg wounded VP witout NP/Su. Can you sippy the mating Sb Jen? Intmely we Epow tat the Scbjet of looked wounded mst Be Unie of he onde fated wounded Tet shareererse of ciate teordoated by ond br and bur hat se sujet of he Second cane abe deleted if it o-telerzual Cte Sujet of he fst clase (ef 222), Ober examples ae (2) Toh sec down and (etl he news (8) Sota wt sing 20g or (he) il ply te piano, (5) Bil mse ip but (he) ha olen imei, Process 155 4.7.2. VERS GAPPING AND BACKWARD GAPPING 1 4.1 we ave seen bow the second of eo iene! Sabet NPs may be tied in cordate clases, Smarty a er ay be omited iis ee ‘eal with a preceding web (6) John wes ering corfaker and Mary wa eating pores 1a (6) was eving i epeste, but it maybe delet 0) own oy enter ‘hn of sen ae apg or ny (8) Joka was werting an esay BL was reading 2 povel 206 Anne & shor or. 1) te app V i te td case at be was een: cannot be eu okt ooter example wi such uals: (®) To Bed he le about Gand sod Mayes te fn above Gana Her the Vers, bt the NP/Od i ideal he lm about hand We ‘aaeplce (2) 670} . (00) Joba ke, 66 Mary diced, he fn tout Ga Sentence (10) as example of gaping in ever the NP/OSis delete in bef ene a 1 NP/Od in he second elas eee eee eee eek ees ra ras te eng ce tee 4.7.3 Tien Exampues Conder: "You paved your sun's brooch” wer 156 Process Here Yer isa epy co he queson “You pavaed your aunt's ncoch”. Yer ‘Beans "Yes, tpoed my suns aoe Read rovgh ext 48 once move id observe dat er and No answer heap eae foenie Sentences in the preceding conten ‘stun Took a the sig (14) Stout fellow with 2 ce ke a nage “This is an NP cox 446 above). What its store? if we ryt his [NPimv th ae choracerine of NPs we all nd tht scones 8 determiner Compete oe example, 145) The handuome policeman wih the sunglasses (16). Spee | Premed | Heud | Posinod pe. [ade fw a ‘The | tandiome | poieman | with de sungases P| Sou | fellow | witha face ke a bigais Sie fellow saga countable N, we expect hee fo bea deere. Forenample (11) “Theres out elow wih 2 bead in he other room, “The deen has ben elie in (14: we cn ens gute esi (18) A stout ello wih ace ke» hai In tex £6 the NP (wibout» De) eased a « sentece, begioniog wi {Spal leer and nding mith 4 fil top. TAS of course, tne wih Sn ws have said aB06 the tute of satences: our PS rules prescribe ver ais S—-oNP-VP and NP-—>Der¥ Thow do we veconce thet ules mith he examele? Agua we sal wat to ay tht te Subject NP nd the vert part of VE have ben elipred. We teres he NP seth he flowing undying stots: fcr hes boge (49) (Fe ies) owt fellow wi 5 NON-FINITE CLAUSES: RAISING AND CONTROL 5.. INTRODUCTION Inthe preceding chapiess we have seen ha sentences may be embedded ae Gun sentence (1), ff esimpes there « an Object clase (8) Gove sa 0 faloorve vice] [oenia [tar [rest communication esrpted geod mare] ]} tn (5 foie dase. Homers, borat ses ae nt ays te) Compare (2) an (2 (ts) The View believed ther eal communicoons corte: god (24) The View beteved communion 9 cg ood manners tn(2 thereat subordinate cvs, sin (1) I (26) he sprint sae oe tte is VF conan tone. The finn of Ot seis beensed by a dae conaming VP oir ue ive, a2 Sihpniple or an =e pare (3) tea ry sing cart (8, _ thea Mery singing coro 16) Ther found shi howe ocupe by evaters Fray, an Object clause may also be vere: in such eases there is * presicaeclacnenp between the cli eens (6) conse hire gue of his erie, In this ehaper we shall ook more erty athe srcrre of sentences i soboainatenonfint else. 5.2 FINITE AND NON-FINITE CLAUSES . 2 wirroouciON Read ext $21. entity she comple sentences, Draw wpa fit of omeles ast Ta 158 Nannie lauset sereaces wih fine Objet cases, and ome of sentences ith nom ine mjc cases. : Tex 527 Uc clas oe at wast wt ok tastd on my | oad is Bombay yu want owe books sbow Your enithod, 90 ‘nus develo sme ort of sagem, I ecded a ake seid iw of he wot “The bck shows how tien balinve hey ae response for een ‘hag thei vs. wanted io recount my hon i hat wy. Ba Shi aot wih the book to become = fy age Of cour, here, Bleaye the problem of Yeosmitude: eveyone tints that you a ‘eg svalgh from Ie They af heeve your pens were realy ike The ef the hoo I ned in was Ike the Howe fn he Uk. The ‘ak toes here the servant with th pry ere realy exited. But pole 2 nt tae tht thing 10 De rel Tey ar sho 0 be eof onsen T aed memory aod showed that emany wok. Bat got hing ‘rong the book, and Twsh dot ptt wong: th was the Dyer incident I wrote that Dyer commande onl white Woops. fet, ere weve Indian Woops 00. Genert Dye told he oop 10 fie 20 20 Soar cod the as "Tié nt ntead the boo oe ken Sn orale book either. fact people ke hat about he book, However The poli pans of he Sook were imeaded to eve! many things whch had bien flat ‘There eemed to exis conse i he country. People peered ry ‘such for hee things tobe fxg “The proces of unig tae) coesuiagSemeties hous tat 1 was. Kas ruc tn ronal at for neo be wing + book ‘hs utjeeL Most fhe ume hous woul note publ “adap Wom Vopue Decerber 1962 5.22 NITE SUBOROINATE CLAUSES “Tex: $2: sve contig the ftiowingseece (0) The book shots how ein Yalieve the} are response for renting meres Bracke the mai consi (1), he sentence simple. compound of tompls? ha iste Od of shows” i (0) the 0 eases fe fuse The wh-elemeor how oseur in COMP. The stbordnate cite ise ako complet eontnne another Ott lute the Od Bele ee onfine Clases 138 (2), [atin [pep a ego for evrhing inte] “The srtctre of sentence (1) may be represented asin (2) (3) AO ko ra Bm mo oes pe a al Le ry (0) [se oo [stone fxm [tite [sig fm) [ater [an supose or svg 1 Ss Going fom op btom ne ipa (2) 08 wil fs ee 5 nodes: (9 temsincium {es Opec cee: of shows {© wemosd Oye cr of ble S, ‘Anaste the following sentences fom see 5.2.) ia she same way 2 (1) ‘Seoves tes wes dram (2 (2)) sd labeled brackets (et (3)) (8) Everyone thinks hot yu ae writing sea fom Wie wel] (5) Theyall bie your parents wer ely ke tha. 160. Now fe Cowes (6) cand ( showed sat memory wor (7) sosand Lwin tad po ptt wronB (8) Loc that Dyer commanded only site Woops (8) Sometines tought hat 9 mad (10) Most the sie f thought it would not be published ‘what sentences (4)-(10) have in common i that he superar ver duet Seow beer thnk, ih ec) fakes a Tite nese as Os Fhe ete sags hve an expo Subject. We ao see thatthe sb twin henay sometime be deleted (t 1)-(3). (00) 5.2. NONEFNITE SUBORDINATE CLAUSES WITH LEXICAL SUBIECTS Now compare (11s) nd (116) (inj 8007 dino wich (thatthe Book should become omy ss {tb} Bua didnot mh (or) the book to become amily sus. ‘Bracket the rg coosivnts ia (118) 268 (135). Notice shat wish hes 2 Celera fs Bd bth examples, bata (218) the Objex cute inte (e522, while in (118) ke now-nt,I (128) and (128) we show wow the semencee (11 shoul be ack cry TL aL atm ft [Cit soccer] com [LAT [steorn (44) [ eon scone my] “Te bossa aes in (124) a (120) fern several respects (a) Tre fe sabordinae elute in (128 is ntoduced by the comple Inentar sha COMP. Thor is opioal ef. 2). The non-nte sob Urdnae clase ia (120) lnrodueed by the complements for, ‘then optional (o) The VP of (12) te; that of (125) now-site, {9 tne ser pronoun inthe Subject postion ofan eben Use the pronoun il ake the Subject form: (138) dot wth that debe shows ur if we wea pronoun asthe Subject of non faite clase, the penous on finite Clases 183 {inh Lar wn (flo eshte 1 sea tin (14) assed bei ie Saye Tn ane Stay me one om ek ee orca en om et S21 ese nn es ahem gm epee ee ‘Sue back een tony oop peed ey mi for es ag be oven (oo) ned te oo been a2 EE (he) burgled pr ie eine AL epee neces ti ie outa le nn a es wg ew option (1) 1 eves nn ine Set aie (16) 080 fee toss) "Bs get do nox bn for ths ts © Oh nis tse angles nc teflon arson ener tion ve pre, ake ome ns 8 he come w emnser fry bers, fuch 28 believe ake noes, ‘clauses without Sen eS st beh cae Se (use) Dat pepe do antee [thse tnesc6 bere] (9) The conoleenin formas deci iad ee Tare pla prefer (xa st atoning Jr) 6 or fi ecoopeenier by merveing mel oe 00 Pa oy en ors notes dele of. (14) eho) ste somite ses dsc ave ll oct 2s Compl of VS non setae Non-fite clawses a aso be SHEE (8) For etote wen ook om th mest was 37 rans (178) anata flor me to be wig Book on i HS ene to sei a tn ele osecon nae {ite “Me tobe ng sk on bes wa (os) eins war an irational net met be wing» book on ti sobs st nnn ati 162 Now finite Coase ow five outes 163 45.24 NONFINITE CLAUSES WTHOUT LEXICAL SUBIECTS (238) You wisbed or which book to become a sscns? ‘ow conser (198) and (188) betow. Wha iste iterence beween | wrmovement apts to his semeace we ative a (23) feat (238) “Wien book i you wis for -—— ro Beome x success? eee are + but (238) & uaranoatel, ice it contin he sing for... 10; for must (29) {id 01 wiht wate say srs, Both clauses ave an embedded Object cut, and in ech case the bedded clause on-ae In (198) he Sujet fhe embedded ase "excl realsed by ta NP he Book te complements for epson |n (290), on the cer hand he embedded sina cs an ove. beter, ‘Tee Subject positon tna lea filed ad we sal deaths by partrnees(").Futhernoc, the COMP i (198) must sot be filed by oe : (286) “1 noe with foro writ family sa. The sear of (19) indeed i 20): (20) 16 oc i of, foo wes ty] ‘at does (195) men? Of ous, tenn wa should we famiy seg’ (in (20) i 10 Be ‘0. We sal ry tat the sowlenel Sabet postion) by the Subject of he ghee flse We earn so conan Tes 08s nor-aite Ones aves hat maybe aki fal Subj: Sbjct lus, to, may haves aon elie (218) Tobe wring book on thi sbjot wis toon overt es (216) teas rational 2 Be wing & book on this sje 525 FoR... 7o RAI Compare (21) and (26) wit (173) and (17. Observe sat ter 90 love Subject mth embedded elaacr of (28) aad 2b, whe tere ‘vein the embedded wtaunes of (i7s)snd (276) We aig the Sujee! ‘hae af (214 te folowing sacar 25 [ye [66 [ote wikings book on sjeat]]} vio (190) the complement for 0 allowes 19 aout ere In eet sort, te sng [gupft oH slowed fo Engh eu Be teed oot The campementier forms bet inmedaely precede to ‘The ae which dali the sting for, it oc EEE han Shown hove. Tae, for erp, he sents be lr ° (234) _Whieh book id you wish to besome #uecess? see a0 428, 5.3 RAISING $3.1 BASING WaTH PASSIVE VERBS Coie (13) and (29 (2) 1 intended (oe) the potical parts ofthe book to reveal many ce (2b) The pic! parsof te book were intends to real way thins ‘he bigher nse in (1) acive (intended) han (10) psi (mere Imended) In (1a) he MP he poaica parts ofthe Beak appears te Se olin embasdesS > (stint [oft pot paris ote bok [oy to) te NP ie polit pares of the bok is he 0/Sy of he bgher hse i the Sbjc of were mended (appt the et for Sane nd ‘Sserbed in 33.110 very tas daa ’ Futermor, woul sem tat the embeded Sin (10), teil many tani an vr Sue (0) he pe out of Pe ‘ston results the sopprestion othe gl Subject ond) ed ‘heltward movement fhe Su ofthe cde ote cae (ie lit pars of he boo), wich snow placed inne Surposion he ater ne, ving» gap oa poston (5s [ined [ye pote pars of he books reve! von} (00) —[afoet¥e pict pans of he book] [pwere iene [== mya) 164 Non fine Couses i -Agtin for ns not be preset in (30), since is wou result ina sng for Lexus look mare cesly a he props the NP he pia part op ‘he Book i (30). We have seen that ti the grams! Subject of the Nigherpasive verb (were intended). Secondly i is aso selted (0 he Subject porsion ip the embeded clase” we chin tha pacioeston Tragers movement of the NP/Su out of the embedded clase int the igor cate, leaving 4 ghp ~~~ We tall ty tat the NPS ofthe ihe clase binds te Scbjet postion (moe specifiy (be gp) Ie ower caus, te sae way that an antcedee NP bad 2 ella pro noun ( 24.22). The operation af monn a Subjedt cut of pone “else ini he Sabet postan ofthe ex eave vp called rain “Let us ety onee more 10 (30) above and concer one fiber srobiem. We knoir thatthe fnetion ofthe NP ihe poi! parte of he boot it hat of Su of the higher cause Now whar i he fnion of the embeded aon-nite Sy" 1 reveal mony shinge? Ie abvoty ao {he Subject of were ntendegtough it rete he Subjct the ep A=" Steal the onvfte cause appear io the portion of 4 Vet {Complement paral to an Onject aus (el (3)) range thu be as edt rea he clause as eased” Objet ase" he non-nte caoe ‘Stemnant ofthe orginal Object clause. Passivston i hs ease doesnot dies the whole Object clase atom the Seber af he Oye eae le inne acts cra ponfevonngiheerinte shes “The passives of wes sueh a end shin, expect 25) et, a tage rasing of 3 NP/Su from zn embedded non-nie 6a5 can bese te folowing expe (8) They ae thought be act of he imasination (5) Joka is expeced to be back ion, (6) They ae sai cobe leaving wd. (7) Anne was found tobe suit of high enon (Tris asf to be the ony slution. (8) Shewas consees to be the bes payer in he ea (10) Mary was sen ta the money re dashes (10) stove ‘omack the orginal postion a the Subject NPS in (4) It is very imponant observe that tne ap left ater movement camo! fe ey ante Ie anne: Compre Be eas n (1) 28 Nonfinie Cus 165 {1ta) Toe pol pars ofthe boot were nteaded ~~ 1 evel many fin) - “The pita parr ofthe bok sete ended various chapters co revel may tase. ¢ (128) Who did he ears senate (12) "Who he eri asso the ambussadoe? (CE :2.4.1) {Compare 91) and (135: (033) A coupicaey was beeved to enstin the county (138) Teve was beloved to eit coaspiay inte county, te (18 fe Sujt poston of he min ie ose ye NF veGpwley As neces deed store ie Saect NP hs ben ‘ied ow afte enbeided sae oe (143 [A compine] mas ets [fr {sesso te ome] 1 (130) the GF ofS in the mai clause eased by here We shal ‘sie, agin, fat there ongnaes othe lower clase asthe Subject of ti ad hasbeen moved st the aie case Subject postion: so ea coop te county) } (144) There was betes fe Therebinds he ap (~~~) he subordiae case We ave sea before (63) ht tere cm onl faction a the Subj of exten sentences. fa (iet) we eat sacha Sabet ofa none exe Yentence wy sho be red So far we have concentrated on ting rom non-tnie clauseswih 0 ines Toe poses ko spps, ewere, 0 elutes with parties n ingame odo bie cs (31) (05) Mary wab heard singing aol (15) Tue house wa found occupied by squares (07) He war considered innocent Mar he wast Sujet pion in he subordinate causes in (15) (26) sd (IT by 5.3.2 RAISING WIT INTRANSIFVE VERBS’AND WH ADJECTIVES 15.1 we have given exeipes of easing rigged by pasive aing vee LOLOL Lr | Le TLE an 166 Non-inie Cues (08) Joh weve [[r-=— thee aed] ‘The pate in (18) can ao be found with aon-pasve, naive vers: (19) Jobe seems have disappeared (29) coresponas 0 (2: (29) cscs tac John his appeared | 20) Johns te Subject of the embeded fit nus thot John has peered. Ivexaposion is Obgstory here "That fon hat oopees ln (19) we alo wane orate John to the Subjet potion of he ub ciate n-finite clus. Tis cn be done f we sume (as 1) oe the NP Jo orgnates a the Sbjecr tte subordinate cae aoa at ‘sed 0 te Subset poston of te main nse, (094 sees [2h vo tae aspeaed]] (190) John seems ——~ to have espace Some commen ce aces hee (0) he embeded cause must nor be intoduced by the complementer fo decane hs would ee tte Segenee fr Te tek 52s store) (©) (i) ts as a ae a “ Uke + nontniecase, isextapocon s ponies ce lion. Convers i seme takes «fine clase sing ek ose to inenraposson i ablgnony (et (20) abex0), (6) AS the cae of pase raising verte (53.1). he wreed Subject, fot of the none ese scomparying lcm canoe id Dyes ate i (22) “Jobn scm Blo have suappesces Ce va wie eave ie ee ar appar. appen, am ou pha ‘verb, cl. Chapter 6). ms ile (22) John appeaed/nappened/urned ov to have leh lead ‘Api we yak hat he GF i ofthe noni 5 aecanpayig seem (19 On the one pnd lke s Sater clase nue a ete Sot extapaet S/o (0))On te her ban i's on neo suo sce ie Sabie poo ois Vt seuped oy ea a oe (09), whch ts tee ed ou fe von fine ase Apa ange Sa oe He cuporaraw tenatd causes hh ey he teins fie engine Sabet css, om which te M/S Iarteen vee “i " or finite Causes 169 Cerin ajctives in Englsh may ao igge easing. Foc example (23) Joba is Mely =~ to propor o May. Here John is the grammar Subject of fly, whch nds the Subjece psiton ofthe scbordinate-non-nne eave. The cue is mereed es ‘Soo wil propose to Mary Teeny sng nities inthe examples below: (2, John is cena ogropore to ter tomorrow (25) The weather is oie to remain ble fotos Rewite ec setence wih «Gite aus nd iepostion. ‘These rang adjectives have a ther undeng Sujet noone (6 Joh propose 0 Mary: win i ky's "et John wil po, fee to Mary. In (2), or expe, Jahn has bea razed out of ihe oe fae cause into main clause Sabet postion. As withing re ‘posible 10 have anothec Subject NP inthe gop ther fusing, et sample (25) “Jolin i tel Bi propo Mary 53.3 suMMiNG UP ‘We have sen tha esi verb an eis tera proper: (2) Rating only applies othe NP/Su of non-fat ease. (6) There's 9 gap alter se V or Ad which eannor be-filed by 2 senesl NP, : on (27) They seem/aretkely/are sid = to bares S (28) “They sem/ar/tiely/ate ui he cite to have le ‘Te gp is bound by the Subject NP ofthe ain cause. (6) These is usally» prophase wit a finite cae and enrapostion (2) uses tiey aie [tn hy have et) (9) i ing paers ie Sate hoe mv be epee bom the tent spur oan nay ca} (20) Teese sem/ae a Pens ees Share the flowing marerising { to be/exise/ 10 be many higren wth easing 18 se sonfoue Chun wo oe Sg cs ty Sy eae mt Fee) reidnor wi fafa) [eine tts sea] sa 8) 1 id nox wish (on [he Dok to become » fant saa] she complenentie G2), bi is dowd i (2) Tse ten for eal mtn Engh in bt ot (3h an NP one note econ the sult eto ne ahora nse Te aoa Se! con Saline mam careSu/NP(() meget ctseaton cn seep he ava popsed NE: Co () Beerdom ae cain se, for example a cere Ne tae > Renpatemn eta oe Muelf is 4 reflexive protoun and ast be bound within its cause (cf ~ metiane= N en eect encng non ese 2EZ2) We assume that sn (6) mye fs bound inside the subordinate "i =f dns y ("rite son lesa Suge shen rare ies oy the Fe ee ttc dene be ‘igher Subject This may be represented as follows: > Reommatuinireere teeter romrnte tenn FF (5) want fy, )rosnon net] qmtetinageneent ane (5) (OF 1 tena ang rb some (algarve tn thc. (6) tant route enor {Fopce 5.42 CONTROLS RAISING Ici important to cence ta de contlles NP in (3) above ow the 5.4 CONTROL drying andthe suns Suet of want i atthe case that 833 Seemed ott Set pono by ing astro: wore ide wich, ape ar conta verb, at Pasig vets. 54.1 NORMENICA SUBIECTS Tnorde ta verity th tim, let ws empace sentences ike (1) above with In 5.2.4 have seen examples ike te flowing mere (333) ine ge (1) oor is overt a fay ses, Nesseom canao be fled by 2 esial NP ominfiive wher We have aleady ponies out tat suck sentences contain = ronnie (78) They seam -——tohave le 2 mance tenes he erreertr en 70. Won fine Closes (7) They sem she heen to bave ef Secondly, aking vets way havea paraphrase wit fie lneneapostin 180) They tea to have Ie, (>) tuems har hey have le se and O) . Treese ‘eta win tps i ny the ane ee ce sng. MP rane"), where Be empty Siler psn (nk ‘tolled by the Subject NP. ” comm nclcBE Soe PE often ave te option Nee of filing 9% ng "oe many ehieren wih reading problems. 9) ee {03} wie ‘A Isreal Subject NP may occur in the subordinate noa-finite cla Sessa tnen nance renee (om ttm (18) “tsa tsa po. A ih ee eet (12) “Themen Table $42 som wp the reutof these tess The fet coum gies he ayn whic he ts wor or casing ves ike sees igen "he es of apppng the encom pars wii wane 10 be many ern with reading problems Table 5.42 What easing a0 con elise rang opera brn ono toh app ono = ram monte chase ee Non finke Clowes 174 fi causes. Only non-iteeauses may lack an over NP/Se (indicated by or $5.43 SUBIECT AND OB:ECT CONTHOL (13) He prbmind her mow the wn, (14) General Dyer told hie rope to fit an unarmed row in he Both sentences have the patra Su¥~O:-O4l, unlike seateace (1), whe IMs the paar Su[V=Ou, What he serene erwern (1) sod (14)? In (03) the oon-texial Sibjet postion inthe mbordoate danse cor ole bythe Subect NP He not by the NP/O her, herent (24) ‘he NP/Oi his rps wie the center, nat he NP/Su Gener! Dyer (13) and (18) way tus be baceied a flows 0) [Le pont nef) once nema] 5) | [gest br] [swore] (1) waren an aid crowd ne sce] “Toe pe of ve in the man aus dienes wher the MP/Su er he NP/Oh wll be she contaer Verbs Hke promis have Sahjee cnt, heceas verbs ike vel oder. ask ore, peruade a, encourage Pive (Orjec come Hee are some exile of snus panes ie (1) (17) He persuades ner to buy se more books oy (18) The boys sit nt aow he gts toate pine game. > (09) We encouraged hen oy ein v (20) They asked han to ces. Went he corte Sabet postion i hese Semtence, ad te cone Sencestke(27)-(20) can be passive the NP/O} (her, the ‘hes hin canbe made se NP/SW othe passive reece Tobin (17) 3¢ ‘srckampl, ie pasinsaion paces my Se desenbed ws flows 20 ( Ltell poste [er] rtssone ‘nor boots]

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