TTL 2 Activity III

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Technology for Teaching and Learning II

Name: Timon Chavie Norene P. Date Started:

Course & Section: BTLED ICT 3D Date Submitted:
Activity No. : 3 Rating:

Infographics of MI

Instruction: Create your OWN design of visual representation of information or an

Infographics highlighting the Model of Instruction.

Note: Provide a short discussion on your answer.

Short Discussion:

2E-2A model of instructions is a dynamic and student-centered model to teaching and learning.
The 2E phase sets the stage by captivating learners’ interest through interactive and thought-
provoking activities that connect the lesson to their existing knowledge and real-world
relevance. This initial engagement fosters curiosity and motivation, laying a strong foundation
for exploration. In the Explore phase, students delve deeper into the subject matter through
hands-on experiences, collaborative tasks, and inquiry-based learning, encouraging active
participation and critical thinking. Moving on to the 2A phase, students are prompted to apply
their acquired knowledge and skills in practical contexts, fostering the transfer of learning to
real-world scenarios. The Assess component completes the cycle by evaluating student
understanding and mastery through diverse assessment methods, providing feedback for
continuous improvement. By integrating the 2E and 2A model, educators can create engaging,
interactive, and meaningful learning experiences that promote deep understanding, application
of knowledge, and holistic assessment for enhanced educational outcomes.

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