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Progress Test

6 Units 11 & 12

Mark: / 80 marks

1  ead the article about children in the Australian

Mark Minogue talks about

childhood in the Australian
Going to school is an important part of life for children. The School of the Air now uses satellite and broadband
Hanging out with friends is often even more important to technology in the lessons. This means that, these days, the
them. But where I grew up, in the Australian countryside, kids in our area have an education which is even more like a
I couldn’t do either of those things easily. It was 200 km to real school. The students can still speak with each other, but
the nearest town and 50 km to the nearest house. I was now they can see each other and the teacher, too. The
more likely to meet a dangerous animal than someone who teacher can use pictures and video which are so useful for
was not a member of my family. You might be surprised to subjects like science and technology. In the old days, we
hear that I had any friends, but I did. That was because of used to have to wait for our lessons to be delivered in the
the School of the Air. post, and we’d send our homework to the teacher that
way, too. Today, the children can do all this over the
The School of the Air is a school for kids in Australia who
satellite internet.
live too far away from school to go by bus. When I
attended, the teachers carried out lessons using a radio that There is still no WiFi or mobile phone signal where we live;
could send and receive messages. We were at home, but I’m sure that would be a nightmare for most teenagers, but
just like in a classroom, the students could talk to each other the kids here don’t know anything different. Instead of
as well as the teacher. At the School of the Air, I met kids smartphones, they have CB radios which they can use to
who were not my brothers or sisters for the first time. I chat to their friends. I think that’s important, because if they
started learning things like how to make friends and how to spent all their time looking at a phone here, they’d never
wait until it was my turn to speak. It was challenging at first, actually have a conversation!
but when I got used to it, I absolutely loved it.

© Cengage Learning, Inc. New Close-up B1

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2 Complete the Exam Task.
For each question, choose the correct answer.
1 In the place where Mark lived as a child,
A he couldn’t make any friends.
B they didn’t have any neighbours.
C he regularly saw poisonous animals.
D they often travelled the long distance to town.
2 What does Mark say about the School of the Air?
A He attended lessons with other family members.
B The lessons took place in a special classroom.
C He found it difficult to take part in the beginning.
D The students were not allowed to talk to each other.
3 Mark says that today, children at the School of the Air
A get more homework than he used to.
B have more chances to speak in class than he did.
C get more different subjects in their lessons than he did.
D have classes that are more similar to those in other schools.
4 How does Mark feel about technology where he lives?
A He thinks the kids spend too much time on CB radios.
B He’s glad that the kids have CB radios and not smartphones.
C He’s disappointed that the kids want smartphones and not CB radios.
D He hopes that soon the kids will get smartphones instead of CB radios.

5 What would be a good introduction to this article?

Mark Minogue describes how The School of the Air changed his life,
technology has been bringing education and now Mark Minogue wants to change
and friendship to the children of the the lives of children living in the outback
outback for many years. today.

Technology changes, but the School of Student Mark Minogue tells us how
the Air stays the same. Mark Minogue the School of the Air is the best way to
tells us why it can never be like going to educate children, but it needs better
a real school. technology to do this.

( / 5 marks)

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1 Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

1 My teacher said my handwriting / pronunciation was terrible, so I started typing my work.

2 When I get to the advanced / beginner level, I’ll need a better dictionary.
3 In our economics / biology lesson, we learned about how animals live in cold places.
4 My favourite study / subject has always been art.
5 They give you a certificate / course to show that you completed your degree.
6 I will need a diploma / grant to pay for my university education.
7 Have you filled in your university application / deposit form yet?
8 My class are doing a project / pupil about life in big cities.
( / 8 marks)

2 Match the beginnings of the sentences (1–8) with the endings (a–h).

1 Ms Jones told Billy that he had to make a with your explanation.

2 You will make b weight if you don’t exercise.
3 I had a headache and I couldn’t concentrate c rules again.
4 I’m glad I don’t suffer d progress if you try harder.
5 You can put on e an effort in class.
6 I hope you haven’t broken the f on my homework.
7 Lend me a pen so I can take g notes, please.
8 I’m not satisfied
h from colds very often.
( / 8 marks)

3 Complete the sentences with the these words.

 accident  appointment  bone  fit  ill  illness  injury  operation  weight

1 I hope I don’t need to have an on my leg. I’m scared of hospitals!

2 My grandfather had an when he was driving, but he’s fine.
3 She told me she wanted to lose , but I said she looked great.
4 It doesn’t matter how old you are, it’s important to keep .
5 I’ve never broken a , but I did cut my head badly once.
6 She still hasn’t recovered from her yet.
7 He said he felt and then he went home.
8 I have a knee so I can’t run very well.
9 You’ve got a temperature. Call the doctor’s in the morning and make an .
( / 9 marks)

© Cengage Learning, Inc. New Close-up B1

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1 Complete the sentences using the causative.

1 Susan’s brother washed her car.

Susan _______________________________________ by her brother.

2 Is the hairdresser going to cut your hair soon?

_______________________________________ by the hairdresser soon?

3 The optician hasn’t tested David’s eyes this year.

David _______________________________________ by the optician this year.

4 My mum cooks dinner for me every evening.

I _______________________________________ by my mum every evening.

5 Is the dentist cleaning Cathy’s teeth at the moment?

Is _______________________________________ by the dentist at the moment?

6 Will the painter have painted your kitchen by Friday?

_______________________________________ by Friday?

( / 6 marks)

2 Match the beginnings of the sentences (1–10) with the endings (a–j).

1 Now that he’s eighteen, he’s allowed a staying out late.

2 It was cold, but I couldn’t persuade him b to like it.
3 Richard loves the water. He is really good at c to go home.
4 If you want Jim to go to the cinema with you, you should d ask him.
5 He’s eating a chocolate and he seems e to swim.
6 Clara is going to the beach today. She is hoping f to stay out late.
7 He won’t go with you. It’s no use g going home.
8 Her parents are angry, so she’s avoiding h asking him.
9 I know chocolate is bad for our teeth, but I can’t help i liking it.
10 I like going to parties. I enjoy j swimming.
( / 10 marks)

3 Write the words in order to make sentences.

1 your / be / I / will / friend / always
2 interesting / conversation / I / excited after / was / our
3 a / gift / Mrs Ball / nice / received / such
4 bought / new / nice / bookcase / I / a / white
5 I / heard / so / bad / I / upset / news / was / when / the
6 is / essays / Wendy / good / at / very / writing
( / 6 marks)

© Cengage Learning, Inc. New Close-up B1

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4 Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

1 Is New York the larger / largest city in the United States?

2 The weather this week is the better / better than it was last week.
3 I feel worst / worse today than I did yesterday.
4 An interactive whiteboard is more expensive as / than a traditional blackboard.
5 Bicycles are not more dangerous / as dangerous as motorcycles.
6 My brother is as tall as / taller I am.
7 My uncle drives more careful / more carefully than my father.
8 She plays the piano beautiful / beautifully.
( / 8 marks)

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Complete the Exam Task.
You see this notice on an English-language website.

Articles wanted!

Which subjects have you studied online?
Do you prefer learning online or in the classroom? Why?
Write an article answering these questions and we will put it on our website!

Write your article in about 100 words.

( / 20 marks)

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