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Date 2024-03-19

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Upon examining the patent pool from both perspectives, it becomes evident that the patent pool presents a dilemma for
outside parties that appropriate its innovations. One benefit is that it allows third parties to utilise the technology without
having to pay significant fees for negotiations with the various patent owners. Moreover, there are situations when third
parties have no choice but to use the technology, in which case they may have little or no ability to negotiate a fee because
they have no other options.

Ideas that result in various innovations for which human brain and creativity are credited are the subject of intellectual
property rights. A great idea and a solution to many issues in low- and middle-income nations where people cannot buy or
obtain pricey resources necessary for their survival and nutrition is patent pooling. It aids in the advancement of new
product and technology development. It allows members of the pool have greater access to information while also saving
time and money. Nevertheless, it saves lives by assisting in the distribution of life-saving medications to poor and
underdeveloped countries.
The prevalence of several patents covering the same product has increased due to enhanced innovation and recent
technical developments. The best example are cell phones, which facilitate business computations, email, web surfing, data
storage, audio and video entertainment, and photography in addition to making conversation easier.
The increasing interconnectedness of technologies and the growing need for standardisation are the main forces behind
the establishment of patent pools in the technology sector. The fast progression of digital technologies has led to a
growing demand for a cohesive approach to oversee intersecting patent entitlements. For tech companies, patent pools
provide one answer to this problem by encouraging a standardization-friendly climate and lowering the possibility of
expensive lawsuits claiming patent infringement.
Patent pools was very helpful in promoting innovation and hastening the creation of a COVID-19 treatment, particularly
during the outbreak. It was a win-win situation because the patent holders continued to make money from royalties for
their ideas while low- and middle-income countries will be able to affordably obtain much-needed pharmaceuticals. In
order to produce superior pharmaceuticals, generic drug manufacturing businesses in India might blend many medications
into single or fixed doses. It is imperative that all inventors in India understand the notion of patent pooling in order to
foster commerce and further their careers in technology and medicines. The establishment of a worldwide pandemic
patent pool to share inventions is beneficial for expanding access to medications and safeguarding public health on a
broad scale.
According to me, Patent Pooling is an excellent framework which can be enhanced by establishing a legal framework that
would govern patent pooling arrangements. India can establish a favourable environment for patent pooling by putting
into practice a strategic framework that promotes sector-specific initiatives, offers government support and incentives,
encourages public-private partnerships, encourages standard essential patents pooling, facilitates licencing platforms,
conducts educational initiatives, fosters international collaboration, establishes monitoring and evaluation mechanisms,
and ensures robust protection of intellectual property rights. Such programmes will greatly advance the nation's economic

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growth and technological advancement in addition to fostering innovation in vital industries including biotechnology,
healthcare, pharmaceuticals, renewable energy, and telecommunications.

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