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SUB: English Periodic Test-1 Exam 2022-23


Read the Following Passage and answer the questions given below:

1. Children’s social and cultural environments will affect the extent and use of their oral language. A large
number of children come from homes in which English is not the primary language spoken. The most
significant variation among children, however, will be in the amount and quality of their previous literacy
experiences. Some children will have read regularly and will be familiar with many books and stories. Their
homes are literate environments in which reading and writing occur daily and are frequently modelled, as
they observe their parents and others reading newspapers, magazines, and books and writing letters, notes
and lists. Such children are likely to emulate these behaviours. In contrast, other children will come to
preschool or kindergarten with very different experiences. They have seen print in the environment (on
street signs and food containers, for example) and on television. However, their parents have not read to
them, and they have not seen reading and writing modeled functionally by adults. Effective early literacy
programmes acknowledge and extend children’s previous experiences, whatever they are, and relate them to
the world of print.

1. What affects the oral language of children?

2. ______________ causes ‘variation’ among children.

3. Such children are likely to emulate’______________ Who are ‘such children’?

4. ‘They have seen print ______________ ‘They’ means?

5. The word ‘containers’ means.

2. Trading is a word that is used a lot in the stock market. In general language, trading means buying and
selling things. In other words, it’s about making a profit by buying and selling things.There are four types of
trading in the stock market and these are scalping trading, intraday trading, swing trading, and traditional
trading.The riskiest trading is scalping trading and the safest is positional trading. Scalping trading is the
riskiest as people trade in this for only a few minutes or seconds.Often people look confused about trading
and investment. Actually, trading means buying shares of any company for a short period of time whereas
when someone buys shares for a long time, it’s called investment.Those who trade are called traders and
those who invest are called investors.

1. What is trading generally?

2. What are the types of trading in the stock market?

3. Explain trading and investing individually.

4. Which is the riskiest trading?

5. Can an investor be called a trader?

3. It is important that you recognize the signs of stress in your behavior, and be healthy enough to enjoy your
success. Stress can strike anytime, in a fashion that may leave you unaware of its presence in your life.
While a certain amount of pressure is necessary for performance, it is important to be able to recognize your
individual threshold. For instance, some individuals accept competition healthily. Others collapse into
weeping wrecks before an exam or compare mark sheets and find that their mates have scored better.

Whenever there is a change in the external environment such as temperature, pollutants, humidity, and
working conditions, it leads to stress. In these days of competition, when a person makes up his mind to
surpass what others have achieved, leading to an imbalance between demands and resources causes psycho-
social stress. It is a part and parcel of everyday life.

Stress has a different meaning depending on the stage of life you’re in. The loss of a toy or a reprimand from
the parents might create a stress shock in a child. An adolescent who fails an examination may feel as if
everything has been lost and life has no further meaning. In an adult, the loss of a companion, job, or
professional failure may appear as if there is nothing more to be achieved.

Stress can be seen in the attitude and behavior of the individual, as muscle tension in various parts of the
body, palpitation and high blood pressure, indigestion and hyperacidity, and ultimately in self-destructive
behavior such as eating and drinking too much, smoking excessively, relying on tranquilizers, trembling,
shaking, nervous blinking, dryness of throat and mouth and difficulty in swallowing. The professional under
stress behaves as if he is a perfectionist followed by depression, lethargy, and weakness for further work.
Periodic mood shifts also indicate the stress status of students, executives, and professionals.

Q1) How do individuals handle the competition?

Q2) How does the external environment cause stress?
Q3) Does the age of a person have any impact on stress levels?
Q4) Find words from the passage which mean:
a. contaminant
b. sedative

4. In these trying times, when buying ordinary foodstuff can burn a hole in our pockets, comes the news that
can actually help us save some hard cash when we go out to shop the next time. According to a Stanford
University study, a first of its kind in the world, there is no evidence to suggest that there are more
nutritional benefits from expensive organic food than those grown by conventional methods.

The researchers add that there is no difference in protein and fat content between organic and conventional
milk and the vitamin count is similar in both types. The only benefit is that organic foods are not
contaminated with pesticides, but then, before you chew on that plate of organic okra with roti made from
organic wheat, they are not 100% pesticide-free either.

In India, organic food has been growing at 20–22% and the export market is valued at `1,000 crores.
Obviously, the study is not good news for that sector and for people who are big on organic food.

In India, eating organic food is more of a style statement than due to health worries because the stuff is
expensive. But people who can, do indulge in not only organic vegetables but even organic eggs laid by
‘happy hens’, who are allowed to roam around freely, whereas ‘unhappy hens’ are kept in coops.

Then some companies have installed music channels in their cowsheds and the milk from those sheds is sold
at a marked-up price since it has more nutritional value because the animals are happy thanks to lilting 24 ×
7 music. We don‘t know yet of any farmer using music to improve his crop quality, but then you never
know: plants are known to respond to music.
(a)According to a Stanford University study, organic food in relation to conventional food
i. less nutritious
ii. more nutritious
iii. very conventional
iv. as nutritious

(b) The study will not be welcomed by ______________.

i. farmers of conventional food
ii. makers of pesticides
iii. all sectors
iv. exporters of organic food

(c) We can save some hard cash by _____.

i. buying organic food
ii. not buying organic food
iii. going to the shop
iv. not buying food with pesticides

(g) The word ‘contaminated‘ means ______________.

i. adulterated
ii. for adults
iii. Containing
iv. not healthy

5. The following passage has not been edited. There is an error in each line against which a blank is given.
Write the incorrect word and the correction in your answer sheet against the correct blank as given in the
example. Underline the word that you have supplied.

Incorrect Correct

a. To be successful at life, ______ ________

b. one would be hard-working ______ ________

c. and has sound value system. ______ ________

d. If he turned rich, he ______ ________

e. should remained balanced ______ ________

f. and not loose his head. ______ ________


Incorrect Correct

The more important advantage ______ ________

of a nuclear family are that _____ ________

people get his privacy. ______ ________

In a joint family, there are ______ ________

restrictions which todays ______ ________

generation do not like. ______ ________

They disregard the disadvantages of a joint family. ______ ________

7. In the following passage, one word has been omitted in each line. Write the missing word along with the
word that comes before and the word that comes after it in your answer sheet against the correct blank
number. Ensure that the omitted word that you write is underlined.

Before Missing After

A man who met an accident ______ _____ ______

lying bleeding on the road. ______ _____ ______

The police came took ______ _____ ______

him to hospital. ______ _____ ______

Chances the injured man ______ _____ ______

surviving very little. ______ _____ ______

8. Some words have been omitted in the paragraph given below. Write the appropriate words and rewrite the
The following words were written/the tomb of/Anglican Bishop of Westminster Abbey: When I was
young/free and my imagination had no limits, I dreamed/changing the world. As I grew older and wiser, I
discovered/world would not change, so I shortened my sights somewhat and decided/change only my
country. But it too seemed immovable. As I grew/my twilight years, in one last desperate attempt, I
settled/changing only my family, those closest to me, but alas, I couldn’t. And now as I lay/ my deathbed, I
suddenly realise: If I had only changed myself first, then/ an example I could have changed my family. From
their inspiration and encouragement, I could then have been able/better my country and, who knows, I may
have even changed the world.

9. You recently visited the city of Jaipur, famous for its Hawa Mahal, the palace and forts. Shopping in
Jaipur is also exciting as there are many things to buy. Write a description of the place in 100-150 words.

10. Write a descriptive paragraph on the following inputs in 100-150 words. ,


Nearest airport is at Jabalpur (165 km)

Nearest town and railwayhead is Umaria (30 km). The other railway stations are Jabalpur (165 km), Katni
(102 km) and Satna (120 km).

There are varied government and private options for accommodation in Tala village that adjoins the park.

The park is open to visitors from October to June. But the best season for viewing wildlife is November to
Getting around : Maruti Gypsys are used to explore the park. The reservation of these can be done at the
Project Tiger office or the hotels where one is staying. The tour is conducted by a guide and in the park one
must adhere to the allocated route.

The Bandhavgarh National Park is set amongst the Vindhya Hills and is in the district of Shadol in Madhya
Pradesh. It was declared a national park in 1968 and today covers an area of 437 sq. km. The park derives its
name from the most prominent hill fort of the area, which is (mythologically) said to have been given by
Lord Rama to his brother Laxman to keep a watch on Lanka (Bandhav = Brother, Garh = Fort).

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