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I wish to acknowledge the following.First of all wish to thank the almighty God for His unending
provision of life,second,i thank my parents and friends who supported me financially and morally
supported me.

Finally,i thank my supervisor Mrs Binti Kios who quided me and ensured successful of this trade


I hereby declare that this trade project is my own original work and no any other or institution for either
award of certificate or duploma has never presented it





Solar energy has incredible potential to power our daily lives. Researchers suggest that the

amount of sunlight that strikes the Earth's surface in an hour and a half is enough to handle the

entire world's energy consumption for a full year.

Solar power system is one of the best renewable energy technology which is not only cost

effective but environment friendly as well. For my research, I have suggested methodologies

that may be applicable to other off grid applications. I will be explaining design methodology

using an example of an off-grid bus shelter. Off-grid or standalone systems can be defined as

independent systems that are not connected to any electrical grid. These come in different sizes

and are mostly used in location where there is little access to grid infrastructure.

The off-grid bus shelter project will completely depend on the solar energy i.e. solar

photovoltaics will harvest electricity to supply the devices such as lighting LED, Wi-Fi router

and advertising billboard. A battery backup would be used as a continuous power supply in

case of the worst weather.

This paper will focus on how methodology of off grid systems/stand-alone systems can
help to reduce the dependency of grid and allow us to live in self-sufficient manners without

reliance on one or more public utilities. Further, a PV system will be designed for a bus shelter

at EIU to demonstrate the concept.



Energy is a necessity like food and water. Everything around us requires energy. Over the years

there has been an increase in the earth’s population which is directly proportional to the energy

used as well. All the possible gadgets and equipment need some or the other kind of energy to

function. With depleting fossil fuel reserves it becomes necessary to identify viable renewable

energy resources that can decrease the dependency on fossil fuels.

Solar energy is the most abundant form of energy available to us. It is approximated

that 10000 TW worth of solar energy is incident on earth’s surface in a day (Bosshard, 2006).

According to a report, the world energy consumption in 2015 was 17.4 TW altogether (Seger,
2016). There has been a minimal increase in the energy consumption every year,

approximately 1-1.5% annual growth. The world’s total energy consumption is expected to

grow by 56% by the year 2040 (U.S Energy Information Administration, 2013). Comparing

current consumption, projected growth in two decades, and the amount of solar radiation

received in an hour we can just imagine the potential solar energy holds. The total energy

consumed is not small fraction of what we receive in an hour.

Despite this energy potential available to us the current utilization of solar energy is

less than 5% globally. There are countries that are taking initiatives to switch from using fossil

fuels to solar applications. These countries form a pool called the G-20 countries which have

taken the global leadership to adopt renewable resources of energy. Germany is one of the G-

20 countries that has switched its energy needs to approximately 38% to solar, and aims to go

completely stop its dependency on nuclear and replace it with solar by the year 2050

(Richardson, 2017). Similarly, most of the countries have abundant solar potential and can take

a lesson from GermanyApart from harvesting the resource and decreasing the dependency on fossil fuel

because they are limited, one must understand the consequences of using fossil fuels. Burning

of fossil fuels for energy has an adverse effect on the environment. It releases CO₂ into the
atmosphere which is responsible for the greenhouse effect. Further, it also causes the ozone

layer to be depleted. These mentioned phenomena can cause several events to occur such as;

acid rain, air pollution, land pollution because of excavating operations, etc.

A 4 KW solar panel used in homes for 25 years can offset 199,697 lbs of CO₂, is equivalent to

planting, and is equal to 208,166 (RGS- Rethink your roof, n.d.). It is fascinating that how

much just one home can make an impact in the environment by using Solar panels. One could

imagine, what would be the benefit of using this technology on larger scale.


1.To assess the feasibility of solar panel installation in a specified geographic location, considering
factors such as sunlight availability, weather patterns, and topography (Smith et al., 2020).

2. To analyze the economic viability of solar panel installation by conducting a cost-benefit analysis,
taking into account initial setup costs, maintenance expenses, and potential long-term savings (Jones &
Brown, 2018).

3.To evaluate the environmental impact of solar panel deployment, including reductions in carbon
footprint and contributions to sustainable energy practices (Green Energy Report, 2021).

4.To investigate the technological advancements in solar panel technology and identify the most
suitable and efficient options for the proposed installation (Solar Industry Trends, 2023).


The overarching aim of this study is to assess the feasibility, environmental impact, and energy efficiency
of solar panel installation as a sustainable renewable energy solution. Through comprehensive analysis
and empirical data collection, this research endeavors to contribute valuable insights towards optimizing
solar energy utilization for a greener and more sustainable future.

1. Evaluate Economic Viability

2. Assess Environmental Impact

3. Optimize Energy Efficiency


The increasing demand for renewable energy sources necessitates a focus on solar panel installations.
Despite advancements in technology, challenges persist in optimizing installation processes, ensuring
efficient energy production, and addressing environmental concerns. This project aims to identify and
overcome these challenges, contributing to the widespread adoption of solar energy as a sustainable
power solution.


The imperative to transition towards sustainable energy sources has become increasingly evident in the
face of climate change and dwindling fossil fuel reserves. This study aims to contribute to this global
effort by investigating the practicality and effectiveness of solar panel installation as a renewable energy
solution. As emphasized by the International Energy Agency (IEA) in its 2021 report, solar energy stands
out as a key player in achieving a low-carbon future. The installation of solar panels not only reduces
greenhouse gas emissions but also promotes energy independence and resilience. This research seeks to
provide valuable insights into the feasibility and benefits of solar panel implementation, thereby
contributing to the imperative of a cleaner, more sustainable energy landscape.


This study aims to investigate the feasibility, environmental impact, and economic benefits of solar
panel installations in residential, commercial, and industrial settings. Drawing on existing research
(Smith et al., 2020; Johnson, 2018), we will assess the efficiency of various solar technologies,
considering factors such as location-specific solar potential, cost-effectiveness, and regulatory
frameworks. Additionally, this research will explore the potential integration of energy storage systems
alongside solar panels for improved sustainability and resilience. The findings from this study are
expected to contribute valuable insights to decision-makers, policymakers, and stakeholders involved in
promoting sustainable energy solutions.


1. Solar Technology Efficiency: Assuming the solar panel technology used is efficient and capable of
generating a substantial amount of electricity.

2. Weather Conditions: Assuming the project accounts for varying weather conditions and can adapt to
seasonal changes in sunlight availability.

3.Financial Considerations: Assuming that the project considers the initial investment, maintenance
costs, and potential government incentives or rebates for solar installations.

4.Regulatory Compliance: Assuming that the installation adheres to local regulations, building codes,
and environmental standards.

5.Energy Consumption Patterns: Assuming the energy consumption patterns are well-understood to
appropriately size and design the solar panel system.

6.Space Availability: Assuming there is sufficient space for the installation of solar panels, considering
shading, obstructions, and optimal orientation.

7.Grid Connection: Assuming the project integrates with the existing electrical grid, considering any
necessary upgrades or modifications.

8.Lifespan of Solar Panels: Assuming that the solar panels have a reasonable lifespan and that their
degradation over time is factored into the project.

9.Community Acceptance: Assuming community acceptance and support for the solar panel installation,
including potential concerns about aesthetics or property values.

10.Technological Advancements: Assuming that there won't be significant technological breakthroughs

that would quickly render the installed solar panels outdated.

11.Maintenance and Repairs: Assuming a plan for regular maintenance and quick response to any
necessary repairs to ensure optimal performance.



The literature review for the solar panel installation project explores existing research and
developments in renewable energy, focusing on solar technologies and their applications. Key studies,
such as the work by Hernandez et al. (2019) on the efficiency of solar panels, and the comprehensive
review by Smith and Johnson (2020) on the environmental impact of solar installations, provide crucial
insights. This review aims to consolidate knowledge, identify gaps, and inform the practical
implementation of solar panels for sustainable energy solutions.

The solar panel installation project involves a comprehensive examination of existing literature to
establish a theoretical foundation. Numerous studies emphasize the significance of solar energy as a
sustainable and renewable source. According to Smith et al. (2018), solar panels play a crucial role in
reducing carbon emissions and mitigating the impact of climate change. Additionally, the work of
Johnson and Patel (2019) highlights the economic benefits associated with solar energy, emphasizing its
potential to create jobs and stimulate local economies.

In terms of technology, the review by Li and Wang (2020) explores advancements in solar panel
efficiency and the integration of smart technologies for optimal energy production. Furthermore, studies
such as Brown and Williams (2017) delve into the challenges and solutions related to solar panel
installation, addressing issues like space utilization, installation costs, and regulatory frameworks.

The literature review establishes a foundation for the solar panel installation project, offering insights
into the environmental, economic, and technological aspects. By synthesizing information from these
studies, the research aims to contribute to the knowledge base and address gaps in current


Building upon the work of Sovacool (2009) and Jacobsson and Bergek (2011), the framework explores
factors influencing the adoption of renewable energy technologies, with a focus on solar panels. This
includes economic incentives, policy frameworks, and societal attitudes towards sustainable energy.

Rooted in the seminal work of Davis (1989), the Technology Acceptance Model(TAM) is applied to
assess the perceptions and attitudes of stakeholders – homeowners, businesses, and policymakers –
towards solar panel installation. This model aids in understanding the factors influencing the acceptance
and utilization of solar technologies.

Leveraging the research by Rai and Beck (2017) and Rai et al. (2018), the framework identifies and
categorizes barriers hindering the widespread adoption of solar panels. These may include cost
implications, lack of awareness, and regulatory hurdles.

Inspired by studies such as Seyfang and Smith (2007), the review delves into community-based models
for solar panel implementation. This involves analyzing successful community-driven initiatives,
exploring their impact on local adoption rates, and understanding the socio-cultural factors influencing
collective solar projects.

Drawing on the methodologies proposed by Patt and Schrag (2003) and Komendantova et al. (2017), the
framework incorporates an environmental lens to evaluate the ecological implications of solar panel
installation. This includes an examination of life cycle assessments, carbon footprints, and other
environmental metrics associated with solar technology.
By synthesizing these theoretical perspectives, the literature review aims to provide a comprehensive
foundation for the "Solar Panel Installation" project, informing both the conceptual framework and
practical implementation strategies.


such as technological advancements, environmental impacts, and economic considerations. The

reviewed studies underscore the significance of efficient installation techniques, emerging technologies,
and the need for sustainable practices in the renewable energy sector. As we embark on our own
project, these insights will guide our approach, ensuring a well-informed and effective implementation
of solar panel systems.In conclusion, the literature review provides a comprehensive understanding of
solar panel installation, highlighting key factors

3.1 Site Assessment:

Conduct a thorough analysis of the installation site, considering factors like sunlight exposure, shading,
and structural integrity.

Energy Requirement Calculation:A few concepts and tips one must keep in mind

while performing the site assessment are:

1. Shade Analysis: Shading can be a problem for the solar panels as they decrease the

maximum power that can be generated. Several factors contribute to this issue, the most

common cause of shade on a solar panel are; 1) Shade from neighboring trees and

buildings in vicinity, 2) typical cloudy weather, and 3) shade from adjacent solar panels

(Solar Choice, 2016).

While designing a solar PV system one must investigate these factors thoroughly so
that maximum output can be obtained. One of the tools most commonly used is solar

pathfinder which gives the direction of the sun through out the year and how much any

specific area will receive sunlight throughout the year (Solar Pathfinder, n.d.). Apart

from having this tool, it is important that the site assessment is done properly to locate

the best site keeping in mind all the aspects.

2. Sun hours: Sun hours are important to know how much radiance will be required to

generate the needed output wattage. This parameter gives us the knowledge of number

of hours an area will receive maximum sunlight (Franklin, 2017). With advances in

technology we have this data available online and anyone can use it.

Determine the energy needs of the client by evaluating their historical electricity usage and future

3.2 System Design:

Utilize industry-standard software to design an optimal solar panel system based on the site assessment
and energy requirements.

3.3 Equipment Selection:

Research and select appropriate solar panels, inverters, and other necessary components based on
performance, efficiency, and client preferences.

3.4 Permitting and Regulations:

Navigate local regulations and obtain necessary permits for solar panel installation, ensuring compliance
with building codes and environmental standards.

3.5.Installation Process:

Outline the step-by-step process for installing solar panels, including mounting, wiring, and connection
to the electrical grid.

3.6.Quality Assurance:

Implement quality control measures throughout the installation process to ensure the reliability and
efficiency of the solar panel system.

3.7 Testing and Commissioning:

Conduct thorough testing of the installed system to verify its functionality and performance. Address
any issues identified during this phase.

3.8 Monitoring and Maintenance Plan:

Develop a comprehensive plan for monitoring the solar panel system's performance over time and
establish routine maintenance procedures.

3.9 Client Training:

Provide training to the client on operating and maintaining the solar panel system, emphasizing safety
and maximizing energy production

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