Dungeon Solo 3 The Tomb of The Forgotten Priest

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DIRECTOR Gordon Garyx
WRITER: Gin Lunar, Rob Saltman
DESIGN: Jessica Jaspers
ART: Tim Andrews
Doppleganger publishing

COPYRIGHTS : Doppleganger Publishing ©2021


At the beginning of time, the Pantheon was not the one we
know today. The Old Ones, monstrosities as ugly as they
were powerful, ruled the world of men. Greedy for power
and full of themselves, they reigned by terror over men,
requiring offerings and sacrifices.
With the coming of the heroic times, some mortals
managed to rise to divine ranks. Offering gifts and
protection to those who prayed to them, these new gods
attracted many followers and became more powerful than
the ancients. As a result, the Old Ones were finally expelled
from the Pantheon.

"Rumor has it that in the Hills lies the tomb of Urghald, the
first priest of Kâ the Great Reptile. At the time of the fall of
Kâ, it is said that Urghald was buried alive while waiting for
the return of his master. The treasures that would shelter
the tomb would be fabulous... And I just discovered the
location of this tomb!"

Well, that's the story Merdosk tells you, a disreputable

individual. You don't trust this Merdosk, but he is looking
for companions and you need gold. Reluctantly, YOU agree
to join Merdosk in an adventure of tomb looting.

Rogue Solo is a series of dungeon crawler gamebooks. This
book offers a unique experience at the borderline between a
board game with simple but structured rules and a solo role-
playing game with inspirations provided to pursue the
adventure yourself.

Have fun with this Hack&Slash, destroying hordes of

monsters. But don't stop there! As you explore, you'll be
given narrative leads to expand the adventure. When you
feel you have enough elements, don't hesitate to take control
of the scenario to conclude YOUR adventure. The rules
described here are only indicative. So feel free to adapt them
as you wish.


No preparation required. Once you've read the rules, you
can head straight to the dungeon. The rooms are fully
scripted and you'll be given the instructions you need to
progress. So you can start playing right away!

Your character has 2 characteristics:
HEALTH POINTS (HP) that reflect your character's health
status. You start with 6 HP. If you run out of HP, you die.
LEAD POINTS (LD) which represent the charisma of your
character. You start with 4 LD. These points will tell you
how many allies you can recruit up to a maximum of 4 (see
section "Tags & Allies")


Your character has no particular skill. If you find items
during your adventure, you can only use those that do not
have a "tag".
Example: If your character finds the item « Longbow
[Archery] », you can't use it, unless you are followed by an
ally who has the tag [Archery].

To use items with a tag, you will need to recruit the

corresponding ally by respecting the conditions below:
• You can have a maximum of 4 allies with you at the
same time.
• Each ally costs Lead points (LD). Powerful allies will
cost more than basic allies. The total cost of your allies must
not exceed your total LD.
Example: If your character has 2LD, you can recruit either
two peasants (cost: 1LD) or an archer (cost: 2LD). But you
can't recruit 1 peasant and 1 archer.
Please note LD are not lost. This pool represents your ability
to manage a team and attract powerful allies. In the example
above, if one of your peasants leaves the group, you get 1 LD


As long as the alarm is not sounded, your character is in
"stealth" mode:
• Roll 1d6. The result indicates the number of squares
your character can move.
• Monsters don’t move

The alarm is raised if:

• You end your move in the line of sight of an enemy
• The result of your move roll is 1. This means that you
have not been discreet enough.
When the alarm is triggered, both character and monsters
move 1d6 squares. Unless you decide otherwise, monsters
always move closer to your character to attack.

The dungeon is divided into several rooms. Each room is
described on a single page. When you leave a room, the text
tells you which page to go to. Monsters don't follow you into
other rooms. Monsters are unable to open doors. The alarm
does not ring behind the doors.


A character or enemy who ends his move on a square
adjacent to an opponent's square can make an attack. In
Rogue Solo, only the player rolls the dice.

When attacking, roll 2d6. If the result is equal to or greater

than the enemy's SKILL, you inflict a wound to the enemy.
When the result goes multiple times over the monster's
skill, the attack delivers more than one wound. When
several enemies are in contact with the character, you can
divide your attack score as you wish.
Example: A Goblin (SKILL: 4 – HP:1) and a Troll (SKILL:6 –
HP:2) are in contact with the character. The character rolls
2d6 of attack and gets 12. The player can choose either to
kill the Troll by dealing 2 damage points (6+6), or to inflict
1 damage point to the Troll and 1 damage point to the
Goblin (6+4 and 2 points lost).

In defense, roll 2d6 for each enemy in contact with the
character: If the result is greater than or equal to the enemy's
SKILL, the character suffers no damage. If not, your character
lose 1HP.

Some cells are tagged with the § symbol followed by a
number. Go to the paragraph section at the end of the book
to read the relevant paragraph. Special scripted rules may
contradict the rules presented above. In this case, special
rules take priority over general rules.

The following is a list of the monsters you may encounter in
the dungeon. In order not to spoil the surprise effect, some
special monsters are described in the appropriate sections.


FROZEN GHOST - SKILL:7 HP:1 This enemy can only be hit

with magic weapons. If you are injured by the Frozen
Ghost, you must choose one of your allies. This ally does
not give you any more its bonuses. The effect stops when
you exit the room.


RUST MONSTER - SKILL:5 HP:2. If you are injured by the

Rust Monster, choose one of your items and destroy it.


And now start your adventure and go read §1 on page 22.

-1 -1 -1 -1 -1

-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 z z z -1

-1 z z z z z z z -1

-1 z -2 -2 z stairs -2 z -1
▲Go to page
-1 z -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 z -1
-1 z z z z z z -1

-1 -1 z z -2 -2 z z -1 -1 -1 -1

-1 z z z z z k z z z z -1

-1 z -2 -2 -2 -2 z z z z z -1

-1 z -2 -2 -2 z z -1 z z z -1

-1 z z -2 -2 z z -1 z z z -1

-1 z z z z z z z z z -1

-1 z z z z z z z -1 -1 -1 -1

-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1


Inwardly you are very angry with yourself. "But how could
you let yourself get involved in this story! Looting a tomb,
robbing a church! You knew that this Merdosk was shady!".
At least you could get Merdosk's word that no violence
would be done to the inhabitants of the Chapel.

So you must act with discretion. The priests in this chapel

move by rolling 1d6 and following the blue arrows. You
must stay out of their line of sight!

LICH PRIEST: SKILL:9 HP:3. The Lich Priest shoots
cursed rays from 4 squares away. Each time you are
wounded by a cursed ray, lose 1HP and deduct -1
from your next attack rolls (the curse disappears after one
night at the inn).
If you escape through the secret exit, the Lich Priest will not
follow you. If you are able to escape the dungeon alive, go to
-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 Go to §6

-1 m1 z z m1 z -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1

-1 z -2 -2 -2 m1 z m1 z z -1

-1 z -2 -2 -2 z c -2 z z page 16►

-1 z m1 z -2 c -2 -2 z z -1

-1 m1 z m1 z z z -1 -1

-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
Go to §31

These cells are flooded. Neither the monsters nor you

can cross them. If you have the code LEVEL, the water
level has dropped and these cells are accessible

The door is locked!
Go to §8
page 18▲ page 17▲

-1 -1 -1 cd -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1

-1 z z z z z k -1 z z z -1

-1 z -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 z z z -1

-1 m1 -2 -2 z z z z m1 z -1

-1 m1 -2 -2 z -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1

-1 z z z z z m1 -1

Go to §28-1 -1 -1 z m1 z z -1

-1 -2 -2 -2 z z m1 -1

-1 z -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 z m1 z -1

-1 z z z c c z z z z Go
-1 to §27

-1 -1 -1 z -2 z m1 z z z -1

-1 m1 z m1 z z z c -1

-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
These cells are flooded. Neither the monsters nor you
can cross them. If you have the code LEVEL, the water
level has decreased and these squares are accessible.

If you have the code UNDEAD, these doors
are open. Otherwise, they are closed. Go to §33
-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1

-1 z z z m1 z z -1 m1 m1 z z z -1

-1 z -2 -2 -2 -2 m1 -1 m1 -2 m1 z m1 -1

-1 m1 -2 -2 -2 -2 z cd z m1 m1 z z -1
◄page 13 cd z -2 -2 -2 -2 z -1 m1 -1 z tc z -1

-1 z z -2 leverz z -1 z m1 m1 z z -1

-1 -1 z -2 -2 -2 z -1 z z z z z -1

-1 z -2 -2 -2 z -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1

-1 z z z z z -1
If you have the code
If you push this
-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 UNDEAD, these doors are
page 17▼ open. Otherwise, they are
go to §14

If you push this lever
page 16▲
go to §20
-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1

-1 z z z z z -1
Go to §2 -1 z -2 -2 leverz -1

-1 -1 z -2 -2 -2 z -1

-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 z z -2 -2 -2 z -1

-1 z z z -1 z -2 c -2 -2 z -1

-1 m1 -2 z -1 z -2 z z z z -1
◄page 14 z -2 m1 -1 m3 -2 z -1 -1 -1 -1

-1 m1 m1 z -1 z -2 z -1 -1 -1 -1 -1

-1 z -2 z d z -2 z z z z z -1

-1 z -2 z -1 z z z -2 -2 z z -1

-1 z z z -1 -1 z m1 z z m3 z -1

-1 -1 z -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1

-1 z -1

-1 -1
page 15▼

Unlock thisthis
doordoor by
by pushing
thisthis lever

Go to §17 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1

-1 z z z z z z z -1

-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 z t4 z z z m1 z -1

-1 c z z z z t4 levert4 z m1 z cd page 19►

-1 m3 -2 -2 -2 z t4 t4 t4 z z c -1

-1 z m1 z m3 z z m1 z m3 z -1

-1 -1 -1 -1 z -2 z -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1

-1 z -2 z -1
Go to §15
-1 z -2 z -1

-1 z -2 z -1

-1 z z z -1

-1 -1 -1 -1

-1 -1

-1 -1
page 15▼

Go to §13
-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1

-1 z z z z z z z z z z -1

-2 z -1 t3 -1 t3 -1 t3 -1 z z -2

-1 z -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 z z -1
◄page 18 z tc z z page 12►

-1 z -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 z z -1

-1 z -2 t3 -1 t3 -1 t3 -1 z z -1

-1 z z z z z z z z z z -1

-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
Small pool of water. Divide your movement roll
by 2 while you are on these cells.

Frescoes painted on the walls seem to tell a story. We see a

man climbing the steps of a staircase towards the sun. As he
gets closer, the sun gets darker. When he seems very close
to the sun, another fresco shows the man falling into an

Go to §11
-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 ▲Go to page 21
-1 -1

-1 z z z z z z z -1 -1 -1

-1 -1 z c -2 -2 -2 z z z z -1

-1 z z -2 -2 -2 z z z -2 z -1

-1 z z -2 -2 z z stairsz -2 z -1 -1

-1 z -2 -2 -2 z z z z z z z -1

-1 z z -2 z z -1 -1 z z -1 z -1

-1 z z z z z z z z -1 -1 z -1

-1 -1 z -1 -1 -1 z z z -1 z z -1

-1 z z z z z z z z z -1

-1 z z z z stairs -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1

-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
▼Go to page 10


1. With Merdosk, you scan the other figures in the inn.

"This tomb raiding might be dangerous. We should recruit
more mercenaries, don't you think?".

You will be the leader of this mission. Your team already

includes Merdosk and you can recruit up to 2 more
mercenaries, in the limit of your LD total.

MERDOSK, an untrustable human (maybe a gravedigger).

LD=1. Add+1 to your rolls against traps. Merdosks suffers
from kleptomania: each time you spend the night at the inn,
roll 1d6. 1-2: d6*10 GP will vanish mysteriously. In
addition, Merdosk will claim 30% of the gold found in this

In the tavern, 3 mercenaries are available. If you have

already met another character in a previous adventure, you
can decide to add it to your team.

At the end of the adventure, you will have to share the loot
found. Each of the survivors will claim the equivalent in
gold coins of 10% of the total loot.
• KOKHAM, an old human soldier [Weaponry]
• OTAERHYN, an elven knife thrower. LD=1
[Archery]. When attacking from a distance, subtract
-2 from your attack roll
enchantress. LD=2 [Magic (minor)]: Amalda can
equip 1 spell scroll. As long as Amalda is on your
team, all your attacks are considered as magic

ChapelRock is a small town and interesting goods are quite


• HEALING POTION: 15GP, only 2 available. Heal 3

• MAGIC POTION: 30GP, only 1 available. This
potion allows one of your spellcasters to re-equip up
to 2 used scrolls
• FUR ARMOR: 5GP Protection:1 (this armor will be
able to absorb 2 points of damage before being
• LONGBOW: 25GP [Archery] This bow allows you
to attack your enemies from 5 squares away when
the line of sight is clear
• MACE 7GP [Weaponry] Add +1 to your attack rolls
• WOOD BUCKLER 5GP Add +1 to your defenses
rolls (Durability: if your defense roll is less than or
equal to 4 before application of the bonuses, the
shield breaks)2. Amphora filled with precious stones

Note that if you exit the dungeon, you can always come back
to the inn to get all your HP back for 3 gold coins.

When you are ready, go to the tomb entrance on page 14.

2. Amphora filled with precious stones (343gp)

3. Potion of healing: heal 3 HP

4. You discover a stone gargoyle holding an amphora firmly

in its claws.

"Leave it to me, this is my specialty…," says Merdosk.

If you let Merdosk take the amphora go to §19. If you decide

to do it yourself, go to §9."
5. Get the code LEVEL

6. 52gp

7. Potion of Treasure Finding: Get all the treasures in a

room without moving to the chests.

8. You are in front of a thick double wooden door.

Inscriptions are engraved on it and encrusted with purple
powder. It is impossible to break through this door. Is Sadoc
Gamwich with you? If so, read 12.

9. The gargoyle's claws grip the Amphora very tightly.

Roll for defense. If you get a result lower than 7, you lose
1HP. You must use all your strength to pull the clay pot off.
"Let's go back, now", says Merdosk. You nod.

Go to §30, then when you are ready, return to the tomb on

page 14"

10. As you are about to leave the chapel, a shrill cry stuns
you. The stone gargoyle has just come to life! No more cold
stone, the monster standing before you is made of flesh and
blood. And it seems very angry with you.

The gargoyle suddenly loses its balance! Painfully, the

gargoyle gets up and immediately falls back down!
"I melted her arms while it was still made of stone! It can' t
get its balance back!", says Merdosk

The gargoyle finally flaps its wings and attacks you with its
hind legs.


The gargoyle is weak to cold-based attacks (damage *2)

11. 149gp

12. Sadoc Gamwich walks to the door and examines it

carefully. After a short moment of reflection, he says,
"Behind this door is the burial chamber. It is there that we
must go to discover the truth about Ka, the Ancient One.
Merdosk turns to you "Correction, it is behind this door that
we will find the treasure! How do we get it open?"

"It will take me some time to fully decipher the inscriptions,

but it seems to speak of an urn of holy water preserved by a
gargoyle..." answers Sadoc Gamwich

"The ChapelRock Chapel!" exclaims Merdosk."There are

stone gargoyles on the rooftop. Let's go!"
Exit the dungeon, then when you're ready, go to page 10 to
begin your ChapelRock Chapel burglary. Sadoc Gamwich
will be waiting for you at these double doors.

13. This chest is empty! When you open this chest, coffins
open! Place 6 mummies on each of these coffins.

14. Get the code UNDEAD

15. Various gems for 262gp

16. A jelly white potion. You can have this potion examined
in town for 5gp. If you drink it, go to §22

17. 5 magic arrows +1 (add +1 to your attack roll)

18. Sadoc Gamwich, a smiling hobbit (LD:2, [Magic] and

add+1 when rolling against traps. Sadoc can equip two spells
scrolls). For this adventure, you can add Sadoc Gamwich to
your team for free. If you go to the inn, Sadoc will not leave
the dungeon and will prefer to stay inside to continue his

Sadoc Gamwich is also a scholar-adventurer. He tells you

that he came to this tomb to learn more information about
Urghald and the Old One Kâ. He managed to deceive the
vigilance of the undead, but was spotted by these two rust
monsters because of his research material.

The frescoes that he discovered seem to contradict the

known history. Kâ was a scholar thirsty for knowledge and
a protector of civilizations. Kâ the Great Reptile seemed
only to intervene to preserve dying civilizations. Kâ would
have saved a whole city of lizardmen who were about to be
massacred by the orcs when they still occupied the southern
lands. "

19. Merdosk pours a kind of jelly on the stone claws.

Immediately, the stone crumbles and Merdosk victoriously
withdraws the Amphora.

"Let's go back, now", says Merdosk. You nod.

Go to §10, then when you are ready, return to the tomb on

page 14"

20. Get the code LIGTH

21. Black Glaive of Urghald [Weaponry]. This magic sword

has a black blade. Add +3 to your attack rolls and deduct -1
from your defense rolls.
22. It’s an incendiary potion! If you throw it on the ground,
you can create a 4 square band of flames that will go out after
4 turns. The monsters will try to go around it. Those who
are caught in it will lose 1HP per turn. If you drank it... you
died in a final transformation into a living torch!

23. 219gp

24. 185gp

25. medal of silver (80gp)

26. Amulet of protection vs Undead (value:80GP. Add +1 to

your defense roll vs undead. Duration: 1 room. Recharge
after a night at the Inn.)

27. 61gp

28. Idole of Iolite (140gp)

29. Scroll of Magic Shield [Magic] (protect you against

magic ranged spells. Duration:1 room)

30. As you are about to leave the chapel, a shrill cry stuns
you. The stone gargoyle has just come to life! No more cold
stone, the monster standing before you is made of flesh and
blood. And it seems very angry with you.
STONE GARGOYLE SKILL:8 HP:2. The gargoyle is weak to
cold-based attacks (damage *2)

31. Scroll of ice wall [Magic]. You can turn 4 empty cells
into a wall of ice. It takes 2 rounds to break these walls.

32. Green Scale Armor [Armor]. +1 to defense rolls against

magic attacks. Protection: 2 (this armor can absorb 2 points
of damage before being destroyed). This armor can be
repaired or resold for 30GP.

33. A bubbly peach potion. You can have this potion

examined in town for 5gp. If you drink it, go to §3

34. A dense tan potion. You can have this potion examined
in town for 5gp. If you drink it, go to §7

35. As soon as you walk out the door, Merdosk bursts out
laughing "We're rich!". As you congratulate each other,
Sadoc Gamwich stays away from the group. The daylight
seems to assault him.

"Greed... What a ridiculous motivation. I never thought that

from greed comes my deliverance." Sadoc suddenly turns to
"At no time did you ask yourself why this burial ground was
so well defended? What naivety! You are just like Kâ.

Kâ, the ancient, was a scholar, a being who lived only to

quench his thirst for knowledge. Kâ was powerful, but naive
- perhaps a remnant of his condition as a giant lizard. He did
not hesitate to help some men to overcome their mortal
condition to achieve the ascension... But I, Urghald his first
follower, he chose to lock me in this tomb rather than make
me a God! We could have dominated the world together.
Instead, he accepted to be banished by those he had helped
to become a god.

This tomb was my prison. What you mistook for the lich
priest was actually my jailer. And that body... a loan. Against
all odds, you managed to discover this improbable secret exit
to allow me to see the light of day again."

Urghald then explodes with laughter.

"I can already feel the sun giving me back my strength. The
world will soon be mine! Farewell, insects."
A cloud of smoke suddenly surrounds Urghald. When it
dissipates, the priest has vanished.

Suddenly, you want to strangle Merdosk…

From the beginning, you knew this adventure was a bad
idea. Now you've unleashed a powerful, half-mad priest on
the Kingdom!

You are at the point of your reflections when Merdosk, with

his immense wisdom, speaks up. "What a fool! He left
without even claiming his share of the treasure!"

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