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■ In the Twice Lucky restaurant, Bero and Sampa are planning on stealing jade

from a Green Bone called Shon.

■ The pair lure Shon to the bathroom and knock him out, but he wakes up while
Sampa is taking the jade from his ear.
■ Bero leaves Sampa behind and tries to escape, but unluckily for him the Maik
brothers (two Green Bones) are around and they stop him.
■ Shon wants to kill the boys but Hilo, the clan’s Horn, stops him and also saves Mr
Unes’ business.
■ The Maik brothers beat the boys. Sampa begs for his life and also tells Hilo that
there’s a new jade smuggler in town who killed the previous one. This newbie is
called The Carver.
■ We meet Kaul Lan, the clan’s Pillar and Hilo’s older brother, who is having trouble
sleeping. Doru, the Weather Man, approaches and asks about his KJA vote. Lan
doesn’t want to give Espenia any jade.
■ Hilo brings the teens to Lan and they tell him about the new Carver. Lan lets the
boys go. Lan and Hilo think the new Carver is Tem Ben, one of the stone-eyed
Mountain men.
■ Hilo wants to kill the people causing trouble but Doru advises against it. Lan
agrees with Doru.
■ Kaul Sen talks about the war between the One Mountain Society and the
Shotarians. Lan asks that Doru retires. Kaul Sen gets angry and insults Lan, then
he challenges him and wins.
■ Hilo goes to visit Maik Wen, who he’s sleeping with.
■ Kaul Shae arrives back in Janloon.
■ Hilo goes to the Academy to speak to his cousin, Anden. He warns Anden that
change is coming. We learn about Anden’s family history – his dad left the
country, and his mother slowly lost her mind because she was super powerful.
■ On Boat Day, Anden gets into a fight with some Mountain boys. The fight is
broken up by the Mountain clan’s Horn, Gont, who takes Anden away in his car.
■ Gont calls Lan to tell him he’ll return Anden in three hours as long as Hilo doesn’t
cause trouble.
■ Anden is taken to the Mountain leader, Ayt Mada. She offers him a position in the
Mountain, but in a nearby country where they’re producing SN1. Ayt wants to
control SN1 so that things don’t get out of hand.
■ Anden is let go, and he tells Lan about what went on.
■ Lan decides not to get involved with this shine business, but he wants to keep an
eye on the Mountain clan.
■ Bero wants to work for Mudt, a green fencer.
■ Lan asks Shae to look into the mines and make sure everything is in order with
the KJA.
■ Lan cuts a deal with Chancellor Son so that a law goes into place to stop anyone
from controlling the KJA.
■ The Mountain clan whispers Hilo’s name and everything kicks off.
■ Lan fights on of the Mountain’s fists and wins.
■ Hilo asks Wen to marry him.
■ Shae is looking into the KJA accounts. She finds that Gont has been buying a lot
of equipment and there’s been a higher production of jade, but there’s not more
in the vaults. So where is it going? Shae tells Lan that someone has been stealing
■ So Lan was super injured in his duel, and he now can’t wear too much jade. To
keep up appearances, though, he takes all of his opponent’s jade and puts it on.
He has to start using shine in order to tolerate it.
■ Anden asks Lan to stop using shine, but Lan says he has to use it to appear
■ Shae suggests that Doru is allowing this jade theft to happen. Lan sends Doru
away and suspends the production of jade.
■ Lan received a letter from his ex-wife.
■ One of the Mountain’s Green Bones gives Bero a gun, which seems like the worst
idea every given Bero’s track record.
■ Bero goes after Lan, and is only able to take him down because Lan overdoses on
shine. Lan drowns.
■ Since Lan is dead, Hilo becomes Pillar. Shae puts her jade on and starts to take
this clan war seriously.
■ Shae advises Hilo to take back some territory from the Mountain. There’s a fight
and a bunch of secondary characters die.
■ Hilo promotes Shae to Weather Man.
■ Shae confronts Doru about the jade smuggling, and he admits that he was
involved. She spares him, and asks him to look after her grandfather for the rest
of their lives.
■ Shae and Hilo meet with Ayt Mada, who Hilo argues with (and accuses of stealing
the jade).
■ Ayt asks Shae to betray her clan, but Shae obviously refuses because eff that.
■ Wen becomes a spy within the Mountain clan. She and Shae don’t tell Hilo about
this because he would never agree to it. Wen takes a tonne of jade to a military
■ Doru escapes to the Mountain with the help of Kaul Sen, who gives him his jade.
■ Green Bones keep getting killed by the Mountain.
■ Hilo and Wen get married.


■ The two Horns fight each other in Mountain territory. Hilo does quite well, but is
eventually worn out. Gont is about to kill him, but then Anden helps out and Gont
■ Anden wakes up from a coma. He attends his graduation ceremony, and then
refuses his jade because he doesn’t want to be a Green Bone. Hilo isn’t happy
with this. Anden runs off to sit by Lan’s grave.
■ Bero visits the grave and digs up the jade that has been buried with Lan.

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