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Players say that they want to hear the

enemy NPC footsteps from greater distance

even if it sounds unrealistic. However, does
hearing the NCP footsteps from further
away actually help players to accurately
estimate the enemies' distance as those
enemies’ approach?

William Söderberg

Audio Technology, bachelor's level


Luleå University of Technology

Department of Social Sciences, Technology and Arts
This study explored to answer if video game
players could estimate distance to an NPC
walking towards them based on the footsteps
sounds of the NPC using amplitude attenuation.
The reason was to create a framework or a
recommendation for sound designer to work
with when implementing footsteps sounds in a
game where distance estimations are of
importance. A listening test was conducted
using Unreal Engine 4.26 (Epic Games, 2022)
where 18 participants completed the test. The
participants played through 4 courses to
complete the test. The courses were:
walkthrough of training, walkthrough of main
study test, training, and main study. They were
asked to estimate the distances to invisible
NPCs in full meters. After the test, a
questionnaire including demographical data
was answered by the participants. The results
were then analyzed. The results showed no
statistical significance. The results show that,
by only using amplitude attenuation and
disregarding reverb and occlusion, which is
frequently used when sound designing footsteps
sounds in video games does not give sufficient
information to accurately estimate distance to
footsteps cues of an NPC.

Table of contents
Abstract .................................................................. 0
Table of contents .................................................... 1
1 Background ......................................................... 2
1.1 Introduction ................................................. 2
1.2 Sound and performance in games ................ 2
1.3 How sound informs...................................... 3
1.4 Diegesis and non-diegesis ............................ 3
1.5 Unreal Engine .............................................. 4
1.6 Footsteps as an example .............................. 4
1.7 Performance and Strategy ............................ 5
1.8 Aim and purpose .......................................... 5
1.9 Statement of the Research Question ............ 5
2 Methodology ....................................................... 5
2.1 Resources ..................................................... 5
Software ........................................................ 5
Hardware ....................................................... 5
2.2 Game level courses ...................................... 5
2.3 Sounds and implementation ......................... 6
2.4 Pre-study ...................................................... 7
2.5 Pre-study results........................................... 8
2.6 Main study ................................................... 9
2.7 Questionnaire ............................................. 10
Questionnaire questions .............................. 10
2.8 Informal observations ................................ 10
2.9 Data analysis .............................................. 10
2.10 Statistical Hypothesis............................... 10
2.11 Demographic data analysis ...................... 10
2.12 Test results corelated to the demographic 11
3 Results and analysis .......................................... 11
3.1 Results ....................................................... 11
4 Discussion ......................................................... 13
4.1 The results.................................................. 13
4.2 Advice for Sound Designers ...................... 13
4.3 Critique of Method .................................... 14
4.4 Informal Observations ............................... 14
4.5 Future research........................................... 15
4.6 Conclusions ............................................... 15
5 Acknowledgements ........................................... 15
6 Bibliography...................................................... 16

1 Background if the suggested change in design actually
impacts player performance.

1.1 Introduction 1.2 Sound and performance in games

Sound in video games can have many different Ng, Nesbitt & Blackmore (2015) examined if
functions and purposes. Music, ambience and there was a correlation between sound and
foley all contribute to player experience in some performance in games. They tested both
way. It might be immersion or emotional, for individual and team-based performance with
example. However, sound can also fill an and without sound. The test stimuli were the
informative function (Gaver, 1986). When it game Dota 2 (Defense of the ancients 2) Valve
comes to informing the player of an action in the corporation (2009). Ng et al., (2015) describes
game world, sound can provide information that “The game pits two teams of five players
is not represented visually on the screen, and it against each other in a highly competitive
can help the player keep track of certain objects match. Each player controls a single unique
and events. Players who are receptive to sonic character called a hero who grows in power
information can potentially achieve an overtime.” (p.167). The goal of the game is to
advantage in the game unlike those who do not destroy the enemy´s stronghold and to get there,
utilize the sonic information. the players need to communicate and inform
Jackfrags (2020), who is a content creator on each other of the game state. There are many
Youtube (YouTube, n.d.) and video game necessary steps to win the game, for example,
player. He uses his platform on Youtube to killing enemy heroes and structures before the
bring his subjective takes on entertainment and player is strong enough to defeat the enemy
news for video games. He is an experienced stronghold.
video game player which can be seen through
his many uploaded videos on Youtube. Ng et al. (2015) conducted a test to find the
relationship between sound and performance.
“Footstep audio in Call of Duty Warzone has They recorded a total of 140 comparative
been a hot topic since the game released with measurements and then analyzed the
many players complaining that they simply performance of the individuals. There were 7
can’t hear enemies approaching them and performance measures with 5 players in each
requesting changes to be made” team and a total of 4 teams. They also measured
the 4 different teams in 4 different performance
“If you are inside a building and want the best
aspects, which in total sums up to 16 team
possibility of opportunity to hear enemies
measurements. All subjects but one had earlier
running up to you, smash the windows and open
experience with or a similar game to Dota 2.
the doors. It will allow you to hear footsteps
The individual measurements were Hero kills,
from further away and they will be slightly
Hero levels, Hero deaths, Kill assist, Total gold
earned, Gold per minute and Experience points
“You have to pay attention to what surface you per minute. The team-based measurements
are running on and the routes you are taking to were Total gold earned, Total experience points
get on top of an enemy without them hearing earned, Hero kills and Hero deaths. To gather
you” the measurements, the built-in tools in Dota 2
was used and the data was later analyzed. The
jackfrags (2020) did some informal testing players were divided into 2 groups based on
where he subjectively analyzed how soft in their skill, novice and experts. Players were then
amplitude the footsteps were in the game when randomized into 4 different teams and practiced
an enemy approach from a distance. He found against Dota 2’s AI (artificial intelligence) to
that audibility of the footsteps is too quiet in get accustomed to the controls. The 2 novice
general and that the players should be able hear groups then played against each other and the
enemies from further away. However, jackfrags experienced did the same. A total of 4 matches
did not conduct a controlled, scientific study. were played where 2 of the games were sound
Sound design research is needed to investigate was off and the other 2 had sound.

(multiple senses) that suggests that there´s
Dota 2 is played from a top-down view where important information to be gathered from
the visuals might not show important multiple senses where one sense doesn’t obtain
information that the players need to take a more all the necessary information. Then also the
successful goal-driven action. Pings on the map different information obtained needs to be put
to alert teammates of possible danger. Since together to understand what´s being perceived.
Dota 2 is a team-based game, audio cues play a MacInnis and Park (via Collins, 2013) calls this
big role in giving information to the entire team emergent meaning. Murch (via Collins, 2013)
that might otherwise be missed. Since not all explains, that sound and image are integrated
players share the same screen, visual cues may through what he calls “conceptual resonance”
not be sufficient in all circumstances to achieve when the sound and image together create a
critical information. Ng et al., (2015) found that specific meaning. If the image changes, the
the initial results were mixed. The individual sound will be interpreted differently and same
comparative measurements did show an for the new image. Therefore, sound and image
increase for 82 of the measurements, 10 are interconnected and analyzing them
measurements showed no difference and 48 separately could possibly alter the emergent
decreased in performance. A similar meaning.
performance for the team-based comparative
measurements was found. The mixed results Collins (2013) states it´s common to
indicated that it might have been caused by the misinterpret the sound and image in video
lack of control during the experiment. games because most games don´t use exact real-
Therefore, did the experiment design need more world sounds. Even if though they are designed,
work to measure how sound affects they are designed to enhance believability
performance. However, a survey was conducted (rather than represent realism).
after the test and most subjects felt their
performance was negatively impacted without 1.4 Diegesis and non-diegesis
sound. Much of the research around sound and games
is revolves around music and sound-based
1.3 How sound informs games for the visually impaired. The function of
Sound has the potential of influencing player sound in video game hasn’t been researched
performance by delivering information. very much. Ekman (2005) Investigates the role
Informative sounds in games are often of sounds and is more focus on diegetic sounds.
necessary to give the player information when From this he constructs a framework between
the field of view can´t provide that information. sound signals and referents. Ekman (2005)
Therefore, game designers frequently add refers to diegetic sounds as something that
sound in addition to the visuals to give belongs in game or story world. If there were a
necessary information to the player. However, character in the game, they would be able to
this does not always work as intended if the hear the sounds. For example, foley sounds such
sounds and visuals are misinterpreted which as footsteps, guns and vehicles would be
might confuse the player more than help. When diegetic. The opposite would be non-diegetic
multiple senses are engaged to gather sound which is not a part of the fictional world
information, it could either help (complement, such as music and interface sounds. Ekman
where the multiple senses complement each (2005) defines one aspect of diegetic sounds
other to get all the information), disrupt that might be overlooked. Diegetic sounds need
(conflict, where the multiple senses are not only to have impact in the game world, for
contradictory to each other) and be neutral example, effects such as sneaking. Where
(redundant, where the multiple senses are sneaking is a mechanic that allows a player to
neither complimenting nor conflicting) not alert guards or other players in a multiplayer
(Collins, 2013). game. Then the interaction between player or
non-playable characters (NPC) creates possible
Kohlrausch and van de Par (via Collins, 2013), consequences if ignored.
offer a theory of multisensory integration

Jørgensen (2006) explains how in Hitman determines how the sound will propagate in the
Contracts different sounds are played to indicate virtual world. The inner radius defines at what
if the knife has hit or not. A slashing sound is distance will the sound reach the maximum
played when an NPC is hit and if it misses it amplitude. The falloff distance defines at what
plays a whooshing sound. This gives the player distance will the sound no longer be audible to
information whether the knife hit or not, thus the listener/player.
making the player need to react to the new
situation. Like Counter-Strike: Global 1.6 Footsteps as an example
Offensive (CS: GO) is a first-person shooter, Footsteps are a good example of foley sound
foley sounds are used as a medium to give that players may want to hear at a distance,
players information about the events in the particularly NPC or enemy players, because this
game. The game is usually played 5 versus 5 can help respond to threats. Gaver (1986)
where one team seeks to either plant the bomb explains that there is much information to be
and make it explode by waiting and the other gathered from a sound like weight and size.
team is supposed to stop them from planting or Foley artists consider the character before
defuse the bomb before the time runs out. Both creating footsteps for them, considering things
teams can win through eliminating the other such as age and weight but also if the character
team. Most of the I nformative is stressed or relaxed. Footsteps could arguably
sounds that give crucial information about the also give information about the location and the
enemies are through foley sounds like footsteps distance from the source. depending on
and gunshots. There is no music and ambience reverberation it could also give information
in the game, therefore, foley becomes the main about the surrounding such as a room or a
source of auditory information. church. The sound could also possibly give
information about material when the foot falls
1.5 Unreal Engine on a surface or characters travel.
Game engines include functionality and options
that constrain how sound can inform in games. There has been little research done on how
Unreal engine (Epic games, 2022) is one of the foley, specifically footstep sounds impact
more popular game engines on the market. The auditory information gathering. Researchers
possibility of customization is large, the ability have investigated diegetic versus non-diegetic
to make a high-quality game and it’s possible to sounds but not specifically in the category of
make games for different consoles and foley. Therefore, more research needs to be
computers (Lee, 2016). Therefore, is it a good done in the field to make informed arguments
representative of how game engines impact on how it impacts the success on goal-driven
sound design. Sound designers in Unreal tasks. Ekman (2005) explains how sneaking can
Engine usually works with “sound cues” which create an interactive experience between
is where sounds are implemented and triggered. players and NPCs. This suggests that footsteps
Sound cues can be triggered in several ways. would be informative in this case and would
Animations and event trigger are two of the impact the game depending on the players
options (Lee, 2016). Unreal Engine (Epic choice.
Games, 2022) offers many ways to work with As described by jackfrags (2020), there are
audio. To control how sound behaves at a many factors that is important to determine the
distance relative to the listener/player is distance of an enemy such as surface, occlusion,
controlled by the “sound attenuation” (Unreal and reverberation. Sound designers does not
Engine 4 Documentation, n.d.). One of the always have the same thinking as the player and
settings in sound attenuation is “attenuation could therefore implement the sound design
distance”, which defines how the amplitude will differently. Since jackfrags mentions that the
reduce the further away the listener/player gets. audibility of the footsteps is too quiet in Call of
The options to control in the attenuation Duty: Warzone (Activision, 2020), probably he
distance are: attenuation function, attenuation has experienced other video games where this
shape, inner radius and falloff distance. The was not the case. In addition to research, some
attenuation function determines at which rate recommendation or framework in certain types
the amplitude will reduce. Attenuation shape

of gameplay for sound designers when distance of an NPC based on the sound of the
implementing footsteps could be helpful. NPC's footsteps only using attenuation distance.
A pre-study was conducted to take decisions
If sound effects were audible at a greater about the design of the test for the main study.
distance, as jackfrags requests, then it is not just The pre-study involved a listening test and also
an issue of when to trigger them, but also the the testing of some refinements to the
attenuation. Thus, raising the question of which experimental procedure.
factors are of importance. Does natural/realistic
sound attenuation give more accurate
2.1 Resources
information of distance than consistency in
amplitude? Also, sound propagation may not be Software
straightforward if there are building or obstacles Unreal Engine 4.26 (Epic Games, 2020)
in the way because of the potential attenuation Fruity Loops Studio (Image-Line, 2022)
that might alter the amplitude and filtering of Hardware
the sounds. All these things may further
PC (Windows, (Microsoft, 2020) operating
complicate whether sounds perceived from a
further distance is desirable and enhance
Beyerdynamic DT 770
Focusrite Clarett 2Pre USB
1.7 Performance and Strategy Mouse and keyboard
Players use this information to play, to 2.2 Game level courses
determine how act, defend themselves,
Both the pre-study and the main experiment
strategize, approach, and stay away from used the same basic game level. Additional
enemies. It could be that hearing footstep elements were added for the main study, and
sounds from further away acts like a perimeter these will be detailed below. To create a game
alert. It could help players keep track of threats. level where participants could estimate the
Alternatively, it could be that players are distance of an NPC from the sound of their
estimating the distances of NPCs or enemies. footsteps, the game level was created in the
More research is needed to determine which of Unreal Engine 4.26 (Epic Games, 2022). Free
these strategies is in use. assets from Unreal Engines marketplace were
used for implementation. Footsteps recordings
1.8 Aim and purpose were obtained from Splice (Splice, 2022).
The purpose of the study is to bring light to the Fruity Loops Studio (Image-Line, 2022) was
issue of wanting to hear footsteps from a further used to edit the footsteps from one wave-file to
distance and to collect data on how players 16 individual assets for implementation in the
perceive distance and how it differs from the game level. The one game level was designed
actual distance. The aim of the study is to give with five different courses in it. One of the five
sound designers a more knowledgeable courses was used only in the pre-study. There
framework using distance attenuation with was a training course used in both the pre-study
footsteps and therefore make more informed and the main study and the rest were used in the
choices when designing. main study. The requirements needed to
participate was earlier experience with playing
1.9 Statement of the Research Question video games on a computer to minimize the risk
Players say that they want to hear the enemy of failure while also having at least some
NPC footsteps from greater distance even if it experience with game sound.
sounds unrealistic. However, does hearing the
NCP footsteps from further away actually help The five courses were as follows: walkthrough
players to accurately estimate the enemies' of training shown in figure 1, walkthrough of
distance as those enemies’ approach? main study test shown in figure 2, training
shown in figure 3, pre-study test shown in figure
2 Methodology 4 and main study test shown in figure 5.
To test how players estimate distances to NPCs,
an in-game listening test was created. In the
listening test, participants estimated the

Figure 1. Walkthrough of training.
Figure 5. Main study test.

All the courses were of the same size. The only

difference in layout of the courses was that a
grid was added in the walkthrough of the train-
ing and the training course. The metric system
set in Unreal Engine (Epic games, 2022) was
centimeters. 1 Unreal Unit (uu) equaled 1 centi-
meter in the game engine. The size of the
courses was measured to be 73 unreal engine
Figure 2. Walkthrough of main study test. meters (UEM) long, 38 UEM wide and 5.5
UEM tall. To assure the NPC walked the same
route for every participant, target points was
then added. The NPCs movement was based on
where the target points was located within each
course. Target points can be seen in figure 2 as
round black object to determine where the
NPCs should walk.

2.3 Sounds and implementation

The only sounds present in the game were the
footsteps that the NPC generated. From the
Figure 3. Training. source file, 16 footstep sounds were extracted.
The footsteps sounds were then imported to the
Unreal Engine 4.26 (Epic game, 2022) project
into a blueprint called sound cue, this one
specifically called Footsteps_Cue, which can be
seen in figure 6. All the footstep sounds were
then outputted into a randomizing blueprint
node. The function of the random blueprint
node is to randomize and choose one of the 16
footsteps when the sound cue is being triggered.

Figure 4. Pre-study test.

Table 1. Settings of the attenuation used for the
footsteps in the pre-study and main study.

Attenuation distance Value

Attenuation function Logarithmic

Attenuation shape Sphere
Inner radius 400 uu

Fall off distance 3600 uu

Table 2. Setting of the attenuation used for the

footsteps in the pre-study.
Figure 6. Sound cue, Footsteps_Cue.
Attenuation distance Value
The Footsteps_Cue was triggered by the
Attenuation function Linear
animations blueprint. The animation itself plays
for 34 frames before looping, the Attenuation shape Sphere

Footsteps_Cue was added at frames 7 and 26 to Inner radius 400 uu

match the animation footstep to the Fall off distance 3600 uu

Footsteps_Cue as seen in figure 7. 2.4 Pre-study
The pre-study was conducted to determine two
things needed for the main study. Is a linear or
a logarithmic attenuation function more
accurate when one should estimate distance of
footsteps generated from an NPC? And, how far
away does the Zone of Confidence (ZoC)
stretch? ZoC meaning, how many UEM away
from the player would be close enough that one
could confidently estimate the distance from a
sound source. Within that range, the distance
auditory cues are not really helpful to the player
since the player knows the NPC is very close.
The pre-study also functioned as debugging and
feedback for what to improve for the main
Figure 7. Implementation of Footsteps_Cue to study.
the animation of the NPC.
The pre-study included a test and a
questionnaire. Four subjects participated. All
To make the footstep sounds of the NPC change had earlier experiences with critical listening
in amplitude based on the distance from the and playing video games. The test was divided
player, an attenuation setting was needed to into two parts, training, and pre-study test. The
alter the amplitude. The settings used for the purpose of having a training course was for the
attenuation distance can be seen in tables 1 and participants to familiarize themselves with the
2 below. The inner radius and the fall off footstep audio and how it sounded in the game.
distance was not altered and were the default The pre-study subjects walked around in the
settings. training course and had 1 minute to listen to an
NPC walking around. To give them an even
better grasp of the distance instead of just using
audio alone, subjects could see a grid on the
floor and walls. In this grid one square indicated
one square meter, and this was known to the
participants before the training through the
instructions. After 1 minute had past the NPC

would then disappear and the participant then NPC were. Two of them mentioned that the
moved on to the pre-study test through a portal. further away the NPC was from them, the
blurrier the grid got. Also counting how many
When they entered the pre-study test course, meters away the NPC was when at further
they were no longer able to move around, but distances got difficult since the NPC moved
still had the possibility to turn the camera and during the entire minute and therefore also
look around. There were five hidden sound removing focus on listening to the footsteps. For
sources in the course placed in front of them the main study, a “get distance to” node and a
from which footsteps would emanate. No NPC “print string” node was added to get the distance
was visible. The distances that were chosen was from the player to the NPC which updated every
3, 6, 9, 15 and 30 UEM. They played the stimuli millisecond. This was added to give the
with the keyboard buttons 1 to 5 and could participants an easier time to calibrate the
repeat them. Their task was to estimate the distance during training. This was viewed in the
distance between themselves and the sound top left corner of the screen during the training
source. course.
Both training and the pre-study test were
repeated twice, and the only thing changed
between the tests was the attenuation function
between linear and logarithmic attenuation.
Two of the four subjects started with linear
attenuation function and the others started with
logarithmic. The headphone volume could be
altered during the training courses but not
during the test. The volume could be adjusted
by a knob on the audio interface.
After the training and test were done, a semi-
structured interview was conducted to gather
information about potential improvements for Figure 8. Implementation to get the distance to
the main study. NPC from the player.

Questions in the interview were the following: The results for estimating distance with either
linear or logarithmic attenuation was observed
1. Did you notice any difference between by the author and indicated that the logarithmic
the two tests? attenuation function gave more accurate
2. Was the length of the training course information of the distance to the NPC.
sufficient or should it be longer or Therefore, were the logarithmic attenuation
shorter? function chosen for the main study. No
3. Was the grid helpful to estimate the statistical analysis was made for the results,
distance to the NPC? since there were only four participants.
4. What was easy/hard with the test?
5. Could the instructions have been more The participants had a better understanding of
effective? the test the second time they did it, which could
6. Do you have any ideas of how the main indicate the instructions were not sufficient. The
study could improve? result of this feedback was to add a walkthrough
of the training and a walkthrough of the test to
2.5 Pre-study results give the participant a better understanding of
The semi-structured interviews gave valuable how the experiment would work.
information for the main study. All four
participants agreed that having 1 minute of the The walkthroughs were added to minimize the
training course was sufficient to calibrate to the risk of failure. The differences between the
NPC footsteps. However, only using a grid on walkthroughs, training and main study test were
the floor and walls did not give the participants that the walkthrough was silent for the
good enough representation of how far away the participants and was supposed to get familiar

with the movement and the buttons to activate which also made the NPC in the training course
the walking of the NPC’s. The NPC’s seen in start walking. The ability to move around was
the walkthrough of the test were visible while in enabled again. After one minute of walking
the main study test, they were not. In the corner around and listening to the footsteps of the
top left corner of the screen there were an NPC, they would then take another portal to the
indication of the distance to the NPC from main study test which can be seen in figure 3.
themselves in the game which was given in When the entered the main study test their
centimeters. ability to move around was disabled. The
participant’s task was then to activate the
2.6 Main study stimuli with the buttons 1 and 2 on the keyboard
The main study was held in Musikhögskolan in to make the invisible NPCs start walking
Piteå, Sweden. The requirements needed to towards them and then estimate the distance
participate was earlier experience with playing from themselves to where the invisible NCP
video games on a computer to minimize the risk stopped walking. They were asked to answer in
of failure while also having at least some full meters and had the ability to replay the
experience with games sound. In total, 18 stimuli as many times as they wanted.
subjects participated in the main study.
NPC 1 started from 36 UEM away and NPC 2
The four courses were used in the main study started from 20 UEM away. The second time
was the: walkthrough of the training, they did the main study test, the target point was
walkthrough of the test, training, and main changed. The predetermined target point was 9
study test. Questions was allowed to be asked and 15 UEM. Half of the participants started
from the participant during the whole with the target points begin 9 UEM and the
experiment. This was to minimize the risk of other 15 UEM. When they’ve had completed all
failure. The headphone volume was only four courses, they would then do the main study
allowed to be changed during the training test again but with changes in the target point
course and not during the main study test for the NPCs. When both variations of the main
course. study test were completed, they were then asked
to answer a questionnaire, also containing
The participants began the test with the demographic data.
walkthrough of the training where they were
free to move around to familiarize themselves Complications was observed after the first test
with moving and also learning how the actual was completed. Some changes were therefore
training would function. When they started the made during testing. A sentence was added in
game by pressing the play button, the NPC the instructions to give more clarification on the
started walking to predetermined target points. function on the training, this was added after the
After they had understood the how the training first participant completed the experiment.
course would function, they would then move
After the test was completed, the different
on to the walkthrough of the main study test.
stimuli got categorized based on starting and
Through a portal seen in figure 1.
end position of the stimuli, meaning the UEM
When they entered the walkthrough of the away from the player shown in table 3.
training course, their ability to move around was
Table 3. Categorization of the tests.
disabled to not alter the distance between the
NPCs and themselves. As seen in figure 2, they Starting distance End distance
would see two NPCs in front of them and by Category from the player from the player
pressing the keyboard buttons 1 and 2, the NPCs
would then walk to a specific target point in A1 36 UEM 9 UEM
front of them. When the participants understood A2 20 UEM 9 UEM
how to activate the walk function of the NPCs, B1 36 UEM 15 UEM
they would then press the HOME-button on the
keyboard to continue to the training course. B2 20 UEM 15 UEM
When the HOME-button was pressed, the
participant got teleported to the training course

2.7 Questionnaire a statistically significant difference between the
The main study was held in Swedish and the estimated distance and actual distance in UE4.
questions in the questionnaire have therefore, The null-hypothesis (HA0) for the two-tailed
been translated to English in the list below. one-sample t-tests states that there is no
statistically significant difference between the
Questionnaire questions estimated distance and the actual distance in
1. During a time of playing video games, UE4. The hypothesis (HB1) for the two-tailed
how many hours in a week do play paired t-tests states that there will be a
video games? statistically significant difference between the
2. Do you have any experience with mean of A1-A2 or B1-B2. The null-hypothesis
game sound design? (HB0) for the two-tailed paired t-tests states that
3. What program are you studying? there will not be statistically significant
4. What genre of video game do you difference between the mean of A1-A2 or B1-
prefer? B2.
5. Do you have any additional comments
about the experiment? 2.11 Demographic data analysis
The demographic data in figure 9 showed many
2.8 Informal observations participants having no previous experience with
During the test, the experimenter was present to game sound design (GSD). 12 of the
observe the participants computer screen and to participants did not have any experience with
be available for potential questions. The GSD. 2 had little experience, 1 had moderate
observations were done to get a better experience and was 1 had much experience
understanding of how the participants would whereas 0 participants were very experienced.
perform during the test.

2.9 Data analysis Experience with game sound

For the analysis, both two-tailed one-sample t- design
tests and two-tailed paired t-tests were 14
calculated to measure the results statistical 10
significance. Two-tailed one-sample t-tests 8
were calculated for A1, A2, B1 and B2. These 6
measurements are shown in table 4. Two-tailed 2
paired t-tests were calculated to measure how 0
far away each participant was from the target
end point to see if hearing NPC footsteps from
further away improve distance estimation, these
are shown in table 6 and 7. The two-tailed
paired t-tests were calculated for A1-A2 and
B1-B2. For all statistical calculations the Figure 9. The experience with GSD within the
significance level was set to 𝛼 = 0.05. With 18 participants.
participants, the degree of freedom is:
The distribution of preference of game genre
𝑑𝑓 = 𝑛 − 1 = 18 − 1 = 17
shows that the participants play a variety of
A t-table (Seb, 2021) showing the critical t- video games genres. The most frequent was
value was used to measure the studies t-values. Role-playing game (RPG) with 6 participants.
T-values greater than the critical t-value would
discard the null-hypothesis and show statistical

2.10 Statistical Hypothesis

Two hypothesis is needed for the two t-tests.
The statistical hypothesis (HA1) for the two-
tailed one-sample t-tests states that that there is

that the data is spread from the means of the t-
Preference of game genre tests.
6 3 Results and analysis
A total of 18 participants completed the
3 experiment where 16 studies sound engineering
2 and 2 music related courses. All participants had
1 prior experience with games which was the
0 requirement to participate in the study. Some
answers were not given in full meters, therefore
some answers were then rounded up to the
closest meter.

3.1 Results
Table 4 shows each participant’s results for
each test. The answers are given in meters
Figure 10. Preference of game genre between where the participant estimated the end point for
the participants. each NPC. The right most column shows if the
participant started with test A or B.
Table 4. Distance estimation given in UEM.
Hours played in a week in a
time period of playing video Partici-
Test A1 Test A2 Test B1 Test B2
S=36m S=20m S=36m S=20m Started
games regularly pant E=9m E=9m E=15m E=15m with test
1 2 1 2 1 A
0-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 25+ 2 10 10 11 8 B
3 5 2 4 6 A
4 2 2 3 2 B

3 3 5 6 7 8 8 A
6 20 22 22 20 B
1 7 17 14 20 18 A
8 1 4 6 8 B
4 9 3 2 1 3 A
10 1 2 3 5 B
11 3 2 4 3 A
12 1 2 6 8 B
13 4 2 3 2 A
14 5 4 7 5 B
Figure 11. Pie chart of hours played in a week 15 4 2 3 3 A
in a time period of playing video games 16 8 9 18 10 B
regularly. 17 5 3 4 3 A
18 25 15 20 5 B
2.12 Test results corelated to the
The results show a wide range of game genre The distance estimations shown in figure 12
preference with little to no experience for most shows a consistent mean-value. This means that
participants. The hours played in a week in a the distance estimations were similar between
time period of playing regularly shows in figure having a starting point a 36 UEM and 20 UEM,
11 that most participants play between 11 and similarly the results for the end points 15 UEM
15 hours a week. 3 participants did have and 9 UEM. B1 shows a greater spread than the
between 0 and 5 hours played. The standard rest of the test especially compared to B2 which
deviation and variance shown in table 5 shows showed a lower spread. A1 compared to A2
show similar spread and mean value even
though the end point were different. There were

5 outliers of the 18 total participants, which also Table 5. Summary of calculations for table 4.
indicates the wide spread of the data. B2
Test A1 A2 B1 B2
showed the lowest spread of the four tests. p-value 0.193 0.037 0.0006 0.000003
Interestingly, the NPC in B2 only walked 5 T-test -1.355 -2.27 -4.204 -6.869
UEM where A2 was the closest in walking Standard 6.958 5.924 7.008 5.216
distance with 11 UEM. Contradictory, B1 did deviation
not walk the furthest and still had the most Variance 48.418 35.088 49.114 27.203
T-critical 2.11
spread data of the four tests. A1 walked the
furthest distance walking 27 UEM. The number 𝜶 0.05

of steps taken by the NPC was:

𝐴1 = 28 𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑝𝑠 Tables 6 and 7 show the est1imations for each
subject and how many UEM away they were
𝐴2 = 14 𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑝𝑠 from the correct end points. The difference
column shows how far off they were. It can be
𝐵1 = 22 𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑝𝑠
seen table 6 that only 1 subject got the correct
𝐵2 = 6 𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑝𝑠 estimation when the end point was 9 UEM away
from the participant. Looking at both tables 6
and 7, 7 participants was within 3 UEM of the
correct answer.
Table 6. Distance estimation for each subject
and how many UEM away they were from the
correct end point for A1 and A2.
Parti- A1 EST. A1 Diffe- A2 EST. A2 Diffe-
cipant UEM rence UEM rence
1 2 7 1 8
2 10 1 10 1
3 5 4 2 7
4 2 7 2 7
5 6 3 7 2
6 20 11 22 13
7 17 8 14 5
8 1 8 4 5
9 3 6 2 7
10 1 8 2 7
11 3 6 2 7
12 1 8 2 7
13 4 5 2 7
Figure 12. Boxplot of the distance estimations.
14 5 4 4 5
15 4 5 2 7
Table 5 shows 3 of the 4 two-tailed one-sample
16 8 1 9 0
t-tests that statistical significance was found.
17 5 4 3 6
The results indicate that there were difficulties
18 25 16 15 6
estimating distance to NPC footstep sound
when only using amplitude attenuation for 9 and
15 UEM as end points for the t-tests. Since the
t-test are of negative value means that the
estimated distance was shorter than the actual in
UE4. The hypothesis (H1) could then be
accepted for the tests A2, B1 and B2. The null-
hypothesis (H0) could not be discarded for A1.

Table 7. Distance estimation for each subject estimated the same distance when the end
and how many UEM away they were from the point of the NPCs was the same. The reason
correct end point for B1 and B2 for the results might have been that when the
sound is rendered by Unreal Engine, for every
Parti- B1 EST. B1 Diffe- B2 EST. B2 Diffe-
cipant UEM rence UEM rence single footstep, the footsteps amplitude was
1 2 13 1 14 not the same. On the other hand, it might also
2 11 4 8 7 indicate that having two different starting
3 4 11 6 9 points and different end points led to two
4 3 12 2 13 difference perceptions. This is plausible since
5 8 7 8 7 the number of footsteps is higher in the NPC
6 22 7 20 5 starting at 36 UEM away from the player than
7 20 5 18 3 20 UEM away. However, no statistical
8 6 9 8 7 significance was found, and the differences are
9 1 14 3 12
small where most participants estimated within
10 3 12 5 10
3 UEM when the NPCs had the same end
11 4 11 3 12
12 6 9 8 7
13 3 12 2 13 4.2 Advice for Sound Designers
14 7 8 5 10 Given that no statistical significance was found
15 3 12 3 12 shows that distance estimation of NPC footsteps
16 18 3 10 5
sounds using amplitude attenuation is difficult.
17 4 11 3 12
Using a logarithmic attenuation function instead
18 20 5 5 10
of linear showed from the pre-study to give
better estimations of distance. This does not
take into account that using a logarithmic
Table 8 shows a small mean difference and a
attenuation has lower amplitude at a further
narrow spread meaning that the further away the
distance than linear attenuation. In a realistic
NPC were did not help to accurately estimate
game scenario, footsteps sounds are not the only
the distance of an NPC.
audio cue present. Music, ambience and other
Table 8. Summary of calculations for table 6 foley sounds are frequently used in FPS games
and 7. that creates the potential for other sounds to
mask the footstep sounds. Thus, raising the
Test A1 and A2 B1 and B2
question if a linear attenuation factor would be
Mean difference 0.278 -0.167
useful in video games where footsteps cues are
p-value 0.544 0.644 of importance and needs to be audible at a
T-test 0.619 -0.47 further distance. Assuming that players of
Standard deviation 2.967 2.093 commercial games are having similar
Variance 8.801 4.382 difficulties, then it is likely that instead of
T-critical 2.11
distance cues, NPC footstep sounds might
function as to give an audio cue alerting the
𝜶 0.05
player of potential danger. As mentioned by
jackfrags (2020), on what surface the footsteps
are walking on can help give information of
4 Discussion enemy’s whereabouts and may therefore be of
4.1 The results more value to get a better understanding of
3 of the 4 two-tailed one sample t-tests showed where enemies are. Other potential reasons why
statistical significance which indicates there the results did not show statistical significance
were estimating distances were difficult and might be that the footstep sounds weren’t
looking at the standard deviation for all the t- realistic. Similarly, the footsteps being
test makes it difficult to claim if any unrealistic would make it difficult to utilize
demographic data gathered had any correlation familiarity to how footsteps sound in the real
with the wide spread of the data points. One world. Also, since the surface was not of a
interesting finding was that few participants familiar material for the participants the sounds

might not have been believable for the game were not placed in a realistic game world
world. location, which may have impacted the
subject’s judgement. However, this design
One reason for this study was to give sound choice was made to control the experiment and
designer a framework or a recommendation to avoid potential distractions. In hindsight,
work with when implementing footstep sounds implementing a realistic game world location
in their game. However, looking at the collected could have also helped the player with the
data shows that when only utilizing amplitude relative size of the NPC. Another solution to the
attenuation and disregarding reverb and incongruency could have been to alter the
occlusion that it is difficult to estimate amplitude of the footstep sounds differently.
distances. Therefore, when implementing
footsteps sound and distance estimations are of The footsteps stimuli was subjectively
importance, only using amplitude attenuation evaluated by the author and adjusted manually
does not give sufficient information of distance. to sound like a believable implementation. This
4.3 Critique of Method was to assure that there was no footstep sound
The implementation of the footsteps and the that was too loud or too soft. Normalizing the
choice of stimuli showed to be problematic after sounds or making sure that every sound was in
the main testing was done. The choice of using close amplitude proximity would have arguably
16 different footstep sounds may have impacted increased the control and also lessened the
how distant the footsteps were estimated, impact of the randomization of which footstep
especially the last step closest to the subject. sound played in each time they activated the
Since the timbre and amplitude are not the same stimuli.
for every footstep the estimation might then During the tests, participants often asked
have been difficult because the last footstep questions. This would imply that the
sound the participants heard had a probability of instructions given to them, or the walkthroughs
6.25% chance of repeating as last footstep of training and main study test did not give
sound again. Another solution could have been sufficient information to complete their given
to instead use fewer footstep sounds and using task. The pre-study gave results on how long
slight pitch modulation to gain better control of time the player should be given in the training
how each footstep might have been perceived. course which was 1 minute in total before the
Pitch modulation changes the timbre of the NPC would disappear. An increase in time
footstep sound, but the tradeoff might be losing would arguably have given closer estimations to
ecological validity for sound design techniques where the NPCs in main study test stopped, but
while gaining control. The aim of the research that would have also increased the potential
was to answer how distance is perceived in time it would take for each participant to
video games, therefore the increase in control complete the experiment, introducing the risk of
could arguably have given more accuracy and fatigue. The participants in the pre-study also
clearer results. mentioned that the instructions were confusing
during the first test and became easier the
The size of the NPC was mentioned in the second time due to gaining experience with the
questionnaire answers by two participants. The test and a better understanding of the task. This
distance of the footsteps and the size of the was the reason to implement the walkthrough of
NPCs did not match for all subjects. Only two training and walkthrough of main study. If the
mentioned it but others may have been impacted instructions and walkthrough would have given
too. This incongruency might have made the sufficient information about the task, then the
training course less effective in terms of helping estimation of distance could arguably have been
the players learn to estimate the distance to the more accurate.
NPCs. There are a few possible solutions to 4.4 Informal Observations
decrease the incongruency. Changing the layout The experimenter was present in the room
of the courses to a more familiar location where during the testing. The informal observations
the players could have used a relative size to a made by the experimenter during testing found
building or an object for example. The courses that a few participants looked at the instructions

after the walkthrough of training and NPCs in full meters. The results show that, by
walkthrough of the main study test. The purpose only using amplitude attenuation and
of adding the walkthroughs was to maximize disregarding reverb and occlusion, which is
the attention of the participant to their given frequently used when sound designing footsteps
task. Since the participants got 1 minute of sounds in video games does not give sufficient
walking around and listening to the NPC information to accurately estimate distance to
walking in the training course, some footsteps cues of an NPC.
participants therefore used less time focusing on
familiarizing themselves with the footsteps 5 Acknowledgements
sounds. Taking into account that the results The author would like to thank Nyssim Lefford
showed a wide spread in standard deviation, the for supervising the study with ideas and to
instructions and the methodology were arguably answer many questions during the process.
confusing for the participants. Another Thanks to Adam Alvin, Eddie Lundin, David
possibility that might have occurred is the Baker and Axel Svahn for feedback on the pre-
observer effect since the author was present in study.
the same room during the tests.

4.5 Future research

There are many possibilities to continue the
research surround footsteps in video games.
This study only incorporated the factor of
amplitude attenuation and did not consider
reverb attenuation, occlusion and surface which
is common practice to implement when sound
designing footsteps for video games. jackfrags
(2020) described that the factors named are all
important when trying to estimate distance of
footsteps. The results from the pre-study
showed that the logarithmic attenuation
function gave the clearest information of
distance compared to a linear attenuation
function. Since there were only four participants
in the pre-study, statistical significance cannot
therefore be calculated, but is of interest in
future research. There is little to no research that
has been done in the field relating to estimating
distance in video games. Therefore, were
choices in the study subjectively chosen. The
reason for testing how for the ZoC stretches was
mainly to avoid having distance estimations in
the main study test being redundant. The results
from the pre-study did show an indication of
where the ZoC lies. of A more thorough study
would be needed to find more accurate
estimation of where the ZoC lies.

4.6 Conclusions
This study explored to answer if video game
players could estimate distance to an NPC
walking towards them based on the footsteps
sounds of the NPC using amplitude attenuation.
A listening test was conducted. The participants
asked to estimate the distances to invisible

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