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Human and Social Biology SBA

The impact of Dengue Fever on the residents of Morris Meadows

Candidate Names: Shimeka Mckenzie

Jada Williams
Janae Hudson
Jaquan Lee

Candidate Numbers:

Center: Camperdown High School

Center Number: 100015
Year of Exam: 2024
Territory: Jamaica
Table of Contents

Contents Pages

Background Information 2

Problem Statement 3

Research Objective 4

Methodology 5

Presentation of Data 6-9

Analysis and Interpretation of Data 10

Conclusion 11

Recommendations 12

Reflection 13

Bibliography 14

Appendices 15-16

Background Information

Morris Meadows is situated close to Portmore St.Catherine. Due to the abundance of canals and
other water bodies in Portmore, there is a high infestation of mosquitoes. Dengue fever has been
on the increase since 2022. Aedes Aegypti mosquito in the vector responsible for transmission of
the virus. The large number of canals and stagnant water create the perfect breeding ground for
these pests. Symptoms of Dengue Fever include a fever, headache, abdominal and muscle pains
as well as joint pain with a rash.

Problem Statement

Dengue Fever adversely affects the health and lifestyle of the residents in Morris Meadows.

Research Objectives

To find out how Dengue Fever negatively affects the health and lifestyle of the residents

of Morris Meadows


The questionnaire will be completed by a wide cross-section of person living in Morris

Meadows. A total of 20 persons will be used, there will be males, females, elderly and teenagers.

Some who have contracted the disease? The respondents was given a week to complete the


The information will be represented on a table or a graph, pie chart. The information supplied

will be treated confidentially and no names are to be written or used. One problem that could be

experienced is that of respondents who would think outside the box interrupting the answer

option as to what is being asked. Respondents may think that our answer options are not of high

quality as to what they think.

A questionnaire will be used to collect (data) information for the project. This method is chosen

as it is cheap (cost effective) and it can be administered physically or virtually.

The questionnaire will be handed out to the elderly or those without the use of technology

smartphone. It will be sent by email to younger persons especially the males. Everybody will be

given a week to respond to the questionnaire.

Presentation of Data

Question .3: Bar Graph showing what percentage of the community was affected?


Number of respondent

10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%

% of the community was affected

Question 4: Pie Chart showing the percentage of what symptoms of the fever was mainly


Symptoms of Dengue Fever





High Fever Swollen Glands Rashs and Headaches Nausea

Question 5: Pie chart showing Treatment methods used after diagnosis.






Paracetamol Panadol Hospitalized Plenty of rest & fluids

Question 6: Bar chart showing the most effective methods of preventions.




Percentage of Respondent





Destroyed breeding Used mosquito destroyer Used repellant with deet Covered beds with net


Respondents gave two (2) answers.

Analysis and Interpretation of Data

Analysis based on the presentation of data:

50% of respondents felt that 40% of the population of Morris Meadows were infected by the

dengue virus. While 20% said there were about 60% of the population affected by the virus.

There were plenty person affected by the virus. Many persons were absent from work, students

from school. Many of the persons affected had high fever about 50% others had swollen glands

(20%) and rashes and aches, i.e. headaches, joint pains and muscle pains.


It was recommended that all affected person should rest and drink plenty of fluids. They should

take Paracetamol and Panadol. Only a relatively small percentage of the residents had to be

hospitalized but many had to seek medical attention from doctors or pharmacies.

The most effective way of getting rid of mosquitoes were to destroy the breeding grounds and to

use a mosquito coil (destroyer).


The residents of Morris Meadows were affected by the mosquito bites as they became ill from

the viral infection. Many persons were absent from work and school and had to visit the doctors

to get medication. Parents had to stay at home with children who were ill. (Loss of productive

hours from parents).


In order to limit the spread of Dengue fever in Morris Meadows the residents can employ the
following , like apply EPA –registered insect repellent, wear long clothing treated with
permethrin , keep mosquitoes out, take preventive medication and get vaccinated when
appropriate and get rid of mosquitoes breeding sites in and around the community.

For more awareness The Ministry of health have a lot of information how to guide and inform

individual about Dengue.


By doing this research on Dengue fever I am fully aware of danger and effects of this disease.

Dengue fever is a mosquito-borne viral infection that can lead to severe flu-like symptoms. Its

prevalence is a global health concern, emphasizing the need for effective vector control and

public awareness. Understanding the importance of preventive measures, such as eliminating

breeding sites and using protective measures against mosquito bites, is crucial in minimizing the

impact of this disease. Additionally, ongoing research and collaboration are essential to develop

vaccines and improve treatment options for dengue fever.


Dengue – Ministry of Health & Wellness, Jamaica (



Please answer as best as possible.

1. To which age category do you belong?

● 18-25

● 26-35

● 36-45

● Over 46

2. Gender:

● M

● F

● Other

3. What percentage of the community was affected?

● 20%

● 40%

● 60%

● Above 60%

4. What symptoms of the fever was mainly experienced?

● High fever

● Swollen glands

● Rashes and Headaches

● Nausea

5. Treatment methods used after diagnosis

● Paracetamol

● Panadol

● Hospitalization

● Plenty of rest and fluids

6. What methods would be most effective in preventing dengue fever?

● Destroying the breeding grounds ( disposing of cans and bottles covering drains)

● Using repellent containing DEET

● Covering beds with net

● Burning mosquito coil ( destroyer)


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