Online Applications Letter

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Online Applications for the National Board

“R” & “NR” Certificates of Authorization

The National Board is excited to announce that the “R” and “NR” Certificates of Authorization application
processes for renewals, extensions, revisions, and steel stamp requests are now located on the National Board
Business Center. The new online applications are located on the “Stamps & Marks” tab of the Business Center.
This tab will be visible once logged in with the company’s Certificate Administrator credentials. The National
Board anticipates a smooth transition into using the new online applications.

A few important points:

 To access the online applications, the company’s Certificate Administrator credentials should be used.
The Stamps & Marks page of the Business Center was designed specifically for each company, not an
 Make sure to always check the “Information for the Review Team” section for accuracy and
completeness. This information will be attached with your application as information for the review
 If there is a name and/or location change being made at the time of your renewal review, a separate
application does not need to be submitted for Name/Location changes. These changes should be noted
within the renewal application.
 Once payment is received in full, you will see a check mark in the “Paid” box.
 Once an application is submitted you will be able to track the status of the application.
o Important Status:
 In Process: the application has been received, and we are waiting on something before we
can move forward with processing the application.
 Ready to Schedule: All documents and fees have been received, and our scheduling
coordinator is ready to schedule the review.
 Pending Shop Review: The shop review has been scheduled by the National Board, or the
application has been sent to the Jurisdiction for scheduling.
 QRR received: The shop review has been completed and the QRR is under review.
 Issuance on Hold: The QRR has been reviewed, and the issuance is on hold. Many times,
this status is used when there has been a revision at the time of the renewal or between
renewal periods. In these cases, and when a company also holds the “NB” Certificate of
Authorization to Register, we must wait for ASME to issue the revised/renewed ASME
Certificate(s) before we can issue the revised/renewed “R” Certificate.


The new “Stamps & Marks” page of the Business Center also allows your company to change/update its contact
person at any time. If your company is changing the primary contact person or any of their information
(title/email/phone) and it has been noted on the renewal application, this link does not need to be used. The
link was created as a means to change/update the contact person between renewal periods.

• Click the applicable link under “CONTACT CHANGE” to change the contact person or update their
• This link will pull up a new page, where you can type in the new contact information.
• Once “submit” is clicked, the National Board Technical Department-Accreditation
( will receive an email notifying us of the change.

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