Performance Management Presentation - Learner

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117133 Performance Management

Activity 1.1
How employee and department contribute to Organizations Goals

Study the following diagram that illustrate how the individual

employees’ Job and Career goals contribute to the achievement of
the goals of the Business Unit or Department and how the
achievement of the goals of the various departments contribute to
the achievement of the goals of the Organization.
Any individual that does not perform optimally will therefore set in
motion a chain rection that will affect the performance of the
Performance Management - Generic

Individuals Business Organisation


1 >>>>>
2 >>>>> Finance >>>>>
3 >>>>>

1 >>>>>
2 >>>>> Admin >>>>>
3 >>>>>

1 >>>>>
2 >>>>> Marketing >>>>> Company Vision and Mission
3 >>>>>

1 >>>>>
2 >>>>> >>>>>
3 >>>>>

1 >>>>>
2 >>>>> >>>>>
3 >>>>>
Performance Management - CIB

Individuals Business Organisation (CIB)


1 >>>>>
2 >>>>> Finance >>>>>
3 >>>>>

1 >>>>>
2 >>>>> Admin >>>>>
3 >>>>>

1 >>>>>
Passion. Integrity and Excellence. That’s what we’re
2 >>>>> Marketing >>>>>
all about
3 >>>>>

1 >>>>>
2 >>>>> >>>>>
3 >>>>>

1 >>>>>
2 >>>>> >>>>>
3 >>>>>
Performance Management - NMG Benefits

Individuals Business Units Organisation

1 >>>>>
2 >>>>> Finance >>>>>
3 >>>>>

1 >>>>> NMG Benefits

2 >>>>> Admin >>>>> Helping institutions, employers and individuals
3 >>>>> with independent, specialist and expert
financial solutions
1 >>>>>
2 >>>>> Marketing >>>>> NMG Benefits
3 >>>>> Our People. Your Asset

1 >>>>> We provide consulting, actuarial and

2 >>>>> >>>>> administration expertise in Employee Benefits
3 >>>>> and related areas.

1 >>>>>
2 >>>>> >>>>>
3 >>>>>

The Motorite Way

Over the years Motorite has identified and embraced 3 fundamental principles, which together embody our
corporate philosophy, The Motorite Way:

"Your Success is Our Business" – Corporate Slogan Motorite's strategic development and business visions are
founded on a simple principle: If our service and / or product does not increase the profitability of a customer's
business (notwithstanding unrelated factors outside of the control of Motorite) then we have failed in our business
objectives and responsibility to our customers. Motorite's growth is directly related to the growth of its customers.
Understanding this initiated our quest for "Ultimate Customer Service", which indicates that we firmly believe in
our corporate slogan, "Your success is our business"

"Ultimate Customer Service" The pursuit of "Ultimate Customer Service" has no benchmarks or boundaries. Every
improvement needs to be improved upon and monitored and there is no limit to what can be achieved. Motorite
embraces "Ultimate Customer Service" and continues to develop and improve service levels in conjunction with
our clientele. Our goal is to continually exceed our customer's needs by implementing this philosophy.

"Total Peace of Mind Motoring" We offer our clients and their customers "Total Peace of Mind Motoring" in our
diverse product range available through Options. We are continually upgrading and improving this product range to
ensure that motorists are offered the best motor-related insurance solutions at the most affordable price. "Total
Peace of Mind" is an extension of our corporate slogan "Your success is our business", as we understand that our
customer's success depends on the level of service, they can offer their customers. So, by ensuring motorists "Total
Peace of Mind Motoring", we add value to our customer's business.
Performance Management - Motovantage

Individuals Business Units Organisation


1 >>>>> Our Vision

2 >>>>> Finance >>>>> We strive to be the first choice partner in the delivery
3 >>>>> of motor value added products and services.

Our Purpose
1 >>>>>
2 >>>>> Admin >>>>> We drive value and peace of mind by constantly
delivering an unsurpassed customer experience
3 >>>>>
offering a comprehensive suite of innovative, value
added products thorough a single point of entry to
1 >>>>> our customers, motor dealers and motor
2 >>>>> Marketing >>>>> manufacturers.
3 >>>>>
Our Values

1 >>>>> • We are better together.

2 >>>>> >>>>>
• We are driven by outputs and fuelled by action.

• To be an employer of choice and an employee of


3 >>>>> • If it’s our business, it’s my business

Activity 1.1 (See previous slides and LG Introduction p7-8)
How employee and department contribute to Organizations Goals

Learner to formulate own reply

Indicate how you as an employee contribute to department and the
department contribute to the company goals and how it fit into the
diagram and information in the previous slides.
Example: Receptionist ensure visitors are welcomed in a friendly manner
and brought in contact with the person that is visited or who is required to
attend to visitor/client. It contribute to good customer relations if person is
attended to and directed efficiently.
The company’s image will be supported and boosted through such
Individual employees must set their work and career goals in line with the
Company goals as expressed in the Vision and Mission Statement.
Activity 1.2
Competence in a position implies skills, knowledge and Behaviour

Skills: (Coaching)
• The ability to do a task well and is attained from applying
talent and practicing the ability and through skills transfer
from other persons.
Activity 1.2
Competence in a position implies skills, knowledge and Behaviour

Skills: (Coaching)
• The ability to do a task well and is attained from applying
talent and practicing the ability and through skills transfer
from other persons.
Knowledge: (Training)
• It is the knowing of information and facts and is attained by
learning, reading and observation
Activity 1.2
Competence in a position implies skills, knowledge and Behaviour

Skills: (Coaching)
• The ability to do a task well and is attained from applying
talent and practicing the ability and through skills transfer
from other persons.
Knowledge: (Training)
• It is the knowing of information and facts and is attained by
learning, reading and observation
Values: (Mentoring)
• Internal awareness of what is good and what is bad. It
reflects a person’s ethics, integrity and honesty. It guides a
person’s actions.
Activity 1.3a LG Introduction p7-8
What is Performance Management

Performance Management is the continuous monitoring of

performance against predetermined standards and goals.
It is a structured process that provide consultation and
Activity 1.3b LG 1.2 p9
Why is Performance Management Important

1. To detect deviations from standards/goals early in the

2. To measure each employee’s contribution
Activity 1.4a LG 1.3 p10 - Steps in Performance Management)

1. Establish performance goals - Job analysis, Job

description, Competences, Goalsetting
Activity 1.4a LG 1.3 p10 - Steps in Performance Management)
1. Establish performance goals - Job analysis, Job description, Competences,

2. Document performance plan - What, how, when;

Standards of performance
Activity 1.4a LG 1.3 p10 - Steps in Performance Management)
1. Establish performance goals - Job analysis, Job description, Competences,
2. Document performance plan - What, how, when; Standards of performance

3. Observe and provide feedback - Observation,

measuring, early detection; Discussions, Corrective
Activity 1.4a LG 1.3 p10 - Steps in Performance Management)
1. Establish performance goals - Job analysis, Job description, Competences,
2. Document performance plan - What, how, when; Standards of performance
3. Observe and provide feedback - Observation, measuring, early detection;
Discussions, Corrective action

4. Evaluate performance - Performance appraisals and

Activity 1.4a LG 1.3 p10 - Steps in Performance Management)
1. Establish performance goals - Job analysis, Job description, Competences,
2. Document performance plan - What, how, when; Standards of performance
3. Observe and provide feedback - Observation, measuring, early detection;
Discussions, Corrective action
4. Evaluate performance - Performance appraisals and reviews

5. Reward performance - Reward systems

Activity 1.4a LG 1.3 p10 - Steps in Performance Management)
1. Establish performance goals - Job analysis, Job description, Competences,
2. Document performance plan - What, how, when; Standards of performance
3. Observe and provide feedback - Observation, measuring, early detection;
Discussions, Corrective action
4. Evaluate performance - Performance appraisals and reviews
5. Reward performance - Reward systems

6. Recognise and address performance problems -

Counseling, coaching, mentoring, motivation
Activity 1.4a LG 1.3 p10 - Steps in Performance Management)
1. Establish performance goals - Job analysis, Job description, Competences,
2. Document performance plan - What, how, when; Standards of performance
3. Observe and provide feedback - Observation, measuring, early detection;
Discussions, Corrective action
4. Evaluate performance - Performance appraisals and reviews
5. Reward performance - Reward systems
6. Recognise and address performance problems - Counseling, coaching,
mentoring, motivation

7. Performance improvements - Performance

improvement plans; Development plans (e.g.
Activity 1.4b LG 1.5 p12
Characteristics of a good Performance Management System

• Fairness in goalsetting and of achievement expectation and

• Motivational and not demotivational
• Good communication channels
• Must be results focused/orientated
• Define clear goals, good job descriptions and link job description
with performance goal
• Good measuring and reporting tools
Activity 1.5
Describe your company’s performance management system

Learner’s own answer

Refer to 2.4 in learner guide
Activity 1.6
Strengths and weaknesses of Performance Management system in Act 1.5

Learner’s own answer

Refer to activity 1.4b
Activity 1.7
Suggestions for possible improvement

Learner’s own answer

Refer to activity 1.4b
Activity 2.1
Personal work profile, KPA’s and behaviours
List your own KPA’s and Behaviours (Guidance below)
Key Performance Areas are those actions that will lead to the
successful achievement of a goal. If not done the goal will not be
achieved. It must reflect actions and examples are e.g.:
• Reply to e-mail queries daily within 12 hours
• Visit each client twice a month
• Follow up queries within 3 working days
Behaviours are a number of mannerisms required to be effective
in a particular work situation. It is closely related and driven by
values and personality style e.g.:
• Integrity, Accountability, Commitment, Responsibility,
Honesty, etc.
Activity 2.2
List three KPA’s and complete table

Learner to answer
Use three KPA’s from the list in the previous Activity 2.1
Activity 2.3a
See last Article in Additional reading in the back of the LG
What does the acronym SMART refer to?
S = Specific – Concrete, detailed, focused, well defined
M = Measurable – Can it be measured. What is the measurement
A = Achievable – Can it be achieved in the timeframe
R = Relevant/Realistic – Will objectively lead to the desired result
T = Timely – When will it be accomplished
Activity 2.3b
When will a goal be SMART

When the goal comply with all the SMART principles

Activity 2.3c
Example of a SMART goal
Complete learnership (FETC Retail insurance L4) by (date of
Goal program).

expectation of
the goal

Is the goal smart Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant Time Based

(Please tick) √ √ √ √ √
Activity 2.3c - Example of a SMART goal
Complete learnership (FETC Retail insurance L4) by (date of program).

• Attend all classes on scheduled dates

• Study learner guide and complete Summative Assignment in own
time before next class
Quality expectation • Complete portfolio for each US and hand in on scheduled dates
of the goal • Achieve competence in all US by final Close the Gaps class (Date for
• Achieve competence in Summative Assessment (Date of exam)
Is the goal smart Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant Time Based
(Please tick) √ √ √ √ √
Activity 3.1a
Strengths and Weaknesses a person may have
Activity 3.1a
Strengths and Weaknesses a person may have
Activity 3.1b
Your Personal Strengths and Weaknesses

Learner specific answer

With the list in mind select two of your own Strengths and Weaknesses and
reflect on how it influence your KPA’s, Attitudes and Behaviours in the table.
Activity 3.2a
Why should an employee have career and personal goals?

Without goals a person will drift aimlessly through life and never realize his/her
dreams. In terms of career there will be no or little progress and in personal life
there will be no balanced lifestyle.
Career and personal goals will provide direction and achievement.
Activity 3.2b
Personal career goals in terms of career development

Learner specific answer

State your career goals, what you want to achieve in:
Short Term – Next year
Medium Term – Next 5 years
Long Term – Next 10 years
Activity 3.3a
Assistance to achieve KPA’s or career goals

Analise present situation and the job requirements and

identify gaps leading to underperformance:
• Skills – Coach and guide
• Knowledge – Train and educate
• Behaviour – Council and mentor
Activity 3.3b
Support structures and training opportunities to improve performance and achieve career goals
Structures and Description
Support Structures Formal:
• Workplace – Management, colleagues, HR Dept, training
• Personal life – Family, friends, religious groups, own initiative on
personal development
Training by means of

Training by means of
Activity 3.3b
Support structures and training opportunities to improve performance and achieve career goals
Structures and Description
Support Structures Formal:
• Workplace – Management, colleagues, HR Dept, training
• Personal life – Family, friends, religious groups, own initiative on
personal development
Training by means of Mentoring is relationship orientated over a longer period, focus on
mentoring development of the person and is not necessarily the immediate
manager but another person or mentor
Training by means of
Activity 3.3b
Support structures and training opportunities to improve performance and achieve career goals
Structures and Description
Support Structures Formal:
• Workplace – Management, colleagues, HR Dept, training
• Personal life – Family, friends, religious groups, own initiative on
personal development
Training by means of Mentoring is relationship orientated over a longer period, focus on
mentoring development of the person and is not necessarily the immediate
manager but another person or mentor
Training by means of Coaching is task orientated, over a shorter period, performance
coaching driven and coach is normally the immediate manager
Activity 3.4a LG 3.5 pp28
What is performance feedback?
• Focused dialog between manager and
employee and is responsibility of both to
• Two-way communication about performance
• Must be positive and value adding
• Must be honest and open
• Must confront challenges address
Activity 3.4b LG 3.5 pp28
Process of giving feedback to significant others

• Scheduled meeting must be arranged between

coach and employee
• Performance reviews and appraisals must be
• Communication must be two way
• Employee must be allowed to provide coach
with his/her view on the performance and
suggestions to improve
Activity 3.5a LG 3.5 pp28
Process of receiving feedback from significant others

• Scheduled meeting must be arranged between coach

and employee
• Performance reviews and appraisals must be
• Communication must be two way
• Coach must provide objective (based on facts) view on
performance measured against goal or standard
• Gaps must be identified
• Action plan must be agreed on to address the gaps.
Activity 3.5b
How does feedback assist with achievement of goals and development

• Obtain view and inputs from a person on another

level of authority
• Can see shortcomings in own skills, knowledge and
• Can adapt and improve own action plan to improve
chances of achieving own work and personal goals
Activity 4.1a LG Section 4 Introduction
What does “Monitor Performance” mean.

It means to apply the preset standards and goals to measure actual

performance in an ongoing process.
Activity 4.2b
What was the implications of the outcomes identified in 4.2a?

Learner specific answer

How will the identified gaps i.t.o. Skills, Knowledge or Behaviour (See
Activity 1.2) be addressed
Activity 4.2a
What was the outcome of your last performance monitoring?
Learner specific answer

Was the performance up to standard
Was the gaps due to Skills, Knowledge or Behaviour (See Activity 1.2)
Activity 4.2b
What was the implications of the outcomes identified in 4.2a?

Learner specific answer

How will the identified gaps i.t.o. Skills, Knowledge or Behaviour (See Activity
1.2) be addressed
Activity 4.3
Consequences of not meeting KPA’s i.t.o. company

Learner specific answer

• Coach will discuss matter with
employee and provide direction
• Development planning to rectify
gaps will be implemented
• If no progress a disciplinary hearing
will follow and maybe a warning
• If no improvement dismissal may
Summative Assignment

1. Structure and process

• What are the processes and systems to monitor
performance (Refer Act 1.4-1.7)
2. How own performance contribute
• What is your job and how does it contribute to
the company objectives
3. Monitoring own performance
• Feedback and checking that all tasks are done
4. Scoring and evaluating performance against
• How do you continuously check if all tasks are
done and how your behaviour and
relationships contribute.

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