K JR CH©VQ: Syllabus For Written Examination

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K‡jR ch©vq

(D”P gva¨wgK we`¨vjq, K‡jR, gv`ivmv, e¨emvq e¨e¯’vcbv Bbw÷wUDU I K…wl wW‡cøvgv
Bbw÷wUDU cÖwZôv‡bi cÖfvlK / BÝUªv±i (†UK) c‡` wbe܇b B”QzK mKj cÖv_©x‡`i Rb¨)

Syllabus for Written Examination

welqt evsjv (Bengali)

welq †KvW- 401

1. wb¤œwjwLZ iPwqZv‡`i Rxebx I D‡jøL‡hvM¨ iPbvewjt PÛx`vm, gyKz›`ivg, AvjvIj, fviZP›`ª, Ck¦iP›`ª we`¨vmvMi,
gaym~`b `Ë, ew¼gP›`ª P‡Ævcva¨vq, gxi ‡gvkviid †nv‡mb, Kvq‡Kvev`, iex›`ªbv_ VvKzi, cÖg_ †PŠayix, kirP›`ª
P‡Ævcva¨q, KvRx bRiæj Bmjvg, Rmxg DÏxb, Rxebvb›``vk| 2. evsjv mvwn‡Z¨i wewfbœ avivt c`vewj, g½j Kve¨,
Rxebx Kve¨, †ivgvw›UK DcvL¨vb, Abyev` Kve¨, †`vfvlx Kve¨, gnvKve¨, MxwZ KweZv, Dcb¨vm, bvUK, ‡QvUMí| 3.
evsjvi e¨vKiY I iPbvt K. evMaviv L. mgv_©K kã M. wecixZv_©K kã N. Q›`, AjsKvi O.Y-Z¡ weavb I l-Z¡
weavb, evsjv evbv‡bi wbqg BZ¨vw`| 4. evsjv fvlvi mvaviY cwiPq (BwZnvm)| 5. evsjv‡`‡ki mvwnZ¨ t KweZv,
Dcb¨vm, bvUK, †QvUMí|

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welq t Bs‡iwR (English)
‡KvW t 402

1. History of English Literature: Candidates are required to have a general knowledge

of English Literature from Elizabethan period to Modern period i.e. Christopher
Marlowe to T.S. Eliot with special reference to the major movements and genres
during different period.
2. Literary terms: Epic, drama, novel, tragedy, comedy, tragi-comedy, short story,
romance, allegory, ode, ballad, lyric, pastoral poetry, dramatic monologue, elegy,
sonnet, mock-epic, satire, three unities, miracle and morality plays, fable, interlude,
soliloquy, poetic justice, parable.
3. Figures of Speech: Simile, metaphor, image, irony, analogy, symbol, conceit, wit,
personification, hyperbol, paradox, epigram, climax, anti-climax.
4. Individual Authors: Candidates are expected to be familiar with the major works of
the following authors - i. William Shakespeare, ii. John Milton, iii. Jonathan Swift, iv.
Alexander Pope, v. Charles Dickens, vi. William Wordsworth, vii. S.T. Coleridge,
viii. John Keats, ix. P.B. Shelley, x. Byron, xi. E.M.Forster. xii. Bernard Shaw and
xiii. T.S. Eliot.
5. Formal letter, letter to editors, complaint, request, job application
6. Summary writing
7. Grammar
Any two from the following terms: i. Changing words from one parts of speech to
another and making sentence with them. ii. Synonyms and Antonyms and making
sentences with them. iii. Completing sentences.

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welq t A_©bxwZ (Economics)
‡KvW t 403
Micro Economics
1. Introduction: Definition, nature and scope of Economics, Micro Economics and
Macro Economics. Positive Vs. Normative Economics. The basic problems of
Economic organization. Production and exchange. Production possibility frontier. The
market mechanism.
2. Supply and Demand: Concept of supply and demand and their determinants. Market
equilibrium and shifts of market equilibrium. Consumer's and producer's surplus.
Concepts and measurements of various elasticity of demand and supply.
3. The Theory of Consumer Behavior: Utility-total and marginal utility, cardinal and
ordinal utility. Law of diminishing marginal utility. Equimarginal principle and
derivation of demand curves.
4. Theory of production: Production function. Fixed Vs. variable factors of production.
Short run and long run, total, average and marginal product. The law of diminishing
returns; Returns to scale, technological change.
5. Theory of Cost and Revenues: Short and long run cost functions. Implicit and
opportunity cost. Fixed and variable costs. Total, average and marginal cost. Envelope
curves. The link between production and economic profit. Profit maximizing
6. Market: Perfect competition and monopoly, short and long run equilibrium of firm
and industry, Profit maximization, Shut down condition, Resource allocation and
economic efficiency.
Macro Economics
1. Macro Economics Overview: Objective and instrument of macroeconomics.
Fundamental concepts of macroeconomics. Potential GNP. GNP gap, Okun's law,
natural rate of unemployment. Business cycles. Budget deficit and international
deficit, aggregate demand and aggregate supply.
2. National Income Accounting: Circular flow of income. Injections and leakages,
Different concepts of national income-GNP, GDP, NNP, NI at factor price, market
price and constant price, personal income, disposable income, real and national GDP.
Net Economic Welfare (NEW): The Consumer Price Index (CPI) & the GDP Deflator.
The methods and problems of computing national income.
3. Consumption and Saving Function: Concepts of MPC, APC. MPS, APS. Short run
and long run viewkuznet's Puzzle.
4. Inflation: Measures of inflation, causes of crutlation, source of inflationary pressure,
consequences of inflation, deflation.
5. Money and Monetary Policy: Meaning of money, different concepts of money (M1.
M2. M3), credit creation by banking system, function of money, demand and supply
of money, velocity of money, long run impact of money on prices, short run impact of
money on output, changes in income velocity, monetary policy.
6. Fiscal Policy: Theory of fiscal policy, relationship of fiscal policy to monetary policy.
problems in implementing fiscal policy.

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welq t ivóªweÁvb (Political Science)
‡KvW t 404

a. Political Science: Nature, Scope and Method and its relation to other Social Sciences.
b. Selected Thinkers: Plato, Aristotle, Machievelli, Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, J.S.Mill
and Karl Marx. c. Comparative Political Systems: U.K, U.S.A. d. Constitution: Its
meaning and significance: Methods of establishing constitution. Requisites of a good
constitution. Comparative study of constitutional features of U.K., U.S.A; India and
Bangladesh. e. Forms of Government: Democracy and Dictatorship; Unitary and Federal:
Parliamentary and Presidential Governments. Organs of Government: Legislature:
Executive and Judiciary: Separation of Powers; Electorate: Political Parties and Public
Opinion. f. Emergence of Bangladesh: Language Movement of 1952: Elections of 1954;
Autonomy. Movement and the 6 - Point Programme: Mass upsurge of 1969; Election of
1970; War of Liberation and birth of the new nation. Bangladesh Constitution 1972;
Major features; Working and amendments. g. Major Political Trends: Awami League
Government; Military intervention and the Zia Regime; Ershad Rule and the struggle for
democracy: The role of political parties; Elections of 1991, 1996 and 2001 and the
formation of Parliamentary Government.

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welq t BwZnvm (History)
†KvW t 405
c~Y©gvb t 100
Part-1: History of Bengal (Selected topics)
a. Pala rule in Bengal: Rise of the Palas; Dharmapala, Devapala and Mahipala l, b. The
Mauryan Empire: Sources of Mauryan History, Chandragupta Maurya: Origin life, extent
of his Empire, administrative system and achievements. c. The Gupta: Rise of the Guptas,
Chandragupta-l, Samudragupta. Chandragupta - 11 (Vikramaditya of the Legend), the
Account of Fa-hien, Gupta administration, Gupta Civilization. Golden Age of Ancient
India, Later Gupta Kings and the Downfall of the Guptas. d. Muslim Rule in Bengal:
Bakhtiyar Khalji, Iliyas Shah, Alauddin Hussain Shah; Mughal occupation of Bengal and
the Bara Bhuiyas, Shayesta Khan and Murshid Quli Khan. e. British rule in Bengal: Battle
of Palashi, Permanent Settlement. Reform movement in Bengal, Partition of Bengal, 1905.
Part-2: History of the Indian Sub-continent (Since 1526) (Selected topics): a. History
of civilization: Indias valley and Vedic civilization; b. Mughal rule: Babur, Humayun and
Sher Shah, Akbar, Jahangir, Shahjahan, Aurangzeb, fall of Mughal rule. c. British rule:
Battle of Buxer and the grant of Diwani: Consolidation of British rule: Waren Hastings and
Cornwallis, Expansion of British rule Wellesley and Dalhousi, Social and Administrative
reforms: Ripon and Bentinck, War of 1857. Growth of Nationalism: Indian National
Congress, the Muslim League, Swadeshi and Khilafat Movements. Acts of 1919 and 1935,
Lahore Resolution and the Partition of 1947.
Part-3: Emergence of Bangladesh: Language Movement of 1952. Election of 1954 and
the United Front Ministry. Six-point movement and the mass upsurage of 1969, in
Liberation war and the Emergence of Bangladesh 1971.

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welq t Bmjv‡gi BwZnvm I ms¯‹…wZ (Islamic History & Culture)
‡KvW t 406

a. Social, political and economic conditions of Arabia at the time of the advent of Islam.
b. Rise of Islam: Prophet Muhammad (Sm.), the pious Caliphate. c. The Ummayads:
Muabivah, Abdut Malek, Al-Walid, Umar bin Abdul Aziz, fall of the Ummyads. d. Rise of
the Abbasids: Al-Munsur, Harun-ur Rashid, Al Mamun fail of the Abbasids. e. Rise and Fall
of Muslim Rule in Spain. f. Arab conquest of Sind, Mahmud Ghaznavi, foundation of
Muslim rule in India: Muhammad Ghori. Qutubuddin Aibak, Iltutmish, Balban, Alauddin
Khalji, Muhammad bin Tughluq, fall of the Delhi Sultanate. g. Advent of the Mughals:
Babor, Humaun and Sher Shah, Akber, Jahangir. Shalijahan, Aurangeb, Advent of the
Europeans: Battles of Palashi and Buzar, War of Independence, 1857. h. Religion: Five
pillars of lslam The Quran, Hadith, Four Sunni Schools of law, Shifilcs, Kharijites.
Mutazilites, Ashantes, Kuslim Jurisprudence. i. Muslim art: Attitude of Islam Towards Art
and Painting - Early paintings in Islam: Sources & Subject-Niatter of Muslim painting,
Schools of painting and their Characteristics. j. Pattern of Muslim architecture: Prophet's
Mosque at Madinah. Great Mosque of Damascus- Place of Qusayr Amra. Cardova Mosque.
Abbasid Mosques at Samarra, Shahi Jam E Mosjid. Delhi-Taj Mahal of Agra, 60 Dorned
Mosque at Bagerhat, Panch Bibi's Tomb at Lalbagh (Dhaka).

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welq t `k©b (Philosophy)
‡KvW t 407
c~Y©gvb t 100
(i) Introduction: The nature and scope of philosophy, its relation to science, religion and
life. (ii) Epistemology Rationalism, Empiricism, Criticism (kant) and Intuitionism.
Idealism Vs. Realism. (iii) Theories of Evolution: Creation and Evolution, Mechanical
and Emergent Evolution. (iv) Theories of Reality: Spiritualism, Materialism and Idealism,
Monism and Pluralism. Philosophy of Mind: Mind as a substance, The Idealist and the
Materialist theories of the self. Theories of the mind body relation. (vi) God: Deism,
Pantheism and theism, Proofs for the Existence of God. (vii) Traditional Logics:
Definition; Deductive and inductive logic, sentence and proposition A.E.LO,
Propositions. Different aspects of syllogism. (viii) Symbolic Logic: What is symbolic
Logic, Truth and Validity, Different kinds of Arguments, Truth Table, Formal Proofs of
Validity. (ix) Some Theological Trends of Muslim philosophy: The Qadarites, The
Jabarites, The Mutazilas and The Asharites and their Philosophical views. (x) The
Muslim Thinkers: AI-Kindi, Al-Farubi, lbn-e-Sina and Al-Ghazali. (xi) Indian
Philosophy: The philosophy of Charaka, The Buddhism and the philosophy of Vedanta.
(xii)Moral Theories: Moral Judgement, Motive and Intension. Theories of Moral
Standard: Perfectionism, Kants theory of categorical Imperative, Hedonism and
Utilitarianism. (xiii) Some Contemporary Trends: Existentialism, Analytic Philosophy
and Pragmatism.

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welq t mgvRweÁvb (Sociology)
‡KvW t 408
c~Y©gvb t 100

(i) The Sociological Perspective: The origins and growth of sociology, nature and scope,
theoretical perspectives. Sociology and other social sciences. (ii) The Process of
Sociological Research: Sociology and scientific research, the research process, Sociology
as science, research method and techniques. Objectives and ethics in social research. (iii)
Culture: Definitions, components of culture, the diversity and unity of culture, cultural
integration and cultural change. (iv) Social Institutions: Family and marriage, definitions,
forms and functions of family, types of marriage, recent trends in family and marriage;
Economic Institutions: Contemporary economic systems capitalism, socialism, economic
system of developing countries property; Political Institutions: state, political systems,
power, authority, leadership, political parties, bureaucracy, nature of civil society and
democratization in developing countries; religion: definition, varieties theories, religion and
social change, mass media, growth of media press radio, television, internet, impact of mass
media and global culture. (v) Society and Social Structure: The Units of social structure-
status role groups, institutions; types of societies: hunting and gathering societies.
Horticultural societies, pastoral societies, agrarian societies, industrial societies, post
industrial/post-modern societies. (vi) Social Differences and Social Inequality: Principles of
stratification major forms: slavery, estate, caste, class and status group: theories of
stratifications: functionalist theories, conflict theories, Lens Ki's theory. Social structure
and differentiation; by age, gender, ethnicity, social class and social mobility: stratification
pattern in Bangladesh. (vii) Socialization: Definitions, formation of the self-James cooley
and the social self, mead and the self process, Goffman and the presentation of self;
Socialization process, agents of socialization. (viii) Deviance and Social Control: Nature of
deviance and crime. sociological theories of crime and deviance; Social control - agencies
of social control: Religion, art, public opinion, education, mass media custom and law, state
and government. Family, Agencies of social control with particular reference to
Bangladesh. (ix) Population, People and Their Environment: Basic demographic concepts,
the growth of populations, theories of populations, composition of the population.
Population patterns in modern and developing nations; population resources and the
environment; human impact on the natural world; environmental movements. (x) Urban
Development and Community: Urban versus rural life- the origin and growth of the cities,
urbanization after the industrial revolution, urban life and change, metropolitan problems
and the urban crisis. (xi) Social change: Definitions, sources of change, social change and
modernization. Types of change major theories of change: change, progress and
evolution. Social History of Bangal: Impact of Muslim rule, British rule and its impact,
developments of middle class, emergence of Bangladesh, tribes of Bangladesh. Racial
characteristics of the population of Bangladesh, rural development in Bangladesh, role of
BARD and other similar organizations in rural development including NGO's.

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welq t mgvRKj¨vY/mgvRKg© (Social Welfare/Social Work)
†KvW t 409
a. Definition, objectives, history and scope of modern Social Welfare and Social work.
Religious teachings and Welfare-Islam, Hinduism. Buddhism- Christianity. b. Nature of
social work in pre and post industrial society with special reference to lndo-Pak-Bangladesh
sub-continent. c. Industrial Revolution and its impact on social life: the emergence of new
social problems and social services, d. Basic human needs: Food, clothing, shelter, health,
education and their bearing on human life and welfare, with special reference to Bangladesh.
e. Major social evils and social problems in Bangladesh: poverty, unemployment, ill health,
beggary, over-population, illiteracy, drug addiction, crime and delinquency, slum and urban
problems, family violence, child labour, gender discrimination, immoral trafficking, their
causes, effects and remedies. f. Constitutional guarantee of social welfare and social security
in Bangladesh, Social welfare in the national five year plans of Bangladesh g. Definition,
scope, principles and significance of Social Case work, Social Group Work- Community
Organization and Community Development. h. Social Case work as a problem-solving
process its elements, steps methods and significance of Rapport. i. Social Group Work.
Community Organization and Community Development as a problem solving process: its
elements, steps, methods and importance. Definition and role of Social Administration.
Social Research and Social Action in promoting Social Welfare in Bangladesh. k.
Significance of Social legislations to bring about Social reforms in Bangladesh. l. Some
national NGO’s and international agencies working in Bangladesh: Their composition, role,
contribution and future prospects in national development: BRAC, Grameen Bank,
Proshika, ADAB, Bangladesh Diabetic Association. Bangladesh Probin Hitoishi Shangha,
CARE, World Vision, Bangladesh Red Crescent Society.

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welq t g‡bvweÁvb (Psychology)
‡KvW t 410
c~Y©gvb t 100
1. Introduction: Definition and nature of Psychology. Psychology as a Science. Fields
of Psychology: Experimental, Physiological, Clinical, Counseling, Industrial,
Educational, Social and Development Psychology. Methods of Psychology:
Experimental, observational, Clinical, Case histories, Survey Method.
2. Learning: Definition and nature of Learning. Factors of Learning. Classical
Conditioning, Operant Conditioning, Cognitive Learning, Latent Learning, Insightful
Learning: Memory and forgetting, Ways of measuring memory. General causes of
3. Perception: The nature of Perception. Selectivity in Perception.
1. Form Perception: Figure and ground, contour, Perceptual organization. Depth
perception: Monocular and Binocular cues to depth perception. Perception of
movement, Illusion and Hallucination.
4. Motivation and Emotion: Defining Motivation, Motivation Cycle, and Classification
of motives, Biological motives, Social motives, and Motivation theories. Nature of
emotion, Theories of emotion, Physiological changes in emotion. Behavioral changes
in emotion, Dealing with emotional behaviour.
5. Personality and Intelligence: Nature of personality. Determinants and Measuring of
personality. Type of personality. Definition of Intelligence. Concept of I.Q.
Measurement of Intelligence.
6. Socialization: Nature of Socialization. Process and agents of socialization. Effect of
Socialization. Impact of Culture on Personality.
7. Attitude and Job satisfaction: Characteristics and components of attitude.
Formation and change in attitude. Measurement of attitude and Job satisfaction.
8. Measurement and Evaluation: Need for measurement. Goals of the student
evaluation system. Characteristics of objective and Essay type tests.
9. Group and intergroup behaviour: Group dynamics, crowds, Rumour. prejudices.
Group cohesiveness, Sociometry inter group behaviour Conflict commitment, power
and politics.
10. Leadership: Definition approaches to the study of leadership, functions and types of
leaders; Effective leadership and its determinants. Leadership theories.
11. Psychology of being a teacher: Characteristics and behaviours of effective teacher.
Teacher as a Learner, Teacher-Student interaction, Teacher Centered approach to

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welq t ms¯‹…Z (Sanskrit)
†KvW t 411

1. Abyev` t K. evsjv A_ev Bs‡iwR †_‡K ms¯‹…Z Abyev`| L. ms¯‹…Z †_‡K evsjv A_ev Bs‡iwR‡Z Abyev`|
2. e¨vKiY t mwÜ, KviK I wefw³, mgvm, AvUgvbP&c` weavb, ¯¿xcÖZ¨q, Ae¨q Ges Zw×Z|
3. Q›` cÖKiY (Posody) t B›`ªfRiv, D‡c›` fRiv we`y¨Ygvjv, wkLvivbx, gvwjwb, evmšÍvZxjvKv, iv‡_v×vZv,
nvwibvj, evgkv¯’wejv, g›`vµvšÍ iæwPiv, fyRs †MvcÖvqvZv, Avh©kvwjwb, kv`y©jvwewµwiZv|
4. mvwnZ¨ t ¯^cÖfvmvev`vËv, AwfÁvb kKzš Íjv, †gN`~Z, wKiZ~h© wbq Kv‡šÍ -1|
5. ms¯‹…Z mvwn‡Z¨i BwZnvm|

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পলদর িাম: প্রভাষক (c`v_©we`¨v)
welq t c`v_©we`¨v (Physics)
‡KvW t ৪১২
Exam Duration: Three Hours
Candidates will have to answer 10 questions prepared from 10 units each carrying 10 Marks.
Each question will have 2 to 4 sub-items (e.g. a, b, c, d). The distribution of marks for each
question can be 2+3+5, 2+4+4, 2+2+6, 2+2+3+3, 1+2+3+4, 3+3+4, 4+6 or 5+5 .
Questions will be prepared following Bloom’s taxonomy of cognitive learning. A minimum of
20% marks should be allotted to higher order questions which require analyzing, evaluating,
complex problem solving or creating/synthesizing. There will be alternatives for three (3)
questions; an alternative question must be prepared from the same unit with same structure
covering same sub-domain and mark distribution.

Assessment Targets Contents Marks

The candidates will be
able to …
 state and explain Unit: One
concept and terms 10
Vector Analysis: Concept and Applications of
regarding vector,
Vectors and scalars; Dot and Cross product, Vector
motion, work and
Differentiation, Gradient, Divergence, Curl and
Vector Integration.
 relate the concept with
Laws of Motion: Projectile Motion, Newton's laws of
the real-life
motion and their application, Frictional forces,
phenomenon regarding
Impulse and Momentum, Conservation of liner
vector, motion, work
momentum, Elastic and Inelastic collisions.
and energy.
Work and Energy: Work and Kinetic Energy,
 formulate
Conservative and Non conservative Forces, Work
done by Gravitational force & Spring force, Work and
expression related to
potential energy, Gravitational potential energy,
the context of vector,
Work-energy theorem, Conservation of energy.
motion, work and
energy. Rotational Motion: Rotational Variables, Torque,
Moment of inertia and its calculation, Kinetic energy
 demonstrate the of rotation, Angular Momentum and its conservation,
problem-solving Radius of gyration.
ability in relation to
vector, motion, work
and energy.

 state and explain Unit: Two

concept and terms Gravitation: Newton’s law of Gravitation; 10
regarding gravitation Gravitation near earth surface; Gravitation inside
and properties of earth; Effect of spherical distribution of mass, Planets
matter. and satellites: Kepler’s laws, Orbits and Energy.

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Assessment Targets Contents Marks
The candidates will be
able to …
 analyze real world Elasticity: Stress and Strain, Hook’s Law,
phenomena with the Determination of Young’s and Rigidity modulus,
concept of gravitation Torsion of a cylinder, Bending moment and
and properties of cantilever.
Surface Tension: Molecular concept, surface energy
 formulate and surface tension, angle of contact, Determination
mathematical of surface tension by capillary method.
expression related to
Viscosity: Streamline and turbulent motion,
context of gravitation
Bernoulli’s Equation, Poiseuille’s equation,
and properties of
Determination co-efficient of viscosity using
capillary flow method.
 demonstrate the
ability regarding the
concept of gravitation
and properties of

 state and explain the Unit: Three

concept and terms of 10
heat and Heat & Thermodynamics: Temperature and Heat,
thermodynamics. Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics, First Law of
Thermodynamics, Kinetic Theory of Gases, Mean
 relate the concept with Free Path, Van der Waals equation of State, Degrees
the real-life of freedom and Molar Specific Heat, Distribution of
phenomenon in Molecular Speed, Reversible & Irreversible
relation to heat and Processes, Entropy, Change in Entropy, Second Law
thermodynamics. of Thermodynamics, Engine and Refrigerators.

 formulate Statistical Mechanics: Concept of Microstates and

mathematical Microstates, Statistical Ensemble, Maxwell-
expression in relation Boltzmann distribution, Bose-Einstein distribution,
to heat, Fermi-Dirac distribution.
statistical mechanics Radiation: Concept of Black Body and Black Body
and radiation. Radiation, Stefan-Boltzmann’s Law, Wien’s
displacement law, Rayleigh-Jean’s law, Planck’s law.
 demonstrate the
ability in relation to
heat, thermodynamics,
statistical mechanics
and radiation.

 state and explain Unit: Four

concept and terms 10
regarding Electromagnetism: Coulomb's law & Gauss's law.
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Assessment Targets Contents Marks
The candidates will be
able to …
electromagnetism. Electric field and Potential due to Point charge &
Dipole. Capacitors and Dielectric, Calculation of
 analyze real world capacitance for parallel-plate capacitor, Dielectric
phenomena with the and Gauss's law, Electrical Energy, Ohm's law and
concept of electricity Kirchhoff’s law, Whetstone bridge principle and its
and magnetism applications. Magnetic Force on a current, Torque
on a current loop, Ampere's law & Biot-Savart law-
 formulate and their application, Faraday's law & Lenz’s Law of
mathematical Induction and their Applications, Magnetic
expression in relation Properties of Matter, Maxwell’s Field Equations.
to electromagnetism.

 demonstrate the
ability related to the
concept of

 interpret concept and Unit: Five

terms regarding waves, 10
oscillation and optics. Waves: Transverse and Longitudinal Wave, Wave
Equation, Interference of Waves, Standing Waves
 relate the concept with and Resonance, Beats, The Doppler Effect,
the real-life Applications of waves in real life.
phenomenon to the
concept of waves, Oscillation: Simple Harmonic Motion, Energy in
oscillation and optics. SHM, Lissajous Figures, Damped SHM, Forced
Oscillations and Resonance.
 formulate
mathematical Optics: Light and the electromagnetic spectrum,
expression in relation Young's Interference experiment, Intensity in
to waves, oscillation single & double slit experiment, Fresnel and
and optics. Fraunhofer class diffraction, Diffraction- Single slit,
double slit, Plane and circular polarization, Optical
 demonstrate the phenomena in real life, Dispersion, Optical Fiber in
problem- solving Communication.
ability regarding
waves, oscillation and

 explain concept and Unit: Six

terms regarding theory 10
of relativity, atomic Theory of Relativity: The experimental background
physics and Laser. of the Theory of Special Relativity; The Michelson–
Morley experiment; The postulates of Special Theory
 analyze real world of Relativity; Time dilation; length contraction;
phenomena with the Relativistic Mass and Momentum; Mass and energy
concept of theory of equivalence; the General Theory of Relativity.

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Assessment Targets Contents Marks
The candidates will be
able to …
relativity, atomic
physics and Laser. Atomic Physics: The nuclear atom, electron orbits,
atomic spectra, The Bohr Atom, Energy levels and
 formulate spectra.
expression in relation Laser: Basic principles of laser; Stimulated
to theory of relativity, absorption, spontaneous and stimulated emission;
atomic physics and population inversion and optical pumping; Helium-
Laser. Neon laser; Application of laser.

 evaluate the
importance of
concepts and
applications regarding
theory of relativity,
atomic physics and
 explain concept and Unit: Seven
terms regarding 10
quantum mechanics. Particle Properties of Waves: Blackbody radiation;
Photoelectric effect; Einstein photon theory; The
 relate the concept with Compton effect; Pair production and pair
the real-life annihilation; Photon and gravity
phenomenon in Wave Properties of Particles: De Broglie waves;
relation to quantum Phase and group velocities; The uncertainty principle.
Quantum Mechanics: Schrödinger's equation: Time
 formulate dependent form and Steady-state form; Application
mathematical of Schrödinger's equation: particle in a box, harmonic
expression in relation oscillator and hydrogen atom.
to quantum mechanics.

 Justify the importance

of concept and
applications regarding
quantum mechanics.

 explain concept and Unit: Eight

terms regarding 10
nuclear and bio Nuclear Physics: Nuclear composition; Binding
physics. energy and separation energy; Radioactive decay;
Nuclear reaction; Nuclear fission and fusion; Nuclear
 analyze real world Model.
phenomena with the
Elementary Particles: Interactions and particles:
concept of nuclear and
Leptons and Hadrons; Elementary particle quantum
bio Physics.
numbers; Quarks Models, Field Boson; Unification of
forces; Origin of the universe and The Big Bang;
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Assessment Targets Contents Marks
The candidates will be
able to …
 formulate Ultimate fate of the universe, Dark matter.
expression in relation Physics in Medical Science: Uses physics concepts
to nuclear and bio and procedures in the prevention, diagnosis, and
physics. treatment of disease: X-Rays, Ultrasonography, MRI,
CT Scan, ECG, ETT, Endoscopy, Radiography,
 Justify the importance Chemotherapy, Angiography, and Laser Surgery.
of concept and Precaution and care in using instruments in diagnosis.
applications regarding
nuclear and bio
 explain concept and Unit: Nine
terms regarding 10
semiconductor, Semiconductor: Band Theory, Types of
superconductor, diode Semiconductors, Diode and its Applications: p-n
and transistor. junction, biasing, Diode Characteristics, Diode
rectification, Zener voltage regulator, LED,
Photodiode & Solar Cell.
 apply the concept with
the real-life Transistor and its Applications: Types of
phenomenon with the Transistors, Transistor Configurations-CB, CE and
concept of CC configuration, Input and Output characteristics,
semiconductor, Transistor as an amplifier and a switch, Integrated
superconductor, diode Circuit.
and transistor.
Superconductivity: Basic properties of
 design and analyze superconductors, Meissner effect, BCS theory of
circuit with the superconductivity.
concept of diode,
transistor and
integrated circuit.
 demonstrate the
ability and evaluate
related to the concept
of semiconductor,
superconductor, diode
and transistor.

 explain concept and Unit: Ten

terms regarding logic 10
gate and programming. Digital Electronics: Boolean Algebra; Truth Tables,
Basic logic operations and gates: OR, AND, and
 apply the concept with NOT, Universal gates: NAND and NOR, Complex
the real-life gates: X-OR & X-NOR, De Morgan’s theorem.
phenomenon with the Universality of NAND and NOR Gates. Design of a
concept of logic Half and Full Adder.
circuits and
programming. Basic Programming in Physics: Overview of
E:\NTRCA\Exam\17th Exam'20\Written\Syllabus\Written_College level_17th Exam-2020 (1-52 code) (Main).doc 19
Assessment Targets Contents Marks
The candidates will be
able to …
"C/C++" Programming: Data Types, Constants,
 draw and design
Variable and arrays, Declarations, Expressions,
diagram of logic
Statements, Relation and logical operators,
circuit with the
Assignment operators, if statement, if-else
concept of logic gate.statements, Nested if statements, for loop, while loop,
do-while loop, Nested loops, switch statement,
 justify the use and
continue statement, break statement, goto statement.
ability with the
concept of logic
circuits and

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পলদর িাম: প্রভাষক
welq t রসায়ন (Chemistry)
‡KvW t 4১৩
Exam duration: 3 hours
Instructions: There will be seven sections (A, B, C, D, E, F, and G) and ten (10) questions in
Chemistry. Every question contains 10 marks and may have more than one part like a, b, c. The marks
distribution of a question may be 2+3+5 or 2+2+6 or 3+3+4 or 2+4+4 or 1+4+5 or 4+6 etc.
Candidates have to answer two (2) questions from each section of A, B, C, and one(1) question from
each section of D, E, F, G. Question setter may consider the distribution of lower marks (1 or 2) for
the basic level of questioning (such as to define, classify, explanation) and higher marks (3 or 4 or 5)
for advanced level of questioning (such as apply, calculate, analyze, evaluate, etc.).

Marks distribution
Sections No. of question × Marks = Comments
Total Marks
A. Physical Chemistry 2 × 10 = 20 Out of 2, there will be 1
alternative question
B. Inorganic Chemistry 2 × 10 = 20 Out of 2, there will be 1
alternative question
C. Organic Chemistry 2 × 10 = 20 Out of 2, there will be 1
alternative question
D. Environmental Chemistry 1 × 10 = 10 No alternative question
E. Industrial Chemistry 1 × 10 = 10 No alternative question
F. Analytical Chemistry 1 × 10 = 10 No alternative question
G. Polymer Chemistry 1 × 10 = 10 No alternative question
Full marks = 100

Section A: Physical Chemistry

Assessment Targets: Contents Marks

The candidate will be able to.......
 Explain the gas laws. 1. Gaseous state 20
 Derive different equations using gas The gas laws, Ideal gas equation,
laws. Kinetic theory and its application to
 Explain gas behavior using postulates of ideal gases, Deviation from ideal
kinetic theory. behavior, van der Waals equation,
Dalton's law of partial pressure; The
 Derive gas laws from kinetic theory.
critical state and critical constants,
 Solve mathematical problems using gas liquefaction of gases.
 Define different terms related to the 2. Solutions and colloids
solution. Solubility, Henry's law, Raoult's law,
 Explain different laws of solution. Ideal and non-ideal solutions,
 Analyze colligative properties of Colligative properties of solutions,
solutions. Effect of electrolytes on colligative
properties, Buffer solutions, and
 Solve mathematical problems using
different laws of solution and solubility
 Explain different colloids and their uses.
 Compare between solution and colloid
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Assessment Targets: Contents Marks
The candidate will be able to.......
 Define different terms of 3. Thermochemistry and
thermochemistry and thermodynamics
thermodynamics. /Energetics in chemistry
 Explain different laws of Work and heat, Internal energy, Three
thermochemistry. laws of thermodynamics and their
application, Enthalpy, Enthalpy changes
 Explain the relation between the
in various chemical and physical
spontaneity of process and
processes, Joule-Thomson effect,
enthalpy/entropy/free energy. Entropy, Spontaneity, and reversibility
 Solve mathematical problems using of chemical reaction, Lavoisier and
different laws of thermochemistry. Hess's law and its application, Bond
enthalpy, Free energy.
 Define different terms of phase 4. Phase equilibrium
systems. Phase, Components, and degrees of
 Explain the phase rule. freedom. Phase rule, Application in
 Apply the phase rule in a one- one component system like water and
component system. sulfur, Completely and partially
miscible liquid pairs.
 Apply the phase rule in two
components system.
 Define different terms related to 5. Chemical equilibrium and
chemical equilibrium and chemical chemical kinetics
kinetics. Equilibrium in chemical reactions and
 Explain laws of chemical equilibrium the equilibrium law (law of mass -
and dilute solution. action), Kp, Kc and Kx measurements
and effect of temperature; Pressure of
 Analyze the degree of dissociation and
Kx measurement, Degree of
equilibrium constant.
dissociation, Equilibrium constant.
 Analyze the change of equilibrium with Ostwald dilution law, Concentration
changing reaction conditions. change on the dissociation of solids,
 Explain the pH of different solutions. Le- chatelier principle, Solubility
 Derive the mathematical equation of product, common ion effect, pH and
zero, first, second-order reaction, and buffer solution, buffer action,
effect of temperature on the reaction Henderson equation. Rate equation,
rate. Order of reaction, Molecularity of
 Solve mathematical problems of the reaction, Rate constant, Zero, first and
equilibrium constant, chemical second-order reaction, Effect of
kinetics, and pH. temperature on the rate of reaction.
 Define different terms related to 6. Electrochemistry and conductance
electrochemistry. Electrolytes and non-electrolytes, Ionic
 Explain the terms related to mobility and conductance,
conductance. Electrochemical cells, pH and
 Explain the construction of different Electrode potentials- emf of cells,
Transport number and their
electrodes and cells.
determination, Electrolytic and
 Explain transport number of galvanic cells, Half cells, Different
conductance. types of electrodes, Standard Hydrogen
 Derive the mathematical equation of electrode, Measurements of electrolytic
emf of different electrodes and cells. conductance. Rechargeable Battery,
 Solve mathematical problems of emf Fuel cells.
of different electrodes and cells.
 Explain charging, discharging, and uses

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Assessment Targets: Contents Marks
The candidate will be able to.......
of rechargeable batteries.
 Define different terms related to 7. Surface chemistry
surface chemistry. Solid surfaces and their characterization;
 Explain the technique for the Adsorption on solid surfaces: a
measurement of adsorption from the technique for measurement of adsorption
different phases. from the gas phase and solution;
Langmuir, Freundlich and BET
 Derive the different adsorption
adsorption isotherm: Enthalpy of
isotherms (Langmuir, Freundlich, and
adsorption; Adsorption on the liquid
BET). surface.

 Define different terms related to 8. Quantum chemistry

quantum chemistry. Failure of classical mechanics, black
 Explain different phenomena of basic body radiation, Planck’s quantum
quantum theory. theory, photoelectric effect, Einstein’s
 Derive the different equations related explanation of the photoelectric effect,
Compton effect, heat capacities of solids,
to quantum phenomena.
atomic spectra, de-Broglie’s hypothesis,
diffraction of electrons, consequences of
de Broglie’s concepts, Heisenberg’s
uncertainty principle, consequences of
the uncertainty relation. Schrodinger
wave equation.

Section B: Inorganic Chemistry

Assessment Targets Contents Marks

The candidate will be able to...
 Explain an atom and its orbit and 1. Atomic structure 20
orbital. Nuclear model of the atom, Nuclear
 Differentiate between isotope, isobar, structure, Isotopes, Isobars, Isotones,
and isotone. Quantum number and atomic orbital,
 Distribute electrons in different shells Electronic structure of atoms, electron
following some rules. spin and the Pauli exclusion principle,
 Explain the order of energy of orbitals. Hund's rule; Aufbau principle, electronic
 Explain the reason for the exceptional configuration, some exceptional electron
electron distribution of some elements. distributions.
 Make various charts/tables for 2. Periodic table and classification of
elements. elements
 Categorize elements into different The modern periodic tables, Usefulness
groups and assign them to the periodic and, limitations of the periodic tables,
table. Periodic properties, Atomic radius,
 Link up the physical and chemical Ionization energy, Electron affinity, and
properties of elements with periodicity. electronegativity.
 Explain the concept of various chemical 3. Modern concepts of chemical bonds
bonding. and Bonds type
 Relate the function of the electron with Ionic bonds-energy involved in ionic
bonding types. bonding, ionic radii, Covalent bonds,
 Interpret the relationship between Lewis formulas, Co-ordinate covalent
bond length and bond order. bonds, Octet rule, Duet rule, Multiple
E:\NTRCA\Exam\17th Exam'20\Written\Syllabus\Written_College level_17th Exam-2020 (1-52 code) (Main).doc 23
Assessment Targets Contents Marks
The candidate will be able to...
 Illustrate molecular structure using bonds, Polar covalent bonds-
various theories. electronegativity, Delocalized bonding
resonance, Bond length, Bond order,
Bond energy, Valance bond theory,
Molecular orbital theory, Metallic bond,
Hydrogen bond, Vander Waals forces.
 Explain the repulsion effect of lone pair 4. Structure of molecules
electrons on chemical structure. Valence-shell electron-pair repulsion
 Interpret bonding in a molecule using (VSEPR) theory; dipole moment and
VBT and MOT. molecular geometry; Theories of bonding:
 Sketch the MO diagram of diatomic Valence bond theory (VBT), hybridization
molecules. of bond orbitals, molecular orbital theory
(MOT), bonding and anti-bonding orbitals,
MO diagram of the simple homogeneous
diatomic molecule.
 Explain the reason for being an element 5. Radioactivity, nuclear reactions, and
radioactive. atomic energy
 Differentiate between a chemical Natural and artificial radioactivity,
reaction and a nuclear reaction. radioactive elements, radioactivity
 Evaluate the difference between types, radioactive equilibria, nucleus,
nuclear fission and fusion. nuclides, permanent and temporary
 Calculate the half-life of fossils. particles in the nucleus, nuclear binding
 Apply the concept to nuclear reactions energy, half-life, average life, relation,
to produce electricity. between half-life and average life,
carbon dating, chemical reaction, and
nuclear reaction, nuclear fission and
fusion, H-bomb, Nuclear reactor,
Principle, parts of a nuclear reactor,
research reactor: water reactor, power
reactor, application of nuclear reactor
for electricity generation.
 Define acids and bases from different 6. Acids and Bases
viewpoints. Arrhenius concept, Boronsted-Lowry
 Detect the strength of acids and bases. concept, Lewis concept, Acid-base
 Determine the pH of a solution. strength, Molecular structure, and acid
strength, Self ionization of water, and pH.
 Differentiate clearly between oxidation 7. Oxidation and Reduction
and reduction reactions. oxidation, reduction, oxidation half-
 Assign the role of oxidant/reducing reaction, reduction half-reaction, redox
agents in the redox reaction. reaction, oxidant, deducing agent,
 Complete and balance redox reaction. oxidation number, Redox reaction
 Classify the elements 8. Common elements and their
into different groups. important compounds with applications
 Explain the Hydrogen, Group 1 or IA (The alkali
properties of elements of different metals). Group 2 or IIA (The alkaline earth
groups. metals), Group IIA, Group IVA, Group VA,
 Predict the property Group VIA. Group VIIA (Halogens), The
of an element in a group. noble Gases, Transition Metals.
 Define the terms of 9. Coordination compounds;

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Assessment Targets Contents Marks
The candidate will be able to...
complex compounds. structures and Isomers in coordination
 Explain the Coordination compounds, ligands, types
properties of complex compounds. of ligands, the nomenclature of
 Explain the split of coordination compounds, 18-electron rule,
the d-orbital. isomerism in coordination compounds,
types of isomerism, the stereochemistry of
 Justify the stability of
4 and 6- coordination complexes, chelate
6-coordination numbered complexes.
complexes, inner complexes, application
 Illustrate the bonding of coordination complexes.
structure in complex compounds. Bonding in coordination compounds
Coordination bond, Werner postulates and
its limitation, Sidwick’s electronic concept
and its limitation, crystal field theory,
orbital splitting in octahedral, tetrahedral
and square planner complexes, magnitudes
of 10Dq, factors affecting the magnitude
of 10Dq, application of crystal field
theory, failure of CFT, ligand field theory,
spectrochemical series, high spin, and low
spin complexes, Jahn-Taller effect,
magnetic moments, the origin of color,
comparison between VBT and CFT,
molecular orbital theory for octahedral
 Explain nanoscale. 10. Nanochemistry
 Define nanoparticles. Nanoscale, nanotechnology, nanoparticles,
 Classify nanoparticles. size-dependent properties of materials,
 Explain the property of nanomaterials classification of nanomaterials, chemical
and catalytic aspect of nanomaterials
based on catalysis.

Section C: Organic Chemistry

Assessment Targets: Contents Marks

The candidate will be able to.......
 Define different terms related to basic 1. Bonding of organic compounds 20
organic chemistry. Atomic orbitals, covalent bonds,
 Explain different phenomena in organic hybridization of orbitals and shapes of
compounds. molecules, functional groups,
 Analyze the stabilities of carbocation’s, homologous series, the nomenclature of
organic compounds, the polarity of
carbanions, free radicals.
molecules, carbocation’s, carbanions- free
 Describe the nomenclature of organic radicals and their stabilities, fission of
compounds. covalent bond, change of electron density
 Analyze the isomerization (structural, and different effects (Inductive,
geometrical, and conformational ) in Mesomeric, Electromeric, and
organic compounds. Hyperconjugation). Resonance,

 Describe the structure, source, 2. Aliphatic and aromatic

preparation, physical and chemical hydrocarbons
Alkanes, cycloalkanes, alkenes, dienes,
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Assessment Targets: Contents Marks
The candidate will be able to.......
properties of aliphatic and aromatic alkynes, classification of hydrocarbons,
hydrocarbons. (structure, source, preparation, physical
 Explain the characteristic reactions in and chemical properties ) of aliphatic and
aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons. aromatic hydrocarbons, mechanism of
 Identify the saturated and unsaturated reactions, CFC, cis-trans & E-Z systems,
hydrocarbon through chemical reactions. markowikov’s and anti-markowikov’s
rule & application, conjugated dienes, the
 Explain the mechanism of reactions in
acidity of alkynes, etc. Addition reaction
aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons. in unsaturated hydrocarbons.
 Analyze the markowikov’s and anti-
markowikov’s rule & application. Concept of aromaticity, Huckel’s rule,
 Narrate the Concept of aromaticity and substitution and orientation, activation
Huckel’s rule. and deactivation in aromatic substitutions,
electrophilic substitutions in the aromatic
system: (halogenations, nitration.
sulphonation, alkylation, and acylation).
 Describe the nomenclature of 3. Heterocyclic compounds
heterocyclic compounds. aromaticity of heterocyclic compounds,
 Explain the structure, source, some preparation, and reactions of
preparation, physical and chemical heteroaromatic compounds.
properties of heterocyclic compounds.
 Narrate the concept of aromaticity and
Huckel’s rule of heterocyclic compounds.
 Explain the structure, source, 4. Alkyl halides
preparation, physical and chemical Structure, nomenclature, classification,
properties of alkyl halides. preparations, and properties of alkyl
 Explain the named reactions. halides; mechanism of nucleophilic
substitution reaction and elimination
reactions, Grignard reagent, synthesis and
application-reaction of Grignard reagent,
Wurtz reaction.
 Describe the structure, source, 5. Hydroxy compounds & Ethers
preparation, physical and chemical Alcohol, phenols and ethers, structure,
properties of hydroxy compounds and nomenclature, their physical properties,
ether. synthesis, and reactions including
 Explain the classification of alcohol and classification of alcohols, the distinction
monohydric alcohol. between different types of alcohols,
crown ethers, the acidity of phenol.
 Identify the 1⁰, 2⁰, and 3⁰ alcohol through
chemical reactions.
 Analyze comparative reactivity of –OH
group substitution from aliphatic and
aromatic compounds.
 Describe the structure, source, 6. Carbonyl compounds & Carboxylic
preparation, physical and chemical acids
properties of carbonyl compounds and Structure, nomenclature, orbital picture,
carboxylic acid. preparations, and reactions of aldehydes,
 Identify the carbonyl compound through ketones, and acids including nucleophilic
chemical reactions. addition to carbonyl compounds,
resonance and inductive effects on
 Differentiate between aldehyde and
acidity, Aldol condensation reaction,
ketone through chemical reactions. Canizaro reaction.
 Compare the acidity among different no.

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Assessment Targets: Contents Marks
The candidate will be able to.......
of halogen substituted carboxylic acids.
 Explain comparative reactivity of
carbonyl group of aldehyde, ketone, and
carboxylic acid.
 Describe the structure, source, 7. Amines, amino acids, proteins, and
preparation, physical and chemical nucleic acids
properties of Aliphatic, aromatic amines, Aliphatic and aromatic amines,
and amino acids. nomenclature, preparation, and reactions
 Identify the nitrogen in organic including Hofmann degradation,
compounds through chemical reactions. separation of amines, reactions of
diazonium salt, coupling reaction.
 Differentiate between Aliphatic and
Structure, classification, synthesis,
aromatic amines through chemical physical and chemical properties of amino
reactions. acids, isoelectric points of peptides,
 Compare the basicity among ammonia, general nature and assay of polypeptides
1⁰, 2⁰, and 3⁰ aliphatic, aromatic amines. and proteins, nucleic acid, DNA and
RNA structure, peptide bond, nitrogen
 Describe the structure, source, 8. Carbohydrates
preparation, physical and chemical Sources, importance, classification, the
properties of carbohydrates. configuration of aldoses & ketoses,
 Explain the classification of projection formula, reactions of mono-
carbohydrates. saccharides, structure and conformation
of aldohexose, the structure of sucrose,
 Analyze the structure and conformation
maltose & lactose; mutarotation,
of aldohexose, sucrose, maltose &
anomerization, epimerization, glycoside
lactose. bonds.

Section D: Environmental Chemistry

Assessment Targets: Contents Marks

The candidate will be able to.......
 Explain the source, causes of pollutants 1. Water pollution 10
of water pollution. Causes of water pollution, different types of
 Describe the different types of water water pollutants (inorganic, organic,
pollutants. nutrients. pesticides, Polychlorinated
 Explain the different parameters of biphenyls (PCBs), Polynuclear Aromatic
Hydrocarbons (PAHC), Benzene
hexachloride (BHC), toxic heavy metal)
 Analyze the impact of water pollution industrial wastewater and municipal water
on the human body and other natural treatment, control, and treatment of water
bodies pollution, measurement parameter pH,
 Describe the composition of the 2. Air pollution
atmosphere. Composition of the atmosphere; nitrogen,
 Explain the components of different oxygen, carbon dioxide, cycles; structure of
levels of the atmosphere. troposphere, mesosphere, stratosphere &
 Narrate the source, causes of pollutants ionosphere; criteria and non-criteria
pollutants; Causes of air pollution, primary
of air pollution.
and secondary pollutants; toxic effects of
 Explain the different parameters of various pollutants; acid rain ; photochemical
water. smog; greenhouse gases & greenhouse
 Analyze the impact of air pollution on effects; ozone layer depletion. Control and

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Assessment Targets: Contents Marks
The candidate will be able to.......
the human body. treatment of air pollution.
 Describe the source, causes of 3. Soil pollution
pollutants of soil pollution. Composition of soil, different types of soil
 Explain the different parameters of soil. pollutants and their effects, Causes of soil
 Analyze the impact of soil pollution on pollution, sustainable practices, and
the human body. techniques for control of soil pollution.
 Explain the source, causes of pollutants 4. Heavy metal pollution
of heavy metal pollution. Mercury, chromium, arsenic lead pollution,
 Analyze the impact of heavy metal source, biochemical effects, toxicity, control
pollution on the human body. and treatment, Industrial waste and ETP

Section E: Industrial Chemistry

Assessment Targets: Contents Marks

The candidate will be able to.......
 Explain the raw materials, 1. Inorganic industries 10
manufacturing process, chemical Raw materials and manufacture of
changes in process, and environmental caustic soda, soda ash, sodium
hazards in inorganic Industries. bicarbonate, environmental hazards
 Explain the general steps of metal of these chemicals; Portland cement,
extraction. classification of cement, manufacture
of Portland cement; raw materials of
 Describe the chemical reactions of the
glass, method of manufacture &
metal extraction process. chemical reactions of the glass
furnace, annealing, special glasses;
basic raw materials and manufacture
of ceramics & refractories raw
material and manufacture of
hydrochloric, sulfuric acids,
concentration and purification of
acids safety and hazards;
fundamentals of metallurgy, ores of
iron, three commercial forms of iron,
blast furnace operation and reactions,
classification of steels. Preparation of
toilet cleaner and glass cleaner.
Phosphate fertilizer, NPK fertilizer.
 Describe the raw materials, 2. Organic industries
manufacturing process, chemical The industrial extraction process of
changes in process, and environmental sugar, management of industrial
hazards in organic Industries. waste of sugar industry; sources of
 Explain the different steps of distillation cellulose, manufacture of paper&
of crude oil. paper board; solid, liquid and gaseous
fuels, analysis & calorific value of
 Explain the chemical reactions of
coal, refining and distillation of crude
petrochemicals industries. oil, hydrocarbon & petroleum,
petroleum refining, petrochemicals
from liquid and gaseous
hydrocarbons, natural gas and its
utilization; natural oil, fat &waxes,
hydrogenation of oils-soybean &
sunflower and their uses; constituents
of paints, varnishes, and their
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Assessment Targets: Contents Marks
The candidate will be able to.......
manufacture; raw materials and
manufacture of laundry soap, toilet
soaps & detergents; some
manufacturing steps of leather & its
wastewater treatment. Preparation of
Vinegar from acetic acid, Extraction
of Ghee from milk. Urea fertilizer.

Section F: Analytical Chemistry

Assessment Targets: Contents Marks

The candidate will be able to
 Explain the basic concept of analytical 1. Basic concepts in analytical chemistry 10
terms. Classical and modern concepts of
 Categorize the cations and anions and analytical detection and quantification,
separate them. sensitivity, selectivity, specificity,
 Consider the necessary parameters for concentration limit, dilution limit, etc. of
chemical reactions, sample containers,
correct analytical calculations.
sample preservation, sampling, sample
dissolution, wet ashing and dry ashing,
reagents and reactions, group separation,
elemental analysis, and analysis of
insoluble materials, precision and
accuracy, mean and median, types of
errors, significant figure convention.
 Evaluate the role of buffer in analytical 2. Volumetric methods of analysis
chemistry. Acid-base reactions: Acid-base equilibria
 Select suitable indicators for acid-base and buffers in analytical chemistry,
titrations. indicators, titrations of acid-base, titration
 Explain the role of solvent choice in in non-aqueous solvents - solvent choice
titration. and advantages.
 Use redox technique in analysis. Redox reactions: Oxidation-reduction
 Choose indicator for redox titration. equilibria in chemical analysis, redox
 Utilize some oxidants for standard titration curve, indicators for oxidation-
titration methods. reduction titrations, KMnO4 as a standard
oxidant, titrations with K2Cr2O7, and
cerium (IV), redox titrations involving
iodine, iodometric and iodometric
 Define the complex metric methods of 3. Complex metric methods of analysis
analysis. Complexes, formation constants, chelates,
 Calculate the step-wise formation EDTA equilibria, the effect of pH on
constant. EDTA equilibria, EDTA titration curves,
 Apply masking and demasking technics types of EDTA titrations, selectivity,
masking, and demasking agents, metal ion
for selective complex formation.
indicators, applications.
 Describe the principle of the 1. 4. Gravimetric methods of analysis
gravimetric method. 2. Principle of the gravimetric method,
 Explain Properties of precipitates. properties of precipitates and
 Evaluate the effect of precipitate- precipitating agents, coagulation and
related conditions on results. peptization of precipitates, treatment of
colloidal precipitates, co-precipitation and

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Assessment Targets: Contents Marks
The candidate will be able to
post precipitation, drying and ignition of
precipitates, results, and calculation.
 Describe the limitations of the 5. Spectrophotometric analysis
wavelength range of ultraviolet and Ultraviolet and visible radiation,
visible radiation. absorbance, transmittance, absorptivity,
 Describe the advantage and limitations Beer-Lambert's law, limitations of Beer-
of Beer-Lambert's law. Lambert's law, wavelength selection, basic
components of a spectrophotometer,
 Apply Beer-Lambert's law for the
qualitative and quantitative analysis,
determination of metal-ligand
stoichiometric determination of metal-
complexes. ligand complexes, derivative
 Define chromatographic terms. 6. Chromatography
 Know various chromatographic Chromatographic behavior of solute,
techniques. retention behavior, partition coefficient,
 Separate solvents/compounds using column efficiency, resolution, quantitative
chromatographic techniques. analysis, evaluation method, classification
of chromatographic methods.
 Explain the basic principle of HPLC and
(i) Plane chromatography
GC. Principle of paper chromatography (PC)
and thin-layer chromatography (TLC),
nature of mobile phase, stationary phases,
development, location of spot, quantitative
methods, applications.
(ii) Liquid column chromatography
Principles, stationary phases, mobile
phases, and applications.
(iii) Ion-exchange method
Principles, types of resin, structure,
swelling, the effect of pH, separation of
metal ions, action of ion exchange resins,
(iv) High-performance liquid
chromatography (HPLC)
Principles, the stationary phase, the
stationary (liquid) phase, carrier gas
(v) Gas chromatography
Principles, the stationary phase, carrier gas

Section G: Polymer Chemistry

Assessment Targets: Contents Marks

The candidate will be able to.......
 Define the polymers and classify the 1. Inorganic polymers 10
polymers. A general survey of Inorganic Polymers,
 Differentiate between inorganic the concept of inorganic polymers as
polymers and organic polymers. distinct to organic polymers,
 Classify the inorganic polymers. classification of inorganic
Polymers, the study of some typical
 Explain the chemical properties and uses
inorganic Polymeric Systems.
of inorganic polymers. (i) Silicone Polymers (ii) Silicates
 Analyze the bonding and structure of
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Assessment Targets: Contents Marks
The candidate will be able to.......
inorganic polymers. (iii) Phosphonitrilic Polymer
 Explain the environmental hazards of (Phosphazenes) (iv) Boranes (v)
inorganic polymers. Borazines (vi) Shlphur-Nitrogen
Polymers (vii) Sulphanes (viii)
Fluorocarbons (ix) Metal cluster
 Define the organic polymers and classify 2. Organic polymers
them as organic polymers. Addition (Chain reaction) and
 Differentiate among organic polymers. Condensation (Step reaction)
 Explain the preparation, chemical Polymerizations, homopolymers, and
properties, and uses of organic heteropolymers. Low density and high-
density polymers and their properties.
thermoplastic and thermosetting
 Analyze the bonding and structure of polymers and their properties. Fiber and
organic polymers. elastomer. Production of monomer unit,
 Explain the environmental hazards of physical properties, and important uses
organic polymers. of polythene, polyvinylchloride (PVC),
polystyrene, polybutylene, neoprene,
polyvinyl acetate, polyamides: Nylon 6,
nylon 66, nylon 11 and nylon 12, silk
and wool
Phenol-formaldehyde, phenol-urea,
melamine-formaldehyde polymers, their
preparation, and uses.

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পলদর িাম: প্রভাষক (গশণত্)
welq t গশণত্ (Mathematics)
‡KvW t 4১৪
Examination Duration: Three (03) Hours

Instructions: Candidates will have to answer 10 questions prepared from 10 units each carrying 10
marks. . Each question will have 2 to 3 sub items (e.g. a, b, c). The distribution of marks for each
question can be 5+5, 4+6, 3+7, 2+3+5, 2+4+4. Question will be prepared following bloom’s
taxonomy of cognitive learning. A minimum of 20% marks should be allotted to higher order
questions which require analyzing, evaluating, complex problem solving or creating/synthesizing.
There will be alternatives for any three questions. An alternative question must be prepared from the
same unit with same structure covering same sub-domain and marks distribution.

Assessment Targets Contents Marks

Candidates will be able to-
1a Unit 1 10
• explain order properties of real numbers  Real Number System: Field and order
1b properties, Natural numbers, Integers
•solve inequality related problems using order and rational numbers, Absolute value
properties and theorems and their properties, Basic inequalities.
(Including inequalities of means, powers;
1c inequalities of Cauchy, Chebyshev,
•carry out the operations of complex numbers Weierstrass)
• solve equations of complex numbers  Complex number system: Complex
• sum up algebraic and trigonometric numbers and De Moiver's theorem with
series applications.
 Summation of series: Summation of
algebraic and trigonometric series.
2a Unit 2 10
• define different types of sets and functions.  Set theory: Set and subsets, Set
2b operations, Cartesian product of two
•solve real life problems using functions sets, Operations on family of sets.
and sets  Function: One-one function, Onto
function, Inverse function, Domain and
2c Range.
•make a relationship between roots and  Theory of Equations: Relations between
co-efficients of an equation. roots and coefficients, Symmetric
• construct equation with given roots functions of roots, Sum of the powers of
• find nature of the roots of an equation roots, Synthetic division, Des Cartes rule
of signs, multiplicity of roots,

3a Unit 3 10
convert a matrix representation of a system of  System of Linear Equations: System of
linear equation linear equations (homogeneous and
3b non-homogeneous ) and their solutions,
Solve system of linear equation application of matrices and
3c determinants for solving system of linear
•find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of equations, applications of system of
2x2 and 3x3 matrices algebraically. equations in real life problems.
3d  Linear Transformation: Linear
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•convert a transformation into a matrix transformations, Kernel and image of a
eigenvalue problem linear transformation and their
properties, matrix representation of
linear transformations, change of bases.
 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors:
Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors.
4a Unit 4 10
•identify the condition of general form of a pair  Two-dimensional Geometry: Pair of
of straight lines straight lines (homogeneous second
•measure angle between pair of straight lines degree equations, general second
• construct equations of bisectors of angles degree equations representing pair of
between the lines straight lines, angle between pair of
4b straight lines, bisectors of angle
between pair of straight lines), General
• find out the conditions in which general
equations of second degree (reduction
equation of second degree represents
to standard forms).
various types of conics
 Conics: Properties of Parabola, Ellipse
and Hyperbola.
•solve problems using properties of Parabola,
Ellipse and Hyperbola
5a Unit 5 10
•recognize plane and straight line by their  Three-dimensional Geometry:
equation Coordinates, Distance, Direction cosines
5b and direction ratios, Planes (equation of
•solve problems related to planes and straight plane, angle between two planes,
lines in three dimensions distance of a point from a plane),
Straight lines (equations of lines,
5c relationship between planes and lines,
•solve geometric problems using vectors
shortest distance).
 Vector Geometry: Vectors in three
dimensional space with applications to
6a Unit 6 10
• Define limit continuity and differentiability  Limit and continuity: Definitions and
6b basic theorems on limit and continuity,
•analyze a function about its limit, continuity or Limit at infinity & infinite limits,
differentiability at a certain point or interval Computation of limits, Indeterminate
form (L’Hospital’s rule).
6c  Differentiation: Tangent lines and rates
•solve real life problems of change, Definition of derivative, One-
sided derivatives, Rules of
differentiation (proofs and applications),
Successive differentiation, Leibnitz's
theorem (proof and application).
 Applications of Differentiation: Mean
value theorem, Maximum and minimum
values of functions, Concavity and points
of inflection, Optimization problems.
7a Unit 7 10
•formulate using integral calculus to determine
the area, volume and surface  Integral calculus: Indefinite integrals,
7b Definite integrals, Determination of area,
• determine the area, volume and surface using volume and surface.
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integral calculus
 Differential Equation: Differential
7c equations of first order and first degree,
• determine Complementary linear differential equations with constant
Function/Particular co-efficients.
Integral/ General Solution of a differential
8a Unit 8 10
•design algorithm to solve a problem  Programming in Fortran: Problem
analysis and development of algorithms ,
8b Program coding, execution, design,
• code and refine program validation and refinement
9a Unit 9 10
•Identify advantage, disadvantage and Numerical Analysis:
limitations of different method to solve  Solution of equation in one variable:
equation of one variable Bisection algorithm. Method of false
9b position. Fixed point iteration. Newton-
• Solve equation of one variable using different Raphson method. Convergence analysis.
method.  Interpolation and polynomial
9c approximation: Newton’s forward and
•Use appropriate formula estimating inner backward, Newton’s general formula.
unknown value with the help of given set of
Taylor polynomial, Lagrange polynomial,
Iterated interpolation, Extrapolation.
•Construct a polynomial function using given
set of observation.
10a Unit 10 10
• understand the characteristics of convex set.  Linear Programming: Convex sets and
10b related theorems, Introduction to linear
• find out the feasibility and optimality of a programming, feasibility and optimality,
linear programming problem formulation of linear programming
10c problems,
• formulate a linear programming problem Graphical solutions.
• solve a linear programming problem

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পলদর িাম: প্রভাষক
welq t প্রাশণশবদ্যা (Zoology)
‡KvW t 4১৫
Examination Duration: Three Hours

Instruction: Candidates will have to answer 10 questions from 10 units each carrying 10
marks. Each question will have 2 or 3 sub items like a, b, c etc. The distribution of marks for
each question can be 2+3+5 or 3+3+4 or 2+2+6 or 4+6. Questions will be prepared following
Bloom’s taxonomy of cognitive learning. A minimum of 20% marks should be allotted to
higher order questions which require analyzing, evaluating, complex problem solving or
creating/synthesizing. There will be alternative for three questions; alternative questions must
be prepared from the same unit with same structure covering same sub-domain and mark
Assessment Targets Contents Marks
The candidates will be able to
Unit 1. Animal diversity, classification and 10
- explain basic concept of animal systematics
diversity, classification and  Basis of animal diversity
systematics  Concept of taxonomy, systematics,
classification and nomenclature
- classify non-chordates and  Basis of animal classification
chordates up to classes
 International Code for Zoological
Nomenclature (ICZN), rules of
- analyze the role of mosquitoes
in disease transmission and nomenclature
economic importance of  Non-chordates and chordates
Tenualosa ilisha classification up to classes
 Life history of a mosquito and the role of
- relate animal adaptation with mosquitoes in disease transmission
their habit and habitat.  Economic importance of Tenualosa ilisha
 Migration and flight adaptation in birds
 Flying mammals and marsupials
 Aquatic adaptations of mammals
-explain animal cell, cell Unit 2. Cell Biology & Histology 10
organelles, Mitosis and Meiosis  Structure of animal cell and cell organelles
division of animal cell and  Mitosis and Meiosis division of animal cell
structure of DNA and RNA  Structure of DNA and RNA
 Replication of DNA
-illustrate replication of DNA,
 Transcription and translation
transcription and translation,
gene and genetic code  Protein synthesis
 Gene and genetic code
- analyze protein synthesis in  Animal tissues, types and functions
animal cell

- relate animal tissues with their


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-explain basic terms of human Unit 3. Human Physiology 10
physiology  Digestion and absorption of food in
digestive system, role of enzyme in
- relate digestive system for digestion
digestion and absorption of food  Blood circulatory system and circulation
 Respiratory system and respiration
-describe blood circulatory
transportation of oxygen and carbon
system, circulation and
dioxide through blood
symptoms and treatment of heart
diseases  Brain and Nervous system, Nervous and
hormonal coordination
-explain respiration, respiratory  Heart diseases, symptoms and treatment
system, and transportation of  ECG,EEG, Angioplasty, Pace maker
oxygen and carbon dioxide  Effect of hormones in human body
through blood  Homeostasis and feedback mechanism
 Maintaining healthy food habit and life
- analyze nervous & hormonal style.
coordination, homeostasis and
feedback mechanism and
evaluate impact of hormones in
human body.
- explain basic concept Unit 4. Reproduction, excretion and 10
related to reproduction, Embryology
reproductive health care  Male and female human reproductive
and embryology system
 Menstruation cycle
- analyze the role of kidney in  Gametogenesis, fertilization and
osmoregulation, implantation
phenomena of kidney failure  Embryonic circulation and nutrition
and maintain healthy  Infertility of man and woman
lifestyle  Birth control methods and family planning
 Formation human embryo and fate of germ
- illustrate gametogenesis, layers
fertilization, embryo  Excretion, excretory system and
formation and family osmoregulation
planning  Failure of kidney, symptoms and treatment
 Sexually transmitted diseases (syphilis,
- describe formation of
gonorrhea and AIDS), symptoms and
human embryo and fate of
germ layers

- Identify sexually transmitted

diseases, symptoms and
preventive measures.
- explain terms and basic concept Unit 5. Genetics and evolution 10
of genetics, evaluation  Terminology of genetics
 Mendel’s first and second law
- explain the theory of evolution  Deviations from Mendel’s law
and evidences of organic  Polygenic inheritance
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- solve the problems related to  Linkage and crossing over
Mendel’s ratios and deviations,  Sex linked, sex limited sex influenced traits
polygenic inheritance  ABO blood groups and inheritance of blood
- organize paleontological history
 Theory of evolution (Lamarck & Darwin)
of horse and major events in
different stages of geological  Evidences of organic evolution
time scale. (Biogeography, comparative anatomy,
physiology, embryology, palaeontology and
 Geological Time Scale: Major events in
different stages
 Paleontological history of horse.
- explain tissue culture process Unit 6. Biotechnology and genetic 10
and uses, fermentation engineering
technology, concepts and scopes  Tissue culture process and uses
of genetic engineering  Fermentation technology in food
production and brewing, lactic acid
- illustrate steps of recombinant fermentation, alcoholic fermentation
DNA technology and the  Concepts and scopes of genetic engineering
application of genetic
 Recombinant DNA technology
engineering in insulin production
 Genetically modified organisms, their
- show the use of genetic possibilities and safe uses
engineering technologies in  Production of insulin by genetically
industries and the application of engineered Escherichia coli
technology in creation of  Use of genetic engineering technologies in
transgenic animal industries
 Microinjection technology and creation of
- evaluate the prospect of transgenic animal
cloning, impact of bio  Principles, techniques and applications of
technology, bio safety and its gene cloning
 Cloning
 Impact of bio technology on human being
and their environment
 Bio safety and its risk.
-describe basic concepts of Unit 7. Applied Zoology and parasitology 10
parasitology and applied Zoology  Carp culture including induced breeding of
carps in ponds
-explain the mechanism and  Prawn and shrimp culture: types,
importance of induced breeding techniques and management
of carps and management of  Life cycle of a honey producing bee species,
prawn and shrimp culture
bee-keeping and honey processing
-design control measures for  Parasites and Parasitism, parasitic
disease control using basic adaptation, host parasitic relationship
concepts of epidemiology  Epidemiology: Basic concepts, control
measures and designs of control measures
- evaluate economic importance  Varieties of silkworm and their host plants;
of farming of domestic animals techniques of silkworm rearing; silkworm
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in our country. diseases and pests, and their control
 Farming of domestic animals- cattle and
goats, economic importance of farm
- explain the basic concepts and Unit 8. Microbiology and immunity 10
terminology of Microbiology,  Definition and scope of microbiology
structure and types of virus and  Types of microorganisms in the living world
bacteria  Virus: structure and types, multiplication
-explain multiplication process of (replication), viral diseases and their mode
virus and bacteria and their of transmission
pathological importance  Bacteria: Structure and types, gram positive
and gram negative bacteria, nutrition of
- Analyze viral and bacterial bacteria, bacterial multiplication, bacterial
disease and their mode of disease and their mode of transmission
transmission and importance of  First, second and third level of immunity of
immune system in disease human body
 Antigen and antibody relation in human
- explain the antigen and
antibody relationship and  Mechanism of vaccine preparation
evaluate role of vaccines in  Role of vaccines in immune system.
disease prevention
- explain the basic concept and Unit 9. Ecology, biodiversity and 10
terminology of biodiversity, Conservation
ecosystem, habitats, resource  Ecological niche and habitats, carrying
managements and capacity and ecotone
biogeochemical cycles  Ecosystem: definition, food chain, food web,
pond ecosystem, forest ecosystem and
- analyze the importance of ecological pyramids
components of biodiversity in
 Concept of biodiversity and its components
maintaining the ecological
balance and sustainable  Positive and negative interrelation
environment. (protocooperation, commensalisms,
mutualism, competition, predation,
- evaluate the causes and parasitism)
consequences of greenhouse  Nitrogen and carbon cycle
effects on with possible  Development activities and their impacts on
preventive measures environment
 Global warming
- evaluate conservation and  Green house effects: Definition, sources of
management strategies to green house gases; causes and effects of
maintain environmental balance. green house gases; CO2, CFC, CH4 and N2O,
carbon dioxide and the world climate,
control of greenhouse effects
 Conservation and management strategies
including ex-situ and in-situ
 Biodiversity and resource management,
coral reefs, tropical rain forest, mangrove
 Role of legal/regulatory provisions in
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wildlife conservations.
- explain basic components and Unit 10. Ethology, Zoogeography and 10
terminology of Ethology, Biostatistics
Zoogeography and Biostatistics  Concepts of behaviour
 Environmental influence upon behaviour
- explain history of the  Innate behaviour of Animals
distribution of the land and water  Concept of instinct and learning behaviour
bodies of the world
 Social behavior
- relate adaptive features of  Glaciation and its influence on animal
animal with zoogeographical distribution
regions of the world  Introduction to Zoogeography
 History of the distribution of the land and
- calculate mean, median and water bodies of the world, Laurasia and
mode, range, variance, standard Gondwana lard, continental drift theory
deviation and standard error in  Zoogeographical regions of the world, their
study of animal population. boundaries, physical characteristics,
climatic conditions, vegetation and fauna
 Introduction, definition and scope of
 Measurements of central tendency: Mean,
median and mode
 Regression and Correlation
 Measures of dispersion: Range, variance,
standard deviation and standard error
 Chi square test of goodness of fit and
contingency table.

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পলদর িাম: প্রভাষক
welq t উশিদশবদ্যা (Botany)
‡KvW t 4১৬
Exam Duration: 3 hours

Instruction: The syllabus for the post of lecturer, Botany is divided into 10 units of equal
importance. One question will be set from each unit of the syllabus (total 10 questions from
10 units). There will be alternatives for three questions; an alternative question must be
prepared from the same unit with same structure covering same mark distribution pattern.
Candidates will be evaluated on lower and higher level competency of the subject. At least
20% marks should be allotted to higher order questions which require analyzing, evaluating,
complex problem solving or creating/synthesizing. Marks of a question will be 10. Mark
distribution of a question may be 1+2+3+4, 2+3+5, 3+3+4, 4+6, and so on.
Syllabus Matrix
Objectives/Assessment Subject Content Mar
Target: k
The candidates will be able
to -
Unit 1 (Question 1) 10
- define general terms of Characteristics, illustration and importance of virus,
Microbiology bacteria, prions, viroid, rickettsia, mycoplasma and
- describe major microbe Position of microorganisms in living world: Five
groups Kingdom system of classification.
Virus: discovery, general characteristics; structure of
- classify microbes into RNA virus and DNA virus; multiplication transmission
different groups of viruses and importance. Important plant and human
viral diseases.
- compare related microbial Bacteria: structure, chemical composition, growth and
organisms and phenomena multiplication, growth curve, genetic recombination in
bacteria, transformation, transduction and conjugation;
- illustrate multiplication important bacterial plant and human diseases.
processes of microbes

- evaluate importance of
microbial study.
- define and characterize, the Characteristics and importance of fungi, vegetative
important terms of Mycology structure, growth and development of fungi, mode of
- classify Fungi into nutrition, absorptive organs, reproduction of fungi.
recognized taxa Classification of fungi up to class (Alexopoulos and
- explain fungi in different Mims 1979).
categories viz. nutrition, Myxomycetes: general characteristics, structure,
reproduction etc. reproduction and importance of slime molds.

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To illustrate the life cycle of Chytridiomycetes: general characteristics, importance ;
important fungal genera. life cycle: Synchytrium.
Oomycetes: general characteristics, importance; life
To compare among the major cycle: Saprolegnia, and phytophthora.
fungal groups. Zygomycetes: general characteristics, importance; life
cycle: Rhizopus.
Ascomycetes: general characteristics, importance; life
cycle: Saccharomyces, Penicillium.
Basidiomycetes: general characteristics, importance; life
cycle: Puccinia and Agaricus.
Deuteromycetes: general characteristics, importance; life
cycle: Alternaria, Fusarium, Colletotrichum and
General characteristics and importance of mushroom.
edible and poisonous mushroom, cultivation.
Plant Pathology
- describe and characterize Plant disease: concept, causes; diseases triangle.
plant diseases and their causes symptoms: hypertrophy and hyperplasia, hypotrophy;
necrotic symptoms: wilt; mildew; rusts; smuts and
- explain different symptoms exudation.
of plant diseases Methods of studying unknown plant disease: Koch’s
- explain major stages of plant Parasitism and disease development; pathogenicity,
disease development stages in the development of plant disease. pathogen
inoculation, penetration, growth and reproduction, and
- study important plant dissemination. Over-wintering and over-summering of
diseases and their causes pathogen.
Control of plant disease: physical, cultural, chemical and
- select appropriate control biological methods.
strategy. Selected crop diseases: symptoms, causal agent, disease
cycle and control measures of the following diseases:
Rice: blast and brown spot of rice.
Sugarcane: red rot of sugarcane.
Ground nut: leaf spot disease of ground nut.
Cucurbit: powdery mildew of cucurbits.
Plant disease epidemiology: role of host, pathogen,
environmental factors
Cell wall degrading enzymes in plant disease

Unit 2 (Question 2) 10
- describe the important terms Definition, origin, comparison with Bryophytes.
of Phycology classification based on pigment, storage product,
- classify Algae into different chloroplast and flagella. Classification of algae up to
taxa class according to F.E. Fritsch (1946) and R.R. Lee
- explain habitat diversity of (1989). Economic and biological importance.
Algae Algal Habitat: Aquatic (fresh, brackish and Marine
water) terrestrial and sub-aerial.

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- explain characteristic Characteristic features of the algal classes with examples
features of different groups of in each: Cyanophyceae, Rhodophyceae, Chlorophyceae,
Algae Euglenophyceae, Bacillariophyceae and Phaeophyceae.
- compare life history of Life history of Anabaena, Polysiphonia,
different species in Algae Chlamydomonas, Oedogonium, Chara, Sargassum.
- evaluate the importance of Navicula, and Vaucheria.
algal species.

Limnology and Hydrobiology

- define the important terms Introduction, definition, scope and importance of
of Limnology limnology. Limnology versus hydrobiology, hydrologic
- describe the fresh water cycles.
resources of Bangladesh Distribution of fresh water: Ponds, Lakes, River and
estuaries, aquatic resources of Bangladesh.
- explain about lakes and their Lakes: Distribution, origin of lake basins, classification
related features based on temperature and productivity, special lake
- classify phytoplankton types.
- evaluate related function of Plankton: classification with examples, common
plankton phytoplankton in the water body of Bangladesh water
- define important items of
bloom, primary productivity.
aquatic macrophytes
- recognize and recommend Aquatic macrophytes: definition, classification with
problems of pollution. examples, distribution and economic importance.
Pollution and eutrophication of aquatic habitats, their
causes, consequences and remedies.
Plant Ecology
- define different ecological Introduction: definition, different fields of ecology.
terms Adaptations of plants: hydrophytes, xerophytes and
halophytes, ecological and adaptive features with
- describe adaptation process examples.
of plants Ecosystem: structure, components of ecosystems, food
chain, food web and ecological pyramid.
- illustrate ecosystem and Plant succession: types, causes, hydrosere and xerosere.
ecological issues Forest ecology: dominant plants of semi-evergreen,
deciduous, mangrove forest of Bangladesh and its
- compare related topics of edaphic features.
ecology Biogeochemical cycle: definition, types of
biogeochemical cycle, water, nitrogen and carbon cycle.
- categorize vulnerable items Pollution: definition, air, water and noise pollution.
of soil, air, water etc. Soil environment: physical and chemical aspects of soil
- analyze the world environment.
phytogeographical vegetation. Phytogeographical regions of the world.

Unit 3 (Question 3) 10
Biodiversity and Conservation
- define the important terms Introduction: definition, importance, types, elements of
of Biodiversity and biodiversity.

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Conservation Origin of earth, continental drift; biosphere, its
components in general, geographical features responsible
- describe major issues of for biodiversity distribution: tropical, temperate, tundra,
biodiversity alpine, examples of characteristic plants and animals of
the region concerned.
- explain critical points of Losses and threats to biodiversity, threatened,
biodiversity and conservation endangered, vulnerable, rare and extinct plants,
extinctions and their causes.
- compare related topics of Conservation: definition, types, in situ, ex situ, merits,
biodiversity and conservation demerits, botanical garden, park, eco-park, sanctuaries,
seed bank.
- analyze the role of Role of following international agencies for protecting
conservation organization. biodiversity: IUCN, WWF, CMC, CITES.
Environmental Science
- describe major terms of Environmental science: definition, component of the
Environmental Science environment, composition, structure and importance of
- evaluate the stresses of atmosphere, renewable and non renewable resources,
nature Climate change; global warming, greenhouse effects:
causes, impact, prevention.
- compare related topics of Drought and desertification

- describe different units of

climate change, Ozone layer
depletion etc.
Unit 4 (Question 4) 10
- describe important terms of Introduction: characteristic features, origin and
Bryophyta evolution, and classification of Bryophyta.
- describe the habit, habitat Habit, habitat and distribution of Bryophyta.
characteristics of Bryophytes General characteristics and examples of the following
- study different groups of groups: Hepaticopsida, Anthocerotopsida and Bryopsida.
Bryophyta and some of the Life history and taxonomic position of the following
genera genera:
- illustrate and compare the Marchantia, Porella, Anthoceros, Sphagnum and
different type of Bryophyta Funaria.
- compare gametophyte and Comparative account of gametophyte and sporophyte of
sporophyte. Sphagnobrya, Andreaeobrya and Eubrya.
- describe important terms of Introduction: general characters, habitat and distribution,
Pteridophyta Origin and evolution, and classification of pteridophyta.
- describe types stele and their Types of steles and their evolution.
evolution General characters, ecological and economic importance
- compare general features, of the following groups:
reproduction and importance Psilophyta, Lycophyta, Calamophyta and Pterophyta.
of different groups of Life history of the following genera: Psilotum,
pteridophytes Lycopodium, Selaginella, Equisetum, Ophioglossum,
- study selected genera of pteris,
E:\NTRCA\Exam\17th Exam'20\Written\Syllabus\Written_College level_17th Exam-2020 (1-52 code) (Main).doc 43
- define the important terms Introduction: habit, habitat, characteristic features,
of Gymnosperm Classification and economic importance of
- compare with pteridophytes Gymnosperm.
and Angiosperms Comparative account of Gymnosperm with Pteridophyte
and Angiosperm.
- characterize of different Characteristics of Cycadofilicales, Bennettitales,
groups of Gymnosperm Cycadales, Ginkgoales, Coniferales and Gnetales.
- evaluate life cycle and Life history of Cycas, Pinus and Gnetum.
importance of Gymnospermic
Unit 5 (Question 5) 10
- define the important items of Introduction: definition and scope of palaeobotany.
Palaeobotany Types of fossil and fossilization process.
- describe geological time Geological time scale of the earth. appearance and
scale of the earth extinction of life forms in different geological periods.
- explain fossils and Fossil Gymnosperms: Lyginopteris, Cycadeoidea
fossilization process.
- define and characterize Meristematic tissue and permanent tissue; structure and
important items of Plant function of parenchyma, collenchyma and sclerenchyma.
Anatomy. Tissue systems: vascular tissue system and function.
- illustrate plant tissues and Normal and secondary growth in dicot and monocot stem
tissue systems. and root.
- compare related topics of Root stem transition.
anatomy. Wood anatomy: physical and chemical nature of wood.
- describe root, stem anatomy
of plant.
- define embryological terms Microsporogenesis and male gametophytes development.
- illustrate Microsporogenesis Megasporogenesis and female gametophytes
and Megasporogenesis development.
- describe fertilization process Fertilization: process, double fertilization.
- apply embryological Different types of ovules.
characters in Taxonomy Endosperm: types of endosperm formation-nuclear,
- identify the embryological cellular and helobial.
study Embryogenesis: development of dicot embryo.
- analyze embryogenesis. Polyembryony: types, causes and importance.
Apomixis: types, causes and significance.
Unit 6 (Question 6) 10
Taxonomy of Angiosperms
- define basic concept, ICBN Basic concept and scope of angiosperm of taxonomy.
and the important components Nomenclature: ICBN, name of taxa, binomial
of Taxonomy nomenclature, publication, typification, principle of
- explain origin and priority, nomina conservanda and author citation.
phylogeny of Angiosperms Origin and phylogeny of angiosperms,
System of classification: artificial: Linnaeus; natural:
- describe classification Benthum and Hooker; phylogenetic: Hutchinson, and
systems of Angiosperms Cronquist.
E:\NTRCA\Exam\17th Exam'20\Written\Syllabus\Written_College level_17th Exam-2020 (1-52 code) (Main).doc 44
- compare the characters of Identifying characters of the selected families and
the selected families and their scientific name of important plants of each family:
species Magnoliaceae, Rubiaceae, Apocynaceae, Fabaceae,
- illustrate identifying features Brassicaceae, Asteraceae, Poaceae, Liliaceae, and
of families Orchidaceae.
- analyze the phylogeny of
Economic Botany
- describe the important terms Introduction: definition, scope and importance of
of Economic botany Economic Botany.
Local and scientific names, parts used and importance of
- enlist economically 10 plants of each of the following groups: cereals, pulses,
important plant with local oil, fiber, timber, fruit, vegetables, spices, and medicinal
name, scientific name and plants.
part use Tea, rubber and sugarcane cultivation, processing and
- describe commercial economic importance.
processing of tea, sugar and
- analyze the cultivation
feasibility of tea, sugarcane
and rubber.
- define the important items of Introduction: Definition, aims and objectives of
ethnobotany ethnobotanical studies.
- explain major indigenous Pharmacology and pharmacopoeia.
plants of Bangladesh Hallucinogenic, allergenic, teratogenic, poisonous plants,
- identify beneficial and plants with pesticide properties, sacred plants and their
harmful effects of plants. uses.
Major 10 indigenous medicinal plants of Bangladesh.

Unit 7 (Question 7) 10
Plant Physiology
- describe the plant physico- Life related physico-chemical phenomena: diffusion,
chemical phenomena imbibitions, osmosis, osmotic pressure, plasmolysis,
- explain the mechanism of colloidal state, root pressure, protoplasm as colloidal
physiological processes system.
including transpiration, Essential elements: general function of micro and macro
photosynthesis, respiration, elements in plant growth and development, symptoms of
photorespiration, translocation mineral deficiency.
and water and ion absorption Water absorption; ions absorption; translocation;
- compare related transpiration.
physiological processes Photosynthesis: light reaction - cyclic and non-cyclic
- identify physiological photophosphorylation, C3, C4, and CAM pathways.
effects of growth regulators Respiration: aerobic respiration: glycolysis, acetyl CoA
- evaluate plant nutrition formation, TCA cycle and electron transport system;
- describe the physiology of anaerobic respiration.
flowering. Physiology of flowering: photoperiodism; vernalization.
Nitrogen metabolism: source of nitrogen, mechanism of
physical and biological nitrogen fixation.

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Plant growth regulators: auxins, gibberillins, cytokinins,
and ethylene.
Plant Biochemistry
- define and describe major Carbohydrates: introduction, distribution, classification,
components of Biochemistry biochemical importance of monosaccharide,
- classify the biochemical oligosaccharides. polysaccharides.
compounds Amino acids: introduction, classification, properties and
- explain distribution, biosynthesis of amino acids.
characters, structures, Proteins: introduction, classification, properties,
functions of different types of structures, importance of proteins.
carbohydrates, amino acids, Lipids and fatty acids: introduction, classification,
proteins, terpenoids, lipids, properties and importance of lipids and fatty acid
enzymes. Enzymes, terpenoids, alkaloids, vitamins, phenolic
- analyze the plant compounds.
biochemical compounds.
Unit 8 (Question 8) 10
- define and characterize the Prokaryotic Cell: PPLO: discovery, physical and
important items of cell and chemical structure, and importance.
cytology Eukaryotic cell: ultra structure of a generalized plant and
- illustrate and compare animal cells. Differences between: (i) prokaryotic and
cytological components, eukaryotic cells, (ii) plant and animal cells.
- describe major issues of cell Cell organelles: physical and chemical structures,
biology functions. cell wall, cell membrane, mitochondria,
- explain critical points of cell plastids, ribosome, Golgi complex.
division Nucleus: discovery, morphology: nuclear membrane,
- compare related topics of nuclear pore, nuclear bleb, nucleoplasm, chromatin net,
cell and cell division chromocenters, chromosomes and nucleolus.
- evaluate or judge the Cell division: cell- cycle, amitosis, mitosis, meiosis and
valuable matters their biological significance.
- identify problems related to Chromosome: physical structure, chemical components
cell biology. and function.
DNA packing in a chromosome with special reference to
nucleosome model, histone and non-histone proteins,
euchromatin and heterochromatin.

- define and characterize the Chromosomal aberration- a general classification.
important terms of deletion, duplication, inversion, translocation.
cytogenetics Numerical aberrations- a brief overview.
- illustrate and compare Aneuploid: hyperploid: trisomic. hypoploid:
cytogenetical components monosomics and nullisomics.
- describe major items of Euploid: haploid; and polyploid; triploid, autotetraploid,
chromosomal behaviour allopolyploid, autoallopolyploid and segmental
- compare related topics allopolyploid.
- evaluate the valuable matters Human cytogenetics: introduction (i) Down’s syndrome,
- recognize and recommend (ii) Patau’s syndrome, (iii) Edward’s syndrome, (iv)
problems of human Kleinefelter’s syndrome, and (v) Turner’s syndrome.

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Unit 9 (Question 9) 10
- characterize the important Mendelism, Mendel’s laws of inheritance.
terms of genetics and Exceptions to Mendelism: (A) Apparent exceptions of
molecular genetics 1st Law and 2nd Law (B) Real exceptions.
Multiple allele, Pseudoallele.
- illustrate genetic Sex determination: sex-limited, sex-linked and sex-
components influenced traits.
Cytoplasmic inheritance,
- describe major issues of Nucleic acid as genetic material: evidences to prove the
Mendelism, DNA, RNA, genetic nature of DNA and RNA as the genetic material
gene, genetic code, mutation in viruses;
DNA: chemical composition and structure, Watson-Crick
- explain critical exception of model,
Mendel’s laws RNA: chemical composition, structure, types.
Replication of DNA: Types of replication,
- establish relationship genetic semiconservative methods of replication, molecular
phenomena mechanism of DNA replication.
DNA repair mechanisms: Photoreactivation, excision
- analyze scientific repair, post replication recombination repair, misrepair or
importance of genetics SOS repair.
Mutation: defination, types of mutation, mutagenic
- constitute population agents, molecular basis of mutation, detection of
genetics equilibrium. mutation in Drosophila by ClB, isolation of biochemical
mutants in Neurospora.
Fine structure of genes: Classical versus molecular
concept of genes.
Genetic code: characteristics of genetic code, triplet
nature of code, deciphering the code, degeneracy and
wobble, universality of the code, the code dictionary.
Gene expression: requirements of protein synthesis-
structure of ribosome, tRNA structure and their
functions, factors of protein synthesis, transcription and
Biochemical genetics: one gene-one enzyme concept,
one gene one polypeptide concept.
Plasmid: definition, characteristics, types, replication and
Genetic constitution of a population: gene pool and gene
frequencies, Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium and its
modification under mutation, migration, selection and
genetic drift.

- describe important terms of Historical background, scope and importance of
biotechnology biotechnology.
- apply biotechniques Laboratory organization, plant tissue culture equipment,
- evaluate biotechnological technique, importance.

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processes Cellular totipotency, callus culture and cell suspension
- identify the importance of culture, organogenesis and somatic embryogenesis.
biotechnology. Haploid production and significance of haploid in crop
Isolation, purification and culture of protoplasts, somatic
hybridization and cybridization.
Micro-propagation and its commercial application.
Germplasm conservation and cryo-preservation.
Plant genetic engineering: concepts, tools and
Gene cloning: definition, principles, technique,
DNA sequencing: Methods and applications of DNA
Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR): Concept, procedure,
cloning of PCR products and applications.
Biogas: Production methods and its uses.
Single cell protein: definition, production methods and
its importance.
Rules and regulations in biotechnology: biosafety
guidelines and regulations, Intellectual Property Rights
- define terms of evolution Introduction, concepts regarding origin of life; Pre-
Darwinian concepts of evolution: Buffon, Lamarck, and
- describe issues evolutionary Herbert Spencer.
processes Darwin-Wallace theory of evolution, Brief life sketch.
Evidences of evolution.
- explain origin of life
Synthetic theory of evolution:
- compare related topics Speciation: characteristics of species; modes of
- summarize evolutionary Origin of life: chemical theory: experimental evidences -
theories. Oparin-Haldane hypothesis, Miller-Urey experiment;
stages of chemical and organic evolution; origin of
prokaryotes and eukaryotes.

Unit 10 (Question 10) 10

- define important items of Definition and scope of biostatistics, random variable,
biostatistics discrete and continuous variable, population, samples,
random samples and data.
- describe major issues of
biostatistics Organization and presentation of data, frequency
distribution, graphical representation: histogram,
- create statistical figures frequency polygon, bar graphs and pie chart.

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- calculate statistical data Measures of central tendency: mean, mode and median,
and measures of dispersion: range, variance, standard
- design field experiment deviation, standard error of mean and coefficient of
- analyze and conclude Normal, and binomial distribution.
experimental data Chi-square test, goodness of fit test.
experimental results. Comparison of means, t-test.
Experimental design: concept, principles, and
terminology related to experiment and experimental
Completely Randomized Design (CRD);
Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD;
Latin Square Design (LSD).
- characterize the important Horticultural aspects, cultivation and crop husbandry of
items of horticulture vegetables in Bangladesh. e.g. potato, brinjal, tomato and
Lady’s finger.
- describe major horticultural Pomology: horticultural aspects, plantation and cultural
methods practices of fruit yielding plants. e.g. mango, pineapple
and lemon.
- apply horticultural tools Floriculture: floricultural aspects and cultivation of the
following plants: rose, tuberose and Chrysanthemum.
- compare related topics Propagation of horticultural plants, classification with
examples. details about cutting, layering, grafting and
- identify horticultural their merits and demerits.
problems and recommend Fertilizer: classification of fertilizers, composition, dosage,
scientifically. application times and procedures.
Green house, shade house, phytotron and growth
chamber, their characteristics and uses in horticulture.
Plant Breeding
- characterize the important Introduction: definition, history, relation with other
items of plant breeding branches of biology, objective of plant breeding.
- describe major breeding Pollination and pollination control in crop plants, self
issues incompatibitily, male sterility.
- explain critical breeding hybridization
points Breeding techniques in crops; selection method- pureline
- compare related topics of and mass selection.
plant breeding polyploid breeding.
- recommend appropriate Plant genetic resources: collection, evaluation and
breeding method. conservation of germplasm, use of germplasm in plant
breeding program.
Concept of research institutes in home (BARI, BRRI,

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প্রভাষক (ভূগ াল ও পরিগেশ রেজ্ঞান) পগেি রলরিত পিীক্ষাি রিগলোি
পগেি নাম: প্রভাষক
রেষয়: ভূগ াল ও পরিগেশ রেজ্ঞান
রেষয় ককাড: ৪১৭
িময়: ৩ ঘন্টা পূর্ ণমান: ১০০

রনগে ণশনা: ভূগ াল ও পরিগেশ রেজ্ঞান রেষগয় প্ররতটি ইউরনট কেগক ১টি কগি কমাট ১০টি প্রশ্ন োকগে। িকল প্রগশ্নি উত্তি রেগত
হগে। প্ররতটি পূর্ ণাঙ্গ প্রগশ্নি মান হগে েশ (১০)। প্ররতটি প্রগশ্নি একটি, দুটি ো রতনটি অংশ োকগত পাগি। একই ইউরনগটি রেরভন্ন
অংশ িমন্বয় কগি একটি পূর্ ণাঙ্গ প্রশ্ন কিা কেগত পাগি।

মূল্যায়ন লক্ষযমাত্রা (পিীক্ষােী িক্ষম হগেন) রেষয়েস্তু নম্বি

➢ কভৌগ ারলক জ্ঞাগনি ক্রমরেকাশ ও পাগেি ইউরনট- ১: প্রাকৃরতক ভূগ াগলি ধাির্া
প্রগয়াজনীয়তা ব্যাখ্যা কিগত • ভূগ াল ও প্রাকৃরতক ভূগ াগলি িংজ্ঞা ও ধাির্া এেং
➢ প্রাকৃরতক ভূগ াগলি প্রকৃরত পরিিি, শািা ও গুরুত্ব কভৌগ ারলক জ্ঞাগনি রেকাশ
রেগেষর্ কিগত • প্রাকৃরতক ভূগ াগলি প্রকৃরত, পরিিি, শািা ও ১০
➢ ভূত্বগকি ধাির্া ব্যাখ্যা কিগত অধ্যয়গনি প্রগয়াজনীয়তা
➢ ভূ-অভযন্তগিি স্তি রেন্যাি ব্যাখ্যা কিগত • ভূত্বক, ভূ-অভযন্তগিি েন
➢ রশলাি বেরশষ্ট্য ও প্রকািগভে রেগেষর্ কিগত • রশলা ও িরনগজি িংজ্ঞা ও কেরর্রেভা , বেরশষ্ট্য
➢ রশলা ও িরনগজি পাে ণকয ও িনাক্ত কিগত • রশলা ও িরনজ িনাক্তকির্, পাে ণকয

মূল্যায়ন লক্ষযমাত্রা (পিীক্ষােী িক্ষম হগেন) রেষয়েস্তু নম্বি

➢ পে ণত, মালভূরম, িমভূরমি ধাির্া, প্রকািগভে ও ইউরনট-২: পৃরেেীি প্রধান ভূরমরূপিমূহ এেং ভূরমরূগপি
বেরশষ্ট্য ব্যাখ্যা কিগত পরিেতণন
➢ রেরভন্ন প্রকাি পে ণত, মালভূরম ও িমভূরম িনাক্ত • পে ণত, মালভূরম ও িমভূরম
কিগত • আকরিক পরিেতণন (ভূরমকম্প ও আগেয়র রি)
➢ ভূরমকম্প ও আগেয়র রিি অেস্থান, অেুৎপাগতি • ভূরমকগম্পি কাির্, ফলাফল, সৃষ্ট্ ভূরমরূপ ও অঞ্চল
কাির্, প্রভাে ও সৃষ্ট্ ভূরমরূপিমূহ রেগেষর্ করতে, • আগেয়র রি, অেুযৎপাগতি কাির্, প্রভাে ও সৃষ্ট্ ভূরমরূপ
➢ ভূরমকগম্পি ক্ষয়ক্ষরত হ্রাগি িগেতনতামূলক ১০
• সুনারম এি িংজ্ঞা, সৃরষ্ট্ি কাির্ ও প্রভাে
পেগক্ষপ গ্রহন কিগত
• ধীি পরিেতণন, (নেী, োয়ু, রহমোহ, িমুদ্রতিঙ্গ)
➢ সুনারমি কাির্ ও ফলাফল ব্যাখ্যা কিগত
➢ নেী, োয়ু, রহমোহ ও িমুদ্রতিঙ্গ ব্যাখ্যা কিগত • নেী, োয়ু ও রহমোগহি িংজ্ঞা, কেনীরেভা , ক্ষয়জাত ও
➢ ওগয় নাগিি মহীিঞ্চির্ মতোে, কেট কটকগটারনক িঞ্চয়জাত ভূরমরূপ
তত্ত্ব ও িমরস্থরতোে রেগেষর্ কিগত • ক্ষয়েক্র মতোে
• ওগয় নাগিি মহীিঞ্চির্ মতোে, কেট কটকগটারনক
তত্ত্ব, িমরস্থরতোে

Page 1 of 4
মূল্যায়ন লক্ষযমাত্রা (পিীক্ষােী িক্ষম হগেন) রেষয়েস্তু নম্বি
➢ োয়ু, োয়ুপ্রোহ ও োয়ুমন্ডল িম্পগকণ ব্যাখ্যা কিগত ইউরনট- ৩: োয়ুমন্ডল ও োরিমন্ডল
➢ আেহাওয়া ও জলোয়ুি উপাোন ের্ ণনা এেং • োয়ুি উপাোন ও বেরশষ্ট্য
রনয়ামকিমূগহি প্রভাে রেগেষর্ কিগত • োয়ু প্রোগহি প্রকারতেদ, োয়ুমন্ডগলি স্তিরেন্যাি ও
➢ পৃরেেীি প্রধান প্রধান জলোয়ু, জলোয়ু অঞ্চলিমূহ োয়ুি োপেলয়
ব্যাখ্যা ও মানরেত্রে রেরিত কিগত • আেহাওয়া ও জলোয়ুি উপাোন, রনয়ামকিমুহ ও
➢ োয়ুপুঞ্জ ও োয়ু প্রােীি ব্যাখ্যা কিগত পাে ণকয
• প্রধান জলোয়ুিমূহ (রনিক্ষীয়, ভূমধ্যিা িীয় ও
কমৌসুমী), জলোয়ুি অঞ্চল ও কেরর্রেভা (ককাগপন,
েন ণওগয়ট)
• োয়ুপুঞ্জ, োয়ুপ্রােীি

মূল্যায়ন লক্ষযমাত্রা (পিীক্ষােী িক্ষম হগেন) রেষয়েস্তু নম্বি

➢ কমগঘি কেরর্রেভা , বৃরষ্ট্পাে িংঘটন প্ররক্রয়া ও ইউরনট- ৪: োরিমন্ডল ও জীেমন্ডল
ধির্ রেগেষর্ কিগত • কমঘ ও োরিপাত সৃরষ্ট্ি কাির্ ও কেরর্রেভা
➢ পারনি উৎি ও পারনেক্র রেগেষর্ কিগত • পারনেক্র, উপিা ি, িা ি, হ্রে ও মহািা ি
➢ মহািা গিি তলগেগশি ভূরমরূপ ব্যাখ্যা কিগত • িমুদ্র তলগেগশি ভূরমরূপ (েগঙ্গাপিা ি, ভািত,
আটলারন্টক ও প্রশান্ত মহািা গিি তলগেগশি ভূরমরূপ) ১০
➢ িমূদ্রগরাত ও কজায়াি-ভাটাি কাির্, ধির্ ও প্রভাে
ব্যাখ্যা কিগত • িমূদ্রগরাত: িংজ্ঞা, সৃরষ্ট্ি কাির্ ও প্রভাে, আটলারন্টক
➢ জীেবেরেগত্রি স্থারনক রভন্নতাি কাির্ ব্যাখ্যা কিগত ও ভািত মহািা িীয় করাত
➢ ইগকারিগেগমি ধাির্া, উপাোন ও বেরশষ্ট্য রেগেষর্ • কজায়াি-ভাটাি িংজ্ঞা, কাির্, কেরর্রেভা ও ফলাফল
কিগত • পৃরেেীি জীেবেরেত্রয ইগকারিগেম, োগয়াম ও
➢ পৃরেেীি প্রধান েনভূরমিমূহ ও োগয়াম ব্যাখ্যা কিগত েনভূরম: ধাির্া, ধির্ ও গুরুত্ব

মূল্যায়ন লক্ষযমাত্রা (পিীক্ষােী িক্ষম হগেন) রেষয়েস্তু নম্বি

➢ পরিগেগশি ধাির্া ব্যাখ্যা কিগত ইউরনট- ৫: পরিগেশ ও দুগে ণা
➢ রেরভন্ন প্রকাি দূষগর্ি কাির্ ও প্রভাে ব্যাখ্যা কিগত • পরিগেগশি িংজ্ঞা, উপাোন ও ধির্
➢ রেরভন্ন প্রকাি দূষর্ প্ররতগিাগধি উপায় রেগেষর্ • পরিগেশ দূষর্: দূষগর্ি কাির্, প্রভাে ও প্ররতকাি
কিগত • পরিগেশ িংিক্ষর্: িিকাি গৃহীত পেগক্ষপিমূহ ১০
➢ পরিগেশ িংিক্ষগর্ি ককৌশল রেগেষর্ কিগত • আপে ও দূগে ণা : িংজ্ঞা, ধাির্া, পরিরধ, বেরশষ্ট্য,
➢ রেরভন্ন প্রকাি দূগে ণাগ ি প্রভাে ব্যাখ্যা কিগত প্রকািগভে
➢ দুগে ণা ব্যেস্থাপনা রেগেষর্ কিগত • ঝরুঁ ক ও রেপোপন্নতা: িংজ্ঞা, ধাির্া, দুগে ণা ঝরুঁ ক হ্রাি
• দুগে ণা ব্যেস্থাপনা েক্র

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মূল্যায়ন লক্ষযমাত্রা (পিীক্ষােী িক্ষম হগেন) রেষয়েস্তু নম্বি
➢ বিবেন্ন প্রকার োয়ুমন্ডলীয় ক ালগো বিতেষণ করতে ইউরনট- ৬: োয়ুমন্ডলীয় ক ালগো ও জলোয়ু পরিেতণন
➢ গ্রীন হাউজ প্ররতরক্রয়া ব্যাখ্যা কিগত • োয়ুমন্ডলীয় ক ালগো : টগন ণগডা, ঘুরন ণঝড়, কালবেশািী
➢ রেশ্ব উষ্ণায়ন ব্যাখ্যা কিগত • গ্রীনহাউজ প্ররতরক্রয়া: কাির্, প্রভাে ও প্ররতকাি
➢ রেশ্ব উষ্ণায়গনি প্রভাে ও প্ররতগিাগধি উপায় রেগেষর্ • রেশ্ব উষ্ণায়র্: কাির্, প্রভাে, কমাকাগেলা
কিগত ১০
• জলোয়ু পরিেতণন: কাির্, ফলাফল ও অরভগোজন
➢ জলোয়ু পরিেতণগনি িাগে অরভগোজগনি িক্ষমতা ককৌশল
ব্যাখ্যা কিগত
• িমুদ্র িমতগলি পরিেতণগনি কাির্, বেরশষ্ট্য ও
➢ িমুদ্র িমতগলি পরিেতণন রেগেষর্ কিগত ফলাফল
➢ কিৌিশরক্তি গুরুত্ব রেগেষর্ কিগত
• কিৌিশরক্তি ব্যেহাি, তাপ উৎক্রম, কিৌি তাগপি
আনুভূরমক ও উলম্ব রেস্তাি

মূল্যায়ন লক্ষযমাত্রা (পিীক্ষােী িক্ষম হগেন) রেষয়েস্তু নম্বি

➢ মানিীয় ভূত াতের িংজ্ঞা পরিরধ ও অন্যান্য রেষগয়ি ইউরনট- ৭: মানেীয় ভূগ াল
িাগে িম্পকণ ব্যাখ্যা কিগত • মানেীয় ভূগ াল: িংজ্ঞা, পরিরধ ও অন্যান্য রেষগয়ি
➢ অে ণবনরতক কমণকাগন্ডি প্রকািগভে রেগেষর্ কিগত িাগে িম্পকণ
➢ বিবেন্ন প্রকার কৃবষর ধরণ ও মতেে ব্যাখ্যা করতে • অে ণবনরতক কমণকাগন্ডি ধাির্া, কেরর্রেভা
➢ রেরভন্ন প্রকাি খবনজ িম্পগেি রেশ্বব্যাপী উৎপােন ও • কৃরষ: কেরর্রেভা , ভনথুগনন মগডল
েন্টন ের্ ণনা কিগত ১০
• িরনজ ও শরক্ত িম্পে: কয়লা, কলৌহ আকরিক ও
➢ প্রাকৃরতক িম্পে িংিক্ষগর্ি গুরুত্ব রেগেষর্ কিগত কপগরারলয়াম এি উৎপােন, েন্টন ও গুরুত্ব
➢ রেরভন্ন প্রকাি রশগেি রেশ্বব্যাপী উৎপােন, েন্টন ও • প্রাকৃরতক িম্পে িংিক্ষগনি ব্যেস্থাপনা
গুরুত্ব েন ণর্া কিগত
• রশে: কলৌহ ইস্পাত, েস্ত্র, ওগয়োগিি রশে অেস্থান তত্ত্ব
➢ কৃরষ ও রশে িংক্রান্ত তত্ত্ব ব্যাখ্যা কিগত
➢ পরিেহন ও কো াগো ব্যেস্থাি প্রগয়াজনীয়তা • োরনজয, পরিেহন ও কো াগো ব্যেস্থাি গুরুত্ব
রেগেষর্ কিগত
➢ অভযন্তিীর্ ও বেগেরশক োরনগজযি গুরুত্ব ব্যাখ্যা

মূল্যায়ন লক্ষযমাত্রা (পিীক্ষােী িক্ষম হগেন) রেষয়েস্তু নম্বি

➢ জনিংখ্যাি জনরমরতক উপাোন ব্যাখ্যা কিগত ইউরনট- ৮: জনিংখ্যা ও েিরত
➢ পৃরেেীব্যাপী জনিংখ্যাি ঘনত্ব ও েন্টন ের্ ণনা কিগত • জনিংখ্যা, জনরমরতক উপাোন
➢ জনারধকযজরনত প্রভাে রেগেষর্ কিগত • জনিংখ্যাি ঘনত্ব ও েন্টর্, িমস্যা, কাির্ ও ফলাফল
➢ জনিংখ্যা বৃরি কিাগধি উপায় ব্যাখ্যা কিগত • জনারধকযজরনত িমস্যা ও প্ররতকাগিি উপায় ১০
➢ জনিংখ্যা িম্পরকণত তত্ত্বিমুহ ব্যাখ্যা কিগত • জনিংখ্যা িম্পরকণত তত্ত্বিমুহ: ম্যালোি, কাম্য
➢ জনিংখ্যাি রতশীলতা ব্যাখ্যা কিগত জনিংখ্যা, জনরমরতক রানরজশন তত্ত্ব
➢ রেশ্বব্যারপ উদ্বাস্তু ও শির্ােী িমস্যাি কাির্ ও • জনিংখ্যাি রতশীলতা: প্রজর্নশীলতা, মির্শীলতা,
প্ররতকাি ব্যেস্থা ব্যাখ্যা কিগত অরভ মন, উদ্বাস্তু ও শির্ােী
➢ েিরত িম্পগকণ ব্যাখ্যা কিগত
• েিরতি িংজ্ঞা, ধির্ ও কাে ণকারিতা
➢ ন িায়গনি ধািা এেং উপাোন ও রনয়ামকিমূহ
• ন িায়গনি ধািা এেং ন িায়গনি উপাোন ও
ের্ ণনা কিগত

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মূল্যায়ন লক্ষযমাত্রা (পিীক্ষােী িক্ষম হগেন) রেষয়েস্তু নম্বি
➢ োংলাগেগশি অেস্থান ও ভূ-প্রাকৃরতক কেরর্রেভা ইউরনট- ৯: োংলাগেগশি ভূগ াল: প্রাকৃরতক
ের্ ণনা কিগত • কভৌগ ারলক অেস্থান
➢ োংলাগেগশি জলোয়ুু্ি অেস্থা ের্ ণনা কিগত • ভূ-প্রকৃরত: কেরর্রেভা ও গুরুত্ব
➢ োংলাগেগশি নেী ব্যেস্থা ও নে-নেীি গুরুত্ব ব্যাখ্যা • জলোয়ু: বেরশষ্ট্য, কেরর্রেভা ও জলোয়ু পরিেতণগনি
কিগত প্রভাে ১০
➢ োংলাগেগশ েন্যাি কাির্, প্রভাে ও েন্যা রনয়ন্ত্রর্ • নে-নেী: নেী ব্যেস্থা, গুরুত্ব, েন্যাি কাির্, প্রভাে ও
ককৌশল ের্ ণনা কিগত েন্যা রনয়ন্ত্রর্, পারন িম্পে ব্যেস্থাপনা ককৌশল
➢ মৃরত্তকাি কেরর্রেভা , কৃরষ ইগকালরজকযাল কজান
• মৃরত্তকা: বেরশষ্ট্য, কেরর্রেভা , েণ্টন, কৃরষ
ের্ ণনা কিগত
ইগকালরজকযাল কজান
➢ োংলাগেগশি প্রাকৃরতক স্ম্ম্পগেি গুরুত্ব ও িবুজ
• প্রাকৃরতক িম্পে: ভূরম ও পারন িম্পে ব্যেস্থাপনা,
অে ণনীরত ব্যাখ্যা কিগত
িবুজ অে ণনীরত

মূল্যায়ন লক্ষযমাত্রা (পিীক্ষােী িক্ষম হগেন) রেষয়েস্তু নম্বি

➢ োংলাগেগশি কৃরষি িমস্যা ব্যাখ্যা করতে ইউরনট- ১০: োংলাগেগশি ভূগ াল: অে ণবনরতক
➢ প্রধান ফিলিমূহ উৎপােগন কভৌগ ারলক পরিগেগশি • কৃরষi িংজ্ঞা, পিরত, িমস্যা, উৎপারেত প্রধান ফিল
গুরুত্ব ব্যাখ্যা কিগত ধান, ম, ইক্ষু, ো
➢ োংলাগেগশি রশগেি িমস্যা ব্যাখ্যা কিগত • রশে: পাট, রিগমন্ট, বতরি কপাশাক,
➢ জনিংখ্যাি েন্টন, জনারধকয িমস্যা ও এি প্ররতকাি • জনিংখ্যা: েন্টন, ঘনত্ব, জনারধকয িমস্যা ও প্ররতকাি ১০
ব্যাখ্যা কিগত • েিরত: গ্রামীর্ ও ন ি েিরতি বেরশষ্ট্য, প্রকািগভে ও
➢ োংলাগেগশি গ্রামীর্ েিরতি বেরশষ্ট্য ও কেরর্রেভা িমস্যা
ব্যাখ্যা কিগত
• েনজ িম্পে: েনায়ন, িংিক্ষর্, ব্যেহাি ও গুরুত্ব
➢ ন ি েিরতি ধািা, িমস্যা ব্যাখ্যা কিগত
• িরনজ িম্পে: কেরর্রেভা , গুরুত্ব, ব্যেহাি
➢ োংলাগেগশি েনজ িম্পে বৃরিি ও িংিক্ষগর্ি গুরুত্ব
ব্যাখ্যা কিগত • পরিেহন ও কো াগো ব্যেস্থা: োংলাগেগশি প্রধান
➢ োংলাগেগশি িরনজ িম্পগেি উৎিস্থলগুগলা ের্ ণনা কো াগো ব্যেস্থা, োংলাগেগশি উন্নয়গন গুরুত্ব,
কিগত এেং এগুগলাি কটকিই ব্যেহাগিি গুরুত্ব িমস্যা ও প্ররতকাি
রেগেষর্ কিগত
➢ োংলাগেগশি উন্নয়গন পরিেহন ও কো াগো
ব্যেস্থাি গুরুত্ব ব্যাখ্যা কিগত

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বেসরকারর রিক্ষক রিেন্ধি ও প্রত্যয়ি কর্তপৃ ক্ষক্ষর (রিরিত্) পরীক্ষার রসক্ষিোস
পক্ষের িাম : প্রভাষক
রেষয় : পররসংখ্যাি
রেষয় বকাড : ৪১৮
সময় : 3 ঘন্টা পূর্ ৃমাি : 100

পরীক্ষার্থীগর্ক্ষক প্ররত্টি ইউরিট বর্থক্ষক একটি কক্ষর বমাট ১০ টি প্রক্ষের উত্তর রেক্ষত্ হক্ষে। প্রক্ষত্যক প্রক্ষের পূর্ ৃমাি ১০। প্রক্ষত্যক প্রক্ষের
২টি ো ৩টি অংি র্থাকক্ষে (বেমি, ক, ি, গ) । প্ররত্টি প্রক্ষের িম্বর রেভাজি ২+৩+৫, ৩+৩+৪, ৩+৭, ২+২+৬, ৫+৫ অর্থো
৪+৬ হক্ষত্ পাক্ষর। ”Bloom’s taxonomy of cognitive learning” অনুসরর্ কক্ষর প্রে করক্ষত্ হক্ষে। কমপক্ষক্ষ
২০% িম্বর উচ্চত্র রিন্তি েক্ষত্ার (রেক্ষেষর্, মূল্যায়ি ও সমস্যা সমাধাি ো সৃজি/সংক্ষেষর্) জন্য েরাদ্ধ্ব রািক্ষত্ হক্ষে।

রিিিফি রেষয়েস্তু (ইউরিট ১) মাি

১) পররসংখ্যাি এর গুরূত্ব, সীমােদ্ধত্া ও কাে ৃােরি ের্ ৃিা করক্ষত্ পররসংখ্যাি পরররিরত্:
পারক্ষেি; • পররসংখ্যাি, পররসংখ্যাক্ষির গুরূত্ব,
২) রেরভন্ন প্রকার িিক, বেি ও প্রত্ীক ের্ ৃিা ও ব্যাখ্যা করক্ষত্ কাে ৃােরি ,ব্যেহার ও সীমােদ্ধত্া;
পারক্ষেি; • রেরভন্ন প্রকার িিক ের্ ৃিা, ত্াক্ষের
৩) ত্ক্ষের প্রকারক্ষভে, তুিিা ও ত্ে সংগ্রহ পদ্ধরত্ ের্ ৃিা করক্ষত্ পার্থ ৃকয, রেরভন্ন প্রকার বেি ও রেরভন্ন
পারক্ষেি; প্রত্ীক্ষকর ের্ ৃিা;
৪) ত্ক্ষের লিরিক উপস্থাপি করক্ষত্ পারক্ষেি; ১০
• ত্ক্ষের প্রকারক্ষভে, ত্াক্ষের তুিিা, ত্ে
৫) ত্ক্ষের রেরভন্ন লিরিক উপস্থাপক্ষির মক্ষে তুিিা করক্ষত্ পারক্ষেি; সংগ্রহ পদ্ধরত্;
৬) রেরভন্ন গর্সংখ্যা রিক্ষেিি লত্রর, ব্যাখ্যা ও তুিিা করক্ষত্ পারক্ষেি।
• ত্ক্ষের লিরিক উপস্থাপি (আয়ত্ক্ষিি,
অরজভক্ষরিা, গর্সংখ্যা েহুভুজ ও পাই
রিত্র), এক্ষের তুিিা, গর্সংখ্যা রিক্ষেিি
লত্রর, রেরভন্ন গর্সংখ্যা রিক্ষেিি তুিিা।
রিিিফি রেষয়েস্তু (ইউরিট ২) মাি
1) রেরভন্ন প্রকার বকন্দ্রীয় প্রের্ত্ার পররমাপ ের্ ৃিা করক্ষত্ পারক্ষেি; বকন্দ্রীয় প্রের্ত্ার পররমাপ:
২) আেিৃ পররমাপ ও রেরভন্ন প্রকার পররমাক্ষপর মক্ষে তুিিা করক্ষত্ • বকন্দ্রীয় প্রের্ত্া, রেরভন্ন প্রকার বকন্দ্রীয়
পারক্ষেি ; প্রের্ত্ার পররমাপ, ব্যেহার, আেিৃ
৩) রেরভন্ন প্রকার পররমাক্ষপর ধমৃ ের্ ৃিা, প্রমার্ ও পররমাপ গুক্ষিার পররমাক্ষপর লেরিষ্ট্য এেং রেরভন্ন প্রকার
মক্ষে সম্পকৃ স্থাপি করক্ষত্ পারক্ষেি; পররমাক্ষপর মক্ষে তুিিা।
৪) সরিরিত্ গারর্রত্ক গড়, িতুর্থ ৃক, েিক, িত্ক এর ব্যাখ্যা • গারর্রত্ক গড়, জযারমরত্ক গক্ষড়র ধক্ষমৃর
করক্ষত্ পারক্ষেি; ের্ ৃিা ও প্রমার্, এক বসট ধিাত্মক মাক্ষির
৫) পররমাক্ষপর রেরভন্ন গারর্রত্ক মাি রির্ ৃয় করক্ষত্ পারক্ষেি। ১০
জন্য গারর্রত্ক গড়, জযারমরত্ক গড়,
ত্রঙ্গ গক্ষড়র মক্ষে সম্পকৃ ও প্রমার্।
• সরিরিত্ গারর্রত্ক গক্ষড়র ব্যাখ্যা ও
প্রমার্, িতুর্থ ৃক, েিক, িত্ক এর ব্যাখ্যা।
• বকন্দ্রীয় প্রের্ত্া পররমাক্ষপর রেরভন্ন
গারর্রত্ক মাি রির্ ৃয়।

রিিিফি রেষয়েস্তু (ইউরিট ৩) মাি
1) রেস্তার ও ত্ার রেরভন্ন প্রকার পররমাক্ষপর ের্ ৃিা এেং রেস্তার পররমাক্ষপর পদ্ধরত্ :
প্রক্ষয়াজিীয়ত্া ব্যাখ্যা করক্ষত্ পারক্ষেি; • রেস্তার ও ত্ার রেরভন্ন পররমাক্ষপর ের্ ৃিা
2) রেরভন্ন প্রকার রেস্তার পররমাক্ষপর মক্ষে তুিিা করক্ষত্ পারক্ষেি; এেং প্রক্ষয়াজিীয়ত্া;
৩) উপযুক্ত পররমাক্ষপর ব্যাখ্যা করক্ষত্ পারক্ষেি; • রেরভন্ন প্রকার পররমাক্ষপর তুিিা এেং
৪) রেরভন্ন প্রকার পররমাক্ষপর মূি ও বেি পররেত্ৃি এেং পররমাপ উপযুক্ত রেস্তার পররমাপ;
সমূক্ষহর সম্পকৃ প্রমার্ করক্ষত্ পারক্ষেি;
৫) সরিরিত্ পরররমত্ ব্যেধাক্ষির সূত্র এেং যুক্ত বসক্ষটর প্রমার্ ১০
• রেরভন্ন প্রকার পররমাক্ষপর মূি ও বেক্ষির
করক্ষত্ পারক্ষেি; পররেত্ৃক্ষির প্রভাে। রেরভন্ন প্রকার
৬) রেরভন্ন প্রকার পররমাক্ষপর গারর্রত্ক সমস্যা সমাধাি করক্ষত্ পররমাক্ষপর সম্পকৃ ও প্রমার্;
• সরিরিত্ পরররমত্ ব্যেধাি ও যুক্ত বসট;
• রেরভন্ন প্রকার পররমাক্ষপর গারর্রত্ক
সমস্যা ।
রিিিফি রেষয়েস্তু (ইউরিট ৪) মাি
১) পররঘাক্ষত্র ধারর্া ব্যাখ্যা করক্ষত্ পারক্ষেি; পররঘাত্,েরিমত্া ও সূিূঁ ািত্া:
২) রেরভন্ন প্রকার পররঘাক্ষত্র মক্ষে সম্পকৃ স্থাপি করক্ষত্ পারক্ষেি; • পররঘাত্, রেরভন্ন প্রকার পররঘাত্,
৩) পররঘাক্ষত্র প্রক্ষয়াজিীয়ত্া ও ব্যেহার ব্যাখ্যা করক্ষত্ পারক্ষেি; প্রক্ষয়াজিীয়ত্া ও ব্যেহার, রেরভন্ন প্রকার
৪) মূি ও মাপরির প্রভাে পরীক্ষা করক্ষত্ পারক্ষেি; পররঘাত্ রির্ ৃয়;
৫) রেরভন্ন প্রকার েরিমত্া ও সূিািত্া ূঁ ব্যাখ্যা করক্ষত্ পারক্ষেি; • মূি ও মাপরির প্রভাে পরীক্ষা; ১০
৬) পররঘাত্,েরিমত্া ও সূিািত্াূঁ এর মক্ষে সম্পকৃ স্থাপি করক্ষত্ • েরিমত্া ও সূিািত্া ূঁ এর পররমাপ,
পারক্ষেি; প্রকারক্ষভে,
৭) রেরভন্ন প্রকার পররঘাত্, েরিমত্া ও সূিািত্ার গারর্রত্ক মাি
• পররঘাত্,েরিমত্া ও সূিািত্া ূঁ এর মক্ষে
রির্ ৃয় করক্ষত্ পারক্ষেি।
সম্পকৃ ও গারর্রত্ক মাি রির্ ৃয়।
রিিিফি রেষয়েস্তু (ইউরিট ৫) মাি
1) রিিিক ত্ে, সংক্ষেষ ও সংক্ষেষ এর পররমাপ ব্যাখ্যা করক্ষত্ সংক্ষেষ ও রিভৃরি:
পারক্ষেি; • সংক্ষেষ এর ধারর্া, রেক্ষক্ষপ রিত্র এর
2) রেক্ষক্ষপ রিক্ষত্রর সাহাক্ষে রেরভন্ন প্রকার সংক্ষেষ ব্যাখ্যা করক্ষত্ মােক্ষম সংক্ষেষ এর ব্যাখ্যা;
পারক্ষেি; • রিভৃরাি ও সংক্ষেষাংক্ষকর ধমৃ ,প্রমার্ ও
3) রিভৃরাি এেং সংক্ষেষাংক্ষকর ধমৃ ও ব্যেহার ের্ ৃিা করক্ষত্ ব্যেহার;
4) সংক্ষেষাংক্ষকর রেরভন্ন প্রকার প্রমার্ ও সম্পকৃ রির্ ৃয় করক্ষত্ • রিভৃরাি ,সহক্ষভোংক ও সংক্ষেষাংক্ষকর ১০
পারক্ষেি; গারর্রত্ক মাি রির্ ৃয়;
5) রিভৃরাি ,সহক্ষভোংক ও সংক্ষেষাংক্ষকর রেরভন্ন প্রকার
• রিভৃরি ও রিভৃরাংক, রিভৃরি বরিা, ক্রম
গারর্রত্ক মাি রির্ ৃয় করক্ষত্ পারক্ষেি;
৬) রিভৃরি ও রিভৃরাংক ব্যাখ্যা করক্ষত্ পারক্ষেি;
৭)সূক্ষত্রর সাহাক্ষে রিভৃরি বরিা রির্ ৃয় করক্ষত্ পারক্ষেি;
৮) ক্রম সংক্ষেষাংক এর সূত্র প্রমার্ করক্ষত্ পারক্ষেি ।

রিিিফি রেষয়েস্তু (ইউরিট ৬) মাি
1) বসট, রেন্যাস, সমাক্ষেি, সম্ভােিা ও সম্ভােিা এর সাক্ষর্থ সম্পকৃ যুক্ত সম্ভােিা :
রেরভন্ন ধারর্া উোহরর্ সহ ব্যাখ্যা করক্ষত্ পারক্ষেি; • বসট, রেন্যাস, সমাক্ষেি, সম্ভােিা ও
2) রেরভন্ন প্রকার সম্ভােিার মক্ষে পার্থ ৃকয করক্ষত্ পারক্ষেি; সম্ভােিার সাক্ষর্থ সম্পকৃযুক্ত ধারর্াসমূহ;
৩) সম্ভােিার সাক্ষর্থ সম্পকৃ যুক্ত রেরভন্ন প্রমার্ করক্ষত্ পারক্ষেি; • রেরভন্ন প্রকার সম্ভােিা, সম্ভােিার বোগ
৪) সম্ভােিার বোগ সূত্র ও গুর্ি সূত্র, বেইজ উপপাদ্য প্রমার্ ও প্রক্ষয়াগ সূত্র ও গুর্ি সূত্র, বেইজ উপপাদ্য;
করক্ষত্ পারক্ষেি;
৫) োস্তে ও জীেি রভরত্তক সমস্যা সমাধাক্ষি সম্ভােিার ধারর্া ও সূত্র • মুদ্রা, ছক্কা, ত্াস, েি ইত্যারের সাহাক্ষে
প্রক্ষয়াগ কক্ষর; গারর্রত্ক সমস্যা সমাধাি করক্ষত্ পারক্ষেি; ১০
গারর্রত্ক সমস্যা।
৬) রেরভন্ন প্রকার লেে িিক, ফাংিি, রেন্যাস, প্রত্যািা, বভোংক ও লেে িিক ও গারর্রত্ক প্রত্যািা :
সহক্ষভোংক এর ব্যাখ্যা করক্ষত্ পারক্ষেি;
• লেে িিক, ফাংিি, রেন্যাস, প্রত্যািা;
৭) গারর্রত্ক প্রত্যািা ও বভোংক্ষকর ধমৃ ব্যাখ্যা ও প্রমার্ করক্ষত্
পারক্ষেি; • গারর্রত্ক প্রত্যািা, বভোংক ও
৮) গারর্রত্ক প্রত্যািা এর বোগ সূত্র ও গুর্ি সূত্র ের্ ৃিা ও প্রমার্ এেং সহক্ষভোংক এর ধমৃ;
এ সংক্রান্ত গারর্রত্ক সমস্যা সমাধাি করক্ষত্ পারক্ষেি । • গারর্রত্ক প্রত্যািা এর বোগ সূত্র ও গুর্ি
সূত্র এেং রেরভন্ন গারর্রত্ক সমস্যা।
রিিিফি রেষয়েস্তু (ইউরিট ৭) মাি
১। োক্ষি ৃািী ট্রায়াি এর ধারর্া ব্যাখ্যা করক্ষত্ পারক্ষেি; রিপেী রেন্যাস:
২) রিপেী রেন্যাক্ষসর ধারর্া, সূত্র উদ্ভােি ও গড়, বভোি রির্ ৃয় • োক্ষি ৃািী ট্রায়াি, এর লেরিষ্ট্য, রিপেী
করক্ষত্ পারক্ষেি; রেন্যাক্ষসর ধমৃ, ব্যেহার,
৩)রিপেী রেন্যাক্ষসর রেরভন্ন উপপাদ্য ের্ ৃিা ও প্রমার্ করক্ষত্ পারক্ষেি; • রিপেী রেন্যাক্ষসর সূত্র উদ্ভােি, এর গড়,
৪) রিপেী রেন্যাক্ষসর পররঘাত্ উৎপােিকারী ফাংিি, কমুযল্যান্ট বভোংক রির্ ৃয় এেং ত্াক্ষের মক্ষে তুিিা,
ফাংিি, রিক্ষে ৃিক ফাংিি ব্যাখ্যা করক্ষত্ পারক্ষেি; • রিপেী রেন্যাক্ষসর রেরভন্ন উপপাদ্য রেবৃরত্
৫) রিপেী রেন্যাক্ষসর রেরভন্ন গারর্ত্ক সমস্যা সমাধাি করক্ষত্ ও প্রমার্,
• রিপেী রেন্যাক্ষসর পররঘাত্ উৎপােিকারী
৬) লৈঁসু িিক ও লৈঁসু রেন্যাক্ষসর ধারর্া ের্ ৃিা ও লৈঁসু রেন্যাক্ষসর সূত্র
ফাংিি, কমুযল্যান্ট ফাংিি, রিক্ষে ৃিক
উদ্ভােি করক্ষত্ পারক্ষেি;
ফাংিি রির্ ৃয়,
৭) গড়, বভোি রির্ ৃয় এেং এক্ষের তুিিা করক্ষত্ পারক্ষেি;
৮) লৈঁসু রেন্যাক্ষসর রেরভন্ন উপপাদ্য ের্ ৃিা ও প্রমার্ করক্ষত্ পারক্ষেি; • রিপেী রেন্যাক্ষসর রেরভন্ন গারর্ত্ক সমস্যা
৯) লৈঁসু রেন্যাক্ষসর পররঘাত্ উৎপােিকারী ফাংিি, কমুযল্যান্ট সমূহ।
ফাংিি ও রিক্ষে ৃিক ফাংিি রির্ ৃয় করক্ষত্ পারক্ষেি; লৈঁসু রেন্যাস:
১০) পরররমত্ রেন্যাস, পরররমত্ িিক, পরররমত্ রেন্যাক্ষসর ধমৃ ও • লৈঁসু রেন্যাস, িিক, লৈঁসু িিক্ষকর োস্তে
ব্যেহার ব্যাখ্যা করক্ষত্ পারক্ষেি; উোহরর্, ধ ৃম ও ব্যেহার, লৈঁসু রেন্যাক্ষসর
১১) পরররমত্ রেন্যাক্ষসর সূত্র উদ্ভােি এেং ধমৃগুক্ষিা প্রমার্ করক্ষত্ ধমৃ, ব্যেহার,
পারক্ষেি; • লৈঁসু রেন্যাক্ষসর সূত্র উদ্ভােি, এর গড়,
১২) লৈঁসু রেন্যাস ও রিপেী রেন্যাক্ষসর সাক্ষর্থ পরররমত্ রেন্যাক্ষসর বভোংক রির্ ৃয় এেং ত্াক্ষের মক্ষে তুিিা,
সম্পকৃ রির্ ৃয় করক্ষত্ পারক্ষেি; • লৈঁসু রেন্যাক্ষসর রেরভন্ন উপপাদ্য রেবৃরত্ ও
১৩) পরররমত্ রেন্যাক্ষসর রেরভন্ন গারর্রত্ক সমস্যা সমাধাি করক্ষত্ প্রমার্,
পারক্ষেি। • লৈঁসু রেন্যাক্ষসর পররঘাত্ উৎপােিকারী
ফাংিি, কমুযল্যান্ট ফাংিি, রিক্ষে ৃিক
ফাংিি রির্ ৃয়,
• লৈঁসু রেন্যাক্ষসর রেরভন্ন গারর্রত্ক সমস্যা।
পরররমত্ রেন্যাস:
• পরররমত্ রেন্যাস, পরররমত্ িিক, ধমৃ,
• পরররমত্ রেন্যাক্ষসর সূত্র উদ্ভােি এেং
ধমৃগুক্ষিার প্রমার্;
• লৈঁসু রেন্যাস ও রিপেী রেন্যাক্ষসর সাক্ষর্থ
পরররমত্ রেন্যাক্ষসর সম্পকৃ,
• পরররমত্ রেন্যাক্ষসর রেরভন্ন গারর্রত্ক

রিিিফি রেষয়েস্তু (ইউরিট ৮) মাি

১) সূিক সংখ্যা ও সূিক সংখ্যা গঠক্ষি সমস্যাসমূহ ের্ ৃিা করক্ষত্ সূিক সংখ্যা, কািীি সারর, জীে পররসংখ্যাি:
পারক্ষেি; • সূিক সংখ্যা, সূিক সংখ্যা গঠক্ষি
২)সূিক সংখ্যার প্রকারক্ষভে, সূিক সংখ্যার ব্যেহার ও ভার সমস্যাসমূহ, সূিক সংখ্যার প্রকারক্ষভে,
আক্ষরারপত্ সূিক সংখ্যা ের্ ৃিা করক্ষত্ পারক্ষেি; ব্যেহার ও ভার আক্ষরারপত্ সূিক সংখ্যা,
৩) আেিৃ সূিক সংখ্যা োিাই করক্ষত্ পারক্ষেি; আেিৃ সূিক সংখ্যা,
৪) জীেি োত্রার ব্যয় সূিক সংখ্যা ের্ ৃিা ও রির্ ৃয় করক্ষত্ পারক্ষেি; • জীেি োত্রার ব্যয় সূিক সংখ্যা, ১০
৫) কািীি সারর ও এর উপাোি, রেরভন্ন মক্ষডি, আধাগড়, িিমাি গড় • কািীি সারর, এর উপাোি, রেরভন্ন মক্ষডি,
ও ন্যযিত্ম েগ ৃ পদ্ধরত্ ের্ ৃিা করক্ষত্ পারক্ষেি; আধাগড়, িিমাি গড় ও নুযিত্ম েগ ৃ
৬) জীে পররসংখ্যাক্ষির উৎসগুক্ষিা ের্ ৃিা করক্ষত্ পারক্ষেি; পদ্ধরত্র ের্ ৃিা,
৭) জীে পররসংখ্যাক্ষি রেরভন্ন অনুপাত্ ব্যাখ্যা করক্ষত্ পারক্ষেি ।
• জীে পররসংখ্যাক্ষির উৎসগুক্ষিা ের্ ৃিা,
• জীে পররসংখ্যাক্ষি রেরভন্ন অনুপাত্ ।
রিিিফি রেষয়েস্তু (ইউরিট ৯) মাি
১) সমগ্রক ও রেরভন্ন িমুিা সম্পক্ষকৃ ধারর্া ও ত্াক্ষের মক্ষে তুিিা িমুিায়ি (সহজ লেে িমুিায়ি, ধারাোরহক
করক্ষত্ পারক্ষেি; িমুিায়ি, স্তররত্ িমুিায়ি ও গুচ্ছ িমুিায়ি):
২)সহজ লেে িমুিায়ক্ষির ধারর্া ও সুরেধা-অসুরেধা ের্ ৃিা করক্ষত্ • সমগ্রক ও রেরভন্ন িমুিা সম্পক্ষকৃ ধারর্া ও
পারক্ষেি; ত্াক্ষের মক্ষে তুিিা
৩) সহজ লেে িমুিায়ক্ষির গড় ও বভোি রির্ ৃয় করক্ষত্ পারক্ষেি; • সহজ লেে িমুিায়ক্ষির ধারর্া, সুরেধা-
৪) সহজ লেে িমুিায়ক্ষির িমুিা গড় ও সমগ্রক গড় তুিিা করক্ষত্ অসুরেধা, গড় ও বভোি রির্ ৃয় এেং
পারক্ষেি; িমুিা গড় ও সমগ্রক গড় তুিিা; ১০
৫) ধারাোরহক িমুিায়ক্ষির ধারর্া ও সুরেধা-অসুরেধা ের্ ৃিা করক্ষত্
পারক্ষেি; • ধারাোরহক িমুিায়ক্ষির ধারর্া, সুরেধা-
৬) ধারাোরহক িমুিায়ক্ষির গড় ও বভোি রির্ ৃয় করক্ষত্ পারক্ষেি; অসুরেধা, গড় ও বভোি রির্ ৃয় এেং
৭) ধারাোরহক িমুিায়ক্ষির িমুিা গড় ও সমগ্রক গড় তুিিা করক্ষত্ িমুিা গড় ও সমগ্রক গড় তুিিা;
• স্তররত্ িমুিায়ক্ষির ধারর্া, সুরেধা-
৮) স্তররত্ িমুিায়ক্ষির ধারর্া ও সুরেধা-অসুরেধা ের্ ৃিা করক্ষত্
অসুরেধা, গড় ও বভোি রির্ ৃয় এেং
পারক্ষেি; িমুিা গড় ও সমগ্রক গড় তুিিা,
৯) স্তররত্ িমুিায়ক্ষির গড় ও বভোি রির্ ৃয় করক্ষত্ পারক্ষেি; • গুচ্ছ িমুিায়ক্ষির ধারর্া, সুরেধা-অসুরেধা,
১০) স্তররত্ িমুিায়ক্ষির িমুিা গড় ও সমগ্রক গড় তুিিা করক্ষত্ গড় ও বভোি রির্ ৃয় এেং িমুিা গড় ও
পারক্ষেি; সমগ্রক গড় তুিিা ।
১১) গুচ্ছ িমুিায়ক্ষির ধারর্া ও সুরেধা-অসুরেধা ের্ ৃিা করক্ষত্ পারক্ষেি;
১২) গুচ্ছ িমুিায়ক্ষির গড় ও বভোি রির্ ৃয় করক্ষত্ পারক্ষেি;
১৩) গুচ্ছ িমুিায়ক্ষির িমুিা গড় ও সমগ্রক গড় তুিিা করক্ষত্
রিিিফি রেষয়েস্তু (ইউরিট ১০) মাি
১) পরীক্ষক্ষর্র িকিার ধারর্া , িকিার রেরভন্ন ধাপ ও িকিার িীরত্ পরীক্ষক্ষর্র িকিা (সম্পূর্ ৃ লেোরয়ত্ িকিা ও
ের্ ৃিা করক্ষত্ পারক্ষেি; লেোরয়ত্ ব্লক িকিা):
২) সম্পূর্ ৃ লেোরয়ত্ িকিার পরামাি গুক্ষিা প্রাক্কিি কক্ষর বভোি • পরীক্ষক্ষর্র িকিা সম্পরকৃত্ ধারর্া,
সাররর্ লত্রর করক্ষত্ পারক্ষেি; িকিার রেরভন্ন ধাপ ও িকিার িীরত্
৩) লেোরয়ত্ ব্লক িকিার পরামািগুক্ষিা প্রাক্কিি কক্ষর বভোি সাররর্ ের্ ৃিা,
লত্রর করক্ষত্ পারক্ষেি; • সম্পূর্ ৃ লেোরয়ত্ িকিার পরামাি গুক্ষিা
৪। লেোরয়ত্ িকিা ও লেোরয়ত্ ব্লক িকিা তুিিা করক্ষত্ পারক্ষেি; প্রাক্কিি কক্ষর বভোি রেক্ষেষর্ সাররর্
৫। লেোরয়ত্ ব্লক িকিার লুপ্ত মািগুক্ষিা প্রাক্কিি করক্ষত্ পারক্ষেি। লত্রর, ১০
• লেোরয়ত্ ব্লক িকিার পরামাি গুক্ষিা
প্রাক্কিি কক্ষর বভোি রেক্ষেষর্ সাররর্
• লেোরয়ত্ িকিা ও লেোরয়ত্ ব্লক িকিা
• লেোরয়ত্ ব্লক িকিার লুপ্ত মািগুক্ষিা

প্রভাষক (মৃত্তিকাত্তিজ্ঞান) পদের ত্তিত্তিত পরীক্ষার ত্তিদিিাি
পদের নামঃ প্রভাষক (মৃত্তিকাত্তিজ্ঞান)
ত্তিষয়ঃ মৃত্তিকাত্তিজ্ঞান, ত্তিষয় ককাড ৪১৯
িময়ঃ ৩ ঘন্টা পূর্ ণমানঃ ১০০

ত্তনদে ণশনা (প্রার্থীদের জন্য): মৃত্তিকাত্তিজ্ঞান ত্তিষদয় ‘ক’ কর্থদক ‘ঞ’ পর্ ণন্ত েশটি ইউত্তনট র্থাকদি। প্রার্থীগর্দক ১০টি ইউত্তনট কর্থদক ১০ টি
প্রদের উির ত্তেদত হদি। প্রত্ততটি প্রদের মান হদি ১০। প্রত্ততটি প্রদের ২ কর্থদক ৩ টি িাি ইউত্তনট ( কর্মন-ক,ি,গ…) র্থাকদি । প্রদের
প্রত্ততটি অংদশর নম্বর ত্তিভাজন (কর্মনঃ-২+৩+৫, ৩+৩+৪, ২+৪+৪) র্থাকদি।
ত্তনদে ণশনা (প্রেপ্রদর্তাগদর্র জন্য): প্রে প্রদর্তাগর্দক ব্লুম’ি কটদসাদনাত্তমর জ্ঞানমূিক উদেদের িকি স্তর ত্তিদিচনায় ত্তনদয় প্রে করদত
হদি। অর্থ ণাৎ জ্ঞান, অনুধািন, প্রদয়াগ ও উচ্চতর েক্ষতা স্তদরর প্রে র্থাকদত হদি। কিদক্ষদে উচ্চতর েক্ষতা স্তদরর প্রে ২০% র্থাকদত হদি।
ক. মৃত্তিকার প্রার্থত্তমক ধারর্া ( একটি প্রে ১০×১=১০)

মূল্যায়ন িক্ষযমাো: ত্তিষয়িস্তু নম্বর

পরীক্ষার্থীগর্ -

১. মৃত্তিকার ধারর্ার ত্তিিরর্ ত্তেদত পারদি। • মৃত্তিকার ধারর্া ১০

২. মৃত্তিকার গঠন উপাোনিমূহ ত্তিদেষর্ করদত পারদি। • মৃত্তিকার গঠন উপাোনিমূহ

৩. মৃত্তিকার উৎিিস্তুর নাম উদেিিহ উৎিিস্তুর কেত্তর্ত্তিভাগ ব্যাখ্যা • মৃত্তিকার উৎিিস্তু এিং মৃত্তিকার
করদত পারদি। উৎিিস্তুর কেত্তর্ত্তিভাগ
• ত্তশিার কেত্তর্ত্তিভাগ ও উদেিদর্াগ্য
৪. ত্তশিার কেত্তর্ত্তিভাগ ব্যাখ্যা করদত পারদি এিংত্তিত্তভন্ন প্রকার ত্তশিার
বিত্তশষ্ট্য ির্ ণনা করদত পারদি।

৫. িত্তনদজর ধারর্া , কেত্তর্ত্তিভাগ এিং বিত্তশষ্ট্য ত্তিদেষর্ করদত পারদি। • িত্তনদজর ধারর্া, কেত্তর্ত্তিভাগ এিং
৬. মৃত্তিকার পার্শ্ণত্তচে ব্যাখ্যা করদত পারদি এিং মাস্টার ও শর্াক্তকারী • মৃত্তিকার পার্শ্ণত্তচে ও ত্তক্ষত্ততদজর
হরাইজনিমূহ ির্ ণনা করদত পারদি। ধারর্া এিং মাস্টার ও শর্াক্তকারী

৭. মৃত্তিকা গঠনকারী উৎপােক ত্তিষয়ক কজত্তনর িমীকরর্টি ব্যাখ্যা করদত • কজত্তনর িমীকরর্

৮.মৃত্তিকা গঠনকারী ত্তিত্তভন্ন উৎপােদকর ত্তিয়াদকৌশি ও ভূত্তমকা ত্তিদেষর্ • মৃত্তিকা গঠদন ত্তিত্তভন্ন
করদত পারদি। উৎপােকিমূদহর ত্তিয়াদকৌশি ও
৯. মৃত্তিকা গঠন প্রত্তিয়াঃ ত্তহউত্তমত্তিদকশন, িঞ্চয়ন-িঞ্চয়ন • মৃত্তিকা গঠন প্রত্তিয়ািমূহ
(Eluviation-Illuviation), পডজত্তিকরর্, চুত্তনকরর্ ও
ল্যাদটরাইদজশন ির্ ণনা করদত পারদি।
ি। মৃত্তিকার কেত্তর্ত্তিন্যািঃ ( একটি প্রে ১০×১=১০)

মূল্যায়ন িক্ষযমাো ত্তিষয়িস্তু নম্বর


১. মৃত্তিকার কের্ত্তিভাদগর প্রদয়াজনীয়তা ত্তিদেষর্ করদত পারদি। • মৃত্তিকার কেত্তর্ত্তিভাদগর প্রদয়াজনীয়তা ১০

• মৃত্তিকার আন্তজণাত্ততক কেত্তর্ত্তিভাদগর
২. মৃত্তিকার আন্তজণাত্ততক কেত্তর্ত্তিভাদগর প্রধান প্রধান কাঠাদমা ির্ ণনা
করদত পারদি।

৩. িাংিাদেদশর িাতটি মৃত্তিকা অঞ্চদির ত্তিস্তৃত্তত, মৃত্তিকার বিত্তশষ্ট্য ও • িাংিাদেদশর িাতটি মৃত্তিকা অঞ্চি
উৎপাত্তেত িিি ত্তিদেষর্ করদত পারদি।
• এইচ.কেমার এর িাংিাদেদশর
৪.িাংিাদেদশর মৃত্তিকা ত্তিষয়ক এইচ.কেমার এর কেত্তর্ত্তিভাগ (২১টি)
ির্ ণনা করদত পারদি। মৃত্তিকার কেত্তর্ত্তিভাগ
৫. িাংিাদেদশর মৃত্তিকার কৃত্তষ -পত্তরদিত্তশক অঞ্চিত্তভত্তিক (AEZ) • কৃত্তষ-পত্তরদিশ অঞ্চিত্তভত্তিক
কেত্তর্ত্তিভাদগর ত্তিিরর্ ত্তেদত পারদি।
িাংিাদেদশর মৃত্তিকার কেত্তর্ত্তিভাগ

গ। মৃত্তিকার কভৌত বিশষ্ট্য ( একটি প্রে ১০×১=১০)

মূল্যায়ন িক্ষযমাো ত্তিষয়িস্তু নম্বর

পরীক্ষার্থীগর্ -
১. মৃত্তিকার কভৌত বিত্তশষ্ট্য ব্যাখ্যা করদত পারদি। • মৃত্তিকার কভৌত বিত্তশষ্ট্য
২. মৃত্তিকার বুনট ও বুনট ত্তভত্তিক কেত্তর্ত্তিভাগ ির্ ণনা করদত পারদি। • মৃত্তিকার বুনট ও বুনদটর কেত্তর্ত্তিভাগ ১০

৩. আকৃত্তত অনুর্ায়ী মৃত্তিকা িংযুত্ততর কেত্তর্ত্তিভাগ ব্যাখ্যা করদত পারদি। • মৃত্তিকা িংযুত্তত ও কেত্তর্ত্তিভাগ
৪. মৃত্তিকা রন্ধ্র ব্যাখ্যা করদত পারদি।
• মৃত্তিকা রন্ধ্র
৫. মৃত্তিকার ঘনত্ব ত্তিদেষর্ করদত পারদি।
• মৃত্তিকার ঘনত্ব
৬. মৃত্তিকার দৃঢ়তা ব্যাখ্যা করদত পারদি।
• মৃত্তিকা দৃঢ়তা
৭. মৃত্তিকা পাত্তনর ধারর্া, কেত্তনত্তিভাগ, পাত্তন চিাচি, পাত্তন ধারর্ ক্ষমতা,
আর্দ্ ণতা ত্তিদেষর্ করদত পারদি। • মৃত্তিকা পাত্তন

৮. মৃত্তিকা িায়ু ির্ ণনা করদত পারদি। • মৃত্তিকা িায়ু

৯. মৃত্তিকার ির্ ণ ব্যাখ্যা করদত পারদি। • মৃত্তিকা ির্ ণ

১০. মৃত্তিকা তাপমাোর ত্তভন্নতার কারর্ ত্তিদেষর্ করদত পারদি। • মৃত্তিকার তাপমাো
ঘ। মৃত্তিকার রািায়ত্তনক ধমণ ( একটি প্রে ১০×১=১০)
মূল্যায়ন িক্ষযমাো ত্তিষয়িস্তু নম্বর
১. মৃত্তিকার রািায়ত্তনক বিত্তশদষ্ট্যর গুরুত্ব ব্যাখ্যা করদত পারদি। • মৃত্তিকার রািায়ত্তনক বিত্তশষ্ট্য ১০

২. মৃত্তিকা র্দ্ির্ ও র্দ্িদর্র বিত্তশষ্ট্য ব্যাখ্যা করদত পারদি। • মৃত্তিকা র্দ্ির্

৩. মৃত্তিকা ত্তিত্তিয়া ব্যাখ্যা করদত পারদি। • মৃত্তিকা ত্তিত্তিয়া

৪. মৃত্তিকা আয়ন ত্তিত্তনময় প্রত্তিয়া ত্তিদেষর্ করদত পারদি।
• মৃত্তিকা আয়ন ত্তিত্তনময়
৫. মৃত্তিকা অম্লত্ব ও ক্ষারদত্বর কারর্, ক্ষত্ততকর প্রভাি ও দূরীকরদর্র
উপায় ব্যাখ্যা করদত পারদি। • মৃত্তিকার অম্লত্ব ও ক্ষারদত্বর
কারর্,ক্ষত্ততকর প্রভাি ও
দূত্তরকরদর্র উপায়
৬. মৃত্তিকা PH (ত্তপ এইচ) ধারর্া ও গুরুত্ব ত্তিদেষর্ করদত পারদি। • মৃত্তিকা PH (ত্তপ এইচ)

৭. মৃত্তিকা িািাত্তরং ও িািাত্তরং এর গুরুত্ব ত্তিদেষর্ করদত পারদি। • মৃত্তিকা িািাত্তরং

৮. মৃত্তিকা বজি পোদর্থ ণর ধারর্া, উৎি, প্রভাি ব্যাখ্যা করদত পারদি। • মৃত্তিকা বজি পোর্থ ণ (ভূত্তমকা, উৎি,
উপাোন )
৯. ত্তহউমাি গঠন ও এর প্রভাি ব্যাখ্যা করদত পারদি। • ত্তহউমাি গঠন ও তার প্রভাি

১০. ত্তভটাত্তমন, এনজাইম, কাি ণহাইদেট ও এমাইদনা এত্তিদডর ধারর্া, • ত্তভটাত্তমন, এনজাইম, কাি ণহাইদেট
বিত্তশষ্ট্য, কার্ ণািত্তি, িংদেষর্ ও গুরুত্ব ত্তিদেষর্ করদত পারদি। ও এমাইদনা এত্তিদডর ধারর্া,
বিশষ্ট্য, কার্ ণািত্তি ও গুরুত্ব

ঙ। মৃত্তিকা উি ণরতা ও উত্তিদের পুত্তষ্ট্ উপাোন ( একটি প্রে ১০×১=১০)

মূল্যায়ন িক্ষযমাো: ত্তিষয়িস্তু নম্বর
পরীক্ষার্থীগর্ -

১. মৃত্তিকার উি ণরতা ও উৎপােনশীিতার ধারর্া এিং এদের মদে পার্থ ণকয • মৃত্তিকার উি ণরতা ও ১০
ত্তনর্ ণয় করদত পারদি। উৎপােনশীিতা
২. উত্তিদের িাদ্য-পুত্তষ্ট্ উপাোদনর উৎি, নাম ও গ্রহর্দর্াগ্য আকার
• উত্তিে পুত্তষ্ট্ উপাোদনর উৎি, নাম ও
(Available form) ির্ ণনা করদত পারদি। গ্রহর্দর্াগ্য আকার
৩. পুত্তষ্ট্ উপাোদনর কেত্তর্ত্তিভাগ ব্যাখ্যা করদত পারদি। • পুত্তষ্ট্ উপাোদনর কেত্তর্ত্তিভাগ
• প্রদতযকটি মূখ্য ও কগৌর্ পুত্তষ্ট্
৪.মূখ্য ও কগৌর্ পুত্তষ্ট্ উপাোদনর কার্ ণািত্তি, অভািজত্তনত িক্ষর্ ও উপাোদনর কার্ ণািত্তি, অভািজত্তনত
আত্তধদকযর কুিি এিং এদের মদে পার্থ ণকয ির্ ণনা করদত পারদি। িক্ষর্ ও আত্তধদকযর কুিি
৫. অতযািেকীয় ও উপকারী পুত্তষ্ট্ উপাোদনর মদে পার্থ ণকয ব্যাখ্যা করদত • অতযািেকীয় পুত্তষ্ট্ উপাোদনর
মানেন্ড ও উপকারী পুত্তষ্ট্ উপাোদনর
৬. িাংিাদেদশর মৃত্তিকার উি ণরতার অিস্থা ত্তিদেষর্ করদত পারদি। • িাংিাদেদশর মৃত্তিকার উি ণরতার
৭. মৃত্তিকার উি ণরতা বৃত্তি ও রক্ষায় বজি ও অজজি িাদরর প্রদয়াজনীয়তা • িাদরর প্রদয়াজনীয়তা
ত্তিদেষর্ করদত পারদি।
৮. িাদরর কেত্তর্ত্তিভাগ ির্ ণনা করদত পারদি
• িাদরর কেত্তর্ত্তিভাগ
৯. বজি ও অজজি িাদরর প্রস্তুত প্রর্ািী ও িংরক্ষর্ পিত্তত ব্যাখ্যা করদত
পারদি। • বজি ও অজজি িার প্রস্তুত ও
১০. অণুজীি িার বতত্তরর ককৌশি ব্যাখ্যা করদত পারদি।
১১. মৃত্তিকায় বজি, অজজি ও অণুজীি িাদরর িমত্তিত ব্যিস্থাপনার • অণুজীি িার প্রস্তুত প্রনািী
ককৌশি ব্যাখ্যা করদত পারদি।
• বজি, অজজি ও অণুজীি িাদরর
িমত্তিত ব্যিস্থাপনা

চ। মৃত্তিকা অণুজীিত্তিজ্ঞান ( একটি প্রে ১০×১=১০)

মূল্যায়ন িক্ষযমাো ত্তিষয়িস্তু নম্বর

১. কপ্রাটিস্ট মতিাদের ধারর্া ব্যাখ্যা করদত পারদি। • কপ্রাটিস্ট মতিাে ১০

২. পাঁচ রাজয কেত্তর্ত্তিভাগ ির্ ণনা করদত পারদি।
• পাঁচ রাজয কেত্তর্ত্তিভাগ
৩. মৃত্তিকার অণুজীি ব্যাকদটত্তরয়া, একটিদনামাইত্তিটিি, কনমাদটাড, • মৃত্তিকার অণুজীদির পত্তরত্তচত্তত ও
কপ্রাদটাদজায়া, বশিাি ও ছোদকর বিত্তশষ্ট্ কেত্তর্ত্তিভাগ, গঠন ও গুরুত্ব কার্ ণিম
ত্তিদেষর্ করদত পারদি।
৪. অণুজীদির আিাে ির্ ণনা করদত পারদি। • অণুজীদির আিাে
৫. নাইদরাদজন িংিন্ধন ব্যাখ্যা করদত পারদি।
• নাইদরাদজন িংিন্ধন

ছ। পত্তরদিশ দূষর্ ও িজণয ব্যিস্থাপনা ( একটি প্রে ১০×১=১০)

মূল্যায়ন িক্ষযমাো ত্তিষয়িস্তু নম্বর

১. পত্তরদিশ দূষদর্র ধারর্া ব্যাখ্যা করদত পারদি। • পত্তরদিশ দূষদর্র ধারর্া ১০

• পত্তরদিশ দূষদর্র কারর্ ও
২. পত্তরদিশ দূষদর্র কারর্ ও প্রকারদভে ত্তিদেষর্ করদত পারদি।
৩. িদজণযর প্রকারদভে, ব্যিস্থাপনার ও প্রত্তিয়াকরর্ ির্ ণনা করদত পারদি। • িদজণযর প্রকারদভে, ব্যিস্থাপনা ও
৪. ভারী ধাতুর বজি ত্তিদয়াজন, ক্ষত্ততকর প্রভাি ও দূরীকরদর্র উপায় • ভারী ধাতুর বজি ত্তিদয়াজন,
ির্ ণনা করদত পারদি। ক্ষত্ততকর প্রভাি ও দূরীকরর্
৫. কীটনাশদকর বজি ত্তিদয়াজন, ক্ষত্ততকর প্রভাি ও ব্যিস্থাপনার ির্ ণনা
করদত পারদি। • কীটনাশদকর বজি ত্তিদয়াজন,
ক্ষত্ততকর প্রভাি ও ব্যিস্থাপনা
৬. মৃত্তিকা দূষদর্র কারর্, প্রত্ততদরাধ ও প্রত্ততকার ব্যিস্থা ত্তিদেষর্ করদত • মৃত্তিকা দূষদর্র কারর্, প্রত্ততদরাধ ও
পারদি। প্রত্ততকার ব্যিস্থা
জ। মৃত্তিকা জত্তরপ ( একটি প্রে ১০×১=১০)
মূল্যায়ন িক্ষযমাো ত্তিষয়িস্তু নম্বর

১. মৃত্তিকা জত্তরদপর ধারর্া, প্রদয়াজনীয়তা ও কেত্তর্ত্তিভাগ ির্ ণনা করদত • মৃত্তিকা জত্তরপঃ ধারর্া, ১০
পারদি। প্রদয়াজনীয়তা ও কেত্তর্ত্তিভাগ
SemiDetailed and
২. মৃত্তিকা জত্তরদপর ম্যাত্তপং ইউত্তনট ও মানত্তচদের প্রকারদভে ব্যাখ্যা • ম্যাত্তপং ইউত্তনট ও মানত্তচদের
করদত পারদি। ধারর্া এিং প্রকারদভে
৩. মৃত্তিকা জত্তরপ উপকরদর্র তাত্তিকা প্রর্য়ন এিং জত্তরপ পত্তরচািনার • জত্তরপ উপকরর্ এিং জত্তরপ
পত্তরকল্পনা ত্তিদেষর্ করদত পারদি। পত্তরচািনার পত্তরকল্পনা

ঝ। মৃত্তিকা ব্যিস্থাপনা ( একটি প্রে ১০×১=১০)

মূল্যায়ন িক্ষযমাো ত্তিষয়িস্তু নম্বর

১. মৃত্তিকা ব্যািস্থাপনার প্রকৃত্তত, পত্তরির ও প্রদয়াজনীয়তা ব্যাখ্যা করদত • মৃত্তিকা ব্যিস্থাপনার প্রকৃত্তত, ১০
পারদি। পত্তরির ও প্রদয়াজনীয়তা
• মৃত্তিকা ব্যািস্থাপনার প্রধান
২. মৃত্তিকা ব্যিস্থাপনার প্রধান উপাোনিমূহ িম্পদকণ ির্ ণনা করদত পারদি।
উপাোন ( ভূত্তমকষ ণর্, কিচ, কিদচ
মানিম্পন্ন পাত্তন ব্যিহার, ত্তনকাশ,
জিািিতা, শস্যপর্ ণায়, মািত্তচং,
রািায়ত্তনক িার ও কীটনাশদকর
র্র্থার্র্থ ব্যিহার, জত্তম আিাত্তে
রািা, শস্য িহুমুিীকরর্,
ত্তিমজাতীয় শদস্যর আিাে, িাঁধ,
বজি পোর্থ ণ িংদর্াজন,
৩. মৃত্তিকা ক্ষদয়র কারর্, কেত্তর্ত্তিভাগ ও ক্ষত্ততকর প্রভাি ত্তিদেষর্ করদত মৃত্তিকাদভদে শস্য ত্তনি ণাচন)
পারদি। • মৃত্তিকা ক্ষদয়র কারর্, কেত্তর্ত্তিভাগ
ও ক্ষত্ততকর প্রভাি
৪. মৃত্তিকা িংরক্ষর্ (Conservation) পিত্ততিমূহ ব্যাখ্যা করদত
পারদি। • মৃত্তিকা িংরক্ষর্ পিত্ততিমূহ
৫. িাংিাদেদশর িমস্যাযুক্ত মৃত্তিকার কারর্, প্রত্ততদরাধ ও ক্ষত্ততকর প্রভাি
ত্তিদেষর্ করদত পারদি। • িাংিাদেদশর িমস্যাযুক্ত মৃত্তিকার
কারর্, প্রত্ততকার ও ক্ষত্ততকর প্রভাি
ঞ। কৃত্তষতত্ত্ব ও িাংিাদেদশর শস্য ( একটি প্রে ১০×১=১০)
মূল্যায়ন িক্ষযমাো ত্তিষয়িস্তু নম্বর

১. িাংিাদেদশর মাঠ শদস্যর উৎি, জিিায়ু, মৃত্তিকার প্রদয়াজনীয়তা, চাষ • িাংিাদেদশর মাঠ শস্য (ধান, গম, ১০
পিত্তত, িাদরর ব্যিহার, িিি কাটা ও িংরক্ষর্ ির্ ণনা করদত পারদি। ভুট্টা, পাট, তামাক, আলু, চা,
ইতযাত্তে) চাষ পিত্তত
২. িাংিাদেদশর উদ্যান শদস্যর উৎি, জিিায়ু, মৃত্তিকার প্রদয়াজনীয়তা,
• িাংিাদেদশর মাঠ শস্য (আম,
চাষ পিত্তত, িাদরর ব্যিহার, িিি কাটা ও িংরক্ষর্ ির্ ণনা করদত কাঁঠাি, নারদকি, কেঁয়াজ, সূর্ ণমূিী
পারদি। ইতযাত্তে) চাষ পিত্তত
৩. িীদজর ধারর্া, গুরুত্ব, অংকুদরােগম ও িীজ আইন ব্যাখ্যা করদত • িীদজর ধারর্া, গুরুত্ব ও িীজ আইন
৪. আগাছার ধারর্া, কের্ীত্তিভাগ ও ব্যিস্থাপনা ত্তিদেষর্ করদত পারদি। • আগাছার ধারর্া, কের্ীত্তিভাগ ও
৫. ত্তিত্তভন্ন ধরদর্র কষ ণর্ পিত্তত, শস্য পর্ ণায়, শস্য পত্তিকা ও শদস্যর
• ত্তিত্তভন্ন ধরদর্র কষ ণর্ পিত্তত, শস্য
ত্তনত্তিড়তা ত্তিদেষর্ করদত পারদি। পর্ ণাদয়, শস্য পত্তিকা, শস্য
পলদর িাম: প্রভাষক
welq t Mvn©¯’¨ A_©bxwZ (Home Economics)
†KvW t 420
c~Y©gvb t 100
(a) Aims and objectives of Home Economics
(b) Home Management: (i) Definiton and scope of management
(ii) Critical analysis of values, goals and use of resources as effecting management
practices in homes in Bangladesh.
(iii) Socio-Cultural and economic changes and the effect upon home management.
(c) Analysis of Housing: (i) Housing design (ii) Importance of light, colour and
furnishings in a home (iii) Interior decoration.
(d) Importance of Art and its Application in Home
(e) Clothing and Textiles: (i) Textiles fibres: their classification, sources and
characteristics. (ii)Simple methods of the identification of fibres. (iii) Tailoring
techniques: general technique of drafting garments. (iv) Fashion and Design.
(f) Child Development and Family Relation: (i) Development by stages. (ii) Juvenile
Delinquency: causes and remedies. (iii)Family disruption: Its effect on children and
suggestion for family solidarity and stability. (iv) Importance of family planning,
advantages of small family.
(g) Child Psychology
(h) Food and Nutrition: (i) Definition of food and nutrition (ii) Six nutries: their
sources, functions in the body, requirements and deficiencies.(iii) Classification of fats,
proteins and carbohydrates. (iv) Properties of vitamins; vitamins in food preparation.
(v) Energy: measuring energy, energy requirement, activity and calorie requirements,
energy expenditure vs. intake, calorie content in food. (vi) Basic groups of food. (vii)
Planning diets: at different ages, pregnant mother, lactating mother, diet in disease:
diabetes, blood pressure, heart disease and jaundice. (viii) Applied Nutrition: Nutrition
problems in Bangladesh, public health activities in nutrition.

E:\NTRCA\Exam\17th Exam'20\Written\Syllabus\Written_College level_17th Exam-2020 (1-52 code) (Main).doc 53

Post: Lecturer
Subject: Management
Subject Code: 421 Exam Duration: 3 Hours Full Marks: 100

Candidates will have to answer 10 questions prepared from 10 units each carrying 10 Marks.
Each question may have 2 to 3 sub-items (e.g. a, b, c). Questions will be prepared following
Bloom’s taxonomy of cognitive learning. A minimum of 20% marks should be allocated to
higher order questions which require analysing, evaluating, complex problem solving or
creating/synthesizing. There will be alternatives for three question must be prepared from the
same unit with same structure covering same sub-domain and marks distribution.
Assessment Targets Contents Marks
The Candidates will be able to-
• Define the concept of business Unit 1: Business and its Environment 10
and business environment • Meaning of business
• Classify the various branches of • Scope of Business
business • Social Business
• Explain the various elements of • Elements of Business Environment
business environment • Role of Environment in Business
• Make distinction between Development
traditional and social business
• Define different types of Unit 2: Different forms of business 10
business organization • Sole proprietorship,
• Explain the advantages and • Partnership business
disadvantages of various types • Company business:
of business organizations ➢ Features,
• Explain formation and ➢ Formation,
dissolution process of various ➢ Liquidation,
forms of business organization ➢ Shares and Debentures
• Describe different types of laws Unit 3: Legal aspects of Business: 10
related to business • Patent Act;
• Understand consequences of • Trademark Act,
violating business laws • Copyright Act;
• Form and manage franchising • Environment Act & Business,
business • Concept of ISO
• Choose ISO certification for • Franchising
specific situation
• Identify sources of support Unit 4: Assistance to furtherance of 10
• Understand importance of Business:
different support sources • Different Types of Support,
• Analyse the role of various • Sources of Support,
sources of support
• Assistance of International &
Regional Organization; (WTO, EU,
• Assistance from BGMEA, FBCCI,
EPB, SME foundation & Banks.
• Define ethics, values and social Unit 5: Business Ethics & Social 10
responsibility of business. Responsibility:
• Describe the importance ethics, • Ethics & Values,
values and social • Necessity of business values & ethics,
responsibilities in business. • Social Responsibility of Business,
• Explain how corporate social • Necessity of corporate social
responsibility helps the society responsibility.
• Describe meaning, scope and Unit 6: Basic Concepts of Management & 10
importance of management Its Principles:
• Understand function, levels and • Meaning
principles of management. • Scope
• Analyse the skills required to be • Importance
a successful manager. • Functions
• Explain the contribution of • Principles
scholars in scientific • Skills of Manager
management • Levels of Management
• Scientific Management
• Contribution of F.W Taylor and Henry
• Define planning, organizing, Unit 7: Planning & Organizing: 10
and authority • Meaning & Features of Planning,
• Describe planning process and • Types of planning,
principles of organizing. • Steps of planning,
• Develop various supporting • Decision Making Process;
aids for decision making. • Factor affecting Decision making;
• Evaluate the types of • Decision Tree;
management organization • Decision Support Systems,
• Analyse the process of • SWOT analysis,
delegating authority • Meaning, Features and Principles of
• Types of Management Organization,
• Departmentation;
• Delegation of Authority.
• Define recruitment, selection Unit 8: Staffing & Leading: 10
and leadership. • Recruitment & Selection,
• Describe the basis of promotion • Basis of Promotion,
and importance of direction. • Methods of Training;
• Evaluate various methods of • Performance Appraisal;
training, performance appraisal, • Compensation;
compensation techniques and • Patterns of Leaderships;
leadership patterns. • Managerial Grid theory,
• Choose leadership style by • Importance & Methods of Direction.
understanding the situation
• Define motivation. Unit 9: Motivation & Modern 10
• Explain importance and Communication in Business.
theories of motivation • Meaning
• Explain the role of ICT • Importance & theories of motivation,
• Analyse motivation cycle • Motivation Cycle;
• Evaluate financial and non- • Financial & Non-financial incentive;
financial incentives and • Role of ICT,
different types of • Types of Communication.
• Define controlling Unit 10 Controlling: 10
• Describe the importance, • Meaning
process and techniques of • Importance
controlling • Process of Controlling,
• Develop effective controlling • Techniques of Controlling;
system. • Requirements of Effective Controlling

Instructions for Question Setters:

Candidates will have to answer 10 questions out of 13 prepared from 10 units each carrying
10 Marks. Each question will have 2 to 3 sub-items (e.g. a, b, c). Questions will be prepared
following Bloom’s taxonomy of cognitive learning. A minimum of 20% marks should be
allocated to sub item of higher order questions which require analysing, evaluating, complex
problem solving or creating/synthesizing at ever question. There will be alternatives for three
questions must be prepared from the same unit with same structure covering same sub-domain
and marks distribution.


Post: Lecturer
Subject: Accounting
Subject Code: 422 Exam Duration: 03 (Three) Hours Full Marks: 100

Instructions: Candidates will have to answer total 10 (ten) questions, each question will carry 10 (ten)
marks. There will be five parts (Part-A, B, C, D, and E) in questionnaire. Each question may have 2 to 3
sub-items (e.g., a, b, c etc.).

Assessment Targets
Contents Marks
The candidate will be able to-

Unit 1, 2, & 3: Financial Accounting

o explain what accounting • Introduction: Definition and objectives of

is, and identify the users accounting, users and uses of accouniting
and uses of accounting. information, basis of accounting, GAAP,
IAS, IFRS. Accounting profession in
o describe various steps in
the recording process.
o prepare a trial balance • The recording process: debit-credit rules,
and explain its purposes. basic and expanded accounting equation, trial
balance, adjusting entries, rectifying entries,
o prepare different types
closing entries, preparation of financial
of adjusting entries, 30 marks.
statements for sole proprietorship and for
rectifying entries, and
closing entries. Answer any
o prepare financial • Control of cash-Bank reconciliation three
statements for sole
proprietorship and for • FASB Conceptual Framework for Financial out of five.
company. Accounting. 10×3=30
o prepare bank • Plant assets, natural resources, and intangible
reconciliation statement. assets. Depreciation, depletion, and
amortization, factors and methods of
o demonstrate the basic
charging depreciation.
understanding of
conceptual framework
• Preparation of cash flow statement using the
for financial
indirect method.
o describe the concept of • Accounting for stockholders equity: issuance
depreciation, depletion, of common shares, treasury stock, cash
and amortization, dividend, bonus share or stock dividend.
compute periodic
depreciation using • Financial statement analysis: uses and

different methods. limitations, ratio analysis, vertical analysis,

horizontal analysis.
o recognize cash flows
from different activities • Green Accounting, Integrated Reporting,
and prepare a statement Accounting and Artificial Intelligent (AI),
of cash flow. Forensic Accounting.
o prepare the entries for
issuance of common
shares, treasury stock,
cash dividend, and stock
o identify and compute
ratios used in analyzing
a firm’s liquidity,
profitability, and
o explain modern


Unit 4 & Unit 5: Auditing

o describe the concept of • Introduction:

audit. Definition, objectives, and advantages of 20 marks.
o explain different types audit.
Answer any
of audit.
• Types of audit, techniques of audit, audit two
o identify techniques of program questions
audit and design audit out of
program. • Errors and frauds-nature and types three.
o detect and take measure 10×2=20
to prevent errors and • Internal audit, internal check and internal
frauds. control

o analyze internal control • Vouching and verification

system of an
organization under • Valuation of assets and liabilities
• Duties and liabilities of an auditor
o verify different
documents for valuation
• Audit reports (types)
of assets and liabilities

o describe various audit • International Standards on Auditing

• Auditing Profession in Bangladesh


Unit 6: Taxation

o classify income and • Income, classification of income, heads of

understand the heads of income
• Income year, assessment year, exceptions of
o understand income year assessment year 10 marks.
and assessment year for
tax assessment. • Assessees, Classification of assessee, Answer any
Residential status one
o define different types of question
assessee and their • Investment tax credit, Tax rebate, Tax relief out of two.
residential status .
• Assessment procedure of income tax for
o compute income tax for individuals.
• Value Added Tax (VAT): Definition,
o analyze the basics of importance of VAT, Who will pay VAT,
VAT in Bangladesh and books of accounts to be maintained for VAT,
calculate VAT. computation of VAT.


Unit 7 & Unit 8: Cost Accounting

o distinguish between • Define: Cost, expense, loss

financial, managerial,
and cost accounting • Objectives of Cost accounting
o describe cost, expense,
loss • Financial Accounting Vs Cost Accounting
20 marks.
o identify three basic cost • Methods and techniques of cost accounting
elements involved in the Answer any
manufacture of a • Elements of cost two
product questions
• Classification of cost out of
o segregate costs with three.
cost classification
• Preparation of Cost sheet 10×2=20
o prepare a schedule of
cost of goods • Accounting for Materials: Methods of
manufactured and sold valuing materials issues (LIFO, FIFO,
Average), Economic Order Quantity(EOQ)
o prepare store ledger
account for materials
issued to production and • Accounting for Labor: Different methods
of payment of wages.
for ending materials
• Accounting for Overhead: Allocation of

support department cost to producing

o compute wages for the department: direct method, step down
guaranteed and method, and reciprocal method..
incentive plans that may
be used.

o identify and compute

the three methods for
allocating budgeted
service department costs
to production dept.

Unit 9 & Unit 10: Management Accounting

• Definition and importance of management

o determine the cost of accounting.
manufactured products
using either direct or • Financial Accounting Vs Management
absorption costing and Accounting
preparation of internal
and external financial • Cost concept and classification 20 marks.
o understand the • Define different costs for decision making: Answer any
sunk cost, relevant cost, irrelevant cost, two
assumptions of CVP
differential cost, imputed cost, opportunity questions
relationship and to
cost etc. out of
compute CM, BEP,
target profit, and MS.
• Absorption Costing (AC) and Direct Costing 10×2=20
o understand the (DC), preparation of income statement under
importance of cash AC and DC.
budget and prepare cash
budget. • Cost-Volume-Profit (CVP) relationship:
o use flexible budget CVP analysis, computing the BEP.
formula to construct a
flexible budget based on • Preparation of cash budget
the volume of
productions or sales. • Preparation of Flexible Budget

Questions will be prepared following Bloom’s taxonomy of cognitive learning. A minimum of 20%
marks should be allowed to higher order questions which require analyzing, evaluating, complex problem
solving or creating/synthesizing. Alternative questions must be prepared from the same part.
পলদর িাম: প্রভাষক (MÖš’vMvi I Z_¨ weÁvb)
welq t MÖš’vMvi I Z_¨ weÁvb (Library and Information Science)
†KvW t 425
c~Y©gvb t 100
1. Introduction
Definition, Nature and scope of library and information science. Development of library and its rule
in the society with a special reference to Bangladesh.
2. History of Books and Libraries
Story of books and writing materials from earliest time to modern time.
3. Collection Development
Principles and policies of collection development, Evaluation & selection of li brary materials in
different types of libraries, National book policy of Bangladesh.
4. Library Management
Principles of library management, Elements of library management, Library cooperation and
resource sharing. Censorship, Copyright law & library legislation.
5. Organizations of Library Materials (Classification)
Purpose of classification; Knowledge & book classification. Criteria and principles of book
classification, Notation, Criteria of a good notation.
6. Organizations of Library Materials (Cataloguing)
Purpose and functions of library catalogue and indices. Criteria of a good catalogue, Catalogue aids,
Importance & types of indices. Rule Of indexing.
7. Bibliography
Importance of bibliographical control, Kinds of bibliography, Difference between bibliography &
catalogue, Methods of preparing bibliography.
8. Information Sources
Information sources & their services in modern library and information centres.
9. Documentation and Information Retrieval
Difference between librarianship and documentation, -Active documentation and passive
documentation, Documentation services and information retrieval in B.D. Library computerization.
10. Recent development in library science and information technology.

E:\NTRCA\Exam\17th Exam'20\Written\Syllabus\Written_College level_17th Exam-2020 (1-52 code) (Main).doc 58

Post: Lecturer
Subject: Arabic (College)
Subject Code: 426
Exam Duration: 3 Hours Full Marks: 100


‫‪ .‬خطبة عمر بن عبد العزيز رحمه هللا‬
‫‪ .2‬من يوم االسالم ألحمد أمين‬
‫‪ .3‬معاملة الصديق البن المقفع‬
‫‪ .4‬الرحمة للمنفلوطى‬

‫‪.1‬قصيدة البردة في مدح الرسول صلى‬

‫هللا عليه و سلم للبوصيري‬
‫‪.2‬مدرسة البنات ببور سعيد لحافظ‬
‫‪.3‬قم للمعلم ‪ -‬الحمد شوقي‬
‫‪ .4‬هللا ‪ -‬لمعروف الرصافي‬

‫‪ .1‬اختبار القواعد ( أ‪ .‬استخراج‬

‫االصطالحات الصرفية و النحوية و‬
‫تعيينها ب‪ .‬إمالء الفراغ بالقرائن‬
‫المتعلقة بالقواعد ج‪ .‬إمالء الفراغ‬
‫بدون القرائن المتعلقة بالقواعد د‪.‬‬
‫ه‪ .‬تغيير الجملة‬ ‫تركيب الجملة‬
‫حسب القواعد )‬
‫‪ .2‬تصحيح الجمل‬
‫‪ .3‬التحويل من اللغة البنغالة إلى اللغة‬
‫‪ .4‬العريضة أو الرسالة أو اإلنشاء‬
পলদর িাম: প্রভাষক
welq t Bmjvg wkÿv (Islamic Studies)
†KvW t 427
(D”P gva¨wgK we`¨vjq/K‡jR)

1. Avj KziAvb t i. myiv Avj dvZ&n| ii. myiv Avj ûRyivZ|
2. Avj nvw`m t i. wKZveyj Cgvb ii. wKZveyj Bj&g|
3. Aviwe mvwnZ¨ t K. M`¨ t i. Avj Mwb Iqvj dKxi -Avj gvbdvjywZ ii. Avj gvKvgvZzj Djv-Avj nvwiwi iii. wgb
BqvIwgj Bmjvg-Avng` Avwgb
L. c`¨ t i. gyqvjvKv-RynvBi web Avwe myjgv ii. evbvZ myÕAv`-Kve web RynvBi iii. IqvwReyj gyqvwjwgb- Avng` kvIwK
4. Aviwe e¨vKiY t K. bvn& I Qid L. Abyev` evsjv n‡Z Aviwe
5. cÎ/`iLv¯Í/iPbv|
1. Avj KziAvb I Djygyj KziAvb- K. Avj KziAvb
i. myiv Avj ûRyivZ ii. myiv Avb-byi iii.myiv Avj dvZ&n
L. Djygyj KziAvb t (cwi‡”Q` 7, 17, 26)
2. Avj nvw`m I Dmyjyj nvw`m-
K. Avj nvw`m
i. wKZveyj Cgvb ii. wKZveym mvjvZ|
iii. wKZveyj gvMvwR|
L. Dmyjyj nvw`m
3. Avj wdK&n I Dmyjyj wdK&n -
K.Avj wdK&n
i. wKZveyR RvKvZ ii. wKZveyj eyRy
L. Dmyjyj wdK&n
4. Bmjvwg mf¨Zv - i. Bmjv‡g gvbevwaKvi ii. weÁvb I cÖhyw³‡Z gymjgvb‡`i Ae`vb iii. Bmjv‡g wkÿvi ¸iæZ¡ iv.
Bmjv‡g mvgvwRK Rxeb, cvwievwiK Kj¨vY, A_©bxwZ Ges e¨vsK e¨e¯’v v. cwi‡ek m¤ú‡K© Bmjv‡gi aviYv vi.
Dcgnv‡`‡k Bmjvg|

E:\NTRCA\Exam\17th Exam'20\Written\Syllabus\Written_College level_17th Exam-2020 (1-52 code) (Main).doc 60

পলদর িাম: প্রভাষক
welq t cvwj (Pali)
welq †KvW- 428

1. cvwj M`¨vsk
`xN wbKvq : ey×m&m AwšÍg Avnvi, ey×m&m AwšÍgevYx, PËvwi `m&mbxhvwb|
gnveM© : mxn †mbvcwZ, `xN Kzgvi K_v|
P~jøeM© : wfK&Lybx msN cwZU&Vv|
RvZK : myàviK RvZK, wb‡MvawgM RvZK, KzÏvj RvZK, KU&Vnvwi RvZK|
wgwj›`cT&n : m×v, wewih, cT&Tv, K¤§, wbeŸvY, ey‡×v c~Rs mvwahwZ|

2. cvwj c`¨vsk
a¤§c` : Aàgv` e¹, wPË e¹, hgK e¹|
myËwbcvZ : ev‡mU&V myË, Kwm fviØvR, Kjnweev` myË|
‡_iMv_v : A½ywjgvj, mxje, Avb›`, gnvK”Pvhb|
‡_ix Mv_v : c~wbœKv, wKmv ‡MvZgx, †Lgv, cUvPviv|

3. wÎwcUK ewnf©~Z mvwnZ¨:

gnvm¤§Z esm, cVg msMxwZ, `ywZ‡qv msMxwZ, ZwZ‡hv msMxwZ|

4. cvwj e¨vKiY
eY©, mwÜ, KviK wefw³, kã cÖKiY, mgvm, AmgvwcKv wµqv, DcmM© I wbcvZ, cÖZ¨q

cvwj wel‡qi gvb eÈb; c~Y©gvb-100

M`¨vsk: 20
PviwU cÖkœ _vK‡e| †h †Kvb 2wU cÖ‡kœi DËi w`‡Z n‡e| 10×2=20

c`¨vsk: 20
PviwU cÖkœ _vK‡e| †h †Kvb 2wU cÖ‡kœi DËi w`‡Z n‡e| 10×2=20

wÎwcUK ewnf©~Z mvwnZ¨: 20

PviwU cÖkœ _vK‡e| †h †Kvb 2wU cÖ‡kœi DËi w`‡Z n‡e| 10×2=20

e¨vKiY: 20
AvUwU cÖkœ _vK‡e| †h †Kvb 4wU cÖ‡kœi DËi w`‡Z n‡e| 5×4=20

a¤§c‡`i Aàgv` e¹, wPË e¹, hgK e¹, myËwbcv‡Zi Kjn weev` myË, Kwm fviØvR myË, †_‡K 4wU DׄZvsk _vK‡e|
†h †Kvb `ywUi evsjv Abyev` wjL‡Z n‡e| 5×2=10

cvwj M`¨vsk, cvwj c`¨vsk I esmmvwn‡Z¨i Dci PviwU UxKv _vK‡e| †h †Kvb `ywU UxKv wjL‡Z n‡e| 5×2=10

E:\NTRCA\Exam\17th Exam'20\Written\Syllabus\Written_College level_17th Exam-2020 (1-52 code) (Main).doc 61

Post : Lecturer
Subject : Arabic (Madrasa)
Subject Code : 429
Exam Duration : 3 Hours Full Marks : 100







‫‪ .1‬سورة النساء‬
‫‪ .2‬سورة التوبة‬
‫‪ .3‬سورة النور‬
‫‪ .4‬سورة بس‬
‫‪ .5‬سورة احلجرات‬


‫‪ .1‬كتاب اإلميان‬
‫‪ .2‬كتاب الصالة‬
‫‪ .3‬كتاب الزكاة‬
‫‪.4‬كتاب الصوم‬
‫‪ .5‬كتاب املغازي‬

‫‪ .1‬كتاب احلج‬
‫‪ .2‬كتاب النكاح‬
‫‪ .3‬كتاب الطالق‬
‫‪ .4‬كتاب البيوع‬
‫‪ .5‬كتاب اجلهاد‬

‫اللغة العربية‬
‫أ‪ .‬النثر ‪:‬‬
‫‪ .1‬خطبة الرسول صلى هللا عليه و سلم‬
‫ألول مجعة يف مسجد قباء‬
‫‪ .2‬األمثال و احلكم العربية‬
‫‪ .3‬خطبة طارق بن زايد‬
‫‪ .4‬الغين و الفقري للمنفلوطي‬
‫ب‪ .‬النظم ‪:‬‬
‫‪ .1‬من قصيدة إمرأ القيس‬
‫‪ .2‬قصيدة كعب بن زهري رضي هللا عنه‬
‫‪ .3‬قم للمعلم ألمحد شوقي‬
‫‪ .4‬وصف الربيع للبحرتي‬
‫ج‪ .‬تشكيل العبارة ‪ /‬إمالء الفراغ‬
‫د‪ .‬تكوين احلوار ‪ /‬كتابة الفقرة‬

‫قواعد اللغة العربية‬

‫استخراج‬ ‫أ‪.‬‬ ‫(‬ ‫القواعد‬ ‫‪ .1‬اختبار‬

‫االصطالحات الصرفية و النحوية و‬
‫تعيينها ب‪ .‬إمالء الفراغ ابلقرائن املتعلقة‬
‫ابلقواعد ج‪ .‬إمالء الفراغ بدون القرائن‬
‫املتعلقة ابلقواعد د‪ .‬تركيب اجلملة ه‪.‬‬
‫تغيري اجلملة حسب القواعد )‬
‫‪ .2‬تصحيح اجلمل‬
‫‪ .3‬التحويل من اللغة البنغالة إىل اللغة‬
‫‪ .4‬العريضة آو الرسالة‬
Post: Lecturer (Agriculture)
Subject: Agriculture
Subject Code: 430

Exam Duration: Three Hours Full Marks: 100

Candidates will have to answer 10 questions out of 10 to be prepared from 10 units each carrying 10 Marks. Each question
will have 2 to 3 sub-items (e.g. a, b, c). The distribution of marks for each question can be 2+3+5, 3+3+4, 3+7, 2+2+6, 5+5 or
4+6. Questions will be prepared following Bloom’s taxonomy of cognitive learning model. A minimum of 20% marks should
be allotted to higher order questions which require analyzing, evaluating, complex problem solving and/or

Assessment targets
Contents Marks
The candidate will be able to -
Unit 1: Agronomy and Horticulture
▪ describe factors affecting growth, ▪ Factors affecting growth, development, yield, and yield-
development and yields of crops contributing factors of various crops
▪ explain different morphological and ▪ Important morphological characteristics of various crops
production aspects of various
and production technology of some important Cereals,
categories of commercial crops
Pulses, Vegetables, Fruits, Sugar crops, Spices, Oil crops,
▪ analyze basic understanding of
technologies and their applications Fiber crops, Narcotics & Beverage; medicinal and timber
related to agronomy yielding plants of Bangladesh with their scientific names
▪ explain various techniques of plant ▪ Concept on cropping pattern, crop rotation, multiple
propagation and seed production cropping, crop diversification, crop calendar, irrigation,
technology drainage, and other intercultural operations.
▪ Methods of vegetative propagation of some important
vegetable crops and fruit trees
▪ Necessity and methods of seed production technology

Unit 2: Soil Science

▪ demonstrate a clear understanding of ▪ Concept and classification of plant nutrients; functions
the role and deficiency symptoms of and deficiency symptoms of essential plant nutrients
nutrient elements ▪ Concept, classification and formulations of different
▪ explain formulations of different chemical fertilizers and organic manures
chemical fertilizers and organic ▪ Concept of time and methods of fertilizer application;
manures, fertilizer nutrition efficacy and fertilizer recommendations
recommendations ▪ Concept, types, and formulations of biofertilizers
▪ explain soil fertility problems, ▪ Biological nitrogen fixation
means of improvement of soil ▪ Soil fertility management: Soil fertility problems and
fertility and productivity possible means of improvement of soil fertility and soil
▪ describe and characterize soil productivity maintenance
physical properties like soil ▪ Names of 30 agro-ecological zones and its utility
particles, soil texture, soil ▪ Soil physical properties: Soil particles, soil texture, soil
structure, soil porosity, soil PH and structure, soil porosity, soil PH, soil water.
soil water.

Page: 1/4
Assessment targets
Contents Marks
The candidate will be able to -
Unit 3: Crop Botany and Agroforestry
▪ Classify plants with scientific ▪ Plant Classification: Salient features of natural and
naming procedure phylogenetic classification of plant kingdom; necessity of
▪ describe basic physiological scientific naming of plants
processes of plants with clear ▪ Plant Physiology: Photosynthesis, Respiration,
understanding Transpiration, Photoperiodism; Effect of Temperature, 10
▪ analyze the concepts and Rainfall, Sunlight, Daylength and Relative Humidity
processes of biodiversity and forest ▪ Biodiversity and Forests and Forest Conservation
conservation ▪ Agro-forestry: Concept, features and utilities of various agro-
▪ describe basic models of agro- forestry models related to crop, forest, aquatic and animal
forestry suitable for various ecosystems
Unit 4: Crop Genetics and Plant Breeding
▪ draw and describe major organelles of ▪ Cytology and Cell Division: Concept and structure of a
the plant cell with their functions
plant cell; Functions of important organelles of cell; Types
▪ describe the mechanism of different
and mechanism of different cell division and their
cell division process and their importance.
importance ▪ DNA & RNA Structure: DNA and RNA models, modern
▪ analyze the basic and advanced plant 10
concept of genes;
breeding techniques with the clear
▪ Plant breeding: Concept, Methods, and Implications; Heterosis
and Hybridizations; Recent advancements in plant breeding
▪ show the ability of describing the ways
and means of plant genetic ▪ Genetic engineering: Vectors, restriction and ligase enzymes,
engineering cDNA; Promoter, Marker, and Reporter genes; Methods of
genetic engineering
Unit 5: Biotechnology
▪ describe the basic dimensions of plant ▪ Concept, importance, scope, and limitations of Biotechnology
biotechnology with their limitations ▪ Basic requirements: Media, Composition, Aseptic
▪ show the ability to describe basic manipulation, and in-vitro micro-environment
growing media and techniques in-vitro ▪ Tissue culture technology: Various techniques and related
processes protocols of plant regeneration; in-vitro productions
▪ describe the processes of tissue ▪ Recent advancements of biotechnology in varietal 10
culture technology for plant development
▪ show a clear understanding of
applying biotechnology in variety

Unit 6: Agricultural Engineering and Food Processing

▪ classify methods of irrigation with ▪ Irrigation: Concept, Classification of methods of irrigation with
their merits and demerits; describe their merits and demerits; Increasing efficiency of irrigation;
irrigation water efficiency and apply SRI method and its impact in rice production
SRI method in rice production ▪ Drainage: Concept, Classification of methods of drainage with
▪ describe the basics of drainage their merits and demerits; role of drainage in crop production;
technology and AWD method AWD method and its impact in rice production
▪ describe the cause and symptoms of ▪ Food Processing: Concept of fruits and vegetables
food spoilage; ways and means of preservation; Causes of rottening of fruits and vegetables;
food processing & preservation Traditional and Modern methods of food preservations;
Technical aspects of preservation of some common fruits and

Page 2 of 4
Assessment targets
Contents Marks
The candidate will be able to -

▪ describe the cause, nature of damage Unit 7: Entomology and Plant Pathology
and control measures of some harmful ▪ Cause, nature of damage and control measures of some
insects and pests of the given crops harmful insects and pests of the following crops ---
Rice, Wheat, Maize; Jute, Cotton; Sugarcane, Sugar beet; Soybean,
Sunflower, Mustard; Brinjal, Gourds, Chili; Onion, Garlic; Mango,
Guava, Orange, Jujube, Banana, Pineapple; Rose, Tuberose, 10
Gladiolus, Chrysanthemum, Dahlia, Jasmine etc.
▪ Cause, Symptoms and Control measures of some
economically significant diseases of the above crops.

▪ describe the areas of Agricultural Unit 8: Agricultural Economics and Agricultural Extension
Economics and its relation with ▪ Concept of Economics and Agricultural Economics; Scope of
factors of crop production and Agricultural Economics and its relation with factors of crop
agricultural cooperatives production and agricultural cooperatives
▪ analyze the contribution, problems, ▪ Role of agriculture in the economic development of
and prospects of agricultural sectors Bangladesh; Problems and prospects of agricultural sectors of
of Bangladesh; describe Bangladesh; Characteristics of agricultural products and its
characteristics of agricultural marketing system
products and its marketing system; ▪ Agricultural Farms: Concept, types, tenures, productivity, 10
▪ describe the farm power issues and characteristics; Cooperative and Non-cooperative
farmers role as a decision maker organizations and their role in agricultural development
▪ show a clear understanding on ▪ Agricultural credit: Concept, types, sources, and its roles
agricultural credit; principles and ▪ Principles and practices of Agricultural Extension; Major
practices of agricultural extension and organizations of Bangladesh that playing roles in agricultural
research-extension linkages research and extension

▪ describe related terminology and Unit 9: Animal Science, Poultry Science and Fisheries Science
production systems of livestock ▪ Introduction to Animal Science: Concept, Terminology,
▪ classify major breeds of Cattle, Buffalo, Importance and Production systems of livestock in Bangladesh
Goat, Sheep, Poultry with features ▪ Classification and characteristics of some major breeds of
▪ analyze various aspects of Livestock livestock: Cattle, Buffalo, Goat, Sheep and Poultry
and poultry feeds and feeding system ▪ Livestock and Poultry feeds and feeding system: Concept of
▪ identify requisites of good quality animal feed and its classification; Feeding value of common
ration for livestock and ration quality concentrates, fodder, crop residues, agro-industrial bi-
▪ analyze principles and methods of products; Merits and demerits of the feeding systems
various housing systems of livestock ▪ Requisites of good quality ration for livestock; and related
▪ describe related terminology and terminologies of feed and ration quality
production systems of fishes and ▪ Housing of livestock: Concept, Principles of housing for cattle
shrimps and poultry birds; housing methods, their merits & demerits
▪ describe the salient features, pond ▪ Introduction to Fisheries Science: Concept, Terminology,
preparation, culture techniques and Importance and Production systems of fishes and shrimps in
disease management of the given Bangladesh
fishes and shrimps ▪ Characteristics, pond preparation, culture techniques and
disease management of common fishes and shrimps in
Bangladesh: Carps, Rajputi, Tilapia, Shing-Magur, Galda and
Bagda shrimp

Page 3 of 4
Assessment targets
Contents Marks
The candidate will be able to -
▪ describe the importance of Unit 10: Environmental Science and Agricultural Chemistry
environment; and classify ▪ Introduction to Environmental Science: Concept, scope and
environmental components importance, components of environment and classification
▪ analyze environmental factors that ▪ Important environmental factors influencing natural
are influencing natural vegetation, vegetation, crop, livestock, poultry, and fisheries ecosystems
crop, livestock, poultry and fisheries ▪ Climatology: Concept, agro-climatology, micrometeorology,
ecosystems global and local climate change and its consequences; Global
▪ analyze global and local climate Warming – concept, local & global emissions, impacts on
change and its consequences; various agricultural systems and habitats
▪ analyze local & global emissions and ▪ Crop, Fisheries and Animal Ecology: Effect of climate change,
analyze impact of global warming on adaptations, and acclimatization techniques; environmental
various agricultural systems requirements crop production, livestock farming, poultry
▪ analyze the effect of climate change farming and aquaculture; Disaster management
and acclimatization techniques for ▪ Bangladesh’s Environment: Our environment, its degradation
farming and aquaculture and management; existing and recommended practices for
▪ describe Bangladesh’ environment, its environmental sustainability.
degradation and management ▪ Introduction to Agricultural Chemistry: Concept, scope and
▪ show a clear understanding on importance, components of Agricultural Chemistry in lieu of
agricultural Chemistry in lieu of common synthetic fertilizers and pesticides
common synthetic fertilizers and ▪ Important factors and synthetic molecules responsible for
pesticides; degradation of natural degrading the natural vegetation, crop, livestock, poultry,
vegetation, crop, livestock, poultry, fisheries, and human ecosystems
fisheries, and human ecosystems ▪ Crop wastes, Agrochemicals, Pesticides and Residual effects
▪ describe management of crop wastes, management
agrochemicals, pesticides and residual

Page 4 of 4
পলদর িাম: প্রভাষক
Code: 437
Full Marks: 100

Etiology, pathogenesis, clinical findings, post-mortem lesions, diagnosis, treatment,

prevention and control of common livestock, pet and poultry diseases.Vaccination schedule
for poultry, farm and pet animals.Rectal palpation, heat detection, pregnancy diagnosis,
parturition, newborn management. Treatment & management of dystocia, anestrous, retention
of placenta, uterine prolapse, abortion, pyometra and metritis. Anesthesia, wound and abscess
management, amputation of tail, Cesarean section, spaying, hernia operation, castration and
dehorning. Characteristics, staining properties, cultural characteristics, biochemical activities
& laboratory diagnosis of different Bacteria, Viruses and Fungi.Morphology, biology,
transmission & Controls of some Nematodes, Cestodes, Trematodes, Protozoa and
Ectoparasites.Mode of action of Antibiotic, Antihistaminic, Anti-inflammatory
drugs.Antimicrobial resistance.Inflammation, post-mortem examination of large animals and
birds, clinical test for feces, urine and blood, Insurance of animals, registration of pet
animals, legislation against animal diseases.Veterinary medical ethics for registered vet
practitioners.Food contamination, spoilage & preservation, food borne infection &
intoxication, food sanitation & legislation, public health aspect of animal product and by-


Role of livestock in the farming system of Bangladesh.Prospects, potentialities and

constraints of livestock farming in Bangladesh.Classification and different breeds of common
farm animals.Judging and selection of farm animals for milk and meat purposes.Housing of
farm animal production.Farm planning for commercial livestock production.Feeding
behavior, nutrient requirement and ration formulation of livestock. Feed processing and feed
industry.Requirement and role of animal products in human nutrition.Genetic diversity and
animal genetic resources.Breeding strategy of different farm animals.Reproduction of farm
animals and biotechnology.Care and management at different stages of livestock
production.General management practices of dairy and meat animal.Quality milk production
and sanitation.Processing and preservation of milk and milk products.Dairy food
technology.Animal slaughtering and meat processing.Storage and preservation of meat.
Value added meat products.Marketing strategies of different animal products and by-
products.Animal waste management.Animal behavior, welfare and Animal rights.Various
improved technologies associated with production and reproduction of farm animals.Origin,
domestication and distribution of different poultry species.Classes, breeds, varieties
andstrains of different poultry species.Housing principles of poultry. Poultry feed ingredients,
their classificationand nutritive value.Artificial incubation, fertility and hatchability
eggs.Grand parent stock, parent stock, broiler and commercial layer production.Management
of different stages of poultry.Egg and poultry meat marketing.

E:\NTRCA\Exam\17th Exam'20\Written\Syllabus\Written_College level_17th Exam-2020 (1-52 code) (Main).doc 72

পলদর িাম: প্রভাষক
Subject: Fisheries
Code: 438
Total marks: 100
1. Fish Biology and Breeding Management (grm¨ Rxewe`¨v I cÖRbb e¨e¯’vcbv)
(a) Morphology and classification of fish and shrimp (b) Biology of fish and shellfish (Age,
sex, maturity, fecundity and natural breeding of different species) b) Fish biodiversity and
conservation (c) Selection as breeding program (d) Hybridization, genetic drift and
inbreeding (e) Brood stock management (f) Components of fish hatchery: hatchery proper
(spawning and incubation facilities), brood rearing ponds, nursery ponds etc. (g) Hatchery
operation (h) Larvae and fry rearing (i) Breeding of aquarium fish (j) Transportation of live
fish (k) Layout of a typical carp hatchery and a shrimp hatchery.

2. Aquaculture (grm¨ Pvl)

(a) Principle of aquaculture (b) Aquaculture systems (extensive/traditional, improved
traditional, semi-intensive and intensive culture; monoculture, polyculture, composite culture
and integrated aquaculture; pond, tank, raceway, cage and pen culture) (c) Selection of sites,
design and construction of fish pond and aquafarms (d) Water quality for aquaculture (e)
Preparation and Management of ponds (f) Selection and stocking of fish (g) Nutrition and
feeding (h) Nursery Management (i) Microalgae and live food culture (j) Ornamental fish
rearing (k) Fish parasites and disease control (l) Harvesting and marketing of fish (m)
Aquaculture economics.

3. Open water Fisheries Management (Db¥y³ Rjvk‡q grm¨ e¨e¯’vcbv)

(a) Fisheries resources (b) Aquatic Environment (c) Freshwater, marine and estuarine
ecology: Ecosystem and its components, food chain and trophic levels, primary and
secondary productivity (d) Concept of species, community, population and stock (e)
Assessment of stocks (f) Mortality, growth and recruitment (g) Fish population dynamics (h)
Objectives and ways of fisheries management (banning of fishing, fish sanctuary, MPA, beel
nursery, community based management etc.) (i) Fishing gears and crafts (j) Commercial
fishing methods and fishing grounds (k) Fish acts and regulation.

4. Fish Processing and Quality Control (grm¨ cÖwµqvRvZKiY I gvb wbqš¿Y)

(a) Fish spoilage and principles of fish preservation (b) Handling, transportation and
distribution of fish (c) Methods of fish curing and processing: Chilling, freezing, canning,
drying, salting, smoking, fermenting and pickling (d) Fishery products and by-products (FPC,
fish meal, fish oils, fish silage etc.) etc. (e) Planning and design of cold storage and fish
processing plant (f) Chemical composition and nutritional values of fish and fish products (g)
Quality control methods of fish and fishery products (SOP, SSOP, HACCP, fish inspection
etc.) (h) Sanitation and hygiene of fish processing plants (i) International code of hygiene
practice for fish processing.

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পলদর িাম: প্রভাষক
শবষয়: গশণত্, পশরশমশত্ ও পশরসংখ্যাি
বকাড: ৪৫০
পূণ যমাি: ১০০
Fundamental of Mathematics (Including Trigonometry): A. Set theory, Relations and
functions, Real number system. B. Summation of algebraic and trigonometric series. C.
Theory of equations: Relations between roots and co-efficients, Symmetric functions of
roots, Simple transformations. D. Linear algebra with vector spaces, Eigen values and

Geometry (Analytical Geometry of two three dimensions): A. Pair of straight lines. B.
General Equation of second the degree: Reduction of standard forms, Properties of
Parabola, Ellipse and Hyperbola. C. Rectangular co-ordinates, Planes and Straight lines in
three dimensions, shortest distance between two Straight lines. D. Vectors in three
dimensional space with applications to geometry.

Differential Calculus and Integral Calculus: A. Functions, Limit, Continuity and
Differentiability. B. Maxima and Minima. C. Tangents and Normal’s. D. Techniques of
Indefinite integration. E. Determination of areas. F. Multiple integral.

Different equations: Ordinary differential equations of first order and first degree,
Ordinary differential equations with initial and boundary value problems, Laplace
Transform, Legendre differential equation and Bessel differential equation.

Functions of Complex variable: Complex numbers, Analytic functions, Contour integration.

Measures of central tendency: Mean Median, Mode and Relationship between different

Measures of dispersion: Mean deviation, Standard deviation, Variance, Relation between

deferent Measures of dispersion.

Probability: Concepts of Probability, Different approach of probability, Theorem of

probability (with problem solving).

Note: The paper will consists of five parts, having three questions of equal value in each
part. Candidates will required to answer ten questions in all, taking at least one question
from each part but not more than two questions from any one part.

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পলদর িাম: প্রভাষক
welq: কৃশষ শবজ্ঞাি (Agriculturel Science)
†KvW: ৪৫১
c~Y©gvb: 100

1. Factors affecting growth, development, yield and desirable qualities of crops. 2.

Important morphological characters and production technology of some important (a)
cereals, (b) pulses, (c) vegetables, (d) fruits, (e) sugar, (f) oil, (g) fibre, (h) narcotic, (i)
beverage, (j) medicinal and (k) timber yielding plants of Bangladesh with their scientific
name. 3. Concept on cropping pattern, multiple cropping, crop rotation, crop
diversification, crop calendar, irrigation, drainage and other intercultural operations. 4. (a)
Methods of vegetative propagation of some important vegetable crops and fruit trees, (b)
Vegetable seed production techniques. 5. (a) Necessity and basis of classification of plant
kingdom, (b) Salient features of natural and phylogenetic classification of plant kingdom,
(c) Necessity of scientific naming of plants. 6. Cell & cell division: (a) Concept and
structure of a plant cell, (b) Functions of different important organelles of cell, (c) Types
and mechanism of different cell division and their importance. 7. Plant physiology: (a)
Photosynthesis, (b) Respiration, (c) Transpiration, (d) Photopetiodism. 8. Environmental
pollution: (a) Causes, harmful effects and remedies of different environmental pollution
(air, water and soil), (b) Causes of green house effect and its remedies, (c) Possible causes
of forest depletion in Bangladesh, its harmful effects and remedies. 9. (a) Concept of pest,
pesticide and pest management, (b) Methods of pest control, (c) Integrated pest
management system. 10. Scientific name with family, nature of damage and control
measures of major insect pests of important (a) cereals, (b) pulses, (c) vegetables, (d) fruits,
(e) sugar, (f) oil and (g) fibre yielding plants of Bangladesh. 11. Scientific name of the
pathogen, symptoms and control measures of major diseases of important (a) cereals, (b)
pulses, (c) vegetables, (d) fruits, (e) sugar, (f) oil and (g) fibre yielding plants of
Bangladesh.12. Plant nutrition: (a) Essential plant nutrients, their deficiency symptoms and
functions, (b) Different chemical fertilizers and organic manures, (c) Time and methods of
fertilizer application, (d) Biological nitrogen fixation. 13. Soil fertility management: Soil
fertility problems and possible means of improvement of soil fertility. 14. (a) Mendel's laws
of inheritance and their major modifications, (b) Methods of plant breeding: Introduction,
selection, hybridization, mutation, polyploidy, (c) Chemical composition of DNA & RNA,
(d) Concept on heritability, heterosis and hybrid. (e) Methods of conservation of plant
genetic resources, (f) Concept on a new variety release system. 15. Biotechnology and
tissue culture: Concept, scope, application and importance in plant improvement. 16. The
principles and practices of agricultural extension. 17. Agroforestry: Its concept, scope,
importance and classification.

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পলদর িাম: প্রভাষক
Subject: Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
Code: 452
Marks: 100
Structured and Object Oriented Programming (OOP) Concept (Answer 02x10=20):
Fundamentals of C programming; Introducing C’s Program Control Statements; Data types, Variables
and Expressions; Exploring Arrays and Strings; Understanding Pointers and Functions; Console and
File I/O; Structures and Unions.

Topics include object-oriented programming concepts, such as classes, objects, methods, interfaces,
packages, inheritance, encapsulation, and polymorphism.

Introduction to Software Engineering (Answer 01x10=10): history, nature, relation of software

engineering to other discipline, software development life cycle, Programming language; Software
nature and qualities: product qualities, project qualities, correctness, robustness, usability,
maintainability, portability, quality measurements; Software development life cycle: requirement,
design, development, testing, maintenance; Software development model: waterfall, agile, spiral, RDD,
V model; Software engineering principles: modularity, abstraction, generality, object oriented,
component oriented, structured.; Specification and Verification: requirement specification, descriptive
specification, testing, analysis, debugging; Modeling and Design: basics of modeling diagram, UI
design. Software Project Management: concepts, project metrics, estimation, risks management.

Data Structure and Algorithm & Combinatorial Optimization (Answer 02x10=20):

Introduction - Data Structures and Complexity of Algorithms, Time Space Tradeoff, Searching
Techniques- Linear and Binary Searching; Sorting and Recursion - Discussion of Common Sorting
Techniques: Insertion Sort, Selection Sort, Bubble Sort, Quick Sort, Merge Sort, Radix Sort; Factorial
and Tower of Hanoi Problem; Linked Lists - Abstract Data Types, List ADTs, and Linked Lists: Singly,
Two Way and Circular Linked Lists; Stacks and Queues - Stacks and Queues and their Implementation
Strategies; Prefix, Infix and Postfix Expressions, their Transformation and Evaluation Algorithms;
Hashing - Hash Indices and Hash Functions, Static and Dynamic Hashing, Collisions in Hash Indices
and Collision Resolving Techniques; Trees - Tree Concepts, Binary Tree, BST, Heaps, Heap Sort,
Huffman Encoding Technique, AVL Tree, B Tree and B+ Tree; Graphs - Graph Terminologies,
Representing Graphs, Graph Searching: BFS and DFS, Shortest Path Problems, Minimum Spanning
Tree, Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithms, and Topological Sorting; Problem Solving Strategy -
Greedy Algorithms, Divide and Conquer Strategy, Dynamic Programming and Backtracking.
Introduction - Algorithms, Analyzing & Designing Algorithms, Correctness of Algorithms; Greedy
Algorithms - Introduction to Greedy Algorithms, Greedy Choice Property, Greedy vs. Dynamic
Programming, Fractional Knapsack Problem, Activity Selection Problem, Huffman Encoding, Task
Scheduling Problem, Coin Changing Problem, Kruskal’s and Prim’s Minimum Spanning Tree
Algorithms; Divide and Conquer Algorithms - Introduction to Divide and Conquer Design Technique,
Quick Sort, Merge Sort, Proof of Correctness, and Run Time Analysis; Dynamic Programming -
Introduction to Dynamic Programming Technique, Principle of Optimality, Optimal Substructure
Property, Assembly Line Scheduling, Matrix Chain Multiplication, LCS, Viterbi Algorithm, Bitonic
Euclidean Traveling Salesperson Problem and Runtime Analysis; Graph Searching and Shortest Path
Problems - Breadth First Search, Depth First Search, Flow Networks, Single Source and All Pair
Shortest Path Algorithms

Web Technology (Answer 01x10=10): Introduction to Html, Java Script & CSS, Server Side
Programming: HTTP Server, Application Server, MVC Web Framework, Web Services, Database
Access: Object Relational Mapping, Lambda Expression, Language Integrated Query, Data Reader,
Writer, Web Security: Denial of Service, Buffer Overflow, Cross Site Scripting, Authentication and
Access Control

Operating System (Answer 01x10=10): Overview of operating systems, functionalities and

characteristics of OS. Hardware concepts related to OS, CPU states, I/O channels, memory hierarchy,
and microprogramming. The concept of a process, operations on processes, process states, concurrent
processes, process control block, process context. UNIX process control and management, PCB,
signals, forks and pipes. Interrupt processing, operating system organization, OS kernel FLIH,
dispatcher. Job and processor scheduling, scheduling algorithms, process hierarchies. Problems of
concurrent processes, critical sections, mutual exclusion, synchronization, deadlock. Mutual exclusion,
process co-operation, producer and consumer processes. Semaphores: definition, init, wait, signal
operations. Use of semaphores to implement mutex, process synchronization etc., implementation of
semaphores. Critical regions, Conditional Critical Regions, Monitors, Ada Tasks. Interprocess
Communication (IPC), Message Passing, Direct and Indirect, Deadlock: prevention, detection,
avoidance, banker's algorithm. Memory organization and management, storage allocation. Virtual
memory concepts, paging and segmentation, address mapping. Virtual storage management, page
replacement strategies. File organization: blocking and buffering, file descriptor, directory structure,
File and Directory structures, blocks and fragments, directory tree, inodes, file descriptors, UNIX file

Database Management System (Answer 02x10=20): Introduction to Database Systems: Evolution

of file processing systems, role of databases in organizations, core components of a database
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environment; Data Modeling: the Entity-Relationship Diagram and its symbols and constructs; The
Relational Model and Normalization: relational model, normalization, transformation of an entityrelationship
data diagram into a relational model; SQL - A Standard Navigation Language for Relational
Databases; Overview of Object-Oriented Databases: object-oriented data model, implementation of
object persistence using relational databases. Indexing and Hashing: Basic Concepts, Ordered Indices,
B+-Tree Index Files, B-Tree Index Files, Static Hashing, Dynamic Hashing, Comparison of Ordered
Indexing and Hashing; Query Processing: Overview, Measures of Query Cost, Selection Operation,
Sorting, Join Operation, Evaluation of Expressions; Query Optimization: Introduction, Transformation
of Relational Expressions, Catalog Information for Cost Estimation, Statistical Information for Cost
Estimation, Cost-based optimization; Transactions: Transaction Concept, Transaction State, Concurrent
Executions, Serializability; Concurrency Control: Lock-Based Protocols, Timestamp-Based Protocols;
Recovery System: Failure Classification, Storage Structure, Recovery and Atomicity, Log-Based
Recovery, Recovery With Concurrent Transactions; Data Analysis and Mining: Data Mining, Decision
tree, Bayes theory, Randomize tree; Database System Architectures: Centralized and Client-Server
Systems, Server System Architectures, Parallel Systems, Distributed Systems, Network Types; Parallel
Databases: Introduction, I/O Parallelism, Interquery Parallelism, Intraquery Parallelism, Intraoperation
Parallelism, Interoperation Parallelism; Distributed Databases: Heterogeneous and Homogeneous
Databases: Distributed Data Storage, Distributed Transactions, Commit Protocols; Additional should
be included: Database Design, Database Tuning Security and Authorization, Multidimensional query.

Data Communications and Networking (Answer 01x10=10): Introduction: Overview of the

Internet, Overview of Networking Protocols, Network Edge, Network Core, Protocol Layers / Service
Model, General Networking Example; Application Layer: Principles of Networking Applications, Web
and HTTP, FTP, E-mail, DNS; Transport Layer: Transport Layer Services, Multiplexing and De
multiplexing, Connectionless Transport: UDP, Principles of Reliable Data Transport, Connection-
Oriented Transport: TCP, Principles of Congestion Control, TCP Congestion Control; Network Layer:
Datagram Networks, Inside a Router, Details of the Internet Protocol (IP), IP Sub netting, Routing
Algorithms (Link State, Distance Vector), Routing in the Internet (Routing Information Protocol (RIP),
Open Shortest Path First (OSPF), Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)).

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পলদর িাম: গ্রন্থাগার প্রভাষক
বিষয়: গ্রন্থাগার ও তথ্য বিজ্ঞান (Library and Information Science)
বিষয় ক াড: ৪৫৭
পূণ যমাি: ১০০
Exam Duration: 03 (Three) Hours

Candidates will have to answer 10 questions prepared from 10 units each carrying 10 Marks. Each question will have 2 to 3
sub-items (e.g. a, b, c). The distribution of marks for each question can be 2+3+5, 3+3+4, 3+7, 2+2+6, 5+5 or 4+6. Questions
will be prepared following Bloom’s taxonomy of cognitive learning. A minimum of 20% marks should be allotted to higher
order questions which require analyzing, evaluating, complex problem solving or creating/synthesizing. There will be
alternatives for three questions; an alternative question must be prepared from the same unit with same structure covering
same sub-domain and marks distribution.

Assessment Targets Contents Marks

The Candidate will be able to -

 explain the basic terminologies Unit 1: Introduction to Library and Information Science 10
associated with data and  Data, information, knowledge and wisdom;
information  Qualitative vs. quantitative information;
 Types and parameters of information;
 Research data, big data and data analytics;
 analyze and apply knowledge  Information processing cycle;
organization tools  ISBN, ISSN, DOI, etc.;
 ISBN-10 and ISBN-13: check digit and missing
digit calculation;
 Resolving DOIs;
 Metadata standards and protocols;
 Taxonomy and ontology;
 Thesaurus and subject headings;
 System context in knowledge organization.

 identify different information Unit 2: Information Sources and Services 10

sources and their  Major information sources and their
characteristics characteristics;
 Formal and informal sources;
 evaluate the sources of  Documentary and non-documentary
information using specific information sources, reference apparatus and
criteria informal channels;
 Primary, secondary and tertiary sources of
 develop various tools for information;
exploring information  Difference between credible and non-credible
resources information sources;
 Evaluation of information sources;
 describe the process of  Compilation of bibliography and reading list;
providing reference and  Referencing tools and citation styles;
information services  Distinction between information and reference
 Reference questions and their categories:
answering reference questions;
 Techniques for providing information services
including CAS, SDI, etc.;
 Referral service and document delivery.

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 identify information resources Unit 3: Information Resources Development 10
that support the goals,  Identify different types of publications and their
missions and requirements of appropriate uses;
the library  Traditional and electronic information
resources in libraries;
 apply collection development  Five Laws of Library Science and their relation
policies, principles and to information resources development;
procedures  Book selection policies and principles;
 Procedures and methods of acquisition of
 explain the process of books and other reading resources;
maintaining a balanced library  Book selection tools and guides;
collection  Evaluating book values;
 Communication with publishers, book sellers
and concerned agencies;
 Ordering and subsequent activities;
 Problems of acquisition of books and
periodicals in Bangladesh;
 Accession register and its purposes;
 Overview of collection development and
 Criteria and methods of collection evaluation;
 Copyright, censorship and other legal issues;
 Nature, scope, principles and methods of stock
taking and weeding;
 Need for stock taking and weeding;
 Barriers to weeding.

 demonstrate the basic Unit 4: Organization of Knowledge (Classification) 10

understanding of knowledge  Purpose and functions of classification;
classification  Knowledge classification and book
 identify the special features of  Principles of book classification;
book classification  Five predicable and Porphyry’s tree in library
 compare the schemes of  Special features of book classification: generalia
library classification class, standard subdivisions, form division and
relative index;
 Notation and its types;
 Qualities of an ideal notation;
 DDC: history, principles, tables, notations,
number building process in DDC;
 UDC: origin, auxiliaries in UDC, application in
special libraries;
 LC: growth and development, principles and
application in libraries;
 CC: evolution, principles and features of CC;
 Analysis and applications of DDC, UDC and web

 demonstrate the basic Unit 5: Organization of Knowledge (Cataloguing) 10

understanding of catalogue  Concept, definition, objectives and purposes,
and cataloguing functions and characteristics of a good
 identify the bibliographic  Cataloguing codes: AACR2, RDA;
information for cataloguing  Physical structure of a book;
 Technical reading of a book;

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 recognize the types and forms  Bibliographical information of a book;
of catalogues  Catalogue vs. bibliography: entry patterns,
methods, differences;
 prepare main entry and added  Types of information included in library
entries catalogue;
 Access points and catalogue entries;
 Filing: rules for catalogue entries;
 Basic skeleton of a card catalogue;
 Types and forms of catalogue: inner and outer
forms of library catalogue;
 Dictionary and classified catalogues:
differences and their appropriateness in
different types of libraries;
 Union catalogue: functions, planning for union
 Shelf list catalogue: functions and uses, shelf list
vs. public access catalogue;
 Preparation of main entry and added entries;
 Rules for making entry under oriental Muslim,
Buddhist and Hindu names;
 Application of MARC‐21 and Dublin Core
Metadata in library cataloging;
 Subject headings: definition, tools, steps to
subject determination, choice of subject
headings, principles of construction, types and
forms of subject headings;
 Guidelines for using Sears List of Subject
Headings: types of subdivisions and their use in
constructing subject headings;
 Computerized and online catalogue: definition,
importance of computerized

 explain the concept of library Unit 6: Library Automation 10

automation and digitization  Library automation and digitalization;
 Trends in automation and digitalization of
 apply tools for automated and libraries;
digital libraries  Need for and barriers to library automation and
 Nature and salient features of automated
libraries, digital libraries and virtual libraries;
 Sub-system and integrated models of library
 Various modules of library automation:
acquisition, processing, circulation and serials
 Digitization of traditional print media;
 Hardware and software requirements for
library automation and digitalization;
 Criteria for choosing hardware and software for
library automation and digitalization;
 Commercial databases and services;
 Merits and demerits of customized or tailor
made and prewritten software or ready-made
software, open source software.

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 explain the basic concepts of Unit 7: Library Administration and Management 10
management and evolution of  Definition of management, management
management thoughts functions, level of management, difference
between administration and management; The
 analyze the internal classical approaches by Henri Fayol, Max
organization and operations of Weber, Urwick, Luther Gulick, scientific
library services management, Management by Objectives
(MBO), Total Quality Management (TQM);
 apply management techniques  Library in-house operations: acquisition,
to achieve the organizational processing, circulation and references services;
goal  Library rules and regulations;
 Library committee: functions and
 Application of scientific management to
 Strategic planning: defining the mission and
vision of the library, identifying existing
customers or users, determining current and
future needs, formulating strategic plan;
 Personnel management: theories and styles of
personnel management, manpower planning,
staff recruitments, job description, staff
supervision, training and development, public
relations, etc.;
 Library budgets and finances: sources of income
and heads of expenditure,
budget and budgeting, preparation of budget,
cost-benefit analysis;

 Resources management: acquisition and

resource utilization and handling technical

 Performance appraisal: library user surveys,

assessing service quality, use of SEVRQUAL,
LibQUAL, etc.;
 Library records and statistics: usage report,
downloads, circulation statistics, annual report,

 explain the basic concepts of Unit 8: Documentation and Information Retrieval 10

documentation  Concepts, nature and functions of
documentation; documentation work and
 prepare index and abstract for documentation services, active and passive
documentation documentation, documentation process;
 Bibliometrics, scientometrics and webometrics
 describe the information and their applications;
retrieval process  Indexing methods, construction of inverted
files, t-d matrix, index compression and query
 differentiate browsing from processing;
searching  Abstracting: types, principles, and qualities of
an abstract;
 evaluate the effectiveness of  Language and information retrieval; controlled
retrieval performance vocabularies, controlled vocabulary in retrieval;
problems with controlled vocabulary;
 Introduction to information retrieval;

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components of IR systems;
 Retrieval models: Boolean, vector space model,
probabilistic model, etc.;
 Information search process, types of searches,
choosing sources;
 Online searching: planning and performing the
search, modifying the search, selecting results,
search scenarios and strategies;
 Browsing versus searching, browsing strategies,
types of browsing, browsing tools, advantages
and limitations of browsing, user interfaces for
 Retrieval performance evaluation: recall and
precision, criticisms of recall and precision as
evaluation measures;
 Other measurement scales: accuracy, MAP, F-
measures, etc., user‐centred design and

 explain the fundamentals of Unit 9: Library Resource Sharing 10

library cooperation and  Objectives of library cooperation and resource
resources sharing sharing;
 Reasons and importance of library cooperation
 describe resource sharing and resource sharing;
programmes and activities  Areas of library cooperation and resource
 Components of library resource sharing;
 evaluate different  Functions and activities of information resource
configurations of library sharing;
networks  Components of information resource sharing;
 Role of union catalogue in information resource
 prepare agreements for library  Resource sharing in online environment;
networking and resource  Factors influencing library resource sharing;
sharing  Barriers to resource sharing;
 Types of library and information networks;
 Configurations of library and information
 Agreements for resource sharing;
 Negotiation and licensing;
 Necessary tools and for bibliographical control
in resource sharing.

 identify the nature and Unit 10: Information Literacy 10

functions of information  Definition, objectives, functions and scope of
literacy information literacy;
 Media literacy, digital literacy and other forms
 determine the information of literacies;
literacy skills  International alliance and partnerships on
media and information literacy competencies;
 explain the ethical use of  Information literacy models and theories: The
information resource Seven Faces of Information Literacy, The
SCONUL Seven Pillars of Information Literacy;
Big6; PLUS, etc.;
 Information literacy standards and practices;
 Identification of the extent of information

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needed, access the information effectively and
efficiently, evaluate the information and its
sources critically and creatively use that
information in a responsible manner;
 Measuring information literacy skills among
college students;
 Improving information literacy competencies;
 Information ethics: ethical use of library and
information resources;
 Avoiding academic dishonesty/plagiarism,
assignment and class lecture;
 Use of plagiarism detection tools.

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পলদর িাম: গ্রন্থাগার প্রভাষক
বিষয়: গ্রন্থাগার ও তথ্য বিজ্ঞান (Library and Information Science)
বিষয় ক াড: ৪৫৮
পূণ যমাি: ১০০
Exam Duration: 03 (Three) Hours

Candidates will have to answer 10 questions prepared from 10 units each carrying 10 Marks. Each question will have 2 to 3
sub-items (e.g. a, b, c). The distribution of marks for each question can be 2+3+5, 3+3+4, 3+7, 2+2+6, 5+5 or 4+6. Questions
will be prepared following Bloom’s taxonomy of cognitive learning. A minimum of 20% marks should be allotted to higher
order questions which require analyzing, evaluating, complex problem solving or creating/synthesizing. There will be
alternatives for three questions; an alternative question must be prepared from the same unit with same structure covering
same sub-domain and marks distribution.

Assessment Targets Contents Marks

The Candidate will be able to -

 explain the basic terminologies Unit 1: Introduction to Library and Information Science 10
associated with data and  Data, information, knowledge and wisdom;
information  Qualitative vs. quantitative information;
 Types and parameters of information;
 Research data, big data and data analytics;
 analyze and apply knowledge  Information processing cycle;
organization tools  ISBN, ISSN, DOI, etc.;
 ISBN-10 and ISBN-13: check digit and missing
digit calculation;
 Resolving DOIs;
 Metadata standards and protocols;
 Taxonomy and ontology;
 Thesaurus and subject headings;
 System context in knowledge organization.

 identify different information Unit 2: Information Sources and Services 10

sources and their  Major information sources and their
characteristics characteristics;
 Formal and informal sources;
 evaluate the sources of  Documentary and non-documentary
information using specific information sources, reference apparatus and
criteria informal channels;
 Primary, secondary and tertiary sources of
 develop various tools for information;
exploring information  Difference between credible and non-credible
resources information sources;
 Evaluation of information sources;
 describe the process of  Compilation of bibliography and reading list;
providing reference and  Referencing tools and citation styles;
information services  Distinction between information and reference
 Reference questions and their categories:
answering reference questions;
 Techniques for providing information services
including CAS, SDI, etc.;
 Referral service and document delivery.

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 identify information resources Unit 3: Information Resources Development 10
that support the goals,  Identify different types of publications and their
missions and requirements of appropriate uses;
the library  Traditional and electronic information
resources in libraries;
 apply collection development  Five Laws of Library Science and their relation
policies, principles and to information resources development;
procedures  Book selection policies and principles;
 Procedures and methods of acquisition of
 explain the process of books and other reading resources;
maintaining a balanced library  Book selection tools and guides;
collection  Evaluating book values;
 Communication with publishers, book sellers
and concerned agencies;
 Ordering and subsequent activities;
 Problems of acquisition of books and
periodicals in Bangladesh;
 Accession register and its purposes;
 Overview of collection development and
 Criteria and methods of collection evaluation;
 Copyright, censorship and other legal issues;
 Nature, scope, principles and methods of stock
taking and weeding;
 Need for stock taking and weeding;
 Barriers to weeding.

 demonstrate the basic Unit 4: Organization of Knowledge (Classification) 10

understanding of knowledge  Purpose and functions of classification;
classification  Knowledge classification and book
 identify the special features of  Principles of book classification;
book classification  Five predicable and Porphyry’s tree in library
 compare the schemes of  Special features of book classification: generalia
library classification class, standard subdivisions, form division and
relative index;
 Notation and its types;
 Qualities of an ideal notation;
 DDC: history, principles, tables, notations,
number building process in DDC;
 UDC: origin, auxiliaries in UDC, application in
special libraries;
 LC: growth and development, principles and
application in libraries;
 CC: evolution, principles and features of CC;
 Analysis and applications of DDC, UDC and web

 demonstrate the basic Unit 5: Organization of Knowledge (Cataloguing) 10

understanding of catalogue  Concept, definition, objectives and purposes,
and cataloguing functions and characteristics of a good
 identify the bibliographic  Cataloguing codes: AACR2, RDA;
information for cataloguing  Physical structure of a book;
 Technical reading of a book;

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 recognize the types and forms  Bibliographical information of a book;
of catalogues  Catalogue vs. bibliography: entry patterns,
methods, differences;
 prepare main entry and added  Types of information included in library
entries catalogue;
 Access points and catalogue entries;
 Filing: rules for catalogue entries;
 Basic skeleton of a card catalogue;
 Types and forms of catalogue: inner and outer
forms of library catalogue;
 Dictionary and classified catalogues:
differences and their appropriateness in
different types of libraries;
 Union catalogue: functions, planning for union
 Shelf list catalogue: functions and uses, shelf list
vs. public access catalogue;
 Preparation of main entry and added entries;
 Rules for making entry under oriental Muslim,
Buddhist and Hindu names;
 Application of MARC‐21 and Dublin Core
Metadata in library cataloging;
 Subject headings: definition, tools, steps to
subject determination, choice of subject
headings, principles of construction, types and
forms of subject headings;
 Guidelines for using Sears List of Subject
Headings: types of subdivisions and their use in
constructing subject headings;
 Computerized and online catalogue: definition,
importance of computerized

 explain the concept of library Unit 6: Library Automation 10

automation and digitization  Library automation and digitalization;
 Trends in automation and digitalization of
 apply tools for automated and libraries;
digital libraries  Need for and barriers to library automation and
 Nature and salient features of automated
libraries, digital libraries and virtual libraries;
 Sub-system and integrated models of library
 Various modules of library automation:
acquisition, processing, circulation and serials
 Digitization of traditional print media;
 Hardware and software requirements for
library automation and digitalization;
 Criteria for choosing hardware and software for
library automation and digitalization;
 Commercial databases and services;
 Merits and demerits of customized or tailor
made and prewritten software or ready-made
software, open source software.

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 explain the basic concepts of Unit 7: Library Administration and Management 10
management and evolution of  Definition of management, management
management thoughts functions, level of management, difference
between administration and management; The
 analyze the internal classical approaches by Henri Fayol, Max
organization and operations of Weber, Urwick, Luther Gulick, scientific
library services management, Management by Objectives
(MBO), Total Quality Management (TQM);
 apply management techniques  Library in-house operations: acquisition,
to achieve the organizational processing, circulation and references services;
goal  Library rules and regulations;
 Library committee: functions and
 Application of scientific management to
 Strategic planning: defining the mission and
vision of the library, identifying existing
customers or users, determining current and
future needs, formulating strategic plan;
 Personnel management: theories and styles of
personnel management, manpower planning,
staff recruitments, job description, staff
supervision, training and development, public
relations, etc.;
 Library budgets and finances: sources of income
and heads of expenditure,
budget and budgeting, preparation of budget,
cost-benefit analysis;

 Resources management: acquisition and

resource utilization and handling technical

 Performance appraisal: library user surveys,

assessing service quality, use of SEVRQUAL,
LibQUAL, etc.;
 Library records and statistics: usage report,
downloads, circulation statistics, annual report,

 explain the basic concepts of Unit 8: Documentation and Information Retrieval 10

documentation  Concepts, nature and functions of
documentation; documentation work and
 prepare index and abstract for documentation services, active and passive
documentation documentation, documentation process;
 Bibliometrics, scientometrics and webometrics
 describe the information and their applications;
retrieval process  Indexing methods, construction of inverted
files, t-d matrix, index compression and query
 differentiate browsing from processing;
searching  Abstracting: types, principles, and qualities of
an abstract;
 evaluate the effectiveness of  Language and information retrieval; controlled
retrieval performance vocabularies, controlled vocabulary in retrieval;
problems with controlled vocabulary;
 Introduction to information retrieval;

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components of IR systems;
 Retrieval models: Boolean, vector space model,
probabilistic model, etc.;
 Information search process, types of searches,
choosing sources;
 Online searching: planning and performing the
search, modifying the search, selecting results,
search scenarios and strategies;
 Browsing versus searching, browsing strategies,
types of browsing, browsing tools, advantages
and limitations of browsing, user interfaces for
 Retrieval performance evaluation: recall and
precision, criticisms of recall and precision as
evaluation measures;
 Other measurement scales: accuracy, MAP, F-
measures, etc., user‐centred design and

 explain the fundamentals of Unit 9: Library Resource Sharing 10

library cooperation and  Objectives of library cooperation and resource
resources sharing sharing;
 Reasons and importance of library cooperation
 describe resource sharing and resource sharing;
programmes and activities  Areas of library cooperation and resource
 Components of library resource sharing;
 evaluate different  Functions and activities of information resource
configurations of library sharing;
networks  Components of information resource sharing;
 Role of union catalogue in information resource
 prepare agreements for library  Resource sharing in online environment;
networking and resource  Factors influencing library resource sharing;
sharing  Barriers to resource sharing;
 Types of library and information networks;
 Configurations of library and information
 Agreements for resource sharing;
 Negotiation and licensing;
 Necessary tools and for bibliographical control
in resource sharing.

 identify the nature and Unit 10: Information Literacy 10

functions of information  Definition, objectives, functions and scope of
literacy information literacy;
 Media literacy, digital literacy and other forms
 determine the information of literacies;
literacy skills  International alliance and partnerships on
media and information literacy competencies;
 explain the ethical use of  Information literacy models and theories: The
information resource Seven Faces of Information Literacy, The
SCONUL Seven Pillars of Information Literacy;
Big6; PLUS, etc.;
 Information literacy standards and practices;
 Identification of the extent of information

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needed, access the information effectively and
efficiently, evaluate the information and its
sources critically and creatively use that
information in a responsible manner;
 Measuring information literacy skills among
college students;
 Improving information literacy competencies;
 Information ethics: ethical use of library and
information resources;
 Avoiding academic dishonesty/plagiarism,
assignment and class lecture;
 Use of plagiarism detection tools.

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Post: Demonstrator
Subject: Physics
Code: 459
Time: 03 (Three) Hour Full Marks:100
Instructions: There will be 10 questions of equal value and candidates have to
answer all of the ten questions in stipulated time. Each question will design from
each individual unit. Each question may have multiple sub items like a, b, c, etc.
The distribution of marks for each question can be 2+2+3+3 or 2+3+5 or 2+2+6 or
1+4+5 or 1+2+3+4 or 5+5.

Assessment Targets. Contents Marks

The candidates will be able
to ….
• Explain concept and terms Unit: One (Mechanics)
regarding vector, motion,
work, energy& power. Vector Algebra: Vectors and their components, vector
addition and subtraction. Dot and Cross product. Scalar
• Relate the concept with the and Vector triple products.
real-life phenomenon
regarding vector, motion, Laws of Motion: Uniform Circular Motion, Projectile
work, energy & power. Motion, Newton's laws of Motion and their applications,
Galileo’s Law of falling body, Frictional forces, Impulse
• Formulate mathematical and Momentum, Conservation of liner momentum.
expression related to the Elastic collision.
context of vector, motion,
work, energy & power. Work, Energy and Power: Work and Kinetic Energy,
Conservative and Non conservative Forces, Work done
• Demonstrate the problem- by constant force, variable force and Spring force, Work
solving ability in relation to and potential energy, Gravitational potential energy,
vector, motion, work, Work-energy theorem, Conservation of energy,
energy & power. Efficiency.

Rotational Motion: Rotational Variables, Torque,

Moment of inertia & Radius of gyration and their
calculations, Kinetic energy of rotation, Angular
Momentum and its conservation.
• Explain concept and terms Unit: Two (Properties of Matter)
regarding gravitation and
properties of matter. Gravitation: Newton’s law of universal gravitation,
Acceleration due to Gravity and its variations,
• Analyze real world Measurement of acceleration due to Gravity by
phenomena with the Compound pendulum and Kater’s pendulum,
concept of gravitation and Gravitational potential and field in simple cases, Escape
properties of matter. velocity, Planets and satellites.

• Formulate mathematical Elasticity: Hooke’s law, Elastic Moduli and their

expression related to interrelation, Determination of Young’s and Rigidity
context of gravitation and modulus, Torsion of a cylinder, Bending of beams and 10
properties of matter. cantilevers.

• Demonstrate the problem- Fluid Mechanics: Surface tension and surface energy,
solving ability regarding Molecular origin of Surface Tension, Angle of contact
the concept of gravitation and its measurements, Determination of surface tension
and properties of matter. of water and mercury drop, Streamline and Turbulent
flow, Bernoulli’s equation and application, co-efficient
of viscosity Poiseuille’s formula and its correction,
Determination co-efficient of viscosity using capillary
flow method.

• Interpret the concept and Unit: Three ( Thermal Physics & Radiation )
terms of heat and
thermodynamics. Heat and Kinetic Theory Gases: Heat and
Temperature, Platinum resistance thermometer,
• Relate the concept with the Equation of state of an ideal gas, Kinetic Theory of
real life phenomenon in Gases, Mean Free Path, Van der Waals equation of
relation to heat and State, Degrees of freedom and Molar Specific Heats,
thermodynamics. Specific Heat and its determination for solid, liquid and
• Formulate mathematical Thermodynamics: Zero-th Law of Thermodynamics, 10
expression in relation to First law of thermodynamics and its applications,
heat, thermodynamics, and Reversible & Irreversible Processes, Entropy, Change in
radiation. Entropy, Second Law of Thermodynamics, Heat Engine,
Newton's Law of cooling.
• Demonstrate the problem-
solving ability in relation to Radiation: Concept of Black Body and Black Body
heat, thermodynamics and Radiation, Stefan-Boltzmann’s Law, Wien’s
radiation. displacement law, Rayleigh-Jean’s law, Planck’s
Radiation law.
• Explain concept and terms Unit: Four ( Electricity and Magnetism)
electromagnetism. Electric Field: Scalar and vector fields, Gradient, 10
Divergence and curl, Coulomb's law from Gauss's
• Analyze real world law. Electric field and Potential due to Point charge &
phenomena with the electric Dipole. Parallel-plate capacitor, Energy stored
concept of electricity and in a capacitor, Capacitors in parallel and in series,
magnetism Gauss's law with dielectrics.

• Formulate mathematical Current and Magnetic field: Current density, drift

expression in relation to velocity, Ohm's law, resistance and resistivity, addition
electromagnetism. of resistances, Kirchhoff’s law, Problems involving
multi-loop circuits, Ammeter, Voltmeter and their uses,
• Demonstrate the problem- Wheatstone bridge principle , Biot - Savart law,
solving ability related to the Amperes law and their applications, Magnetic
concept of properties of matter , Paramagnet, Diamagnet and
Electromagnetism. Ferromagnet, Magnetization vectors, Hysteriesis .
Time Varying Phenomena:
Faraday's law & Lenz’s Law of Induction and their
applications, Transformers, RC and LC circuit , Energy
transformation in LC circuit.

• Explain concept and terms Unit: Five (Sound and Optics)

regarding waves, oscillation
and optics. Waves: Transverse and Longitudinal Wave,
Progressive Wave Equation, The Principle of
• Relate the concept with the superposition for waves , Standing Waves and
real-life phenomenon to the Resonance, Beats, The Doppler Effect, Applications
concept of waves, of waves in real life.
oscillation and optics.
Oscillation: Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM), Relation
• Formulate mathematical between SHM and uniform circular motion. Energy in
expression in relation to SHM, combinations of two SHM”S, Lissajous figures, 10
waves, oscillation and Damped SHM, Vibrations of string and air-column,
optics. Sonometer, Melde”s experiment.
• Demonstrate the problem-
solving ability regarding Optics: Light and the electromagnetic spectrum, wave
waves, oscillation and front and Huygens principle, Coherent source ,
optics. Interference of light, Young's experiment, Fresnel and
Fraunhofer class diffraction, Diffraction from single slit
and double slits, Diffraction grating, Polarised and
unpolarised light, polarization by polarizer, Brewsters
law, Dispersion of light , Optical phenomena in real
life, Optical fiber in communication.
• Explain concept and terms Unit: Six ( Atomic and Molecular physics)
regarding atomic and
molecular physics and Quantum Theory: Quantum character of radiation,
Lasers. photoelectric effect, Einstein’s photon theory,
photoelectric equation, Compton effect,
• Analyze real world
phenomena with the Rutherford Nucleus: Rutherford alpha scattering
concept of atomic and experiment, Nucleus, Bohr quantization rules, Hydrogen
molecular physics and atom spectra, Pauli’s exclusion principle. Vector & shell
Lasers. atom model.
• Formulate mathematical X-ray & Laser: Production and properties of X-rays,
expression in relation to Characteristics of X-rays, X-rays spectra, Basic
theory of atomic and principles of laser; Stimulated absorption, spontaneous
molecular physics and and stimulated emission; population inversion, laser
Lasers. idea, three and four level lasers, properties of a laser
beam, optical pumping; Helium-Neon laser; Application
• Demonstrate the problem- of laser.
solving ability regarding
atomic and molecular
physics and Lasers.
• Explain concept and terms Unit: Seven ( Modern Physics)
regarding physical basis, Physical basis: Failure of classical mechanics and
special theory of relativity emergence of Quantum Mechanics. Black body
and quantum mechanics. radiation, Wave particle duality, De Broglie wavelength,
Phase and group velocities, The Uncertainty principle.
Relate the concept with the Blackbody radiation; Photoelectric effect; Einstein
real-life phenomenon in photon theory; The Compton effect.
relation to physical basis,
special theory of relativity and
quantum mechanics. Special Theory of Relativity: Postulates of special
• Formulate mathematical theory of relativity, Lorentz transformation, The
expression in relation to Michelson–Morley experiment ;Time dilation; Length
physical basis, special contraction; Relativity of mass, Mass-energy
theory of relativity and equivalence.
quantum mechanics.
• Demonstrate the problem- Quantum Mechanics: Schrödinger's equation, Time
solving ability regarding dependent form and Steady-state form; Application of
physical basis, special Schrödinger's equation: particle in a box, harmonic
theory of relativity and oscillator and hydrogen atom.
quantum mechanics.
• Explain concept and terms Unit: Eight ( Nuclear Physics and Application of
regarding nuclear physics, Modern Physics)
elementary particles and 10
medical physics. Nuclear Physics: Nuclear composition; Binding energy
and separation energy; Radioactive decay; Half life,
Mean life, Nuclear reaction; Nuclear fission and fusion;
• Analyze real world GM counter, Nuclear reactor and Nuclear power plant in
phenomena with the Bangladesh.
concept of nuclear physics,
elementary particles and Elementary Particles: General properties and
medical physics. classification of elementary particles, Elementary
particle quantum numbers, different types of interaction
• Formulate mathematical and conservation laws, Quarks Models, Field Boson;
expression in relation to Unification of forces; Origin of the universe and The
nuclear physics, elementary Big Bang; Ultimate fate of the universe, Dark matter.
particles and medical
physics. Physics in Medical science: Uses physics concepts and
• Demonstrate the problem- procedures in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of
solving ability regarding disease: X-rays, Ultrasonography, MRI, CT Scan, ECG,
nuclear physics, elementary ETT, Endoscopy, Radiography, Chemotherapy,
particles and medical Angiography, Precaution and care in using instruments
physics. in diagnosis.

• Explain concept and terms Unit: Nine (Solid State Physics)

regarding semiconductor,
superconductor, diode and Semiconductor: Band theory, Types of
transistor. Semiconductors, P-N Junction, Biasing, Diode
Characteristics, Diode rectification, LED, Photo-diode
• Relate the concept with the & Solar Cell.
real-life phenomenon with
the concept of Transistor and its Applications: Types of Transistors,
semiconductor, Transistor Configurations: CB, CE and CC
superconductor, diode and configuration, Input and Output characteristics,
transistor. Transistor as an amplifier and a switch, Integrated
Circuit. 10
• Design and analyze circuit
with the concept of diode, Superconductivity: Basic properties of
transistor and integrated superconductors, Meissen effect, BCS theory of
circuit. superconductivity.

• Demonstrate the problem-

solving ability and evaluate
related to the concept of
superconductor, diode and
• Explain concept and terms Unit: Ten (Computer fundamentals and
regarding logic gates, Experimental physics)
computer and laboratory
work. Fundamental concepts: Boolean Algebra, De 10
Morgan’s theorem, Truth Tables, Basic logic operations
• Relate the concept with the and gates: OR, AND, and NOT, Universal gates: NAND
and NOR, Complex gates: X-OR & X-NOR,
real-life phenomenon with Universality of NAND and NOR Gates. Design of a
the concept of logic gates, Half and Full Adder. Computer CPU, Keyboard, Mouse,
computer and laboratory Monitor, Printer, E-mail.
work. Laboratory : Fair note book, Errors in Measurement
• Draw diagram logic circuit (Theoretical & Experimental), Determination of
with the concept of logic Significant Figure, Analysis of the experiment
gates, computer and (Mathematical & Graphical ).
laboratory work.

• Demonstrate the problem-

solving ability with the
concept of logic gates,
computer and laboratory
Syllabus for NTRCA written Examination
Post: Demonstrator
Subject: Chemistry
Subject Code: 460
Exam duration: 3 hours Full Marks: 100

Instructions: There will be five sections (A, B, C, D, E) and two (02)

questions from each section. Every question will contain 10 marks,
and may have more than one parts like a, b, c. The marks distribution
of a question may be 2+3+5/ 2+2+6/ 3+3+4/ 2+4+4/ 1+4+5/ 4+6 etc.
Candidate have to answer all questions. Question setter will have to
set two questions from each section. Question setter may consider the
distribution of lower marks (1 or 2) for basic level of questioning
(such as- define, classify, explain etc.) and higher marks (3 or 4 or 5)
for advanced level of questioning (such as- apply, calculate, analyze,
evaluate etc.).
Marks distribution
Sections No. of question × Marks =
Total Marks
A. Physical Chemistry 2 × 10 = 20
B. Inorganic Chemistry 2 × 10 = 20
C. Organic Chemistry 2 × 10 = 20
D. Analytical Chemistry 2 × 10 = 20
E. Industrial and Environmental 2 × 10 = 20
Full marks = 100
Section A: Physical Chemistry
Assessment Targets: Contents Marks
The candidate will be able to.......
• Explain the gas laws 1. Gaseous state 20
• Derive different equation using The gas laws, Ideal gas equation,
gas laws Deviation from ideal behaviour, Vender
• Solve mathematical problem Waals equation, Dalton's law of partial
using gas laws pressure; Measurement of volume of a
gaseous product of a reaction.
• Define different terms related 2. Solutions
to solution. Degree of dissociation, Equilibrium
constant. Ostwald dilution law. Le-
• Explain different laws of
chatelier principle, Solubility, Ionic
solution. product, Solubility product, Common ion
• Solve mathematical problem effect, pH and buffer solution, buffer
using different laws of solution action, Henderson equation.
and solubility concepts. Determination of pH, Importance of pH
• Explain different colloids and and buffer in Agriculture, Medicine,
Industry. Solution, Mixture and Colloids
its uses.
• Compare between solution
and colloid system.

• Define acids and bases from 3. Acid-Base

different viewpoints Various concepts of Acid and Base
• Determine pH of a solution (Arrhenius concept, Bronsted-Lowry
• Explain the acid base concept, Lewis concept), conjugate acid
and base, strength of Acid and base. Self
neutralization titration.
ionization of water and pH. Experimental
uses of acid-base neutralization titration.
• Define different terms 4. Thermochemistry and
related to Electrochemistry. Electrochemistry
• Explain the terms related to Enthalpy, enthalpy changes in various
chemical and physical processes, entropy,
conductance. Lavoisier and Hess's law and its
• Explain the construction application. Determination of reaction
different electrodes and enthalpy, heat of solution and heat of
cells. neutralization.
• Derive the mathematical Reactivity series of metals,
Electrochemical cells, pH and Electrode
equation of emf of different
potentials-e.m.f. of cells, Electrolytic and
electrodes and cells. galvanic cells, Half cells, Different types
• Solve mathematical problem of electrodes, Standard Hydrogen
of emf of different electrode, Construction of
electrodes and cells. electrochemical cells, Measurements of
• Explain different laws of electrolytic conductance. Standard e.m.f
of cell, Measurement of emf of cell,
Nernst equation.
• Solve mathematical problem
Assessment Targets: Contents Marks
The candidate will be able to.......
using different laws of

Section B: Inorganic Chemistry

Assessment Targets Contents Marks
The candidate will be able to.......
• Explain an atom and its orbit 1. Atomic Structure and chemical 20
and orbital Bonding
• Distribute electrons in Nuclear model of the atom, Quantum
different shells following number and atomic orbital, Electronic
some rules configuration, Pauli exclusion principle,
• Explain the concept of Hund's rule; Aufbau principle.
various chemical bonding Ionic bonds, covalent bonds, co-ordinate
• Relate the function of covalent bonds, Octet rule, Multiple bonds,
electron with bonding types Polar covalent bonds, delocalized bonding,
resonance, Metallic bond, Hydrogen bond,
Vander Waals forces, MOT
• Make various charts/tables for 2. Periodic Table and Classification of
elements Elements
• Categorize elements into The modern periodic tables, Usefulness
different groups and assign and, limitations of the periodic tables,
them in periodic table Periodic properties, Atomic radius,
• Link up the physical and Ionization energy, Electron affinity and
chemical properties of elements electronegativity.
with periodicity
• Differentiate clearly between 3. Oxidation and Reduction
oxidation and reduction Oxidation, reduction, oxidation half
reactions reaction, reduction half reaction, redox
• Complete redox reaction reaction, oxidant, deducing agent, oxidation
• Explain the oxidation number, Redox reaction completion.
reduction titration. Experimental uses of oxidation reduction
• Explain the test of different 4. Analysis of Inorganic salts
radicals. Dry test, Wet test, Group analysis of basic
• Explain the group reagents in radicals, Group reagents, Role of common
salt analysis. ion effect and solubility product in group
analysis, Conformation test of acid and basic
Section C: Organic Chemistry
Assessment Targets: Contents Marks
The candidate will be able to.......
• Define different terms related 1. Bonding of Organic Compounds 20
to basic organic chemistry. Atomic orbitals, covalent bonds,
hybridization of orbitals and shapes of
• Explain different phenomena
molecules, functional groups, homologous
in organic compounds. series, nomenclature of organic compounds,
• Explain the stabilities of polarity of molecules, fission/clevage of
carbocation’s, carbanions- free covalent bond, carbocation’s, carboanions-
radicals free radicals and their stabilities,
• Explain nomenclature of Isomerisations.
organic compounds
• Analyze the isomerization
(structural, geometrical and
conformational ) in organic

• Explain structure, source, 2. Aliphatic and Aromatic Hydrocarbons

preparation, physical and Alkanes, cycloalkanes, alkenes, dienes,
chemical properties of aliphatic alkynes, classification of hydrocarbons,
(structure, source, preparation, physical and
and aromatic hydrocarbons.
chemical properties) of aliphatic and aromatic
• Explain the characteristic hydrocarbons, mechanism of reactions, CFC,
reactions in aliphatic and cis-trans & E-Z systems, markowikov’s and
aromatic hydrocarbons. anti-markowikov’s rule & application,
• Idenfy the saturated and conjugated dienes, acidiy of alkynes etc.
unsaturated hydrocarbon Addition reaction in unsaturated
through chemical reactions.
Concept of aromaticity, Huckel’s rule,
• Explain the mechanism of substitution and orientation, activation and
reactions in aliphatic and deactivation in aromatic substitutions,
aromatic hydrocarbons electrophilic substitutions in aromatic system:
• Explain the markowikov’s and (halogenations, nitration. sulphonation,
anti-markowikov’s rule & alkylation and acylation).
• Explain the Concept of
aromaticity and Huckel’s rule
Assessment Targets: Contents Marks
The candidate will be able to.......
• Explain nomenclature of 3. Aliphatic Organic Compounds of
aliphatic compounds. different functional groups
Structure, nomenclature, classification,
• Explain structure, source,
preparations and properties and reactions of
preparation, physical and Alkyl Halides, Hydroxy Compounds,
chemical properties of aliphatic Carbonyl Compounds & Carboxylic Acids,
compounds. Amine, Determine the melting and boiling
point of organic compounds. Elemental test of
organic compounds, Test of functional
• Explain nomenclature of 4. Aromatic Organic Compounds of
aromatic compounds. different functional groups
Structure, nomenclature, classification,
• Explain structure, source,
preparations, properties and reactions of Aryl
preparation, physical and Halides, Hydroxy aromatic Compounds,
chemical properties of Aromatic carbonyl Compounds & Carboxylic
aromatic compounds. Acids, Aromatic Amine, Determine the
melting and boiling point of organic
compounds. Elemental test of organic
compounds, Test of functional groups.

Section D: Analytical Chemistry

Assessment Targets: Contents Marks
The candidate will be able to.......
• Explain about the basic 1. Basic Concepts in Analytical Chemistry 20
concept of analytical terms Classical and modern concepts of analytical
• Consider the necessary detection and quantification, sensitivity,
parameters for correct selectivity, specificity, concentration limit,
analytical calculations dilution limit etc. of chemical reactions,
sample containers, sample preservation,
sampling, sample dissolution, reagents and
reactions, precision and accuracy, mean and
median, types of errors, significant figure
• Evaluate the role of buffer 2. Volumetric Methods of Analysis
in analytical chemistry Preparation of solutions and dilution of
• Select suitable indicator for solutions: Primary and secondary standard
acid-base titrations substance, molar solution, molal solution,
• Explain the role of solvent ppm, ppb, % solution.
choice in titration Acid-Base Reactions: Acid–base
• Use redox technique in equilibrium and buffers in analytical
analysis chemistry, indicators, titrations of acid-base,
• Choose indicator for redox titration in non-aqueous solvents - solvent
titration choice and advantages.
Redox Reactions: Oxidation-reduction
Assessment Targets: Contents Marks
The candidate will be able to.......
• Utilize some oxidant for equilibrium in chemical analysis, redox
standard titration methods titration curve, indicators for oxidation-
• Explain terms related to reduction titrations, KMnO4 as a standard
EDTA titration. oxidants, titrations with K2Cr2O7 and cerium
• Calculate the step-wise (IV), redox titrations involving iodine, iodo-
formation constant metric and iodi-metric methods.
• Apply masking and Complex metric Methods of Analysis
damasking technics for Complexes, formation constants, chelates,
selective complex formation EDTA equilibrium, effect of pH on EDTA
equilibrium, EDTA titration curves, types of
EDTA titrations, selectivity, masking and
demasking agents, metal ion indicators,
• Describe the Limit the 3. Spectrophotometric Analysis
wavelength range of Ultraviolet Ultraviolet and visible radiation, absorbance,
and visible radiation transmittance, absorptivity, the Beer-
• Describe the advantage and Lambert’s law, limitations of Beer-
limitations of the Beer- Lambert’s law, wavelength selection, basic
Lambert’s law components of a spectrophotometer,
• Apply the Beer-Lambert’s law qualitative and quantitative analysis,
for determination of metal- stoichiometric determination of metal-ligand
ligand complexes complexes.
• Define chromatographic terms 4. Chromatography
• Know various Chromatographic behavior of solute,
chromatographic techniques retention behavior, partition coefficient,
• Separate solvents/ compounds column efficiency, resolution, quantitative
using chromatographic and qualitative analysis.
techniques (i) Plane chromatography
Principle of paper chromatography (PC) and
thin layer chromatography (TLC), nature of
mobile phase, stationary phases,
development, location of spot, quantitative
methods, applications.
(ii) Liquid column chromatography
Principles, stationary phases, mobile phases
and applications.
(iii) Ion-exchange method
Principles, types of resin, structure,
swelling, effect of pH, separation of metal
ions, action of ion exchange resins,
Section E: Industrial Chemistry and Environmental Chemistry
Assessment Targets: Contents Marks
The candidate will be able to.......
• Explain the source, causes of 1. Environmental pollution 20
pollutants of water, air and soil Water: Causes of water pollution, different
pollution. types of water pollutants, industrial waste
water and municipal water treatment, control
• Explain the types of water, air and treatment of water pollution,
and soil pollutants. measurement parameter pH, DO, BOD, COD.
• Explain the various techniques Air: Composition of atmosphere Causes of
of treatment of water, air and air pollution, primary and secondary
soil pollution. pollutants; toxic effects of various pollutants;
acid rain photochemical smog; greenhouse
• Explain the source, causes of
gases & greenhouse effects; ozone layer
pollutants of heavy metal depletion. Control and treatment of air
pollution. pollution.
• Explain the impact of heavy Soil: Composition of soil, different types of
metal pollution in human body. soil pollutants and their effects, Causes of soil
pollution, sustainable practices and techniques
for control of soil pollution.
Heavy Metal Pollution: Murcury, chromium,
arsenic lead pollution, source, biochemical
effects, toxicity, control and treatment,
Industrial waste ETP.
• Explain the principals of 2. Processing of Local Food:
caning of foods. Caning of foods: Process of caning of
tomato, mango, Guava, pea, pineapple and
• Explain the preparations of 3. Commercial Preparations:
toiletries, Process of preparation of rose water, after
• Explain the preparation of shave lotion, cold cream, talcum powder.
vinegar and molt vinegar, Process of preparation of toiletries.
• Explain the extraction of ghee Preparation of toilet cleaner and glass cleaner.
and butter from milk, Preparation of Vinegar from acetic acid,
Preparation of molt vinegar from sugar cane
juice, extraction of ghee and butter from milk.
• Explain the safety laboratory 4. Laboratory safety:
uses. Laboratory safety uses, glass apparatus,
• Explain the safety uses of burner, volumetric analysis, titration,
laboratory apparatus and laboratory wastes, chemical balance, uses of
instruments. Bunsen burner, heating technique, safety
• Explain the safety storage and storage and disposal of chemicals and
disposal of chemical and reagents, techniques of uses of reagent
reagents. bottles, hazards symbol, semi micro and
• Explain the health hazards of micro analysis, first aid.
chemicals and perform the first
পদের নাম: প্রের্শক, প্রাণি
welq: cÖvwYwe`¨v (Zoology)
‡KvW: 461

1. ‡kªYxweb¨vm: K‡W©U Ges bb K‡W©‡Ui eM© ch©šÍ| 2. UvBc ÷vwW: K. †cÖv‡Uv‡Rvqv: A¨vwgev, L. Av‡_©vcWv: †gŠgvwQ|
3. ‡KvlZË¡: cÖvYx †Kv‡li m~² MVb, wUmy¨Zš¿| 4. cwi‡ek weÁvb: B‡Kvwm‡÷‡gi aviYv, GKwU cyKz‡ii B‡Kvwm‡÷g,
dyW †PBb, B‡KvjwRK¨vj wcivwgW| å~YZË¡: K. M¨v‡g‡Uv‡R‡bwmm L. gyiwMi 僇Yi e„w× I ea©b M. Agivweb¨vm
(Placentation) wewfbœ aib|
2. cÖvYxi kvixiZË¡: gvby‡li cwicvKZš¿, i³ msenbZš¿, k¦mbZš¿ Ges †iPbZš¿| 3. eb¨ cÖvwYwe`¨v (Wild life
biology): K. eb¨ cÖvYxi ¸iæZ¡, msiÿY Ges e¨e¯’vcbv, L. evsjv‡`‡ki cÖavb cÖavb eb¨cÖvYx| 4. e¨envwiK
cÖvwYwe`¨v: K. wPswo Drcv`b L. evsjv‡`‡ki cwi‡cÖwÿ‡Z wewfbœ ai‡Yi †c÷ (Pests) wbqš¿Y|
3. wbæwjwLZ welqvw`i we‡kl aviYv: K. cwi‡ek `~l‡Yi Drm, cÖfve Ges wbqš¿K| L. cvwLi gvB‡MÖkb M. Kvc© Drcv`b
N. gv‡Qi †¯‹j (Avuk) Ges KWvj wdb (cvLbv)|
পদের নাম: প্রের্শক, উদ্ভিে
welq: Dw™¢`weÁvb (Botany)
‡KvW: 462

1. fvBivm: cÖKvi, †fŠZ Ges ivmvqwbK MVb|:MV Ges:2 fvBiv‡mi Rbb, ¯’vbvšÍi Ges A_©‰bwZK ¸iæZ¡| 2.e¨v‡±wiqv:
†kªYxweb¨vm, MVb, Rbb Ges A_©‰bwZK ¸iæZ¡| 3. ‰kevj: evm¯’vb, MVb, A_©‰bwZK ¸iæZ¡, bvB‡Uªv‡Rb e܇b ‰kev‡ji
f~wgKv| 4. QÎvK: †kªYxweb¨vm, Rbb Ges A_©‰bwZK ¸iæZ¡| 5. eªv‡qvdvBU Ges †Uwi‡WvdvBUt ‰ewkó¨, Rbb Ges
A_©‰bwZK ¸iæZ¡| 6. ¸ßexRx Dw™¢‡`i U¨v‡·vbwg: U¨v‡·vbwgi cwimi, †kªYxweb¨v‡mi GKK, bvgKiY| K…wÎg (wjwbqvm)
cÖvK…wZK (†eb_vg I ûKvi) Ges RvwZRwb (G½jvi Ges cÖv›Uj) ai‡bi †kªYxweb¨vm Gi †`vl I ¸Ymn weeiY| 7.
cwi‡ek weÁvb Ges evsjv‡`‡ki Dw™¢` †fŠ‡MvwjK AÂj: cwi‡ek weÁv‡bi cwimi, cwi‡ekxq Dcv`vb - Ro Ges RxeR
Dcv`vb, nvB‡WªvdvBU, †R‡ivdvBU Ges n¨v‡jvdvBU Gi ‰ewkó¨| MÖxb nvDm cÖfv‡ei cwi‡cÖwÿ‡Z cwi‡ek `~lY|
evsjv‡`‡ki cÖavb Dw™¢` †fŠ‡MvwjK A‡ji ‰ewkó¨ I Dw™¢¾| 8. Dw™¢` kvixiwe`¨v I cÖvY imvqb: Dw™¢‡`i cÖavb LwbR
Dcv`vbmg~‡ni KvR I AfveRwbZ jÿY| 9. mv‡jvKms‡kølY| 10. k¦mb| 11. bvB‡Uªv‡Rb wecvK - bvB‡Uªv‡Rb mseÜb
Ges bvB‡Uªv‡Rb Pµ| 12. kK©iv, †cÖvwUb Ges A¨vwg‡bv Gwm‡Wi †kªYxweb¨vm, ivmvqwbK MVb Ges ¸iæZ¡| 13. ‡KvlZË¡:
Dw™¢` †Kv‡li m~² MVb| 14. ‡µv‡gv‡Rv‡gi †fŠZ Ges ivmvqwbK MVb| 15. wg‡qvwmm †Kvl wefvRb Ges Gi ¸iæZ¡|
16. eskMwZwe`¨v: ‡g‡Û‡ji 1g I 2q m~‡Îi e¨vL¨v| wjs‡KR Ges µwms Ifvi| cwjcø‡qW-Gi †kªYxweb¨vm I A_©‰bwZK
¸iæZ¡| 17. weeZ©b: Rxe‡bi DrcwË, weeZ©‡bi gZev`|
Syllabus of NTRCA Examination (Written)
Post: Demonstrator (Biology)
Subject: Biology
Code: 463

Detailed Syllabus
Sl Assessment Targets Content
No The candidates will be able to -
1 a. explain different types of cells and cell Cell, Cell Division and Tissue:
organelles. Prokaryotic cell, eukaryotic cell, typical plant
b. state steps of DNA replication process. cell, typical animal cell.
c. explain cell cycle and its importance. Cell organelles - cell membrane, cell wall,
d. explain amitosis, mitosis and meiosis endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria,
e. evaluate the importance of mitosis and plastids, ribosome, Golgi body, nucleus,
meiosis. chromosome, DNA, RNA, gene.
f. describe different types of animal and Cell cycle, amitosis, mitosis, meiosis,
plant tissue. importance of mitosis and meiosis.
Types of plant tissue,
types of animal tissue.

2 a. explain basic concept of taxonomy, Taxonomy:

classification and nomenclature. Concept of taxonomy, classification and
b. state the method of binomial nomenclature.
nomenclature. Classification - artificial: Theophrastus;
c. describe artificial, natural and natural: Bentham & Hooker, phylogenetic:
phylogenetic classification. Engler & Prantl.
d. explain five kingdom classification of Five kingdom classification.
living world. Non-chordate (up to phyla) and chordate (up
e. characterize non chordate and chordate to class) animals.

3 a. explain viral characteristics, nature, Microorganisms:

types, multiplications and transmission. Characteristics, types, structures (physical and
b. evaluate the importance of virus. chemical), multiplications, transmission and
c. describe some of the important human importance of virus.
and plant diseases caused by virus and Human’s viral diseases- Dengue, COVID-19
preventive ways of the diseases. and HIV.
d. explain characteristics, structure, Plant’s viral diseases- Papaya ring spot
classification and reproduction of bacteria. disease and mosaic disease.
e. evaluate the importance of bacteria. Characteristics, structure, classification,
f. describe some of the important human reproduction and importance of bacteria.
and plant diseases caused by bacteria and Human’s bacterial diseases- typhoid and
prevention ways of the diseases. cholera.
Plant’s bacterial diseases- bacterial blight of
rice and potato soft rot disease.
4 a. explain photosynthesis and its phases. Photosynthesis and Respiration:
b. evaluate importance of photosynthesis. Definition, reaction, phases and importance of
c. explain photosynthesis related cycles. Photosynthesis.
d. explain respiration and its types. Non-cyclic and cyclic photophosphorylation.
e. evaluate importance of respiration. Kelvin cycle, Hatch and Slack cycle and
f. describe aerobic respiration and its steps. CAM.
Definition, reaction, types and importance of
Steps of Aerobic respiration - glycolysis,
acetyl CoA, TCA cycle and electron transport

5 a. list essential nutritional elements of Nutrition:

plants. Essential nutritional elements, macronutrients,
b. discuss about macronutrients and micronutrients, absorption of mineral salts.
micronutrients of plants. Nutrients of human food and nutrition,
c. explain absorption of salts/ions by plants. BMR, BMI, balanced diet of human,
d. explain nutrients and nutrition for human digestion and absorption in human.
e. discuss about digestion and absorption in

6 a. explain phytohormones and its uses. Coordination and Control:

b. explain Vernalization. Phytohormones and its uses,
c. indicate structure and function of human Vernalization.
brain. Coordination and Control in Human- structure
d. differentiate cranial nerves according to and function of brain,
origin, nature, expansion and functions. cranial nerves,
e. list sensory organs. sensory organs,
f. illustrate structure and function of eye structure and functions of eye and ear.
and ear. Endocrine glands and hormones of human
g. identify endocrine glands and hormones body.
in human body.
h. express functions of different hormones.

7 a. explain plant reproductive organ, Reproduction:

reproduction and development process. Plant reproduction- flower and its parts,
b. explain human male & female pollination, microsporogenesis,
reproductive system. megasporogenesis, fertilization, development
c. describe gametogenesis. of new sporophyte.
d. interpret fertilization. Reproduction in Human- male & female
e. explain embryogenesis up to 40 weeks. reproductive system, gametogenesis,
fertilization, embryogenesis.

8 a. define biodiversity Biodiversity and Ecology:

b. describe types of biodiversity. Types and importance of biodiversity, in situ
c. evaluate importance of biodiversity. and ex situ conservation of biodiversity.
d. explain in situ and ex situ conservation Evergreen, semi evergreen, deciduous and
of biodiversity. mangrove forests.
e. describe different types of forests with Endangered and threatened animals and plants
scientific names of major plants and of Bangladesh, causes of extinction and
animals. conservation.
f. list endangered and threatened animals of
Bangladesh. Ecosystem- definition, components of
g. analyze causes of extinction of animals ecosystems, pond ecosystem, food chain, food
and plants of Bangladesh. web and ecological pyramids.
h. estimate conservation endangered and
threatened animals and plants of
i. define ecosystem.
j. explain components of ecosystems.
k. describe pond ecosystem.
l. distinguish food chain and food web.
m. analyze ecological pyramids.

9 a. state Mendel’s laws of Inheritance, Genetics and Evolution:

b. analyze Mendel’s first law and second Mendel’s laws of inheritance -first law and
law and their exceptions with example. second law, explanations, exceptions,
c. explain sex linked inheritance and sex linked inheritance and disorders.
disorders with example. Lamarckism, Darwinism, Neo-Darwinism,
d. explain organic evolution. evidence of evolution,
e. describe Lamarckism, Darwinism and chronological/geological timescale.
f. illustrate evidence of evolution.
g. state chronological/geological timescale.

10 a. explain Biotechnology. Biotechnology, Tissue Culture and Genetic

b. evaluate importance of biotechnology Engineering:
c. explain tissue culture. Biotechnology- concept, types, importance.
d. apply understanding of tissue culture in Plant tissue culture- concept, steps and uses.
different sectors. Genetic Engineering- concept, steps,
e. explain concept of genetic engineering applications and importance.
f. illustrate steps of recombinant DNA
g. describe applications of genetic
h. evaluate importance of genetic
Marks Distribution

Post: Demonstrator (Biology)

Subject: Biology

Marks distribution for the post of Demonstrator (Biology) written examination is given below:

➢ The syllabus Biology is divided into 10 sections with equal importance.

➢ Candidates will have to answer 10 questions each carrying 10 marks.
➢ Candidates have to answer all the ten questions out of ten.
➢ Each question will have no alternative.
➢ There will be 10 questions from 10 sections.
➢ Each question will have to represent more or less the equal value of Botany and
➢ Each question may have multiple sub items like a, b, c, d etc.
➢ The distribution of marks for each question can be 2+3+5 or 5+5 or 1+2+3+4 or 4+6
➢ Total marks will be 100.
➢ Total examination time duration is three hours.
Post: Lecturer (Production Management and Marketing)
Sub: Production Management, Marketing and International Business

Subject Code: 464 Exam Duration: 3 Hours Full Marks: 100

Production Management and Marketing is a dynamic and multi-disciplinary subject. It’s a
process focusing and designing based on consumer behavior. Teachers of this discipline should
have a basic understanding of production, economics, operation management, consumer
behavior, marketing processes, and international business. They should be able to develop a
strategy and plan for production as well as marketing. They must keep updated knowledge
about the changing business world.
Assessment Targets Contents Marks

The Candidates will be able Unit 1: Production in Management 10

to- • Concepts and Principles of management
• define core concepts of • Functions of management: Planning,
management, principles of Organizing, Leading, Direction,
management, production, Motivation, Controlling.
and production management, • Production and productivity, measuring
• identify factors of productivity
production, • Importance of production
• describe different • Scope of production
management functions, • Concepts of production management
• conceptualize different • Trends in production management and
management approaches, use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in
• calculate productivity, production
• evaluate the comparative • Factors of production: Land, Labour,
importance of factors of Capital and Organization

The Candidates will be able Unit 2: Scale of Production and 10

to- Production in Macro Level
• identify and define different • Concept of the scale of production
types of enterprises, • Types of enterprise: small and medium
• distinguish among industry (SME), large industry
economies of scale, • Economies of scale, diseconomies of
diseconomies of scale, and scale and Optimum level of production
optimum level of scale, • Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Gross
• calculate, identify and National Product (GNP), Net National
evaluate the production scale Product (NNP), National Income (NI)
of a company, and Per Capita Income (PCI)
• define and calculate GDP, • Calculation of national income in
GNP, NNP, NI and PCI, Bangladesh
• Bangladesh Economic Review
• give an opinion on the • Problems in the calculation of national
production level at the macro income
The Candidates will be able Unit 3: Product Design and Quality 10
to- Management
• define product design, • Concept of product design
quality, quality management • Importance, types and stages of product
and TQM., design
• explain different types of • Product design in Bangladesh
product design, • Concept of quality and quality
• determine the stage of management
product design, • Importance of quality management
• explain the importance of • Cost of poor quality – prevention cost,
quality management, appraisal cost, internal failure cost,
• explain the historical external failure cost
background of quality • Quality control, quality assurance, and
management, total quality management (TQM)
• identify the various types of • Contributions of Edwards Demming
costs of poor-quality, • Functions of Bangladesh Standards and
• analyse the functions of Testing Institute (BSTI) and International
BSTI and ISO . Organization for Standardization (ISO)
The Candidates will be able Unit 4: Factory Planning 10
to- • Concept of production capacity
• explain the concept of • Different types of production capacity
production capacity, • Measurements of production capacity
• describe and Calculate • Industry 4.0 in production
production capacity, • Ways of utilizing production capacity
• determine ways to use the • Importance of business location
factory’s production capacity • Types of business location and
properly, advantages and disadvantages of each
• explain the importance of type of business location.
business location, • Factors influencing business location
• recognize the factors • Concept and importance of layout
affecting business location, • Types of layout
• explain the concept of • Factors affecting designing a layout
• analyse various types of
The Candidates will be able Unit 5: Understanding Marketing to 10
to- Develop Marketing Strategy
• define core concepts of • The core concept of marketing
marketing, elements of the • Marketing approaches
Marketing Environment and • Functions of Marketing
Marketing Mix, • Marketing environment
• differentiate between • Consumer and business buyer behavior.
consumer and buyer • Customer-driven Marketing strategy and
behavior, Marketing plan
• segment and target the • Types of Market
market, and position the • Market segmentation and targeting
product effectively, • Positioning and Value proposition.
• develop a marketing strategy, • Marketing Mix
plan and value proposition,

The Candidates will be able Unit 6: Product, Service and Brand

to- • Level and types of product
• identify different levels and • Differentiation of product
types of products, and brand • Product Life Cycle
elements, • Product mix and line
• differentiate between goods • Characteristics of Services
and service, • Marketing strategies for a service firm
• develop product mix and • Brand and Brand elements
service strategies for a • Building and managing a strong brand
company, • General pricing strategies
• design, develop, manage, • New product pricing
and measure brand equity, • Promotional pricing
• choose pricing strategies for • Price adjustment strategies
new products, to price
• Product mix pricing
change, product mix and
• Competitor Analysis
• Competitive strategies of Market Leader,
• analyse competitors for any
Market Challenger, and Market follower.
given product,
• develop competitive
strategies as Market Player.
The Candidates will be able Unit 7: Designing and Managing Value 10
to- Network and Marketing Channel
• identify channel levels and • Types of Marketing Channel
members, • Channel Organization and Management
• evaluate different channel • Channel design
organizations, • Types of Channel members (wholesalers
• take decisions and apply and retailers)
various aspects of channel • Marketing communication process
design and management, • Developing effective and integrated
• evaluate the elements of the marketing communication
promotion mix and decide on • Advertisement, personal selling, sales
the appropriate mix of them promotion, public relations and publicity
for a given situation, • Setting total promotional budget and mix
• describe the marketing
communication process,
• develop and apply an
integrated marketing
communication strategy and
The Candidates will be able Unit 8: Global and Online Marketing 10
to- • Global Marketing Strategy
• evaluate different global • Global Marketing Organization
marketing strategies and • Meaning of Online Marketing and Green
organization, Marketing
• define online marketing, • Unique Characteristics of Online
• explain various tools of Marketing
online marketing, • Tools of Online Marketing (Affiliate
• illustrate situations where marketing, Social media marketing,
online marketing tools are Search engine optimization, Online
appropriate, advertisement, Lead generation, Drop-
• calculate return on online shipping, Privacy policy for online
marketing activities, consumer
• explain different types of e- • Measurement of the effectiveness of
commerce business, online marketing.
• develop an understanding of • Types of E-Commerce:
current trends in marketing. B2B, B2C, C2C.
• Online service providers (Transaction
service providers), Online resellers
(Online grocery stores), Online news
portals (Infotainments)
The Candidates will be able Unit 9: International Business Strategy 10
to- • Absolute Advantage theory and
• define International Business Comparative Advantage theory
• identify elements of the • International Business Environment
International Business • International Business Entry Modes
Environment, • Export-Import Process
• describe the export and • Financing from International Sources
import process, • Currency risks
• measure risks and manage in • Risk measurement and management in the
international business, International Business Environment
• evaluate various entry modes • International taxation and pricing
in International Business,
• identify sources of funding
for International Business.
The Candidates will be able Unit 10: International Economics 10
to- • Tariff vs. non-tariff barriers
• define various terms of • Impact of tariff on the domestic market
international trade, • Policy of Import substitution and export
• evaluate various tariff and promotion
non-tariff barrier, • Terms of trade
• describe different types of • Balance of Payment Analysis
exchange rate system. • Exchange rate system
Instructions for Question Setters:
Candidates will have to answer 10 questions out of 10 prepared from 10 units each carrying
10 Marks. Each question will have 2 to 3 sub-items (e.g. a, b, c). Questions will be prepared
following Bloom’s taxonomy of cognitive learning. A minimum of 20% marks should be
allocated to sub item of higher order questions which require analysing, evaluating, complex
problem solving or creating/synthesizing at every question.
Post: Lecturer (Finance, Banking & Insurance)
Subject: Finance, Banking & Insurance
Subject Code: 465
Time: 3 Hours Full Marks: 100
Part-A: Finance (50 Marks)
Unit 1: Introduction
Assessment Targets Contents Marks
The Candidates will be able to- • Concept, Classifications, and Principles of 10
• define and classify finance; Finance
• describe the functions of business finance; • Functions of Business Finance
• explain the principles of finance; • Goal of a Firm
• describe the goal of a firm; • Financial Markets and Its Types
• define the concept of financial markets; • Securities Traded in Financial Markets
• classify financial markets; • Organization Works in Secondary Markets
• describe the different securities that are • Money Laundering and Its Types
traded in financial markets; • Impact of Money Laundering on the
• define and classify money laundering; Economy
• evaluate the impact of money laundering • Types of Non-Banking Financial
on the economy; Institutions Working in Bangladesh.
• describe the different non-banking
financial institutions working in
Unit 2: Time Value of Money
Assessment Targets Contents Marks
The Candidates will be able to- • Concept of Time Value of Money 10
• explain the concept of the time value of • Concept of Compounding and Discounting
money; • Process of Determining Present and Future
• explain compounding and discounting; Value of Money
• calculate the present value and future • Process of Determining Present and Future
value of different cash flows; Value of Different Annuities
• calculate the present value and future • Compound Growth
value of different annuities; • Interest Rate and Maturity Period
• adjust compound growth on the time value Determination Process
of money; • Loan Amortization Schedule
• calculate maturity period and interest
• prepare loan amortization schedule.
Unit 3: Sources of Finance, Their Cost Calculation and Valuation
Assessment Targets Contents Marks
The Candidates will be able to- • Short-term Financing and Its Sources 10
• define short-term financing; • Calculation of Effective Interest Rate of
• describe the different sources of short- Sources of Short-term Financing
term financing; • Bond and Its Classification
• calculate the effective interest rate of • Calculation of Bond Value and Bond
different sources of short-term financing; Yields
• calculate the bond value and bond yields; • Calculation of Value of Stock
• explain the methods of issuing shares; • Methods of Issuing Shares
• calculate the value of stock; • Concept of Cost of Capital
• define the cost of capital; • Sources of Long-term financing and Its
• describe the different sources of long-term Cost Calculation
financing; • Calculation of Weighted Average Cost of
• calculate the cost of different long-term Capital and Marginal Cost of Capital.
• calculate and analyze WACC and
Unit 4: Capital Budgeting
Assessment Targets Contents Marks
The Candidates will be able to- • Concept, scope, and steps of capital 10
• define the capital budgeting; budgeting
• explain the scope of capital budgeting; • Concept of Project: Independent Project
• describe the concept of project: and Mutually Exclusive Project
Independent Project and Mutually • Techniques of Capital Budgeting: Payback
Exclusive Project; Period (PBP), Average Rate of Return
• explain the steps of capital budgeting; (ARR), Net Present Value (NPV), Internal
• calculate and analyze Payback Period Rate of Return (IRR), Modified Internal
(PBP), Average Rate of Return (ARR), Rate of Return (MIRR), Profitability Index
Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of (PI)
Return (IRR), Modified Internal Rate of • Capital Rationing and ranking.
Return (MIRR), Profitability Index (PI);
• explain the capital rationing and ranking.
Unit 5: Risk-Return Analysis
Assessment Targets Contents Marks
The Candidates will be able to- • Concept of Risk and Total Return 10
• define the concept of risk and total return; • Risk and Uncertainty
• understand the difference between risk • Types and Sources of Risk
and uncertainty; • Methods of Calculating Risk: Probability
• describe different types of risk; Distribution, Standard Deviation, Variance,
• describe different sources of risk; Covariance and Co-efficient of Variation
• calculate and evaluate risk in different • CAPM and Its Implication
ways; • Calculation of Portfolio Return and Risk
• explain and make decisions using CAPM;
• calculate and analyze portfolio risk and
Part-B: Banking (30 Marks)
Unit 6: Introduction
Assessment Targets Contents Marks
The Candidates will be able to- • Concept of Bank, Banking, and Banker 10
• define bank, banking, and banker; • Evolution, Functions, and Classification of
• describe the evaluation of banks; Banks
• describe the functions of banks; • Principles of Commercial Banking
• classify banks; • Credit Creation by Commercial Banks
• explain principles of commercial banking; • General Relationship between Banker and
• explain credit creation by commercial banks; Customer
• explain the relationship between banker • Central Bank and Its Functions
and customer; • Relationship between Central Bank and
• define the concept of the central bank; Govt.
• describe functions of the central bank; • Relationship between Central Bank and
• explain the relationship central bank and Commercial Banks
Govt.; • Credit Control Policy of Central Bank
• explain the credit control policy of the • Automated Clearing House and Its
central bank; Functions
• define the automated clearing house; • CAMELS Rating, Basel II & III
• describe the functions of the automated
clearing house;
• describe CAMELS rating, Basel II&III.
Unit 7: Bank Accounts & Cheque
Assessment Targets Contents Marks
The Candidates will be able to- • Bank Accounts and Its Importance 10
• define bank accounts; • Methods of Opening a Bank Accounts
• describe the importance of bank accounts; • Types of Deposit Accounts: General &
• explain the method of opening a bank Islamic
account; • KYC and Its Importance.
• describe the types of deposit accounts; • Cheque and Its Types
• explain the concept of KYC; • Electronic Banking and Its Importance
• define the concept of a cheque; • Usage of Technology in Banking Operation
• describe the types of cheques; and Customer Services
• define the concept of electronic banking; • Preventive Measures of Using Electronic
• describe the importance of electronic Banking
• describe the usage of technology in
banking operations and customer services;
• describe the preventive measures of using
electronic banking.
Unit 8: Bank’s Funds, Loans & Advances and Its Usage in Foreign Exchange
Assessment Targets Contents Marks
The Candidates will be able to- • Fund of Bank and Its Sources 10
• define the fund of bank; • Principles of Sound Lending
• describe sources of the fund of bank; • Creditworthiness of Borrowers and Banks
• explain the principles of sound lending; • Types of Credit
• describe the creditworthiness of borrowers • Types of Bank Security
and banks; • Causes of Distressed Loan
• classify the types of credit; • Foreign Exchange and Its Determination
• describe the types of bank security; Process
• mention the causes of distressed loans; • Methods of Exchanging Foreign Currency
• explain the concept of foreign exchange; • Letter of Credit (LC) and Its Types
• describe the foreign exchange rate • Factoring and Forfeiting
determination process; • Importance of Remittance
• explain the methods of exchanging foreign
• explain factoring and forfeiting;
• describe the importance of remittance.
Part-C: Insurance (20 Marks)
Unit 9: Introduction
Assessment Targets Contents Marks
The Candidates will be able to- • Concept, role, Classification, and 10
• explain the concept of insurance; Principles of Insurance
• evaluate the role of insurance on the • Risk in Insurance and Its Types
economy; • Insurance Vs. Gambling
• differentiate between: insurance & • Insurance Vs. Hedging
gambling, insurance & hedging; • Insurance Contract and Its Characteristics
• explain the principles of insurance; • Elements of Insurance Contract
• define insurance contract; • Reinsurance
• describe the characteristics of the • Double Insurance
insurance contract; • Bangladesh Insurance Act
• mention the element of the insurance contract; • Insurance Development and Regulatory
• explain the concept of reinsurance & Authority (IDRA) Act, 2010
double insurance;
• classify insurance;
• describe Insurance Act;
• describe the role of IRDA.
Unit 10: Different Types Of Insurance
Assessment Targets Contents Marks
The Candidates will be able to- • Life Insurance and Its Importance 10
• explain the concept of life insurance; • Types of Life Insurance Policies
• describe the importance of life insurance; • Methods of Calculating Life Insurance
• explain the types of life insurance policies; Premium
• calculate life insurance premiums; • Annuity
• explain the concept of annuity in insurance; • Subject Matter of Marine Insurance
• describe the subject matters of marine • Compulsory Warranties of Marine
insurance; Insurance
• mention the warranties of marine • Types of Marine Insurance Policies
insurance; • Classification of Marine Losses
• explain the types of marine insurance • Fire Insurance and Types of Fire Insurance
policies; Policies
• classify the marine losses; • Causes of Fire Loss or Waste
• define the fire insurance; • Types of Accident Insurance
• explain the types of fire insurance • Types of Islamic Insurance Policies
policies; available in Bangladesh
• describe the causes of fire loss or waste;
• describe the types of accident insurance;
• analyze the different types of Islamic
insurance policies available in

Questions Pattern and Marks Distribution

Finance-50 Marks
The candidates have to answer 5 questions out of 5. 10×5=50
Banking-30 Marks
The candidates have to answer 3 questions out of 3. 10×3=30
Insurance-20 Marks
The candidates have to answer 2 questions out of 2. 10×2=20
Instructions for Question setters:
Candidates have to answer 10 questions out of 10 prepared from 10 units, each carrying 10 marks. Each
question will have 2 or 3 sub-items (e.g., a, b, c). Questions will be prepared following Bloom’s
taxonomy of cognitive learning. A minimum of 20% marks should be allocated to sub-items of higher-
order questions that require analyzing, evaluating, complex problem solving, or creating/synthesizing at
every question.

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