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"Imagine cars that can drive all by themselves, like magic! These special cars
are called self-driving cars, and they use clever technology to make it happen.
But how do they work?

Self-driving cars are like super-smart robots on wheels. They have "eyes"
(cameras), "senses" (sensors), and even their own "brain" (a computer). These
cars can look at everything around them, feel when something is close, and
know exactly where they are going.

Just like how you follow rules when you play a game, self-driving cars follow
traffic rules. They look out for other cars, people, and traffic lights. Their "brain"
thinks and makes decisions to keep the ride safe.

In this project, we'll explore the amazing world of self-driving cars and learn
more about how they use their "eyes," "senses," and "brain" to drive all by

how self-driving cars work:

Self-driving cars are like super-smart robots that can drive without a human
driver. They use a bunch of special sensors and computers to understand
what's happening around them and make decisions.

Cameras: These cars have cameras like our eyes. They look at everything on the
road, such as other cars, people, and traffic lights.

Sensors: They also have sensors, which are like tiny hands that can touch and
feel. These sensors can tell if something is close or far away.

Maps and GPS: Self-driving cars have really good maps and GPS. They know
where they are and where they need to go.
Computer Brain: The car's computer is like its brain. It takes all the information
from the cameras, sensors, maps, and GPS and thinks about it. It figures out
how to drive safely.

Decision Making: The computer decides when to speed up, slow down, turn, or
stop. It follows traffic rules and tries to keep everyone safe.

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