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hello everyone my name is abishek and welcome back to my channel in today's video

let's try to understand the reality of devops and Cloud job roles in 2024 you
might have seen some people talking about the market that they have been trying
from last 3 months 6 months one year but finding it difficult to enter the devops
and Cloud space they're not getting the opportunities they're not able to clear
the interviews for some people the profile itself is not getting shortlisted on
the other side you might have seen people sharing success stories on LinkedIn you
might have seen people talking about multiple offers that they have two offers
four offers six offers even I post on my YouTube Community tab about list of our
subscribers who are getting selected on a weekly basis so why is there this huge
difference what is the reality to be very honest both of them are actually true
there are people who are finding it difficult and there are people who are able
to clear the devops and Cloud roles with huge packages as well this is the
reality but what are the factors that have created this difference and most
importantly what we will learn in today's video is how to overcome this
particular situation and how to move from one side to the other from the side of
not getting opportunities to the side of clearing devops and Cloud roles in 2024
so please watch this video till the end the first Factor here is the demand and
Supply many of you know that 2023 has not been that great year and because of
that the demand and Supply did not meet the expectation of people probably if you
go back 3 years or five years like during pandemic or before that market had aot
lot of opportunities and Market was able to catter for people who are trying to
enter the market but because the market did not do that well in 2023 number of
opportunities have gone less but the number of people trying for the
opportunities have been the same or little more because of this there is a drift
in the people people's opinion where some people were not able to get the
opportunities and some people were able to get the opportunities and clear the
opportunities now this demand and supply has created another factor that is the
complexity of the interviews now it's quite obvious when there are a lot of
people and less number of opportunities the complexity of the interviews have to
go high let's say you have 100 people trying to apply for 10 devops job goes or
five devops job goes to filter the right five candidates amongst those 100
candidates the complexity of the interview definitely has to go high only then
you will be able to filter the right five candidates so this is a second Factor
again this Factor has created a lot of drift people's profile were not getting
shortlisted you know people with good skill set were only getting selected and
the factor one and Factor two that is demand and supply and the complexity of the
interview which has gone High has created another factor that is scenario based
questions practical learning so in the interviews if the complexity has to go
High people started asking scenario based questions people started asking the
realtime challenges now this was again very difficult for some people because
people were trying to enter the devops and Cloud space but probably did not have
worked so much on the devops and Cloud Technologies people have learned through
some courses people have learned through some online material or YouTube channels
and answering those real-time challenges scenario based questions was another
difficult Factor some people were able to do it so those people have easily
cleared fourth factor is the freshes and experienced Factor unfortunately 2023
has been a terrible year for freshers I can say probably it has seen its low for
freshers in 2023 because of which lot of freshers did not get the opportunities
because Market has less number of opportunities and Market was looking for for
skillful Engineers so people were looking for skillful engineers and experienced
engineer of course some freshes again with good projects some freshes with uh
internship opportunities that they got practical learning being active on the
social media platforms some people were able to clear that now these are the four
major factors of course you cannot change these factors right we are at the
receiving end whoever is trying to apply whoever is trying to get into the devops
and Cloud job roles everyone is at the receiving end but what you can do to
change your situation right whether it's the demand and Supply whether it's the
complexity of the interviews scenario based questions or if you are a fresher
what you can do is not just focus on the theory part now this is very very
important if you look at the people who have focused on the theory knowledge or
just focused on understanding the concepts found it very difficult to clear the
interviews of course you need to have a very strong foundational knowledge
because without foundational knowledge you cannot understand the complex topics
but just having the foundational knowledge will not lead you to a devops and
Cloud job role in 2024 so foundational knowledge plus practical learning Plus
projects this is something or this is the secret mantra for clearing a devops and
Cloud role in 2024 of course how can you do that so obviously to do that you have
to pick up the right resources you have to pick up the right materials if you are
going for any courses or if you're going for a particular YouTube channel make
sure whatever you are learning start with a very good foundational knowledge if
someone is teaching you a concept let's say you're learning devops it should
always start with the foundational knowledge where you understand what exactly is
that particular technology why you need that particular technology what are the
advantages what are the disadvantages and then you should go with the I mean the
course that you are taking should go with the Practical teaching for example the
Z to Hero courses that we have done if you look at the AWS Z to Hero Devo Z to
Hero initially we focused a lot on the fundamentals after that we did a lot of
projects and people who are doing these projects posting about those projects on
the social media platforms enhancing their skill set they have the more
opportunities of the profiles getting shortlisted once the profile gets
shortlisted to answer the real time or scenario based questions the Practical
learning that you have done or the projects that you have done let's say recently
I've have done a project on deploying a three Tire architecture application on
the eks Clusters if you have seen that video you will get a good foundational
understanding of what exactly is a three Tire application how to deploy it but if
you do it practically you will run into some errors of course while I do it you
know I might do it very easily because of number of times that I've done it in
the past but when you do it for the first time you will run into some challenges
probably you will not understand the oadc concept or you will not understand
probably about the IM uh and the service account integration or you will face
some errors that your pod has gone down it went into crash loop back off the Rin
probe has failed or the liveness probe has failed if someone ask you what are the
challenges or if someone ask you a scenario based question if you do this
projects practically you will run into these challenges and you will be able to
answer but if you just watch some videos get the theory understanding that's the
real problem and that's where you will find difficult to clear the interviews
now you might ask me but abishek my profile itself is not getting shortlisted now
then the factor is totally different if the profile is not getting shortlisted
do not go and try to you know look into the market and don't get demotivated that
market is not good what you need to do is go to NRI go to LinkedIn go to the
analytics and try to understand if recruiters are actually finding your profile
or not if recruiters are not finding your profile then you don't have the right
keywords in your profile let's say recruiters are finding your profile but they
have viewed your profile and they're not calling you then the problem is that you
have not articulated or you have not put your resume in that way that is is
impressing the recruiters so probably you can go and watch our now building
session or LinkedIn building session where have clearly explained and shown you
the analytics of how to improve the chances of getting interview calls and
sitting in an interview so once you have the opportunity of sitting in an
interview if you do the Practical and Project based learning then it will be very
easy to clear the interviews right so again I'll repeat the secret of success or
the success month in 2024 is going to be one strong foundational knowledge very
strong Basics without strong Basics you cannot go with step two three and four of
course so start with strong Basics if you don't understand what exactly is an AWS
am or if you don't understand the architecture of kubernetes then there is no
point of you doing hundreds of kubernetes projects number two once you have
strong Basics go with practical learning do a lot of practicals if you're
learning the concept of AWS I today go to AWS account create IM roles do
something with the IM am do some projects that is point number three there are
lot of projects on YouTube today just go and search for cicd you will get
thousands of projects go and search for eks you'll get hundreds of projects just
need to find the right project and the project that is explaining you the things
and after that the project that is providing you the notes so that you can also
implement the project step four is the right resume preparation of your profile
so that recruiters find you and recruiter call you so these are the things if any
of these things is something that you're not doing please do it and all these
four things can lead you or can get you a job in 2024 for sure and I'll work
towards making more such videos I'll try to share more such information keep
checking the YouTube Community tab once in a while I post about these things and
also I'll try to invite a lot of people to the podcast and teach you that and
from 20th of this month we are doing Azure Zero to Hero course and I will follow
all of these things in the Azure course I'll start with Basics I'll start with
practical learning then I'll do the project based learning and also when we do
the projects I'll share you how to Showcase them in your resume so that's all I
have for today's video thank you so much for watching it and I hope you will
follow this tips and clear at devops and Cloud job role in 2024

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