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hello everyone my name is abishek and welcome back to my channel in today's video

I'll introduce you to an application that has truly impressed me kubia kubia or
Kuby is a virtual devops assistant that is built on various large language models
now you might be wondering but abishek there are many other tools that are
available in the market that are built on large language models so how is kubia
different like I told you it's not just an application that is built on llms but
it is a virtual devops assistant that you can add to your slack organization
then you can add it to one of your favorite channels and talk to it as if you're
talking to your colleague let's say for example you can ask kubby to list all the
S3 buckets in your organization it will not just return the command back to you
but instead it can execute this action against your AWS account and return all
the S3 buckets in your account isn't it amazing not just that kubby supports
Integrations with various popular devops tools such as kubernetes jira GitHub as
I mentioned AWS and many more so in today's video let's see how to install Kuby
how to configure it and let's play with Kuby so let's say that I have a slack
organization called abishek viala I would like to add kuia to this slack
organization and later add it to one of my slack channels let's say devops team
members where all my devops team members are available in this slack channel so
to do that the very first thing that you have to do is go to your favorite
browser and search for kubia documentation installation of kubia is pretty
straightforward all that you you need to do is once you see the documentation
page to the left side you will notice a section called quick start just click on
that and then you have an option called install the slack app as you click on
that you will notice a page and if you scroll down there is an option called add
to slack once you click on that link kubia request some permissions for your
slack organization please go through the content and the permissions that kubia
has requested and if you're okay with it click on the all love button you will
notice that kubia is successfully added or kubia is now installed in my slack
workspace you can go back to your slack right so this is my slack and now you
will see a application called kubia in in the app section so this is Kuby now
either you can talk to Kuby directly here here or like I told you you can add
Kuby to one of your favorite slack channels you know you can simply say hi Kuby
right so just say hi Kuby and slack will immediately ask you to add Kuby to this
particular group so you can just invite it and you all set to use Kuby now we are
all set with Kuby on the slack Channel but how do you act use it right so you
have Kuby here and you can ask Kuby for something but before that like I told you
Kuby has Integrations with kubernetes AWS jira GitHub but how do you actually
configure that how do you actually enable the Integrations with kuia so for that
just go to the KU Jr or the app called Kuby inside your app section and you have
a very detailed documentation so documentation for Kuby is available at docs.
cia. and there is also a very good management interface under app. cia. so now
let's open both of them and the very first thing let's do is let's start setting
up kubia for my AWS account right so I'll set up kubia for my WS account and then
I'll ask Kuby to perform some actions against my AWS account let's see if he will
be successful or not let's head to the kubia Management console or the Kuby
dashboard to connect kubia with my AWS account so right now you see that if you
go to the connection section I don't have any connections active so I can click
on the new connection section and Kuby will ask me which one of these things do
you want me to connect with so you can connect with any one of them or all of
them there is no restriction you can connect with all of these things and you can
ask Kuby to perform actions on your behalf so let's start with AWS and to set up
AWS you know if you scroll down just click on AWS and if you scroll down this is
what Kuby requires so Kuby is asking for your AWS account ID a role that you set
up for KU and the region in which you want the Kuby setup to be so region let me
select it as us East One account ID of course if I go to my AWS account you can
get the AWS account ID from here so I can just copy it and let me go back to Kuby
and paste my account ID here now how do I create a role for Kuby and what steps
do I need to follow what privileges do I need to Grant to Kuby and where can I
find all this information so you can go back to the kubia docs which is very well
written and all that you need to do is go to this connector section click on the
built-in connectors and select the section with which you would like to connect
so for example I'm looking for AWS connector so I'll click on the AWS page and
each and every step is very clearly documented so the first thing is you you need
to click on the create role in your AWS account and then you have to choose the
select trusted entity as AWS account and then this is the AWS account ID that you
have to enter I'll do these steps in a while but before that let me quickly go
through it and finally you have to Grant permissions if you want to Grant
administrative permissions you want to create a particular policy for kubia
whatever you would like to depending upon your use case and that's it once you
provide this information click on create role and let's come back to kuia and add
that role information here so let's do that exercise so firstly I'll search for
IM am and within IM am let's go to the rle section and let's perform actions as
suggested in the documentation so I clicked on the RO section and now I'll just
click on the create rule select the trusted entity type as AWS account click on
another AWS account and provide the account ID that is provided in the kubia docs
so if you scroll up you will see an account ID 5644 let's provide that let's go
back to the docs 7 0762 2214 let's confirm if that is correct 214 let's change
it perfect so now I have added the account ID and let me click on the next button
now as I told you you can grant any level of privileges but please make sure that
you understand what policies you are Grant in because I am doing a demo and this
is my test account I am granting the administrative access and I will click on
the next button let me enter this role as ubia demo abishek and if you want you
can add any description click on the create role that's it kubia role is created
now I'll go back and add this role that I've just created right so just type this
and click on the deploy section now if you click on the deploy button then kubia
will validate the configuration that you have created and if everything looks
good to kubia then kubia will you know pop up saying that AWS connection has been
successfully created that means now your slack or you know kubia that you have
installed on slack can talk to AWS so for that like I mentioned you see you can
go to the Kuby app section and you can talk to Kuby directly from here or the way
that I would prefer is ADD Kuby to the slack channel right and I would like to
talk to Kuby as if I'm talking to one of my devops team members so what I'll do
here is I'll say kby list s three buckets now you'll notice that as soon as you
enter this prompt to Kuby it will respond you back with the brain emoji and
immediately it will start accessing your account and try to fetch the required
information so it will pass the response and it will give you the response back
in seconds of time all that you need to do is sit back and relax so these are the
S3 buckets according to Kuby so it says I have the following S3 buckets called
abishek S3 demo AWS cloud trail logs cloud formation templates related S3 bucket
code pipelines now let's verify if the information given back by Kuby is correct
or not so we can go to our AWS account so this is my AWS account and let me
search for S3 and let me verify if the buckets information is prompt perfect so
so these are the S3 buckets the first one is abishek S3 and the last one is
terraform exactly the same that HBY has responded back and you know there are
also time stamps on when this S3 buckets are created similarly you can ask Kuby
queries like kby list Lambda functions and now I know that there are no Lambda
functions on my account at this point of time so I want Kuby to respond back
saying that there are zero Lambda functions in your account so list Lambda
functions and now let's see if Kuby can do it so again it will respond you back
with a brain emoji and you will see a reply engaging with AWS please stay with me
okay Kuby and it's working on the request perfect it said zero lamb now let's
move to I am and see if ubby can also answer such kind of things so ubby list I
am users or you can also ask I am roles whatever you would like to so let's say
list IM am rules and let's wait for Kuby to respond back with that information so
it can help you with very simple queries and also the complicated ones right now
I just asked kby to list the resources on AWS but if you look at the AI
suggestions that Kuby is providing you it can do all of these things it can
create Lambda functions it can delete l functions update the existing ones and
similarly if you go through the S3 bucket thread Kuby understands that probably
you need Kuby to perform more actions related to S3 so through its AA suggestions
it lets you know that okay related to S3 buckets I can also create a bucket
delete a bucket
download a file within a bucket and whatever so depending on your request it
will provide you with the AI suggestions now I think Kuby has responded back with
all the IM roles that are available in my account perfect it says you have 45 IM
roles in your account isn't it amazing right so this is what uh Kuby is capable
of with respect to a AWS so if you want to know what all things Kuby is capable
of you also have some examples here so if you go to the KUB documentation and if
you just search for let's say buil-in connectors AWS there are bunch of
screenshots which you can go through and you understand know how you can Master
The Prompt with kby because it's all about asking questions so you can get better
at it by using this uh questions as well so for example here you have list all E2
instances and Kuby has provided all the E2 instances in running State and stop
state after that you can ask provide e to instance related information and you
can provide one E2 instance name right you can also ask Kuby to create an E2
instance now when you ask Kuby to create an instance see what it did is it is
asking you bunch of questions what kind of E2 instance you need what is the IM
image so yeah they have a very good documentation like I mentioned you before so
one query that I can pick from here is list all key pairs in my list all key
pairs in Us East one let's see if we can get all the key value pairs I have
bunch of key value pairs so let's wait for Kuby to respond back working on it in
progress and see here all the key value pirs that are in my account perfect so we
have tried different resources on AWS but that's not it like I told you if you go
back to the Kuby Management console AWS is not just the only integration that
Kuby supports you can also integrate Kuby with kubernetes you can integrate it
with GitHub jira Jenkins and whatnot so now let's connect Kuby to another popular
devops tool that is kubernetes and to set up Kuby kubernetes integration first
thing that you need to do is create a runner so you just click on the action
Runner section I will take it in a different Tab and show you how to create an
action runner in Kuby and later point of time once we have the runner we will
provide that configuration here and the cluster configuration that is required
for kubi and that's all your Kuby and kubernetes cluster connection is
established so action Runners click on add new Runner just provide a name let's
say kuia ABI and as you click on continue HBY will give you a yaml manifest that
needs to be applied so the command is also available I can simply copy paste it
so this is my kubernetes cluster let me paste the command and you'll notice that
uh Kuby will start creating name spaces and deploy the Manifest or the resources
inside uh those names perfect so Kuby has created bunch of resources on my
kubernetes cluster now you can go back and click on the done button and you know
uh so the connection action Runner is uh successfully created so now in the
connection section click on the new connection and we will use the kubernetes
runner that we have set up in the previous section so use the kubia Abby tunnel
this is the one that I've just created in the action Runner section and provide a
secret if you need any and after that like for now I don't need any uh secret so
I'm okay with it and I'll click on the deploy button so just remove the secret if
you don't need it and click on the deploy button and within a couple of minutes
your kubia kubernetes cluster connection will be established and you will see
something like this kubernetes connection has been successfully established right
kubernetes connection have been created successfully so now you can interact with
poby similarly what we did with AWS now we will move towards the slack and we
will see how to talk to kubernetes to be list name spaces on my cluster
again let's wait for the magic Kuby responded back with the brain emoji and here
you go here is the reply interacting with your kubernetes cluster now and it says
these are the name spaces isn't it amazing all the name spaces on the cluster you
can see right now and not just that now let's ask a little complicated query to
Kuby kby list ports in nam space of course I need to have access to the namespace
so let's pick one of the name spaces let's say default namespace so list pods in
namespace default now if I have access to it then KU will respond back saying
that hey these are the ports that are available in the default namespace and if
you don't have access to a particular namespace HBY is capable of saying you
that hey uh you don't have access to the particular name space or permission
denied right perfect so now let's see what Kuby is uh capable of other than this
so let's go to the Kuby documentation click on kubernetes and here you will
notice that if you scroll down there are bunch of actions like you can do
checking cluster status you can check what is the status of your cluster so this
is the prompt that is available deploying an application these are the prompts
that you can use you can check Port status with Kuby you can do rolling back
update for a deployment you can update an existing config map delete resources
all of these things so this is about uh Kuby kubernetes connection and apart from
this like I told you you can also interact with GitHub you can create uh J
tickets automatically using Kuby and all that information is available in the
documentation section so the documentation again I'm repeating it's very very
clear there are some prompts that will help you understand how do I talk to Kuby
and you know how can I make Kuby to create a j ticket so this is the prompt for
it how can I make uh Kuby to you know give me overview of all the open Zera
tickets so you can find it all in the documentation perfect now one final thing
that I want to show you is if you go back to Kuby dashboard you can also see how
much time Kuby has saved for you so this is a new account that I've created I
just started using it the other day until now I saved five hours using Kuby right
and total of I just executed 26 actions and the these are some L latest actions
and you can find all the charts that will explain your usage with Kuby and how
efficient is Kuby for you so this is the video about Kuby if you have any
questions you can let me know in the comment section I'll also post the link to
the documentation as well as the Management console both in the description you
can check that and you can try Kuby yourself thank you so much for watching the
video see you all in the next one bye-bye

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