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Each the following is true regarding Hirschsprung's disease except?

A. it is a cause of neonatal bowel obstruction

B. Results from absence of ganglion cells in the affected colon
C. At surgery, removal of dilated bowel is curative
D. Cause enterocolitis
E. delayed passage of meconium is characteristic

All of the following are causes of bilious neonatal vomiting except:

A. Malrotation and volvulus

B. Neonatal bowel obstruction
C. duodenal atresia
D. Pyloric stenosis
E. Hirschsprung's disease

Suppurative cervical lymphadenitis in a 3-year-old child is commonly related to which of the

following organisms?

A. S.Aureus
B. H.influenza
C. E.Coli
D. N.meningitis
E. Pseudomonans infection

Regarding esophageal atresia, which of the following is not true:

A. The most common type is type C

B. The most significant prognostic factor is the presence of congenital heart disease
C. Type A is atresia with proximal fistula
D. H type usually presents later in life and not in neonatal period
E. Can be associated with other congenital defects

Polyhydramnios is seen with all of the following conditions except:

A. Maternal diabetes
B. Congenital diaphragmatic hernia
C. Duodenal atresia
D. Esophageal atresia
E. Hirschsprung's disease
All of the following are true regarding duodenal obstruction except:

A. Can be caused by duodenal atresia

B. Annular pancreas is also a cause of duodenal obstruction
C. Volvulus resulting from malrotation can cause duodenal obstruction
D. Duodenal atresia is treated by performing gastro-jejunostomy
E. Duodenal atresia can be associated with Down syndrome

A 20-week-old premature male infant presents with fevers, abdominal distention Feeding
intolerance, and bloody stools at 3 weeks of age. The patient undergoes x-ray and ultrasound
examination for possible necrotizing enterocolitis. Which of the Following findings on imaging is an
indication for surgical management?

A. Pneumoperitoneum
B. Ascites
C. Portal venous gas
D. Ileus
E. Pneumatosis intestinalis

Approximately 2 weeks after a viral respiratory illness, an 18-month-old child complains of

abdominal pain and passes some bloody mucus per rectum. A long, thin mass is palpable in the right
upper quadrant of the abdomen. No peritoneal signs present. Which of the following is the most
appropriate next step in the workup?

A. Serial abdominal examinations

B. US of the abdomen
C. Diagnostic laparoscopy
D. Exploratory laparotomy
E. CT of the abdomen

A 2-month-old boy is examined because he has been straining while passing stool has a distended
abdomen. He is very low on the growth chart for age. A contrast enema is ordered by the primary
care physician which shows a contracted segment of with dilated proximal colon. Which of the
following is the best test for definitive diagnosis?

A. Colonoscopy
B. Defecography
C. Endoanal ultrasound
D. Anorectal manometry
E. Suction rectal biopsy
A newborn presents with signs and symptoms of distal intestinal obstruction Abdominal x-rays
reveal dilated loops of small bowel, absence of air-fluid levels, mass of meconium within the right
side of the abdomen mixed with gas to ground-glass appearance. Which of the following should be
performed as the management of the patient?

A. Administration of oral polyethylene glycol

B. Performance of a contrast enema
C. Surgical disimpaction
D. Diverting ileostomy
E. Resection of the dilated terminal ileum

The most common types of anorectal malformation (ARM) seen in boys and girls are:

A. rectoperineal fistula and rectovestibular fistula, respectively

B. rectovesical fistula and rectovestibular fistula, respectively
C. rectoperineal fistula and cloacal malformation, respectively
D. Rectourethral fistula and rectovestibular fistula, respectively
E. ARM without a fistula (blind-ending rectum) and rectourethral fistula and cloacal formation,

What is the most appropriate diagnostic test for an otherwise healthy 2-month-old infant with new-
onset bilious emesis?

A. Ultrasound
B. UGI series
C. Computed tomography (CT) sean of abdomen and pelvis
D. Contrast enema
E. Esophagram

What would be the most common electrolyte and acid-base abnormality seen in a 5- week-old infant
with ongoing emesis from pyloric stenosis?

A. Hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis

B. Hypernatremic metabolic acidosis
C. Hyponatremie metabolic acidosis
D. Hypochloremic metabolic alkalosis
E. Hyponatremic metabolic alkalosis
Which of the following statements regarding pediatric inguinal hernia repair is false:

A. Herniorrhaphy should be performed following reduction of an incarcerated hernia either

during the index admission or promptly on an elective basis.
B. An asymptomatic inguinal hernia may be monitored for spontaneous closure
C. Inguinal hernias in children result from a congenitally patent processus vaginalis
D. Spinal anesthesia in preterm infants undergoing herniorrhaphy decreases the risk of
postoperative apnea when compared to general anesthesia.
E. Most common type is indirect inguinal hernia

Repair of congenital diaphragmatic hernia should be performed:

A. Immediately after birth

B. Within 24 hours after birth
C. Within 48 hours after birth
D. Once the patient is stabilized and adequately resuscitated
E. Once the child is on ECMO

A term infant has approximately what percentage of total body weight as water?

A. 75%
B. 65%
C. 85%
D. 55%
E. 45%

The normal subject contains around ____ % of body weight as blood volume.

A. 10%
B. 15%
C. 8%
D. 20%
E. 5%

The most important determinant of plasma osmolarity is:

A. Na
B. K
C. Glucose
E. None of the above
Which of the following statements regarding congenital diaphragmatic hernia is true:

A. The incidence of right and left-sided lesions is equal

B. Malrotation is not to be expected
C. Left-to-right shunting via a patent ductus arteriosus is a serious but expected physiologic
consequence of pulmonary hypoplasia
D. Survival rates of 95% are reported in several contemporary series
E. Presence of the liver in a left sided diaphragmatic hernia is associated with poor prognosis

For a 22-kg infant, the maintenance daily fluid requirement is approximately which of the following?

A. 1100 ml
B. 1250 ml
C. 1550 ml
D. 1700 ml
E. 1850 ml

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