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Volleyball Quiz

1. How do you pass the ball to a teammate? What is a "bump"? What is "fingers"?

 You can pass the ball by using the bump, overhead and digging pass.

 A bump or forearm pass can be done by join your hands together and allowing the ball
to strike the fleshy part of your forearms.

 Fingers is hitting the ball using your fingertips.

2. How do you start a game?

 The game begins with a serve, hitting the ball with a hand, fist or arm and sending it

over the net.

3. If your service is broken, who's turn is it to serve?

 If your service is broken, he players of the other team rotate clockwise, and they get to


4. How many touches per side before the ball must go over the net?

 Only three touches per side before the ball must go over the net. A player cannot touch

the ball twice in a row.

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