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New Total English

1. Aubergine- an oval, purple vegetable that is white inside and is
usually eaten cooked
2. Chef- a skilled and trained cook who works in a hotel or
3. Cooker- a large box-shaped device that is used
to cook and heat food, either by putting the food inside or by
putting it on the top: a large box-shaped device that is used
to cook and heat food, either by putting the food inside or by
putting it on the top
4. Customer-a person who buys goods or a service.
5. Plum-a small, round fruit with a smooth, usually red-
purple skin, sweet flesh, and a single large seed.
6. Saucepan- a deep cooking pan, typically round, made of metal,
and with one long handle and a lid.
7. Waiter/waitress- a person who works in a restaurant, serving
people with food and drink
8. Main course- the largest or most important part of a meal in
which there are different parts served separately
9. Menu-a list of the food or dishes that you can eat in a restaurant.
10. Recipe- a list of ingredients and directions for making
something, especially a food preparation
11. Traditional dish-The cuisine of a country or district is the
style of cooking that is characteristic of that place.
12. Vegetarian- someone who doesn't eat any meat, including
13. Diet- an eating plan in which someone eats less food, or
only particular types of food, because they want to become
thinner or for medical reasons
14. His passion for- His love for/his great interest in
15. No previous experience- that haven`t done this job before,
inexperienced person
16. Top-class chefs- Very good chefs, master chefs
17. Success story- Someone or something that is successful
18. Affordable food- Food that people don`t have to spend a
lot of money on
19. Cooking habits- what they usually cook most days
20. Stuffing- a mixture of food, such as bread, onions,
and herbs, that is used to fill something that is going to be eaten
21. Maple syrup- a syrup made from the sap of maple trees
22. Cranberry sauce- A sauce made from cranberries, often
eaten with turkey
23. Baked- to cook inside an oven, without using added liquid
or fat
24. Fresh- Fresh food has been picked or produced recently,
and has not been preserved
25. Fried- cooked in hot oil or butter
26. Grilled- (of food) cooked over fire or hot coals, usually on
a metal frame
27. Raw- not cooked
28. Roast- to cook food, especially meat, without liquid in an
oven or over a fire
29. Savoury- is full of flavor, delicious and tasty; Savoury
food is salty or spicy and not sweet in taste
30. Spicy- flavored with or containing strong spices and
especially ones that cause a burning feeling in your mouth
31. Receipt-a piece of paper or an electronic document that
shows that goods or services have been paid for
32. A rave review- a report in which someone gives an
excellent opinion of the quality of a book, performance, product,
33. Ambition- a strong wish to achieve something
34. Chief- the head, leader, or most important individual in a
35. Sensible- it means practical and reasonable; a person is
able to make good decisions and judgements based on reason
36. Sensitive- a person who is easily upset or offended by
other people's remarks or behaviour
37. Now- at the present time or moment.
38. Actually- word which is used in speaking to emphasize a
fact or a comment, or that something is really true
39. Argument- a reason or set of reasons given in support of
an idea, action or theory
40. Discussion- to talk about something to other people,
often exchanging ideas or opinions
41. Plate- a flat, round object that is used for putting food on
42. Dish- is something on which you serve, cook, or eat food
43. Educated- having learned a lot at school or university and
having a good level of knowledge
44. Polite- behaving in a way that is socially correct and shows
respect for other people's feelings
45. Lamb-meat from a young sheep
46. Bacon- meat from a pig cut into long thin slices
47. Beef- is meat from a cow

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