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hello everyone my name is abishek and welcome back to my channel I spent two

years two dedicated years on this YouTube channel creating Zero to Hero playlists
of course there are 400 close to 400 videos on the channel but there are 150
videos just in the zero too playlist so we have five Z to Hero playlists devop 0
To Hero AWS 0 To Hero Azure 0 to her terraform 0 to her and python for devops the
whole intention of this 0 to her playlist I mean why did I spend two years in
making these videos because if someone in the devop Stream someone wants to get
into a devops job role or someone wants to upskill they can make use of this Zero
to Hero playlist they are available absolutely free of cost anyone can watch
these video videos they are not even members only so anyone can start with this
channel they can start with the devop 02 hero which has 50 videos and it covers
the fundamentals of devops so devop Z to Hero does not have advanced concepts it
has all the fundamentals that are required for someone to understand the advanced
concepts of devops like we have covered the basics of Linux basics of shell
scripting basic cicd a cicd project then we did basics of Docker basics of
kubernetes after that you can pick up any of the cloud provider Zero to Hero
series we have AWS Z to hero and we have aure Z to Hero again lot of people ask
abishek which one should I go for AWS or Azure I made a dedicated video where I
have explained according to demography according to geography depending upon
where you are located it's up to you to choose your cloud provider popular choice
is AWS so you can either go with AWS 0 to hero or Azure 0 To Hero both of them
have 30 videos approximately and again the intention of this Zero to Hero series
is whichever you pick you pick AWS or Azure we have done projects we have covered
the fundamental of the cloud provider and we have also covered the advanced
devops concepts in devop 0 To Hero you will learn about the concepts of
kubernetes but in AWS or Azure Z to Hero you will perform realtime projects on
kubernetes similarly you might be learning some basics of shell scripting whereas
in these projects you will do Advanced shell scripting related tasks that's how
I have designed devop Z to hero and cloud provider ERS 0 To Hero after doing this
we have a dedicated terraform Z to Hero irrespective of the cloud provider you
can follow this because I have explained all the concepts of terraform that are
required for an interview not just that towards the end of terraform 0 To Hero we
have also done a project on AWS as well as aure this terraform 0 To Hero also
covers scenario based questions like how do you import configurations to
terraform how do you connect terraform with Secrets management solution like hash
or vault we have covered all those things and finally once you complete devops
AWS or Azure and terraform which I call as date d a t e d stands for devop 0 To
Hero a stands for Azure or AWS 0 to hero and T e stands for terraform 0 To Hero
once you complete all this you can go with python for devops which is a
dedicated python playlist just focusing devops Engineers there are I think
thousands 10 thousands of python related videos on YouTube they are available
across YouTube Udi multiple places but the reason why I did this p python for
devops I wanted to make a python playlist that is specific to devops inet how
much python is required for devops engineers what devops Engineers do with python
what kind of automation task what kind of projects with python I have explained
each and every python concept for example dictionary I have explained how
dictionaries are used by P devops Engineers similarly each and every concept so
this is the Zero to Hero series road map that I have spent almost like two years
right now I'm going to start kubernetes troubleshooting Zero to Hero but this 150
videos in all of these devop Z to Hero series can definitely help you get a job
abishek how are you so confident because we have 400 testimonials I have 400
testimonials from subscribers of this channel some people posted it on LinkedIn
some people posted it on YouTube comments some people posted it on telegram but
we have collectively 400 testimonials from the subscribers who got devops job
roles through the channel and imagine there might be some people who were
hesitant to post for some reasons they might not want to reveal their identity so
I'm not counting them just the testimonials that people sent us are enough to
make me confident that the Zero to Hero playlist will help anyone to crack a
devops job role in 100 days now let's come to the point how 100 days so there are
150 videos of course you don't have to learn both AWS and Azure right to crack a
job you just need one cloud provider so what you can simply do is depending upon
your geography if you in India US Canada Europe do some research and pick one of
the Zero to Hero Series so you will immediately reduce 30 videos so it comes to
120 or 110 videos even if you follow one video per day within 100 days you can
complete all Zero to Hero playlist on the channel now the question is abishek if
I complete this 100 110 videos in 100 days will I get all the concepts that are
required for an interview of course not because 100% is not possible but you can
get at least 60 to 70 percentage of the concepts that are required to crack an
interview to be modest or to be uh I mean to keep it low let me say you will get
60 to 65 percentage of what is required to clear interviews some people cleared
the interviews just through the devop Zero to Hero itself because some companies
will not have huge expectations they're okay if you even know the fundamentals
but if you complete all of these things you will cover 60 to 65 percentage rest
you can spend some 10 days 20 days on top of it and you can raise that bar to 70
to 75 percentage let's say after that there is nothing stopping you because you
have very strong fundamentals which the channel is known for especially the Zero
to Hero series like the devop Zero to Hero series one of the video has already
hit close to 700k views they're very popular because they are known for the
fundamentals I focus a lot on what and why aspects of any concept so you will
have a strong fundamentals you will have interview questions scario based
questions you will come across 40 Projects if you complete all this Zero to Hero
series for freshers there are projects for experien engineers they are day-to-day
activities example n to n cicd pipeline if you are a fresher you can use it as a
project if you are experienced engineer you can showcase that as one of your day-
to-day tasks similarly we have 40 Projects if you complete all this Zero to Hero
series so overall this is the 100 days road map you don't have to go anywhere
everything is available on the channel for free I have spent two years in making
these things and if you feel something is missing like I said spend 10 to 15 days
understand what else is required of course once you complete all these things you
will know what are the missing pieces because it is impossible for me or for
anyone to cover all all the things that are required example I might not have not
covered Advanced networking in the Z to Hero series but I made a dedicated video
on networking Zero to Hero let's say I might have not covered something related
to GitHub action cicd I have a dedicated video for GitHub action cicd or you can
refer from some other places some other channels about the missing Concepts so
we have a 100 days road map that you can all follow just follow the Zero to Hero
playlist and you will have the confidence to clear the interviews so I wanted to
make this as a dedicated video and probably I'll also make this as the channel
highlight so that everyone who watches this channel they will come to know that
we have five Z to Hero series and there is a proper road map that abishek spend 2
years to make that complete road map thank you so much for watching this video if
you have any questions do let me know in the comment section and I will
definitely read all the comments and if there is a valid feedback I'll also take
it see you all in the next video take care

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