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Victoria Adeogun
Grade 7
Back at home,I was logically reflecting on the fight against animal testing, then I thought
that if scientists were to test on us humans rather than animals would we even exist.As
most of you know, my name is Victoria Adeogun and I am going to briefly discuss about
why animal testing should be aloud . This is an essential way of helping
humans ,because it constructs a more accurate conclusion with the medicine that
scientists provide. If it is not tested on animals it can make the disease or sickness
worse in people,and animal testing is part of significant advances in the world.
When formulating cures for death defying diseases it’s better to test how it reacts on
animals rather than humans because, if scientists begin to test it on humans it may be
inadequate and this can cause complications ,which can even lead to an early death.
This could have actually become the main reason for the death of humans. Yes I concur
with the belief that animals are a bit different from humans,which can cause a 50
percentage of not working on humans.But it’s safer to try it on animals rather than
humans because we can’t have that risk of depopulating the earth.
As you all have heard animals have been dying more frequently , because of testing on
them.But if animal testing was not permitted, we would have lost more than half of our
population. Animal testing has saved our lives for the price of other animal’s lives.
Also without animal testing, how could we advance and even find cures for dieseases
like Covid-19 vaccines for our nations. How could scientists have an idea before making
the cure? In my opinion I think animal testing should definitely be aloud because it has
made it possible for scientists to carry on with their research and find things about
dieseases that we didn’t even know and they also helped with how to cure it.
Thanks to animal testing the world is more stable than it was before. Thank you for
giving me your time and have a good day.

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