Internet Essay

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Internet Essay.

By Victoria Adeogun
Have you ever been bored in your free time? Looking for answers or guides to your homework
or you’ve even been unable to communicate with someone and what you want to tell him or her
can be very important . Well these questions can be answered. These paragraphs will tell you
interesting facts about the Internet. It will show how it can be of use to you, what you should
prevent when using the Internet and so on. As you read these paragraphs you will learn new
exciting stuff about the Internet.(6)

The Internet seems fun because we always have our eyes glued to the mesmerizing screen but,
they are dangerous to it. When patiently scrolling the page for specific information that you need
,ads can easily pop up. This can cause a distraction and it can make us totally change our focus
and what is not important. Secondly another danger may be cyber bullying. As people become
desperate to become more social, talking to various types of people,who they don’t even know,
can make the person experience cyber bullying. This can lead to depression and if it continues
suicidal thoughts can start to slowly creep into their mind making he or she think, “ I have no
purpose in life.” One more danger of the Internet may be that your personal data can be hacked.
This can mean your information may be stolen or used without your consent.(8)

In contrast to the previous paragraph,there are advantages to the Internet. If you're bored,
which most likely you will be at some point, you can use your free time to freely watch your
favorite movies, read your favorite books or even play games etc. Netflix is perfect for watching
movies. Secondly you can have access to information at any time. It solves the problem of you
going around the house and writing down the residual knowledge they have on that certain thing
plus you get your information more accurately and faster. Thirdly,you can have a chance of
making a profit because you can sell your products online. Furthermore, the Internet can teach
you new exciting things that you could have never known. YouTube is where you should and
unhesitantly go if you’re ready to learn fascinating,new things.(8)

The Internet solves the problem of communication. As it happens in this unpredictable life ,you
may be nauseated and you really need to tell someone something at that very moment.
WhatsApp is your hero because you don’t need to meet that person to tell him or her the
information. Sadly when the Internet decides to fail you,you will not be able to communicate.
Those are the two pros and cons of communication when it comes to the Internet. In addition to
this information when you try to give a document that is not digitally done ,you may spill
something on it and the information may be unpresentable or destroyed. This is why you should
do it digitally and, send it to the email with no trouble. Also, it saves you the trouble of traveling
just to give that information. Lastly, the Internet can help you quickly spread your information all
around the world because of websites.(9)

As you can see ,the internet can either make you break you with the decisions you choose to
make with the internet.(1)

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