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Hello Everyone My Name is Abhishek and Welcome

Back to My Channel I am Missing My

Background Today But I am Here with a Very

Interesting Topic That is ADS Debs Vs

Azar Debs While Comparing ADS

Debs with Azar Debs I Will Take Two

Factors into Consideration in Today's Video.

Number one is the future of ad devs vs

future of azar devs number two is the learning

path and the road map road map of ed devs

vs road map of azar devs this video

is going to be very interesting because I've seen a lot of

people have Confusion and

Questions around these topics and I will

try to cover the same things in today's

video so please try to watch it till the end

let's start with understanding the future

of Ad Deps vs future of

Ad at this point of time if you go to

googlegroups .com

ng at Microsoft Azure Probably Down the

Line That Means Two Years and Three Years

Down the Line We Might See ADS as Well as

Microsoft Azure Having Same Amount of

Market Share When It Comes to Deeps at

This Point of Time ADS is the Winner Future

It's Okay Weather You Are Learning Ads Or Usher

Na What Does This Mean To You Abhishek Can You Explain

Without Any Confusion For Shar If

You Are Targeting Dave And Cloud Jobs

Probably In The Next Six Months And In

The Next Three Months I Would Personally

Suggest Ed As an option for you to start

learning because your chances of resume

getting pid up and chances of getting more

interview calls is with ad the answer is quite

you know the reason is quite obvious because many

companies use ad so your chances of

getting more interview calls will Be War With

AIDS If You're Thinking About Two Years Down

The Line Three Years Down The Line And

Probably If You're Thinking About

Switching Tattoo Days In Somewhere In The Near

Future You Can Also Pick Up

Microsoft's As Well Now As A Depts

Engineer If You Are Already A Deps

Engineer If You Are In A Safe Position What

Should You And How Should You See This Personally

What I Would Say Is You Should Not Be Afraid


Awr1642 Ajar How And Who Occupied Market

Share Because When It Comes To Practice

Organizations Of N Tech Cloud Cost as

the Primary Reason to Pick Up the Cloud

Platform Why Do You Think

Organizations Are Moving from ADS to Ajar

and Ajar to ADB One of the primary reasons if

you do the market research is because of the

cloud cost which ever gives larger. Amount

Of Discounts Organizations

Just Simply Move From That Platform To

The Other Platform No I'm Talking About

Majority Of The Companies It's Not Right With

100% Of The Companies Some Companies Think About

Their Architecture Some Companies Think About The

Performance And Different Metrics But

Majority Of The Companies Pick Up Cloud Cost

as the Primary Reason So as a Depps

Engineer What You Need to Do Is You Need to

Keep Your Basics Strong

You Want to Become an Ad

Deps Engineer and the Edge Deps Engineer The

First Thing That You Need to Do Is Start

with Deps That is Keep Your Basics Very

Strong If You Don't Understand the

Concept of Kuber Necessary It Doesn't Matter If You're

Learning ES and AS That Is Elastic

Kubernetes Service by ADB and AS by Azure

It is very difficult for you to understand

this concept because they are the services that are

provided by the cloud platforms

Underline concept is Kuber tus So always

start with understanding the devps

concept first keep your basic strong

With Kuber Knits Terraform Able CICD Git

and all the fundamental topics for example

all the concepts that we covered in the dev zero

to hero why do we start with

0 to row why not with a 0 to hero because if you understand

def 0 to hero

Concepts First It's Very Easy for You to

Understand Ed 0 to Hero All the

Concepts that We Covered on the Ed 0 to

Hero More and Less Rely on the Fundamentals of

Dep's Concepts Let Me Give Some

Examples Is

Ella Kubas Service If You Know the Concept

of Kubase You Can Learn ES in a Couple of Days Let's

Take Example of Eat Instances If You

Know the Concept of Virtual Machines Eat

Instances You Can Just Learn in One Single Day

Let's Take Example of Code Commit Let's Take

Example of CICD Pipelines in Add You

Have Code Build Code Pipeline All These

Concepts Were As All Of These Lie On The

Fundamentals Of CICD Similarly With Azar

Depps As Well So Weather You Want To Become A Azar

Depps Engineer And Azar Depps Engineer Keep

Your Basics Very Strong With The Depps

Concepts If You Want To Understand

What These Deep Concepts Are You Can Check

Out as a Deb0 Hero Playlist All the

Concepts That We Covered in the Deep0 Too

Playlist Are Something That You Have to

Start With Now Let Me

Conclusion Platforms Which One Is Going

to Play a Critical Role In the future personally

I feel couple of years down the line both of them might have

the same market share or even

Microsoft's an architecture and the devs

culture how they are building their devs

modus and the services probably

Microsoft Ajar might have a little more

market share but at This point of time AA

is the winner so depending upon when you want

to switch to this field If it is

immediate aid is something that you have to look

out for If it is a futuristic thought If you

want to switch one and two years down the

Line Ajar Is Something That You Have To Luck At

So This Is The Video For Today If You Have Any More

Questions On This Topic Do Let Me

Know In The Comment


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