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Bracers of Astral Projection

Wondrous Item (requires attunement by a monk of the Way of the Astral Self)

These elegant silver bracers are adorned with intricate engravings of celestial bodies
and constellations. When worn by a monk who has mastered the Way of the Astral Self,
they grant additional powers to their astral form.


● Astral Enhancement: While wearing these bracers, the monk's Astral Self gains a
bonus to its AC equal to the monk's Wisdom modifier.
● Enhanced Strikes: The monk's unarmed strikes while manifested with their Astral
Self gain a bonus to damage equal to their proficiency bonus.
● Astral Movement: Once per long rest, the attuned monk can use an action to
project their Astral Self outside their body without expending a ki point. This
functions similarly to the Astral Projection spell, but the monk's body remains in a
trance-like state and is considered incapacitated. The projection lasts for up to 1
hour and the monk can travel through the Astral Plane. Unlike the spell, the
monk's body remains safe and cannot be attacked or affected while their Astral
Self is projected. Additionally, the monk can end this projection early by using a
bonus action to return their Astral Self to their body.
● Astral Awareness: While the monk's Astral Self is projected, they have advantage
on Wisdom (Perception) checks and can communicate telepathically with any
creature within 120 feet that understands a language.
● Guardian's Resilience: Once per short rest, when the monk's hit points are
reduced to 0 while their Astral Self is projected, they can choose to have their
Astral Self take the damage instead, maintaining consciousness in their physical
body. This ability functions similar to the Astral Self's Armor of the Spirit feature
but does not require expending ki points.
Amulet of Celestial Fists

Wondrous Item

This radiant amulet is adorned with a miniature depiction of a celestial being in

meditative pose, surrounded by swirling cosmic energy. When worn by a monk who
follows the Way of the Astral Self, it grants them enhanced abilities in combat.


● Celestial Empowerment: While wearing this amulet, the monk's Astral Self gains
a celestial glow, shedding dim light in a 5-foot radius. Additionally, their unarmed
strikes count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity
to nonmagical attacks and damage.
● Heavenly Strikes: Once per turn, when the monk hits a creature with an unarmed
strike while their Astral Self is manifested, they can choose to deal radiant
damage instead of their normal bludgeoning damage.
● Radiant Defense: While the monk's Astral Self is manifested, they have
resistance to radiant damage, reflecting the celestial nature of their astral form.
● Celestial Guidance: As an action, the monk can spend 1 ki point to call upon the
guidance of celestial spirits, granting them advantage on their next attack roll with
an unarmed strike while their Astral Self is manifested.
● Astral Resilience: Once per short rest, when the monk's hit points are reduced to
0 while their Astral Self is manifested, they can use their reaction to gain
temporary hit points equal to their monk level + their Wisdom modifier,
representing the protective power of celestial energy.
Ring of Ethereal Harmony

Ring, uncommon

This ring is crafted from a shimmering, translucent material that seems to shift and flow
like ethereal mist. When worn by a monk who follows the Way of the Astral Self, it
harmonizes their connection to the Astral Plane, granting them enhanced abilities.


● Ethereal Manifestation: While wearing this ring, the monk's Astral Self gains a
faint ethereal aura. As a bonus action, the monk can manifest their Astral Self,
which appears translucent and ghostly. This manifestation lasts for 1 minute or
until the monk dismisses it as a bonus action. While manifested, the monk gains
advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks and can move through creatures and
objects as if they were difficult terrain. However, they cannot end their movement
inside an object.
● Ethereal Strikes: While the monk's Astral Self is manifested, their unarmed
strikes count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity
to nonmagical attacks and damage. Additionally, when the monk hits a creature
with an unarmed strike, they can choose to deal force damage instead of their
normal bludgeoning damage.
● Ethereal Step: Once per short rest, when the monk's Astral Self is manifested,
they can use a bonus action to teleport up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space
they can see, leaving behind a faint trail of ethereal mist. This teleportation does
not provoke opportunity attacks.
● Ethereal Sight: While the monk's Astral Self is manifested, they can see into the
Ethereal Plane within 60 feet of them, as if they were under the effects of the See
Invisibility spell.
Starlight Scepter

Wand, rare

This elegant scepter is crafted from polished wood adorned with intricate constellations
and set with a shimmering gemstone at its tip, which glows softly with the light of distant
stars. When wielded by a druid who follows the Circle of Stars, it enhances their
connection to the cosmos, granting them additional celestial abilities.


● Stellar Infusion: While holding this scepter, the druid's Starry Form features gain
additional benefits. When the druid uses their Starry Form feature to manifest the
form of the Archer, Chalice, or Dragon, they gain temporary hit points equal to
their druid level + their Wisdom modifier.
● Celestial Channeling: As an action, the attuned druid can spend a charge from
the scepter to cast the Guiding Bolt spell (using the druid's spellcasting ability)
without expending a spell slot. The spell's level is equal to the number of charges
expended (minimum 1st level, maximum 3rd level). The scepter regains all
expended charges at dawn.
● Cosmic Guidance: While holding the scepter, the druid gains advantage on
Wisdom (Perception) checks made to see in dim light or darkness, as their
connection to the stars grants them enhanced vision.
● Twilight Resilience: Once per long rest, when the attuned druid is reduced to 0 hit
points, they can use their reaction to regain hit points equal to 2d8 + their druid
level, as the scepter channels the healing light of the stars to restore them.
● Starlit Travel: As a bonus action, the druid can expend a charge from the scepter
to cast the Misty Step spell (using the druid's spellcasting ability) without
expending a spell slot. The scepter regains all expended charges at dawn.
Celestial Mantle

Cloak, rare

This flowing cloak is made from shimmering fabric that seems to capture the essence of
the night sky. Adorned with intricate patterns resembling constellations, it grants its
wearer additional abilities to manipulate the power of the stars.


● Starry Protection: While wearing this cloak, the druid gains a +1 bonus to their
Armor Class.
● Guiding Constellations: As an action, the attuned druid can expend one use of
Wild Shape to summon spectral forms of celestial creatures from the night sky.
These forms hover around the druid for 1 minute, shedding dim light in a 10-foot
radius. While active, the spectral forms grant advantage on attack rolls made by
the druid and their allies within 30 feet of them. Once used, this feature cannot be
used again until the druid finishes a short or long rest.
● Twilight Veil: While wearing the cloak, the druid can cast the Darkness spell once
per day without expending a spell slot. The darkness created by this spell does
not affect the druid or any creature wearing the cloak.
● Starlight Blessing: Once per day, as an action, the attuned druid can call upon
the power of the stars to grant themselves or an ally they can see within 60 feet
temporary hit points equal to their druid level plus their Wisdom modifier.
● Celestial Step: While attuned to the cloak, the druid gains resistance to radiant
damage and has advantage on saving throws against being blinded or charmed
by creatures from other planes.
Astral Circlet

Headband, rare

This delicate circlet is adorned with small, polished gemstones that seem to capture the
essence of twinkling stars. When worn by a druid who follows the Circle of Stars, it
enhances their connection to the celestial realm, granting them additional abilities to
navigate and harness the power of the cosmos.


● Stellar Insight: While wearing this circlet, the druid gains proficiency in the Insight
skill if they don't already have it. Additionally, they can add their Wisdom modifier
to any Intelligence (Arcana) or Wisdom (Insight) check they make related to
celestial phenomena or creatures.
● Celestial Guidance: As an action, the attuned druid can spend a charge from the
circlet to cast the Guiding Star spell. This spell functions similarly to the Guiding
Bolt spell, but instead of dealing radiant damage, it illuminates the target in
celestial light, granting advantage on the next attack roll made against it. The
spell's level is equal to the number of charges expended (minimum 1st level,
maximum 3rd level). The circlet regains all expended charges at dawn.
● Astral Awareness: While wearing the circlet, the druid gains darkvision with a
range of 60 feet, allowing them to see in darkness as if it were dim light.
Additionally, they have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks made at night
or under starlit skies.
● Astral Projection: Once per long rest, as an action, the attuned druid can use the
circlet to cast the Astral Projection spell without expending a spell slot. This
allows them to project their consciousness into the Astral Plane, as per the spell's
normal rules.
● Starlit Veil: While attuned to the circlet, the druid gains resistance to radiant
damage, reflecting their attunement to the celestial energies of the stars.

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