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THE BRIEF F O R T U N E O C T/ N O V 2 0 2 2 2 7

a real-world application.
The Zug crew eventually
succeeded, and Ethereum
is today the most popular
blockchain in the world in
terms of both applications
and user numbers.
The challenge in Greece
was of a different order.
Despite its success, Ether-
eum has been dogged by
criticism that its transac-
tion speeds are too slow,
and that its computing
process is an ecological
catastrophe. The envi-
ronmental criticism, in
particular, threatens to
overshadow the achieve-
ments that have made
C RY P TO C U R R EN CY Ethereum the pulse of the
crypto ecosystem.
While casual observ-
Merging Toward pull it off, would wipe away
more than 99% of the
ers often lump Ethereum
in with Bitcoin, the two
the Mainstream popular blockchain’s future
carbon footprint, while
blockchains are very differ-
ent. Ethereum has about
Ethereum’s Merge tackled its also laying the groundwork half the market value of
pollution problem. But widespread to bring crypto into the its counterpart, but its
adoption is no sure thing. mainstream. The project versatility and technologi-
BY TAYLOR LOCKE would come to be known cal potential far outstrips
simply as the Merge. Bitcoin’s. This is primarily
Almost a year later, because of its ability to run
STEPS AWAY FROM the Temple on Sept. 15, the Merge smart contracts, collections
of Poseidon, a monument to became a reality. What it of code that execute a set of
the golden age of Athens, sits the will mean for the future instructions on the block-
five-star Cape Sounio hotel. There, of Ethereum, and for how chain, which have powered
last October, more than 40 block- business uses the block- the field of decentralized
chain developers descended for a chain, will be debated for finance, or DeFi. Ethereum
high-stakes workshop they dubbed months to come. smart contracts also under-
Amphora. Outside, tourists explored For those familiar with lie a wealth of other tools
the beauty of Greece. For their part, Ethereum’s history, the im- and applications, including
the devs sat in the hotel’s beige, age of ambitious develop- NFTs, gaming, and new
mostly windowless basement. For ers crammed into a spartan forms of music royal-
several nights they pounded out code space is fitting. Eight years ties—the kinds of projects
until a dawn they did not see broke ago, a similarly frenetic that generate excitement
over the Aegean. group piled into a mat- outside the die-hard crypto
The devs had gathered from all tress-strewn house in Zug, community.
corners of the globe to push forward Switzerland, to turn Ethe- But Ethereum was also
the most ambitious project in block- reum—an idea that was built to rely on the same
chain history—one that many in the still little more than a white record-keeping model
crypto world deemed impossible. The paper authored by then- as Bitcoin—a “proof-of-
plan entailed preparation for an up- teenaged genius Vitalik work” system that issues
grade to Ethereum that, if they could JOSUE EVILLA Buterin, its creator—into rewards to those deploying


raw computer power to actions rather than brute
add blocks to the block- computer power. Shifting
chain. That process has
proved to be incredibly
to proof of stake would
mean a radical reduction US INDIVIDUALLY COULD HAVE TO
energy-intensive. A recent
academic study found that
in energy use, but also
entail a high-stakes tech- PREVENT CLIMATE CHANGE.”
the “mining” of Bitcoin nological gambit many —PARITHOSH JAYANTHI, ETHEREUM DEVELOPER
consumes over 96 terawatt- predicted would fail.
hours of electricity per For the developers who
year—more than all of the crisscrossed the world for carbon budget of my en- reluctant to start working
Philippines. Ethereum hackathons, tire life … which is insane with the platforms.
All this has led critics to the Merge—so named to think about.” Ethereum supporters,
blast Ethereum as a major because it involves Skeptics point out that undaunted, see the Merge
polluter and, in some cases, merging a proof-of-stake even post-Merge, Ether- as a “critical precursor”
to seek out newer block- network with the main eum faces major bar- to making Ethereum
chains like Solana that can Ethereum blockchain— riers to wide adoption. cheaper, faster, and more
perform smart contracts became all-consuming. Molly White, a prominent user-friendly. Main-
without the energy guz- Parithosh Jayanthi was crypto critic and software stream banks like Bank
zling. The issue has also one of those huddled engineer, says that the of America and others
preoccupied Ethereum in the hotel basement Merge might spur eco- have also predicted that
developers, who have talked last October. “[It’s] the conscious companies to the Merge will lead to
about making their pre- most impact any of us try Ethereum, but won’t more mainstream adop-
cious creation more green. individually could have address complaints that it tion of Ethereum. That
Their long-planned solution to help [prevent] climate is sluggish and that its “gas would include investors
turned on “proof of stake”— change,” Jayanthi told fees” (transaction fees, to hoping to profit from
a newer technology that Fortune, adding that normies) are too high. “If new, post-Merge staking
relies on a trusted network he viewed it as a way to that was something that opportunities, but also
of validators to verify trans- counteract “probably the was changing, then I can businesses hoping to use it
see that changing the nar- to underpin new tech ap-
rative, but it’s mostly not plications and to execute
doing that,” White says. contracts and transactions
NO INSTANT UPGRADE White and other critics
still view Ethereum and
in non-crypto assets and
industries like real estate,
Ethereum’s Merge had little impact on the price
of Ether tokens—which, as with most crypto- other blockchains primar- finance, and retail.
currencies, has been depressed by bigger ily as tools for financial Such predictions will
macroeconomic factors over the past 12 months. speculation. (On that front, soon be tested. Still, devel-
the Merge may be a disap- opers were thrilled to have
$5,000 pointment. The change has accomplished the proof-of-
reduced new issuance of stake transition on Sept. 15
Ether tokens, which could without a hitch. Though it
4,000 lead to a future price jump, was past 3 a.m. for many
but even some boosters say when the official Merge
it’ll be largely irrelevant to occurred, the Ethereum
3,000 Ether’s market value.) Oth- community showed no
ers note that the Merge will signs of exhaustion, cel-
SEPT. 23, 2022 not make Ethereum easier ebrating on Zoom or par-
2,000 $1,325 for ordinary people to use. tying in person in Berlin.
Meanwhile, Ethereum and Only time will tell if the
other popular blockchains Merge catalyzes a golden
1,000 are stuck in a regulatory age for Ethereum that lasts
morass over whether their for the long haul.
tokens are illegal securi-
0 ties, a controversy that Get more blockchain news
SEPT. 22, 2021 JAN. 1, 2022 JUNE 1, 2022 has made some businesses at
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