A Termination Letter Is A Formal Document Provided by An Employer To An Employee

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A termination letter is a formal document provided by an employer to an employee, informing them

of the end of their employment. Here’s a comprehensive template for a termination letter:


**[Your Company’s Letterhead]**


**[Employee's Name]**

**[Employee's Address]**

**[City, State, ZIP Code]**

Dear [Employee's Name],

**Subject: Termination of Employment**

This letter is to formally notify you that your employment with [Company’s Name] will be
terminated effective [Termination Date].

**1. Reason for Termination**

[Provide a clear and concise reason for termination. Examples include: "due to a violation of
company policy," "as a result of a reduction in workforce," "due to unsatisfactory performance
despite previous warnings," etc.]

**2. Final Compensation**

Your final paycheck will include [details of final compensation, such as salary, unused vacation days,
or other owed amounts]. This payment will be made on [date of final payment] and will be
processed in the same manner as your regular paychecks.
**3. Return of Company Property**

Please return all company property in your possession by [date], including but not limited to [list
items, e.g., company laptop, keys, ID badge, documents]. Failure to return these items may result in
deductions from your final paycheck.

**4. Benefits**

Your health insurance and other benefits will continue until [date]. Information regarding the
continuation of your health insurance coverage under COBRA will be provided separately.

**5. Confidentiality**

Please be reminded that you are bound by the confidentiality agreement you signed upon joining
the company. This obligation continues even after your employment with us ends.

**6. Exit Interview**

We would like to conduct an exit interview on [date] at [time] to discuss your experience with
[Company’s Name] and to ensure all administrative tasks are completed. Please confirm your

**7. Contact Information**

If you have any questions or need further information, please feel free to contact [HR contact
person’s name] at [HR contact person’s phone number] or [HR contact person’s email address].

We appreciate your contributions to [Company’s Name] and wish you all the best in your future


**[Your Name]**

**[Your Title]**

**[Company’s Name]**

**Acknowledgment of Receipt**

I, [Employee’s Name], acknowledge receipt of this termination letter and understand that my
employment with [Company’s Name] will end on [Termination Date].

Signature: __________________________

Date: __________________________


This template ensures clarity and professionalism while covering all necessary aspects of the
termination process. Tailor the details to fit your specific requirements and company policies.

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