John Lesson 19

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John: Lesson 19

Jesus Promises the

Holy Spirit
John 14:14-31

Lesson Questions
First Day: Read Lesson 18 Notes.
The notes and lecture fortify the truth of the passage for understanding and application to daily life.
1. What examples from the notes might help you face life’s troubles?

2. How did the lecture prompt you to seek Jesus as your way, truth, and life and to share the gospel
with others?

Second Day: Read John 14:15-17.

Jesus prepared His disciples for the gift of the Holy Spirit.
3. What do these verses reveal about the unity of work and purpose among the Father, Son, and
Holy Spirit?

4. a. Consider the two names used for the Holy Spirit in these verses. What does each name mean?

b. Which phrases from verse 17 describe the Holy Spirit’s current relationship with the disciples and the
upcoming, changed relationship Jesus promised?

5. What most amazes you about the relationship between the Holy Spirit and believers?

Third Day: Read John 14:18-20.

Jesus’s comforting promises prepared His disciples for His departure.
6. List at least three promises found in verses 18-19 and describe why each promise is important
to believers.

7. a. Identify three separate but entwined truths in verse 20 that describe the unity of Jesus, the Father,
and His people.

b. What within those statements do you find new, challenging, particularly meaningful, or hard
to fathom?

Bible Study Fellowship

© BSF 1960-2023 (This material may be downloaded from and used by BSF class members in connection with their personal BSF class studies. It may
not be otherwise reproduced without BSF’s written permission.) All Scripture quotations in this publication are from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL
VERSION ® NIV ® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.®. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
8. How do verses 18-20 help you better understand Jesus’s love and provision for His children?

Fourth Day: Read John 14:15, 21-26.

Jesus explained the relationship between love and obedience.
9. a. Based on these verses, describe how love for the Lord Jesus, obedience, and Bible study
are related.

b. Who or what has helped your love for Jesus and God’s Word to grow? How might you encourage this
growth in others?

10. How do Jesus and His Father come and make their “home” within someone?

11. a. From verse 26, in what ways did Jesus promise that the Holy Spirit would help His disciples and all
believers? (See also 1 Corinthians 2:12-14.)

b. How have you experienced these promises, and what happened as a result?

Fifth Day: Read John 14:27-31.

Jesus promised an overcoming peace to His troubled disciples.
12. a. What do you learn about true peace from John 14:27?

b. What is the difference between peace with God and the peace of God, which Jesus promised here? (See also
Romans 5:1-2 and Philippians 4:6-7.)

c. How do Jesus’s words and promise of His peace help you in your current situation?

13. How would Jesus’s words in verses 28-29 help His disciples as they experienced the coming days of His
suffering and death?

14. a. In verses 30-31, Jesus acknowledged His upcoming battle with the “prince of this world.”
(See also Hebrews 2:14.) What do you learn from Jesus’s words and obedience to His Father as
He approached His death?

b. What helps you move forward in faith and obedience when your circumstances seem difficult
or dire?

Sixth Day: Review John 14:15-31.

The Holy Spirit transforms believers from the inside out.
15. What truth about the Holy Spirit and His work has most helped you this week? How may your group pray for
you as you make that truth part of your life?

Passage Discovery (homiletics, word study, etc.) for Group and Administrative Leaders:
John 14:15-31

Lesson 19

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