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Nama : Moh.

Riyan Dukhoni
NIM : 044841332
Mata Kuliah : Basic Reading 1/BING4121

1. a. The main ingredient of your favorite food is tempe, which is a traditional Indonesian soy
product made from fermented soybeans.
b. We add the egg in making bregedel tempe after we mix the mashed tempe with the flour and
Royco. The egg helps to bind the ingredients together and make the bregedel more moist and
c. You need five ingredients to cook your favorite food, not counting the chili or sauce. They are:
tempe, flour, egg, Royco, and vegetable oil.
2. a. If you use your smartphone during the exam, you will be violating the exam rules and
accessing an unauthorised device. This will result in your smartphone being confiscated and
dealt with in accordance with the academic misconduct procedure.
b. If you communicate with other candidates during the examination, you will be engaging in
unauthorised communication and attempting to copy from another student’s work or allow your
work to be copied from them. This will also be dealt with in accordance with the academic
misconduct procedure.
c. A coordinating invigilator will give three announcements at different times during the exam.
The first one will be when the exam has twenty minutes remaining, the second one will be when
the exam has five minutes remaining, and the third one will be when the examination is ended.
3. a. The part of speech of abide is a verb. This means that it is a word that expresses an action or a
state of being.
b. The first meaning of the word abide is to tolerate or endure. This means that it is to put up
with something or someone that is unpleasant or difficult. For example, you might say “I can’t
abide him” if you dislike someone very much.
4. a. The two colleges where the percentage of male and female students is almost the same
are Michigan State and Yale..
b. The college that has the greatest disparity between the percentage of male and female
students is NYU. According to the graph, NYU has about 58% male and 42% female students,
which is a difference of 16%.

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